GDChart Options GDChart Standard Options

Option NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
GDC_title char * NULL Chart Title
Top, Centered
newlines '\n' allowed
GDC_ytitle char * NULL Title along the Y axis
GDC_xtitle char * NULL Title along the X axis
GDC_ytitle2 char * NULL Title along the right-hand Y axis
GDC_title_size enum GDC_font_sizeGDC_MEDBOLD  
GDC_ytitle_size enum GDC_font_sizeGDC_MEDBOLD  
GDC_xtitle_size enum GDC_font_sizeGDC_MEDBOLD  
GDC_yaxisfont_size enum GDC_font_sizeGDC_SMALL Y axis label font size
GDC_xaxisfont_size enum GDC_font_sizeGDC_SMALL X axis label font size
GDC_ylabel_fmt char * NULL default: fractions (1/2n)
printf fmt'ing, e.g.: "%.2f"
GDC_ylabel2_fmt char * NULL  ''
GDC_xlabel_spacing short 5 pixels between each X label
MAXSHORT means force all
GDC_ylabel_density char 80 %
GDC_requested_ymin float GDC_NOVALUE min value to use for Y scaling
(may be overridden by data)
GDC_requested_ymax float GDC_NOVALUE max ''
GDC_requested_yintervalfloat GDC_NOVALUE Y axis label intervals
(may be overridden, if they don't fit)
GDC_0Shelf char TRUE line at Y=0, if applicable
GDC_grid char TRUE  
GDC_xaxis char TRUE  
GDC_yaxis char TRUE  
GDC_yaxis2 char TRUE  
GDC_yval_style char TRUE unused
GDC_stack_type GDC_STACK_T GDC_STACK_DEPTHApplicable only to
multiple datasets
GDC_3d_depth float 5.0 % total gif size
GDC_3d_angle unsigned char 45o 1-89o
GDC_bar_width unsigned char 75 % width of X interval
GDC_HLC_style GDC_HLC_STYLE_T GDC_HLC_CLOSE_CONNECTEDApplicable only to HiLowClose chart types
GDC_HLC_cap_width unsigned char 25 %
GDC_annotation_font_sizeenum GDC_font_sizeGDC_SMALL  
GDC_num_scatter_ptsint 0  
GDC_thumbnail char FALSE unused
GDC_thumblabel char * NULL unused
GDC_thumbval float -MAXFLOAT unused
GDC_border char TRUE border around the chart
Changed to GDC_BORDER_T type in v0.95
GDC_BGColor unsigned long 0x000000L Background color1
GDC_GridColor unsigned long 0xA0A0A0L 1
GDC_LineColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_PlotColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_VolColor unsigned long 0xA0A0FFL 1
GDC_TitleColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_XTitleColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_YTitleColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_YTitle2Color unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_XLabelColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_YLabelColor unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_YLabel2Color unsigned long GDC_DFLTCOLOR1 2
GDC_SetColor unsigned long * NULL color1 of entire set of data
(unsigned long*)array[num sets]
supersedes GDC_PlotColor
GDC_ExtColor unsigned long * NULL color1 individual data items
(unsigned long*)array[num sets][num points]
supersedes GDC_SetColor
GDC_ExtVolColor unsigned long * NULL secondary data individual point plot color1
(unsigned long*)array[num points]
supersedes GDC_VolColor
GDC_transparent_bg char FALSE Transparent background
GDC_BGImage char * NULL GIF File name to be used as background image
Blue: available only in v0.9.5 & v0.10 or higher
GDC_image_type GDC_image_type_t GDC_GIF GIF, PNG, JPEG, WBMP available. (v0.10.1+ only)
GDC_INTERP float   Not actually an option
GDChart allows 'missing' data within charts via the data value GDC_NOVALUE.
V0.951+ missing data can be filled in with linear interpolated values via the data value GDC_INTERP
GDC_border GDC_BORDER_T GDC_BORDER_ALL Control over chart borders.
NONE, ALL, X, Y, Y2, TOP. Can be OR'd
GDC_grid * GDC_TICK_T GDC_TICK_LABELS Control over X grid lines.
GDC_ticks * GDC_TICK_T GDC_TICK_LABELS Control over X tick marks.
GDC_xlabel_ctl char * NULL char array[num points] of TRUE, FALSE
Control over X labels.
Purple: available only in v0.11 or higher
GDC_xaxis_angle double 90.0 Angle in degress for the X-axis lables. 0-90o.
0=horizontal 90=vertical
If TTFs are not used only 0 and 90 are available, TTFs can be drawn "slanted", i.e., 1-89o
char * NULL Name of font to use. 3
The fontname is the full pathname to a TrueType font file, or a font face name if the GDFONTPATH environment variable or FreeType's DEFAULT_FONTPATH variable have been set intelligently.
double 0.0 Font Point size 3

All options are defaulted and optional. I.e., none need be set by the calling application.
[For now] all options are global, and owned by the client, not the lib. This will likely change in a future release.
'Vol', "right-hand" axis, 'label2', 'secondary', etc. all refer to the right hand axis.
1 Colors are specified as RGB in hex. E.g., 0x8080FF would be light blue.
2 GDC_DFLTCOLOR results in an "opposite" color of the background color.
3 Available only if built with FreeType support.
* Type supported will likely change to MAJOR/MINOR values.