Flash MX icon FlashFlash MX icon

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing had happened."

Winston Churchill

Flash Training


  1. Macromedia Flash MX Development Center
  2. Macromedia Flash Support Center
  3. Macromedia Online Forums
  1. Macromedia Central
  2. What is Macromedia Central?
  1. ActionScript
  2. The Flash Guide
  3. Flash Kit
  4. Flash Zone
  5. Kirupa
  6. Motion Culture
  7. UltraShock
  8. Were-Here
  9. BreakOUT (sounds)



  1. Macromedia Flash - Tutorial Index Overview
  2. Virtual-FX.net Flash Tutorials & Resources
  3. We're Here Forums!
  4. moock>> web>> flash
  5. .flashgeek...tutorials.   [Flash and Powerpoint]
  6. EchoEcho.Com Tutorials : FLASH TUTORIAL
  7. CBT Cafe :: Flash MX Tutorials
  8. Motion Culture Tutorials


Links & Resources

  1. Frans Lanting | LIFE A Journey Through Time
  2. The Macromedia Flash Advertising Alliance (MFAA)
  3. IAB Rich Media testing site
  4. Looking Into Flash's Future
  5. Flash Guide: Links & Resources
  6. Motion Culture: Links
  7. FlashGuru's MX 101
  8. Macromedia - Designer & Developer : Flash MX Sample Files
  9. Macromedia Flash Concepts:
    1. Drawing and Animation Overview
    2. Symbols and Interactivity Overview
    3. Building Applications Overview
    4. Working with Text Overview
    5. Publishing and Exporting Overview
  10. Flash Saver
  11. A List Apart:
    1. Embedding Flash while supporting web standards
  12. Flash Site Design Newsgroup      [Web Design forum for webmasters]
  13. Tough Freebies    [Build a free flash intro or web site]
  14. elyserocks.com
  15. Bezier Curves  [Pronounced “bez-ee-ay”]
    1. Bézier curve   [Webopedia.com]
    2. Pierre Bézier
    3. Pierre Bézier’s Wonderful Curves
    4. Bezier Curve Demo
    5. beez::svg bezier animator
  16. Flash Sites
  17. PRESSTUBE - - New Iamstatic !    Iamstatic 2003
  18. yugop.com
  19. Design for Interactive Media
  20. Levitated | the Exploration of Computation
  21. modifyme.commodfiyme.com . . . . . . . .
  22. Flash Math Creativity
  23. derBauer - webDesign | emotional entertainment |
  24. CBC: The Congo [Macromedia Flash Player]
  25. Orisinal   Online Flash Games
  26. Anodyne Coffee Company
  27. FlyGuy
  28. British Road Signs Sing Gloria Gaynor
  29. Small Panorama   Zippori Village
  30. ScreenSwift  [Convert Flash Movie to Screen Saver]
  31. Mr. Picassohead
  32. 10x10
  33. newsmap
  34. How to detect the presence of the Flash Player
  35. Flash Slide Show
    1. SWF 'n Slide
    2. Flash-Here  php
  36. NASA Sun Earth Media Viewer: Live Solar Images
  37. Captionate
  38. Flash video (FLV) format.
  39. Inserting Flash
    1. Shockwave Flash Embedder    EchoEcho.Com
    2. Flasher   Jimco Add-ins for FrontPage
    3. Adding SWF files to HTML Pages


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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 20 November 2008

© 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 David J. Hark