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Custom Training for Fairfax County Fire and Rescue

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David's Dreamweaver Page

Dreamweaver Key Features

Top New Features:

  1. New Dynamic Cross-Browser Validation
  2. Richer, More Powerful CSS Support
  3. Built-In Graphics Editing
  4. Secure FTP
  5. Increased Support for Today's Technologies
  6. Seamless Integration with External Files and Code
  7. Tighter Integration with Other Macromedia Tools
  8. Improved Support for the Basics
  9. Enhanced Coding Tools   
  10. Streamlined Design and Development Environment
  11. Accessibility Support

Features and preferences removed from Dreamweaver MX 2004

In Dreamweaver MX 2004,
the following features have been removed:


The Dreamweaver MX 2004 environment vs Dreamweaver 4   [Screen Shots]

  1. Dreamweaver MX 2004  and identifying its components   [ Screen Shot ]
  2. Dreamweaver workspace elements
  3. Customizing the Dreamweaver MX 2004  environment
  4. Resizing the Document window
  5. Using panels and panel groups
  6. Start screen    [Screen Shot]
  7. Setting Dreamweaver preferences
  8. Using the Property inspector

Working with files and assets

  1. The Files and Assets panel
    1. Adding assets to and removing assets from the Favorites list
  2. Managing Your Files
  3. Getting and putting files to and from your server    [ Screen Shot ]
    1. Getting files from a remote server
    2. Putting files on a remote server
    3. Synchronizing the files on your local and remote sites

Code assistants Code Editing Support

  1. Cleaning up your code
  2. Exploring the Code Inspector    [ Window > Code Inspector  or F10 ]
  3. Exploring the Tag Inspector    [ Window > Tag Inspector  or  F9]
  4. Using the Quick Tag Editor   [ Control + T ]
    1. The Quick Tag Editor has three modes:
      • Insert HTML mode is used to insert new HTML code.
      • Edit Tag mode is used to edit an existing tag.
      • Wrap Tag mode is to wrap a new tag around the current selection.
  5. Working with code snippets    Snippets Panel
  6. HomeSite    [Screen Shot]

Getting started

  1. About Dreamweaver sites
  2. How to Define a Site in Dreamweaver
  3. Site Definition Categories  [MX]
  4. Importing and exporting sites
  5. Building a Site on Your Hard Drive
  6. Setting up Dreamweaver to work without defining a site
    1. Setting the Configure Server dialog box options for FTP
  7. Setting up a new Dreamweaver site
  8. Setting up a local folder
  9. Siteless File Editing
  10. Understanding local and remote folder structure
  11. Defining a testing server to preview dynamic pages in Dreamweaver MX
  12. Defining a site that uses PWS/IIS locally and FTP remotely

Creating documents

  1. Templates
    1. Screen shot of full_living
    2. Screen shot of no_image_living
  2. Inserting text and saving a new page
  3. About text formatting in Dreamweaver
  4. Importing text
  5. About setting page properties

Page content

  1. Document structure
    1. HTML is a structural markup language, not a page-description language
  2. Defining headings and paragraphs
  3. Creating bulleted, numbered and definition lists
  4. Inserting special characters
  5. DOCTYPE and Meta Tags

Importing Microsoft Office content

  1. Clean up word HTML
  2. Opening existing documents
  3. Importing data from Microsoft Word and Excel files
  4. Cleaning up Microsoft Word and Excel code
    1. Importing a Microsoft Word HTML file
    2. Export Excel to a Tab-Delimited File
  5. Cleaning up HTML code from Microsoft Word documents
    1. Dreamweaver Clean Up Word HTML
    2. Dreamweaver Tips and Tricks  
      <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 10">
  6. Check spelling   TEXT > Check Spelling


  1. About library items
  2. Creating a library item
  3. Inserting a library item into a document
  4. Editing a library item


  1. Presenting Content with Tables
  2. Table-Editing Visual Feedback
  3. Data tables
    1. Importing and exporting tabular data
  4. Inserting a table and adding content
  5. Nesting tables
  6. Selecting table elements
  7. Inserting and Formatting Text
  8. Adding and removing rows and columns
  9. Formatting tables and cells
  10. Creating table headers
  11. Aligning text in table cells
  12. Table properties
  13. Setting column width
  14. Modifying cell spacing and cell padding
  15. Splitting and merging cells in a table
  16. Sizing and removing table borders
  17. Using Expanded Tables mode for easier table editing    [Screen Shot ]
  18. Table accessibility
  19. Table summary


  1. Converting between layers and tables
  2. Inserting a layer
  3. Using layers to define a page layout
  4. Layer behaviors
  5. Defining CSS style positioning properties
  6. Converting between layers and tables


  1. Inserting an image
  2. Setting image properties
  3. Editing images in Dreamweaver MX2004        [ Screen Shot ]
  4. Alt-Text for images
    1. All Things Web: The Art of ALT
    2. <title>: the most important element of a quality Web page
  5. Aligning an image
  6. Background images
  7. Homepage images
  8. Training Division Pictures
  9. Vienna Engine 402 Image Gallery
  10. Notes

