From: SEB2239@alpha.CC.OBERLIN.EDU Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 14:30:12 -0400 (EDT) Dear Kathy, I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of the guestbook is, but I'm just looking generally for any information about the AT and thru-hikers, as I am planning to hike the trail next year. I'm a sophmore at Oberlin College in Ohio right now and I'm taking second semester off next year ('97) to hike it with a friend. So, any information would be greatly appreciated, or at least a point in the right direction. Thanks, Erika Budson P.S. I think your web-site is really helpful! Nice Job.....Jupiter's Cattery.
From: Date: Sun, 28 Apr 96 12:41:51 -0500 My wife and I were on the AT years ago when she was carrying our daughter Kelly. Kelly is now "Dr. Kelly" and teaching at Penn State. We have lived in Texas 20+ years and often thought about our "East Coast days" and the AT was always included. Recently "Dr. Kelly" and her husband "Dr. Lance" visited and hiked the trail for a weekend. Their comments and the picture of the white blazed tree on your web page have "Refreshed" those days. Thanks.
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 15:31:22 -0700 From: Mark Rovick ( WOW! A shelter log on the net! Now that I live in Ohio instead of GA I can't get to the trail as often as I did but I plan my second thru hike attempt for March 15th, 2015. The first ended with a bad fall and ripped up knee. I'm peice mealing the trail now, I've got to Hot Springs NC from Springer done and more next summer. Hi to all and if you ain't an ATC member why not join now! Mark "Shoemaker" Rovick
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 14:55:29 -0400 From: (B&KP) Hi Kathy! Just wanted to say what a great page this is - I would have had a hell of a time getting decent info on the AT if it weren't for this page (and of course the AT mailing list!). It's terrific that you have updates on the Kushmans' thru-hike, too, it lets me know what to expect for the most part when it comes time for my big trek. By and large, the whole hiking community has a great setup on the Net as far as hiker support and information, which goes a long way towards helping (future) hikers have a safe and enjoyable trip, wherever it is. So thanks to you, Kathy, and everyone else who has taken the time and effort to help everyone else out, as well as raise awareness about North America's wilds and what we can do to protect it...... Slainte, Cindi Prud'homme GA => ME April '97 Standby to receive! :) p.s.- Anyone who is planning a thru-hike in '97 (or any other time, for that matter..) can e-mail me to yak about it and maybe share info!
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 15:43:39 -0700 From: Ken Hewitt ( My brother-in-law, Brad Perry, started the AT April 22, 1996 as a thru hiker. You can get updates about his trip on my web page
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 96 13:46:23 -0700 From: Kraig Dowd ( Just wanted to say hello, commend your cyberspace/AT efforts, and join the community. I am considering/planning a Southbound thru-hike starting in June of this year from Katahdin. Any info., advice or comments are welcome. Please e-mail me at:
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 96 12:43:10 CST From: "Steven Speak" ( Greetings. I am currently planning a thru-hike beginning in April '97, and really can't wait. Also, planning to do some trail service this summer, maybe on the Long Trail. Is anyone from Western PA putting together a group to trhu hike next summer? Also, I'd be interested on thoughts of thru-hikers who have taken their dogs (on the sections of the trail where it is allowed). Great homepage. Thanks, Kathy! Happy hiking - Steve
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 22:18:48 +0300 From: Avner Shapiro ( Hi, I'm an Israeli student, and I read the reports about the Appalachian Adventure regularly. I hiked parts of the trail in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Virginia, in October and November, some of them probably 2-3 weeks after the adventure reporters passed there. I enjoy the AT page, and the Appalachian Adventure in particular, very much. I guess I've been reading the adventure reports starting some time in December, shortly after returning from the states. So far I've read as far as September. Your reports really bring the trail experience to life. I guess I'll get giddy entering into Maine myself! And when the photo albums started, it gave the whole reading experience a new dimension. It was especially great to read about the sections I walked through myself, and seeing the photography, which amazingly resembled my own more than once. I enjoy reading about the people, the trail life, the difficulties, the places, and mostly watching the views in the photographs. Yours is the most frequently visited web site on my list, and I recommend it to every one whom I think is worthy... It has given me and a friend a great desire to hike the trail some time, probably in 2-3 years. Kathy- I understand you're responsible for the page, Keep it up! Great work by the reporters, thanks for a wonderful experience! The daily reading, even for a few minutes, is something I can't do without any more. Happy hiking to the hikers, and happy trails to all the others who envy them! Avner. NOTE: I'm not responsible for the "Appalachian Adventure" area of the page. I've just got a link to that site which is on --KB
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:26:12 -0400 From: "" ( Hello, This *page* is wonderful. My other half and I are planning a thru hike in the year 2012. Sounds a long way off doesn't it? Our youngest is only 2 1/2, and we want to wait until she's off to college. Then the next 6 months will be all ours! It's our dream. I pray to God that the AT will still be as beautiful then as it is now. Who knows, we might not be able to wait that long. :) If we didn't have four kids, we'd start next spring. If anyone has any helpful hints please email me! This is one dream that will come true! Thanks again Kathy for such a great page! Paula Swanson
From: Date: Sun, 21 Apr 96 18:07:41 -0700 Hi Kathy, I signed the guestbook in volume I, so I thought I'd do so in Volume II, too. Just surfing thru the AT Home Page looking for an update on the Kushman's hike. Haven't seen one for two weeks. Hope they are still on the trail. Your homepage and the patsy.hack mailing list for the AT has really pulled the trail community together. Almost as good as sitting around the campfire at a shelter on the AT! I've never had the opportunity to talk to this many thru hikers in my life. Thanks for maintaining the page. Pete Fornof
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 08:56:29 -0700 From: Allen Voelcker ( Hey, How are you all doing? I am doing quite well. I would like to thank anyone who is responsible for posting, maintaining or doing anything for the Appalachian Trail. I plan to do some volunteering this summer on the trail if I can, and I am planning for a thru-hike to start next spring. If anyone cares to write in regards to the trail with any advice or just to say hi, please do. Thank you for your time, and thank you once again for all the time that has been devoted to one of the best communities on earth. Jeremy N. D. Fliss
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 96 21:28:21 0000 From: Timothy White ( Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul..... The trail is there, and I just have to do it. I am currently planning a '97 thru hike, starting in mid-March. I'd love to hear from anyone else planning on taking the plunge in '97, or from any thru hike alumni with advice, pointers, jokes, whatever. Hope to see you on the AT. -Tim
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 96 18:35:30 -0700 From: rem ( Howdy. My names Mike 'Lucky' and I'll be working on the AT in Maine and Vermont as a trail crew volunteer this whole summer. I'm really looking forward to it and to meeting all you thru-hikers! I'm just worried about the black flies, everyone tells me they are killers in June, that they'll 'suck your arm right off!' So bring plenty of bug juice or a pet bat with you. Have a safe and enjoyable hike and say hi to Rusty for me!
