Mary Jo Conner's Page

Mary Jo's Trike Page

  MJ on Trike

December 9, 1907 - September 22, 2009

This little picture of Mary Jo on her recumbent trike, holding her Little Red Riding Hood doll was just unearthed recently. I decided to get a laser copy of the picture made, and while there at the printer thought it would be fun to get the picture scanned and make a little page for MJ (for the bentfolk page) since she now has proof that she is a full-fledged 'bent rider, even if she has a current tendency to refer to recumbents as "repugnants."

Anyway, the lady in the print shop offered to scan it for me. The file she scanned was in .tif format which I cannot view, so I asked barryb, still at, to make it into something both readable and of a more manageable size - and here it is.

Mary Jo welcomes email at : maryjoconner at the domain verizon - last part - net (Trying to stop the spam.)

Thanks to Rosslyn Printer on Highland Street, just across from the Clarendon Metro in Arlington. My mom was quite thrilled when she found out what had transpired since yesterday, May 17, 1996

Christmas 2007 ----------------------------- Christmas 1988

As Indian - probably around 1913 ___________August 2009 - with Scott and family

To M.J.'s Daughter's Page