This page was created for use in my former classes. It is only occasionally updated resulting in many links being more of historical rather than current usefulness. Over time many links will suffer link rot.


From Windows, you can leave the realm of of WS_FTP and the Graphical User Interface for a textual command line look at FTP. Bring up your Start Menu Select Run in the dialog box, type: ftp A MS-DOS box will pop up and start the dialog between your system and Microsoft. At the prompt, type in your user name and password. In this case, it would user name: anonymous your password is your email address: If you mess up and type the wrong name/password, type "user" at the prompt. To get a full list of commands, type 'help' at the ftp prompt. To get more information about any one of those commands, type 'help ' at the prompt. You are able to switch back and forth between ascii and binary modes by typing 'ascii' and 'bin' at the command prompt. To put a single file on a remote system from your local system, type 'put ' at the prompt. To get a single file from a remote system, type 'get '. The commands for putting and retrieving multiple files are 'mput' and 'mget'. If you need to change directories or check the current directory you're on, use the following commands: 'cd' -- use to change directories on the remote system or to check what directory you're in 'lcd' -- use to change directories on the local system or to check what directory you're in Once you're done, you can usually exit by typing 'bye' or 'quit' or 'exit', depending on the system. Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ! cr macdef proxy send $ delete mdelete sendport status account debug mdir put struct append dir mget pwd sunique ascii disconnect mkdir quit tenex bell form mls quote trace binary get mode recv type bye glob mput remotehelp user case hash nmap rename verbose cd help ntrans reset ? cdup lcd open rmdir close ls prompt runique

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 13 January 2003

© 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 David J. Hark