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I will be hiking from Woodstock VT to either katahdin (on the A.T.) or the VT/Can border (on the long trail) some time around May 21 or so. I will probably be with a friend of mine, but if not I will be soloing. Thats all....
Seth Strait
feel free to check out my
homepage .
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 1996 11:52:57 -0800 From: Greg Norkett ( :) Start Your Hike With A Smile Hi everyone on the trail. My girlfriend and I started hiking late last summer and have enjoyed the excitement of the sport ever since. We are planning to hit many trails this summer and fall. We are definetly going to include the A.T. on our itinerary. I don't much about the trail which is why this site is a useful resource which we need. Please excuse us while I dive in and find out more. Please write to us. We're relatively new but energetic. Greg & Rachelle Montreal, CanadaDate: Mon, 08 Apr 96 15:51:59 -0700
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 96 22:53:14 -0700 From: hi, i'm Leigh.I have the next 6 mos. free.I drool over the A.T. hikers experiences.I'd love to do the trail but am wary of attemptin it alone. Any body out there want to go? Reach me at Thanks for this service Kathy. Hope to hear from people.(this address is good till may 1)
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 00:33:04 -1000 From: Cutting Family ( What a find! Guestbook almost as good as logs and registers along the AT Would like to hear from anyone who is an alumnus of the AT Class of '79 who may be surfing the net these days. Good luck to all the wannabee thru-hikers of ''s the adventure of a lifetime! Mahalo to all the fellow thru-hikers and "civilians" who made my experience a memorable one. Don Cutting Honolulu, Hawaii GA-ME,'79
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 96 18:52:09 -0700 From: dch ( hey all, once again i'm just informing readers on anybody needing info on section 4 in Pa to email me direct. We need maintainers for this spring and summer. Also the privy at the Allentown shelter is goona be happening in the next couple of months....hopefully B4 the gang hits our neck of the woods... see ya on the trail dc "frenchy" hoffman V.P. Allentown Hiking Club Allentown, Pa
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 11:36:52 +0000 From: Meg & John (sagim@BELMONT.EDU) Melanie Abbott
Great job on the AT home page. I visit often. Anyone who would like to browse my trail journal for an AT hike back in 1973 should visit my home page.
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 96 08:49:32 -0800 From: michael henderson just found this site after hearing about it while volunteering at ATC for a few hours last month. am vicariously hiking the trail again through the kushman's journal. everyone who will be at trail days may 17-18-19 is invited to a slide show of my '92 thru-hike, 8:30pm Fri and Sat at the mountainsmith compound down by the river -- especially all those Class of '92! hike your own hike! michael henderson "ke kaahawe" GA --> ME '92
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 96 21:18:57 -0800 From: "David A. Grim" ( Kathy, Just read my entry from March and I forgot something. "s" Most AT folks from Georgia will know where it belongs. How about those Kushmans?!! I can't get enough of their adventures. In about a week I get to section hike from Max Patch to Davenport Gap. At my pace I'll complete The Trail in the year 3000. Oh well. I'll have enjoyed every step. Happy Trails to All, Dave
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 21:40:50 -0800 From: James Morton (jmorton@SkyBest.Com) Thanks for doing the nice work on the App Trail. Jim Morton
I remember hiking sections of the AT with my dad, uncles, and cousins
many years ago. Now that I'm in college, the "hiking gene" was reactivated
last summer. Hopefully one of these days I can thru-hike the AT with my
friends or my father. For the meantime, though, I'm going to continue to
add hiking links to my home
page and praying for good weather.
Happy Hiking, Paul ShinnPlease see the new ARKATENTS USA home page and e-store. for unique camping and paddlesports gear from Arkansas USA and the world!
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 96 14:44:13 EST From: Aimee Reid (ALREIDZ1@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU) I'm new on this guestbook, so I'll say hello to everyone. I'm doing the AT in pieces with my sister, Joy. This year it's the Smokies in July. Does anyone know of any groups going there at that time? We had a great time exploring the Mt Rogers, VA area last year. At this rate it will take many years to complete the whole trail but it will be worth it. Does anyone know of a guy named George from VA who had thru hiked in 94/95(??). We met him and his golden retriever at the Mt Rogers shelter last year and had a great time talking with him. Had his address but lost it. Thanks! Aimee and Joy (trailblazer and simpkin)
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 14:43:55 -0500 From: Wayne Lummis_________ \|/ (_________O---------------------------------------------------- -*- /|\ The Professor is on the Web. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the northbound class of 95 at traildayz. Look for the Laser! "The Professor" GA > ME 95' -- Wayne Lummis
From: Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 14:43:59 -0500 First day of spring , the weather channel showing snow storm down south! Who's on the AT in this. God hep'em. e me, Keith aka soleman @ VIBRAM 1.AOL
From: Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 16:09:16 -0500 Hey Houn'dog, finally found this place after much difficulty. Super to read all of the entries. Kathy, thanks for the effort. Would add more, but currently at a loss. Peace, and Ed Meese, "Boogie" Charlie Wood A.T. Class of 1995
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 17:22:22 -0500 From: (Matthew Holmes) Trail Name: Strider I'm what you would call the young generation of "avid new backpackers." I haven't been doing it for too long, but I am already coverted. My dream is to thru-hike the AT GE-ME one day, possibly after college. I welcome anybody to e-mail me about the trail, either with advice or with questions. I thrive on this stuff. Matthew Holmes "Strider" "It takes more courage to suffer than to die." Napoleon Bonaparte
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 06:57:40 -0500 From: "V.nce McDonald"Hi, my name is vince. I am working with a new expedition group as a guide on the AT in east Tn. i would like to know if there is anywhere I can get info on the history of the trail in this area. All I have is the guide book. It tells limited info about points of interest. If you know anything that would help, please e-mail me at Thank you
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96 18:18:44 -0800 From: "David A. Grim" ( I haven't visited your AT Home Page in awhile. It's looking great. Keep up the good work. All those interesting articles. Sorry to hear about Wes Wesson or is it Wisson. Anyhow, Wes is as much Trail life as a deer. He has given me a number of rides while hiking in Georgia and North Carolina. Any ideas on what we can do to help him? He is the shuttler who was arrested for providing a shuttle at Dick Springs. Happy Trails to all.
Name:stephen Pollard Date:Thursday - 14/Mar/96 - 5:14:23 Referred from:Just Surfed On In! Comments: Stuck in a suit and office, but aching to throw on the pack and head back out the land of tough feet and smelly poly-pro. Currently planning a thru hike for '97. _________________________________________________________________ Name:Keith Drury Date:Monday - 11/Mar/96 - 12:20:23 Comments: Kathy, Sure wish I knew what the Kushman's were using for data transfor... I will probably catch them this summer in NJ-NY-CN-MA where I'll be clicking off 400 miles on my snail-speed hike of the AT... I have an HP200lx but have not been able to Xfr email yet...