Linking and Navigation

  1. Creating links
  2. Creating a link to another page
  3. Creating a link using the drag-and-drop method
  4. Linking to a Web site
  5. Creating an e-mail link
  6. Creating an image link
  7. Linking to a specific place in a document    site map
  8. Setting properties for the link tag
  9. CSS Pseudo-classes
  10. Using Image Maps
    1. Station Map
    2. Sheriff's Office Locations

CSS / Style sheets

  1. Why Use CSS?
  2. Cascading Style Sheets
    1. css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design     [ Screen Shot without css ]
    2. U.S. Fire Administration Home Page      [ Screen Shot without css ]
  3. style sheet info for
  4. W3C CSS Validator Results for
  5. An Overview of CSS in Dreamweaver MX 2004
  6. Designing with CSS in Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004.pdf   
  7. Designing with CSS
  8. Using Cascading Style Sheets styles
  9. Understanding Cascading Style Sheets
  10. Using the CSS Styles panel
  11. Using the Relevant CSS tab
  12. Using the CSS Properties tab
  13. Creating a new CSS style
  14. Applying a Class style
  15. Exporting styles to create a CSS style sheet
  16. Linking to or importing an external CSS style sheet
  17. Editing a CSS style     [ Screen Shots:   CSS Rule Inspector     Code Hints ]
  18. Editing a CSS style sheet
  19. Using Design-Time style sheets
  20. About conflicting CSS styles
  21. Setting CSS link underline styles
  22. CSS Link Styles


  1. Web forms
  2. W3C - Forms in HTML Documents
  3. How to develop a form in Dreamweaver
  4. Creating Forms
  5. Form objects
  6. Inserting text fields
  7. Inserting HTML form menus
  8. Inserting HTML radio buttons
  9. Inserting HTML checkboxes
  10. How to customize a Submit button
  11. How to set the desired alignment when working with forms in tables
  12. How to get data from a form into an e-mail
  13. Validate Form
    1. Validating HTML form data

Testing, Uploading, and Maintaining a Site

  1. Site testing guidelines
  2. Find and Replace     [ Screen Shot ]
  3. Check Spelling and Accessibility
    1. Optimizing the workspace for accessible page design
  4. Checking for broken, external, and orphaned links
    1. Changing a link site wide
  5. Checking for browser compatibility
    1. Dynamic cross-browser compatibility check
    2. Checking Browser Compatibility with Dreamweaver MX 2004
  6. Validating Code in Dreamweaver MX 2004
  7. Design Notes
    1. Storing file information in Design Notes
  8. Check In  - Check Out
  9. Cloaking folders and files in your site
  10. Putting files on a remote server
  11. Synchronizing the files on your local and remote sites
  12. Secure FTP
  13. Publish Web command: transferring with FrontPage Server extensions

Dreamweaver MX 2004 Additional Information

  1. Basic
  2. Advanced
  3. Books about Dreamweaver 2004
  4. Setting IIS Web server permissions


Fire and Rescue Intranet
    2:30 - 4:00 PM

Fire and Rescue Department Homepage Evolution

  1. Today
  2. Dec 20, 2002
  3. October 1, 1999       (County Homepage May 17, 1997)
  4. Top Ten Guidelines for Homepage Usability
  5. The Ten Most Violated Homepage Design Guidelines
  6. Notes

Review of County Internet Standards

  1. Public Web Standards   [Infoweb only]
  2. Public Web Site Content Policy (PDF 79Kb)   [Infoweb only]
  3. Notes on Link Checking / Site Reports


Review of Existing Intranet

A few Questions: (The Value of Web Statistics)

  1. Who are your users?
  2. What do they want / need?
    1. What do you want them to know / have?
  3. What are the most popular, most used pages?
  4. Which pages are never used?
  5. There is important information on the intranet...
    1. Can they find it? Why not?
    2. Is it being read? Why not?
  6. Can users make sense of the intranet?
  7. Is the Intranet navigation working?
  8. How heavily used is the intranet?
  9. Is the usage growing or falling?
  10. When during the day is the intranet used?
  11. Why are we re-designing our Intranet?
  12. How will we measure our success?


  1. Navigation
    1. Blue text not links
    2. Color of visited links
    3. "Click here"
    4. Navigation links: 10 > 65 > 106
    5. Utility Links:
      1. Home
      2. FAQ
      3. Links
      5. Help
      6. Search
  2. Performance
    1. Links lead to PDF, Word, E-Mail or Web Page?
  3. Layout
  4. Usability
    1. Search effectiveness / Meta Information
    2. Writing for the Web

Usability DO's and Dont's

  1. Web Design and Usability Techniques
  2. Web Design and Usability Techniques   (Second Edition)
  3. Effective Web Design
    1. Usability 101: Introduction to Usability
    2. Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design  (Updated 2004)
    3. Ten Best Intranets of 2005    [ time between redesign: 2.5 and 3 years ]
    4. Ten Best Government Intranets   [ 2004 ]
    5. Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2003
    6. Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002
    7. Intranet Usability: The Trillion-Dollar Question
    8. Marginalia of Web Design
      1. Relevance-Enhanced Image Reduction: Better Thumbnail

Discussion of improvements to the Fire website

Suggestions of sites that might look better.


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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 27 April 2005

© 2005 David J. Hark
All rights reserved.