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 18:01:31 From: (Don Paquette) This is a great page. Mummyfoot and I started on Springer on March 2, 1995. Mummyfoot blew a knee in Virginia, but made it to the Maryland Pennsylvania line before she had to call it quits. I finished the trail alone, however she met me at Katahdin and we climbed on October 11. Hello to all the class of 1995. See y'all at trail days. Speleo GA-ME '95
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 08:40:56 -0800 From: (J G Ulmer) YO FLOATERS! Free ARKANSAS Travel Info: Phone 1-800-NATURAL Many good items on Arky lakes, streams, rivers, resorts (ask for the Annual Tour Guide and Camping Guidebook). This wet Arky update brought to you by : ARKATENTS USA / US FLOATERS tm
Jeff at ARKATENTS USA 501-394-7893 E-mail: Member, American Canoe Association, NACLO/PPA, Polk County COC (AR)
Any link/mention is appreciated!
From: Sun Mar 3 20:47:25 1996 Hiked Springer today... 12 years to the date since I started my journey up the path. Today was beautiful, sunny, 50's and looked very promising, unlike the seven days of rain that kicked my .... journey off. Alas... this visit to the sacred ground was only a day hike, but I was in northern Georgia and couldn't resist the pull of the trail. I was surprised at the number of thru-hikers already on the trail. Back then I was one of the first ten. Today there had already been ten that morning, and many had left in Jan. and Feb. Is this a trend to escape the masses? It was admittedly nostalgic and refreshing to kick back at the shelter and babble to the expectant few. What a variety... two(2) of the Bluegrass Boys, the elder and the younger. At age 79 he is on his second trip up the trail with his grandson. (The first time was at age 70). I was amazed, his love for the the mountains and thourough understanding of the physical and mental journey ahead. Three (3) mature women as partners (all in 60's) planning a thru. Several youngsters and a young couple. Some of these hikers seemed to have no clue what they were in for. It was almost painful to think of the trials ahead for them. My only words of wisdom were to chose their own path, and follow it at their own pace. Once you begin, its a trail you can truly wander your whole lifetime. I wish them safety and fulfillment. Well enough for today...and what a great day... any day on the Trail is better than not. Thanks for maintaining the Guest Log. See ya later on down... (
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 10:16:55 -0600 From: James Bryan ( Kathy, If you can remember back 3 1/2 months ago when my e-zine Virtual Pathways was still going strong, and then it went on the hiatus. Well, I am trying to bring the e-zine back up, and also trying to create a link of trip reports on the e-zine. I would appreciate it if you could post some sort of notice on the AT page, saying that i am trying to create a trip report index, and that I am looking for page link submissions. Thanks. James HTTP://EDGE.EDGE.NET/~JHBRYAN/
From: Thu Feb 22 18:32:50 1996 Kathy, Great idea! It has been nice to see others from the Class of 95 sign in. I started my thru hike from Springer on March 13th and climbed Katahdin on October 7th. It was the most physically demanding thing I've done in my life ( I've done cement and block work for a living for 6 months) as well as the most mentally and spiritually refreshing time of my life. I offer the following OPINIONS not to discourage prospective thru hikers but on the contrary maybe they will be helpful in setting realistic expectations resulting in the hiker being in the 10 to 15 percent of thru hikers that complete their quest. 1. Join the ATC and ALDHA ( attend the annual Gathering of several hundred hikers and attend workshops and slide shows on Colombus Day wekend) 2. Hike your own hike. I didn't find too many hikers with the same pace. 3. Know why you are out there. One hiker told me as he headed home after hiking 1,800 mile, that he didn't know why he was out there anymore. When the tough times hit, if you know why you're out there, you will be more likely to stay. 4. As Bill Irwin has written, "Trying to tell someone of the difficulty of the AT is like telling a lady who is about to experience childbirth for the first time, that she is going to experience a little discomfort." I'll add that you will probably be more tired at the end of the day than you thought possible. Can you believe a night owl like me being in my sack by 6:30 PM? 5. Start as early in March as you can to avoid the crowds and stay out until the 1st week of October to catch the leaves in ME at their peak. 6. Take it slow and spend time smelling the flowers and listening to the incredible birds. 7. Leave the electronic gadgets at home. Since I've been in the computer industry since 1978, I considered taking a portable along but I'm extremely glad I didn't. I carried a radio for the first and last month. I'd listen to a couple of tunes before turning in for the night. The last month I didn't turn it on, since I was perfectly content to fall asleep to the sounds of loons and cuyotes. You may be amazed how much better you feel when you don't hear all that negative news every hour on the hour. As far as hiking with music, try listening to nature instead. It takes some adjusting but I feel it was well worth it. 8. Travel simply. Step back from the world you're in now and take a good look at it from a distance. What you see may surprise you. 9. If you have only 3 or 4 months to hike, take a couple of years instead of rushing the experience. 10. As Warren Doyle( a 10X AT hiker) has said. "Walking the entire AT is not recreation. It is an education and a job. It is also not "going on a hike". It is a challenging task - a journey with deeper ramifications. Are you willing to accept and learn from them?" 11. When you fulfill a dream, it is much easier to take risks for the next one. Happy Trails, John Albrecht GA - ME 95 I'll forever be attempting to be "Sans Souci" * Fr. w/o a care P.S. This is more than I've written in any register on the AT!!
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 96 22:48:01 -0800 From: "David S. Severance" ( Dear Kathy, Visited the AT Homepage. Very well done. Keep up the good work!! The Bamaman '81 thruhiker
From: Tue Feb 20 23:24:24 1996 I am seventeen and I have only about a half a year ago discovered the Appalacian Trail, and now it is a dream of mine to thru-hike the trail. There are no words to describe the serenity and extraordinary beauty of life in the mountains. A friend of mine and I will one day, probably within the next five years, make our thru-hike. I feel sorry for anyone who does not experience the AT within their lifetime. It is the most wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning with the sun as your alarm clock, to find that you really WANT to get out of bed. Anyone who is interested in sharing their experiences on the AT, I would LOVE to hear, and would be happy to share about mine with anyone who would like to listen. Please e-mail me to talk about the Appalacian Trail. Kellidrue Alabama
From: Tue Feb 20 20:57:49 1996 just wanted to once again let all '96 thru-hikers know there contact for section 4 in PA should be the Allentown Hiking Club Allentown, PA. send yer email ?'s to me...... good luck all...see ya this spring and summer frenchy hoffman vice-president allentown hiking club
Greetings! Nice job of explaining the trail. Great resources. I grew up in NJ near the trail, and have always intended to thru-hike...I am planning to in 1999. Visit my website and say hi! - Sandy
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 15:02:23 +0500 From: (Lynn Setzer) This is a wonderful page!! Thanks for the effort. I am in search of people who plan to thru-hike the AT in '96. I am writing a book about your experience, so the more of you I can meet the more complete the story. Here's the plan: I want to meet as many thru-hikers as I can before you start your hike, or shortly thereafter, and then touch base with you as you go up the AT. I plan to be in several of the Trial towns along the way (and can be used for support if needed). Since I am a hiker myself, I don't want to intrude upon your experience; rather, I want to capture it. Or as one aspiring thru-hiker has said "immortalize your hike." If you'd like to be a part of this grand hiking/writing adventure, please let me hear from you either by mail 2603 Hazelwood Drive Raleigh, NC 27608 or, until March 16, 1996 at Lynn "Hikester"homepage
From: christian ( Date: Thu, 15 Feb 96 05:54:28 -800 Angela Gross and I experienced a spiritual awakening... the raw power of infinite peace of nature... I would love to talk more about this and other power places...
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 96 11:24:23 -0800 From: "Alisa O'Hara" ( hi! planning on thru-hiking in april '97 and would love to talk to someone about things like gear and their mental and physical experiences! i wanted to let all the future class of '97 thru-hikers that i'm compiling a list of names and numbers. anyone interested can drop me a line and i'll add you to the list and then send off copies as it grows. great page, by the way... thanks...alisa o'hara alisa "pooombah"
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 96 14:05:30 0500 From: Chip Steele ( Howdy! would like to be added to the guestbook and get added to the mailing list....Plan a thru-hike in March 97....Have hiked bits and Mountain ....Culver gap....etc...thanks..chip
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 19:30:37 -0400 From: (craig rudy) Hi, Did much hiking on the AT during my years as a student at VA Tech. Have since been roaming the world with the US Navy (as a sailor and now as the spouse of a sailor). I was wondering if anyone knows - Has the AT been rerouted or does it still pass over a point called "Dragon's Tooth" in Southwest VA? I can remember spending a quiet afternoon, sitting on the top of the "tooth" and listening to the sounds of the valley below - train whistles, a dog barking . . . would hate to think that other hikers were missing such a great spot. One thing is for sure; you can travel all over the world; but, there's no place like the mountains!
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 96 09:17:19 -0800 From: fred worster ( Hi. My name is Fred Worster. I live in Augusta Maine for years I was a Scout Leader in Winthrop Me. Carl Newhall was the Scout Master and also very involved with the App. Trail. We did a lot of work on the trail and enjoyed every minuet of it. I did this for 11 years and when my boys grew to old to be in scouts I had to devote my time to their education. I wish I could work on the Trail now that I am retired but I have had 4 heart attacks and am more or less confined to being a rocking chair hiker. Would love to hear from any one who wants to talk on E-mail. My E-mail address is (all low case) fredw@mint,net Thank you FRED WORSTER 53 SMITH ST U-2 AUGUSTSA ME. 04339
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 21:45:29 -0500 From: My wife (Renee) and I (Dave) will begin our thruhike late this April. It's really exciting to read about all the others who are planning the same. We're well on our way to selecting and completing all our gear purchases, although the food planning is a little daunting. We're actually trying to dehydrate much of our food ourselves, and have it mail-dropped to us. Your page is a great info source and I get a real kick out of it. Helps us realize how many people have been successful. And even those who don't make it all the way still assure us it's a great trip. Looking forward to joining the ranks. We live in the Detroit area now, but will relocate after finishing the trail, to northern NH. One problem we have now is, who will take care of our spunky 15 year old dog, Mindy, while we're gone. She has the heart of a hiker, but not the hips, we fear. We're talking her up to our friends, but if any past, future or would be thru hikers could aid us... We'd even be willing to dog swap. You watch Mindy this year, we watch [fido's name here] next year. For more info, e-mail soon (before my 10 free hours on compuserve expire and I change my e-mail address) or snail mail at 7818 Mead, Dearborn MI 48126. ALSO love to compare notes with other 96 AT thru hikers, maybe even rides.
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 96 21:33:38 0000 From: dwilliams (jdw@DAX.CC.UAKRON.EDU) What a fantastic area to venture into on my first solo attempt on the web. I have been reading all the information that I can find about the A.T. over the past two years. This area has opened up a wealth of new opportunities. I am first year history teacher and plan to spend 1-2 months on the trail this summer. I am so excited about it that as I was travelling along I-90 in Mass. over the holidays I had to pull off on the burm when I passed under the footpath crossing the interstate to just walk a short stretch of it. Anyone interested in a possible 24 yr old male hiking partner, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks so much for making all this information available to everyone. David Williams. Hudson, OH
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 1996 10:29:53 -0500 From: "Waldo L. Jaquith" ( How could I pass by a logbook without signing in? I'll be doing the trail, leaving April 21st (John Muir's (sp.) birthday!) from GA to avoid the crowd rush. I will be maintaining a web page all the way up the trail. It will contain a log of my trip and photos galore. The idea is to raise the public awareness of the importance of our trails and parklands. Advice is, as always, much appreciated! Check out my
if you like. It's pretty, but contains nothing. (On the web? Imagine that...) It'll be the site of my AT page. Thanks for the page, Kathy! I love it. I hope you don't mind my linking my page to yours over, and over, and over, and over. You've got so many great pieces of information on here. Thank you for your help and great assistance to the trail community. Waldo L. Jaquith Charlottesville, VAThe "Complete" Chesapeake Bay Links List
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 96 13:41:45 0000 From: KW (marsman@UDel.Edu) Hi Kathy, I was recently hiking part of the Appalachian Trail in the Shenandoah Valley last summer with a friend of mine. Even though the heat was bad, and one of the trails we took that branched off the A.T. wasn't trimmed up recently, when we got to the Black Rocks, it made it all worth it. I would do it all over again, after my blisters go away of course. Thanks for posting this page and getting information like this up on the net. This is great!! Kristoffer Walker University of Delaware
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 1996 16:23:22 EST From: (MR SCOTT M DELLINGER) Dear Kathy, I'm a first time visiter to your page.I recently read a terrific book about the Appalachian Trail by Ronald M.Fisher, published by the National Geographic Society.I hope to visit the trail soon. See You On The Net, Scott M. Dellinger
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 96 01:09:16 -0800 From: Reinsborough ( Hi Kathy, I am a newcomer to the internet and hiking. I've been wanting to do both since hearing a young friend's adventure in completing the Appalachian Trail a few years back. There was also a great article in National Geographic back around Feb,/87. My interst has been heightened since the announcement of the extension into New Brunswick and Quebec. This should be a real treat to veteran hikers as they will encounter Artic vegetation and a resident herd of 250 caribou around Mont Jaques Cartier . Thanks for this chance to learn more about AT history and legends which make me feel like dropping my keyboard and heading south. Ken Reinsborough New Brunswick Canada
From: RHANSEN@MICRO.WCMO.EDU Mon Jan 29 20:11:00 1996 Help! We are three middle-aged (46-51) women from Missouri who want to spend 3-4 weeks on the AT this summer. We hope to begin the last week in June and comnplete our hike during the third week of July. Since we are relatively inexperienced backpackers and have not yet reached top physical condition, we need some help with the following: - what part of the trail would fit our objectives of not being too difficult during the first week, access to weekly shower & food supply? _ should we go with down or synthetic bags? how about a stove? we have a Peak 1 - sufficient? how about internal vs external packs? We would like to correspond with any other women who have hiked the trail and who would be willing to share their experiences and advice. Linda, Joyce and Pam c/o
From: Mon Jan 29 23:36:26 1996 too far west to contimplate AT in the near future, great idea though, will have to be content with Arizona Trail ( Mexico to Utah ) for the forseeable future, An Arizona hiker
From: Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 00:42:57 -0500 Just a note to say hi - wondering if anybody from spring/summer 1987 is around? Scott Sherman GA--VA '87 "Doc"
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 19:39:18 -0800 From: "Russell C. Benson" ( Found the A.T.Page in Netguide. Excellent! I have done a limited amount of backpacking, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love a challenge. The good news is that I'm going to do the trail, end to end. The bad news is, I have to wait seven years for retirement, when I'll have the time. Thanks for the inspiration. Russell Benson Altanta, Michigan
From: "John T. Wilson" ( Date: Wed, 24 Jan 96 16:42:15 -800 Hi I just discovered this page. Hiked the AT (not all) many years ago. I am 43 live in New Orleans and just quit smoking and getting back into shape in order to be able to get back on the trail again. Rgs, John
From: Date: Sun, 21 Jan 96 19:00 EST Hi I just found this AT home page and it looks like a deep resevoir of hiking data. For the past 9 years I have been backpacking in Algoquin Park Ontario and the Adirondaks. I know that I have crossed sections of the AT where it crosses roads in NH but I have never set foot on the trail yet. Next summer I plan to do another week long hike somewhere and would appreciate ideas from the NH area of the AT. I usually have a partner to accompany me but always enjoy new company. I am a 55 year old Ottawa Canada chap who can walk for miles and loves it. Darrel Newman
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 10:29:45 -0800 From: (Steven Newmyer) What a great informational web page on the Appalachian Trail. I am under planning for hiking the AT in '96, but I am only able to hike for about 2 weeks due to inconviences, like work, or else a thru-hike would be AWESOME!! If anyone has some great insights on the hike and where I should start for about a 120 mile hike, email me at This hike will be incredible!!!! Congrats to all those who have made the hike!
From: "Erich Hart" ( Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 23:49:53 PST8PDT The best place to get lost on the internet is the AT Homepage. I like it almost as much as I like the AT.
From: aikenj@lamar.ColoState.EDU (John Aiken) Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 18:41:35 -0700 (MST) Hello Kathy, I completed my thru-hike 9-27-95. It's cool to see some familiar names in your guestbook from the class of 95. Hiking the A.T. was incredible, it was one of the greatest adventures I've ever experienced. I really miss being out there with all of the wonderful people that I spent so much time with and got to know so well. HOUNDOG GA-->ME '95
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 23:02:53 -0800 From: Mike Ritoli ( At last a web page befitting the AT. Great job!!!
From: (Kristin Letourneau) Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 11:03:57 -0500 Great Web Page!!! I found this page searching for information on two projects I am researching for work...The NH 1996 Inventory of Outdoor Recreation Facilities and the NH 1996 Trail Study. I think the AT page is a fantastic resource Keep up the great work!!!!!
From: Mon Jan 15 23:29:39 1996 Happy Trails to all who sign the guestbook of this national treasure that is the AT. John P. Smith "Forest Gimp" GA ---> ME 1995
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 12:15:18 EST From: (MR CHARLES B BANKS) THANK YOU for giving the AT a home on the WEB. One of my goals is to thru hike the AT before I reach 40 (i'm 36 now). Keep up the good work! Chuck Banks
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 19:37:07 +0000 From: Tracy ( Hello Kathy, I just completed a seven month solo thru-hike of the AT on Sept. 30, 1995. I'm currently residing in Ireland with a bit of free time on my hands and may be of some help to other female hikers, or any hiker for that matter, contemplating a solo thru-hike. "Harper's Fairy" - Tracy Brumbaugh
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 21:39:27 -0500 From: (Michael Grevey) This year the annual DEEP FREEZE will be held Feb. 3rd to the 5th in beautiful Swatara Gap in central PA. Everyone from the BGA-Sffa hiking club will be there. PLease no dancing girls this year! Any interested partys can contact me , SKIBOY , ( Thanks to all the thrupackers that I have met that made my trips most exciting. You know who you are, STEAMBOAT...CABOOSE... MIDGET, and everyone else.
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 96 19:12:28 -0800 From: Samual Carneal ( Am signing onto your guestbook. I am planning a hike on the AT this spring or summer. This will be my first trip on the trail. However, I am encouraged that I will be able to succeed.
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 96 12:12:45 -0500 From: "Sara J. Gottlieb" ( What a great page! I've been hiking the AT since before I was born (my mom just couldn't take a break!) I found this page searching for sites in the Chesapeake Bay region for my page of
Believe it or not, Pennsylvania and New York are in the Chesapeake Bay watershed! So check it out and enjoy! Happy trails, Sara Gottlieb (
From: Vince Leasher ( Date: Sun, 31 Dec 95 18:04:43 4000 Well I saw your guest book so here i am. I hope to hike the trail all the way in the coming years. the major stumblig block is that i don't know anyone who would want to hike that far second I have school and alot of summer activies.
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 95 12:11:14 0000 From: "Thomas J. Caggiano" (
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From: Sat Dec 30 18:59:47 1995 Hi Please add me. If there is anyway to put in an add here it is: I am seeking a thru partner for 1997 ( to start in March - until.) I am looking for it to be a spiritual journy in a meditative/ buddhist kind-of way. My experience with hiking is limited; but I'm getting in shape now. I have some funds avalible for me and a potential partner - provided they need any. Can be Reached at INFJ4@AOL.Com or @KLR 3928 Bright Ave. Columbia, S.C. 29205 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAGE _ IT"S GREAT!!!!Welcome to Western North Carolina
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 95 23:01:07 -0400 From: Rodger Ling ( I enjoy your AT page...great resource! I don't know if you would be interested, but I've got some accounts of hiking the southern portion of the AT. You should be able to find them via my home page. I'm working on getting some pictures up to go with the words. There's a nice account of a hike I did with a friend of mine, complete with photos, at this other address, as well. Again, thanks for all your hard work on our behalf. --Rodger Ling
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 95 23:08:19 0500 From: "Frank D. DiNofa" ( Greetings! I have hiked several parts of the AT & hope someday to do a "thru" hike & become a true 2000 miler! In the meantime, I'll have to settle for this keyboard hiking as I am in my 7th month of recouperation from a bad motorcycle accident & have taken up mountain biking to hasten my return to the trails. Nice idea for a page.. when I create mine I'll be sure to secure a link here.. Be well, --Frank
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 95 12:46:06 -0800 From: Arthur Richard JordanTom Nadeau and Rory McKeown from Kingston, Ontario, Canada-Tom lives in Richmond VA
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 95 13:12:47 EST From: Kathy - Loved your web site and guestbook - really does remind you of the great stories in those beat-up, soggy, smelly registers in each shelter along the trail. My brother and I were "God's Gobers" in our '92 section hike, from Delaware Water Gap to Katahdin - it was an amazing adventure, makes the rest of life almost...easy! Each year we take a week and explore some of what we missed in the South; if anyone else is stuck in/around DE (highest elevation - 412 ft!) and would like a cohort to blow out some miles over a weekend/week long excursion on the trail, drop me some email. Doug Netting Bethany Beach, DE
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 21:29:50 -0500 From: (Steve Woodruff) I just found your guestbook and enjoyed reading it. My brother and I have been working on hiking the trail in segments. We have completed all of it thru to Reeds Gap in VA. I look foward to hiking it when we can, It's been almost 2 years since we have been able to get out there. I'll be keeping up with this page. Thanks Trail Name "Firedog" Later Steve Woodruff
From: Sat Dec 23 06:08:59 1995 Went About 2000 miles... the Summer George Wallace was shot... The trek probably saved my life. God Bless All Who Protect The Trail...
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 08:03:45 -0600 From: "John B. Blenk, P.E." ( Hello Kathy, No AT traveler should pass by a logbook or guestbook without signing in! So I just had to do it. I have done the AT and dream about past experiences on it all the time. Every once and a while I catch a PBS show on it and it all comes back. I live in Plano, Texas now and have a hard time getting back to what seems a past lifetime. Purhaps this electronic trail will help. Bye for now, (trail-name: "santa claus")
From: Wed Dec 20 22:18:54 1995 I enjoy this web site. I'll be checking this page often for new info on the AT Greg Masci
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 00:51:19 EST From: (MR JULIUS E DANIELS) Hi Kathy! Fine job on WWW page. I am new to the sport and wanted as much info on AT as possible. I was pleased to find this resource. Ed Daniels Pensacola, FL
From: Sat Dec 16 15:43:57 1995 Hi all, I'm Dave Brown. My compliments on a well done page in my area of interest. I'll be cheking it often. I'm looking forward to all the new stuff. Maybe I'll see some of you on the trail!
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 22:43:38 EST From: (MR ROBERT J DAVIS) I'm trying to locate a northbound thru hiker with the trailname "Creak". His first name is Gary. He is from Maine. He left Springer early, like Feb. He had 100 days to hike and was then headed to Yellowstone to become a ranger. If anyone has an address or phone # for said person, I'd be most grateful to receive it. Section Hiker '87--->? 853 miles FELIX
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 16:01:52 EST From: (MR ROBERT W BELEW) Hello fellow AT Friends, I am in Bristol, Tenn and a member of the Mount Rogers AT Club up in Virginia. I stumbled across your web page and was quite pleased to do so..... There is a battle going on in VA to keep a super highway from displacing 7 miles of scenic AT , not to mention the severe damage to the eco-system in the National Recreational Area that is involved. If you want to help, or need information please E-Me and I will be glad to fill you in. Thanks and bum-ba-dittas (Happy Trails), Robert W. Belew
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 95 10:06:56 0000 From: Lea Munjone ( My boyfriend will be hiking the appalacian trail this coming spring (96) and he would like to contact people who will be hiking around this time. He will begin in Georgia and is planning to hike half of the trail-he can take only 2 months leave from his job-he does not have an e-mail address, so if you would like to leave an e-mail message please send it to i appreciate your help and look forward to many responses. thank you lea munjone
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 95 21:09:27 0500 From: Joanne Morgan ( hi my name is joanne morgan and i plan to thru hike in 96! i have only hiked small sections of the trail before and i would love any tips or advice from past thru-hikers. please email me at
From: Mon Dec 11 00:50:26 1995 Hey Kathy, The guestbook was a great idea and I sure enjoyed reading it. I thru hiked GA-ME in 85 at age 18 and had the time of my life. In retrospect it was the best experiance I have ever had. I learned far more in that 6 months than I ever could have in 4 years of college. I'm now a business owner and plan on selling my operation and retiring in 5 years at age 35. Then I'm going to shoulder my old North Face and head for Maine one more time. I would love to hear from any of the 85-86 crowd. Spunks, Demiceli, Skipjack, JimRoy, Dan Tom & Nancy, Shiek, Dave Blair, Pablo... where are you guys. Happy Trails, Rikki Tikki Tavi aka Rick Montgomery
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 95 21:12:36 0500 From: Julia Gosztyla ( Hi! I'm a lifelong camper and trekker, having camped since 1967 and walked across the US, 3900 miles in 9 months, in 1986, but I have never *backpacked* anywhere! Nonetheless, in 1986, my goal is to complete the whole AT, beginning in Georgia probably in April or early May. My companions will be my great friend Dan from England (I live in Durham, North Carolina) and my 65-lb. Dalmatian, Dottie, who loves to hike and will be an asset to our little team's morale if nothing else. Dan has backpacked extensively before so we are not both pack greenhorns. I'd love to hear from others who've done the Trail with dogs, and from anyone else who did the Trail as a packing, but not necessarily, outdoors, newbie. Currently, my two main gear purchases (other than yet another pair of Asolo boots) are a Kelty Super Tioga pack and a Sierra Designs Clip 3 tent (having to retire the venerable North Face VE-25 which has served me extremely well for ten years because of its 14lb. waistline). I have also wondered about Kelty's Radial Light XLT pack, but because REI does not sell it, it's a bit harder for me to test-drive that one... I'd love to hear from other women with experience of either of these two packs... I am 5'3.5" in the morning, short that is, but strong. Other gear purchases we're eyeing include the Peak 1 Apex Triple Fuel stove which looks really good, and the PUR Scout waterfilter/purifier. I'd really love to hear people's experiences with the PUR Scout as I have never before included water filtration equipment as part of my gear... I've always toted iodine tablelts and trekked within a week of potable water. Anyway, I'd be glad to hear from anyone who has words of wisdom, horror stories, or plain opinions.... Julia Gosztyla
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 1995 14:05:59 -0800 From: Scott Werbke (scottw@Packet.Net) Howdy Folks! I intend to hike the at and would appreciate any comments/suggestions particularly on planning, doing the hike in parts or in whole, south-to-north or vice-versa, recommended boots/socks, approximate hiking times, etc. Can this hike be done alone, or is it better to have a partner(s)? Thanks for any comments in advance. Scott
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 95 18:51:37 -0500 From: Wayne Lummis ( Kathy, I have enjoyed reading your page. I completed my thru-hike this year, left Springer 3/8/95 and climbed the Big K on 9/29/95. What a long, strange trip it was. I would be happy to hear from any of the class of 95 northbounders -or- be included in your "Write A Hiker" section. The Professor GA > ME 95 -- Wayne Lummis
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 09:25:58 -0500 From: Matt Perrenod ( Kathy - Thanks very much for your efforts in maintaining this page. A suggestion, probably already under consideration - would it be possible to set up an online system for ordering publications from the ATC? Nice to see the resources, but better to be able to get them fast. Even a pull-down order form for snailmail would be helpful. - Matt Perrenod Columbus, OH NOTE: I was told some time ago that this was in the works. --KB
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 17:17:30 From: (laura hernandez) please add my name to your guestbook,I am interested in walking some part of the trail next year, also trying to contact appalachian trail society, all help appriciated
From: David Nye ( Date: Mon, 04 Dec 95 01:40:02 -800
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 95 01:12:14 -0800 From: Tony Fogleman (TONY1@WNC.COM) Hey there, I love your pages and links. I've got a great page that will be growing quickly during the next month. (That's about all I do anymore) The Western Carolina Web Marketing Group (us) has a new...
page featuring the 15 western counties (some of which the AP winds through). I've lived close to several sections of the AP from here to Summit Station, Pennsylvania where I regularly RAN up to the trail, then ran back DOWN, often conversing with a hiker (most of whom were on the trail for the duration). Please add my new URL. I will do the same for you, promise. You can put us next to our competition, even. (he doesn't have a link to you) So, wish me luck with this new venture. I quit my job to compete with the guys in Asheville that are gouging the local businesses while the WWW is still new. Thanks, and good luck to you. Sincerely, Tony tony1@wnc.comFrom: Fri Dec 1 16:21:57 1995
AT 96 Video Production
TAGE Multimedia Productions, will be start hiking the AT in March of 96,
to video the trail from start to finish. This video will include
interviews with other thru hikers, and people who make the trail such an
amazing place. If you are planning a thru hike for 96, or would like to
get invloved with the video, please email TAGE. We are looking for 5-10
thru hikers who would be willing to be interviewed on a regular basis
while hiking. We would also like to meet with a few before their trip
begins. Anyone who is working or has worked on trail up keep, or has
thru hiked the trail before, and feel they have something to add, please
contact: TAGE!
AT in 96! Check out the
TAGE page
TAGE Multimedia Productions
" Famous Since 1997 " 707-538-8535
From: Wed Nov 29 20:30:51 1995 This past summer was the first time I had ever been backpacking along the Appalachian Trail. My friend had some experience in the area we were planning on going. Both of us had experience in the outdoors. We were only out for a week, but this coming summer we plan to stay on the trail much longer. We were only slightly unprepared and only packed too much food. We started in an area in Vermont called the Long Trail. I used the Guidbook by the Green Mountain Club extensively. We started at Sherburne Pass. Stopping at the Inn at the Long Trail is a must!! The scenery was great and there was not a whole lot of people crowding the trail. Dear Leap mountain is Beautiful!! Jason Marker Lockport NYChristopher
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 22:45:46 -0800 From: Gerald William Andre ( Just dropping a quick email to say that this webpage is great info for those interested in hiking the AT. I hiked a 50 mile stretch of the Mass.- CT. AT way back in 1977 when I was in the Boy Scouts. I did 10 years of hiking (forced marching) in the USMC during '82-'92. I am now Honorably Discharged from the USMC after being held as a hostage during the "Operation Desert Shield/Storm" in '90-'91. Now I am interested in getting back out into the Wilderness and I can't think of a better place to go than to do a "walk-about" on the AT. I am in the process of building up adequate gear, though I could probrably use my USMC military gear, boots, fatigues, thermals, shovel, canteens.... I want to be comfortable, and not get into force marches under 60-80lb loads if I can help it. I am use to roughing it. Any advice is gladly accepted. Gerre' Andre
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 95 17:18:49 -0800 From: Jim Esmond ( Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed visiting your site...I put it in my bookmark list and plan to visit often. I have always thought about trying a through hike but like so many others I let "life" keep getting in the way. I'll do it someday!
From: Mon Nov 27 04:06:38 1995 I've recently relocated from New England to the Pacific Northwest (Puget Sound for the moment). I also recently got involved in WWW and was thrilled to see your pages. A job well done. Yours will be links in mine. I especially linked the sing in the disclaimer. Check out: my page. rb
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 11:59:36 -0500 From: (Richard Kushman) Hello to all AT Hikers, My wife & I (Kathy & Rich) are planning a through hike in 1996... Planning it now and would love to get recommendations from any and all who feel they have good advice to offer... A: Sleeping bags - Down or synthetic ??? B: Tents - your experiences C: Backpacks - external or internal D: Clothing - what worked for you ... good underwear ??? Socks ??? E: Dangers if any ... ie: bears - people ? F: Rain gear ?? G: Stoves - which worked best ? H: Water filters ? Probably many of the same questions you had at one time... What are your first hand experiences now that you have trail names... What worked for you ... what didn't. We are 50ish ... gunna start slooow... Love this guestbook ! Email address: Richard & Kathleen Kushman 500 Long Hill Road Groton, CT 06340
From fruit@cake Thu Nov 23 04:35:12 1995 ( Subject: missing New England I am from Massachusetts and have spent a lot of time in the Mt. Washington area. I hope one day to do the entire trail, but for now I only have the memories of bits and pieces done. The Navy has dropped me out in Hawaii. I miss the landscapes and the weather of the east coast. Good luck to all hikers and see you later.
You never give me your money You only give me your funny paper and in the middle of negotiations you break down I never give you my number I only give you my situation and in the middle of investigation I break down Out of college, money spent See no future, pay no rent All the money's gone, nowhere to go Any jobber got the sack Monday morning, turning back Yellow lorry slow, nowhere to go But oh, that magic feeling, nowhere to go Oh, that magic feeling Nowhere to go The
From Wed Nov 22 14:34:41 1995 Have hiked extensively on AT in the Great Smoky National Park beginning as a 13 year old in 1967. Took a scout group of six (6) boys last Summer for another wonderful experience. My most favorite area in the park are the three (3) "grassy areas" just left of Thunderhead, looking towards Spence Field. Also like the narrow trail leaving Clingmans Dome going towards Double Spring gap. Hope to hike the entire trail in one (1) shot someday, may be when I retire. Many, many fond memories of the trail, & hope to continue those well into the future. John F. Camm, Troy OH.
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 14:13:01 -0500 From: Donald Desrosiers ( Kathy, If you want to add me to the list of people who will answer questions, feel free. I fully appreciate I finished in '82, but since then I have done a bunch more of the trail again and now produce the profiles for ATC. Jean has me on her list of contacts and I probably reply to 20-25 queries a year. Have people check out the new GA-NC profiles. The approach trail is finally included! -dd
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 95 14:37:10 -0800 From: Lea Filippi ( Thank you for building the AT. It is a wonderful resource and very much appreciated by those of us planning this winter to begin thru-hikes in the spring.
From: Sun Nov 19 15:57:49 1995 Kathy, The "AT" Homepage is a great addition... What a breath of fresh air... We'll send some recent adventures of ourlate summer/early autumn hikes on the trail in PA. Regards, Jim Waller Frederick, Maryland
From: Sat Nov 18 21:55:52 1995 Good evening to everyone, I have added hiking the Appalachian Trail to my Life List (i.e. those little and big things I want to do before my D-day). I was taking a break from my computer work and found The A.T. Homepage; a soft breeze for an overworked soul. Thank you sooooo much, Sofia Pastoriza -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sofia C. Pastoriza-Nunez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Laughter is the closest distance between two people." -- Victor Borge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 13:23:57 -0200 From: Thai-Hoa Mai ( Hello Kathy I have hiked half of th A.T. this year and will complete the rest this upcoming summer. My question is that when you subscribe to as a hiker, nothing happens. This mailing list is not working. I myself would love to hook up to something like this and so would my other friends but nothing exists. Can you find out what is going on with this and let me know? Thank you On another note.. I am doing research at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada and I would like to post a message to thru-hikers, asking them if they could fill out a survey for my project. My paper consists of finding out what The Leisure Experience of Thru-Hiking the Appalchian Trail is like? This paper will hopefully get published in a journanl or two so that long-distance backpacking could be promoted to more people. Not that I want to increase crowding on the trail but it will help to make the government more aware of our trails. thank you!!! my e-mail address:
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 95 05:59:07 0000 From: wetewt ( hello, this is a great home page!!!! maybe I can communicate to some of my lost friends on the trail. I completed half of the A.T. in 95'. I would like to say hello to all those who knew me. Next year I will complete the other half. Freedom 95' you can e-mail me at:
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 22:17:54 +0500 From: melissa Cook ( Howdy, I think it is great that there is a home page devoted to the greatest hiking trail in North America. Keep up the good work.
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 95 14:46:37 0000 From: Hi Kathy: I'm a visitor on my sister's net and thought I would look up something on the Appalachian Trail. I hiked it with my husband in '93. I'm really interested in communicating with some of the hikers I met. Our trail names were "Basil and Garlic", the "herbs".
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 1995 22:39:33 +0100 From: (Dot MacDonald) Hi, I've been hiking the trail for many many years and just recently got a computer. I was pleased to discover this home page. I can't get enough of the AT. Please consider me a friend and resiurce as I have hiked most of the trail by sections and have met interesting and inspiring people along the way. I belong to the local GMC hiking club, Brattleboro section and would be happy to answer any questions on our part of the trail. Hope to be talking again soon. Dot MacDonald, 52 So. Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301. Dot (D Train) 1972-199? AT, 1975 LT
From: Sarah E. Hunt ( Date: Sat, 11 Nov 95 01:12:39 -0500 Howdy everyone- This will be my first ever mail posting- hope you all appreciate the fact that it was the subject of the Appalachian Trail that allows me to overcome my 'computer aversion' . I'll just pretend this is a shelter register. It was great seeing names I recognized in here -Missouri Fats, Spicoli, Wanchor But where is every one else? Okay some southbounders are still hiking (Fireboy, Swedish Chef, Early Birds, Potato Buds) - But what about my northbound buddies - Dean, Happy Hiker, Chef Happy, Baltimore Jack, Meterman and all the rest o' ya'll? And what about the 94 crowd? As to who I am, I'm Sarah Hunt but everyone calls me Jake (trail name Skinny Little White Faced Girl) I have 40 miles left of the trail to do. I hiked 700 miles of the trail last year going south from Katahdin and the rest this year in three sections - two northbound and one south bound. I hate being off the trail and miss my hiking companions so could someone send me hiker mail? Thanks for the guest page Kathy
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1995 23:41:32 -0600 From: Bill Leonard ( Greetings...... I have done several 2 week trips on the AT and I am now getting an uncontrollable urge to sell half of every- thing I own and do the full AT. I have contacted the ATC for information and lurk around your web page for interesting tidbits. Any advice besides the obvious would be appreciated. Thanks for your good work here!
From Wed Nov 8 10:14:33 1995 What a great idea this guestbook is. I finished my thru hike on 10/8. I miss the trail life so much. It would be great to get in touch with some other 95 thru hikers to exchange some stories. Jesse Hull "Tapeworm"
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 1995 20:31:27 -0500 From: "Michael A. Rosenthal" ( Kathy - Thanks for setting up the AT Home Page. Mike Rosenthal, 46er, AT89
From: Sun Nov 5 16:17:27 1995 Excellent home page. I am an avid AT backpacker. Only have Penn, N.J. and lower N.Y. under my belt, but I'll keep on hiking 'till I've experienced it all. Butch says hi!
From: Sun Nov 5 10:43:20 1995 Love your Home Page. I thru-hiked the AT in 1979 and 1992, and I'm making progress on a 2,000 mile adventure via sections... just passed Damascus, VA and proceeding north on weekends, holidays, etc. Section hiking is just about as nice as thru-hiking ... can do it all year long! Regards, Julius Benton "The Stargazer" AT '79, '92
From: Deborah Mosher Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 13:04:31 -500 Hi Kathy, I am an unusual guest as I am not currently a AT hiker. I was born and raised in Wellsboro, PA and moved to Jacksonville, FL fifteen years ago and sure do miss the mountains.. I am now attending Jones College and am taking an Internet class. As part of the class I had to choose a project and do a presentation about how the Internet could be used for my topic. Since I had recently read a book about a father and son who hiked the Appalachian Mountain trail, I thought the trail would be an interesting topic. I think your homepage is great and is giving me a lot of information, plus increasing my interest in the trail. As I said previously, I sure miss the mountains. Anyway, keep up the great work - I'm sure I'll keep checking out the latest news here even after the project is complete - it's so interesting! Some day maybe I'll be able to get out there and hike part of the trail. I have managed to go several times to West Virginia and do some white water rafting and camping, and I do get back home also. Happy hiking! ************************ Debbie A. Mosher ************************
From: Sat Nov 4 00:42:16 1995 Hi Kathy! I've really enjoyed your AT Homepage. I looked at your early efforts last winter before I started my '95 AT Thru-hike and am impressed with your progress since then. ;-> BTW, I'd be glad to talk to any other '95 thru-hikers out there. I started the AT on 31 March and finished on 25 September. My trailname is RISING SUN and my 'non-trailname' is Kevin Haney. E-mail address is:
A homepage (with links to my AT photos) will be forthcoming later this month (Nov. 95) Keep up the good work. kEvIn
Kevin's Home
Kevin's A.T. Page
From: Thu Nov 2 11:17:41 1995 Hey Kathy! My trail name was GREENMAN, GA to ME 95. Maybe you could put an index of people and their trail names with email addresses as well to make it easier to find. My email address is my real name is Oliver Pierson Hi to all 95 thru- hikers I started 3/21 and finished 8/20 Good luck to all hikers greenmanNOTE: I believe Steve Lunder is working on something like this. --Kathy
From: AWILLI51@MAINE.MAINE.EDU Tue Oct 31 22:02:29 1995 Hi, I am a student here at the University of Maine at Farmington and I am doing a term paper on Erosion Control on the AT. I would love ANY information that anyone may have avaliable. I am low on resources. My e-mail address is I would appreciate mail from anybody out there on the net. PLEASE SEND ME INFO!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!! Addie Williams
Be sure to see the First Volume of the Guestbook.
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