1. The Low Blood Sugar Handbook, Pat and Ed Krimmel, Franklin Publishers, Box 1338, Bryn, Mawr, PA 19010, $12.95 + $2.00 S&H.
2. Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycaemia) A 20thCentury Epidemic, Martin Budd, N.D., D.O., A very comprehensive book first published in England. Go descriptions of the effects of low blood sugar. Diet has more fruit juice than HAI's. Available from Well Mind Association $8.95 + $2.00 S&H.
3. Lick the Sugar Habit, Nancy Appleton, PhD. Relationship of hypoglycemia to minerals, especially calcium. Available Well Mind Association $7.95 + $2.00 S&H.
4. Goodbye Allergies, Judge Tom R. Blaine. Citadel Press, NY 1965. Judge Blain has hypoglycemia, believes that it can be involved in divorce. (out of print)
5. New Trition, George Meinig, D.D.S., Vice Pres., Price Pottenger Nutrition Fdn. This book emphasizes quality food and give reasons for it from prehistoric to modern times. It helps us to understand the hypoglycemic diet. $12.95 + $1.00, CA tax $.78, P.O. Box 10 Ojai, CA 93023 (805)646-2865.
6. Fighting Depression, Harvy Ross, M.D., An easy to read paperback which relates hypoglycemia to depression and other problems. Well Mind $9.95 +$2.00 S&H
7. The Do's and Don'ts of Low Blood Sugar, Roberta Ruggiero, Preface by Harvey M. Ross, M.D., Frederick Fell Pub., Hollywood, Fl. 33020. Her personal struggle with hypoglycemia, her subsequent recovery plus much more information.
8. Sugar and Your Health, (501) pages 1982, $12.25; "Nourishing Your Child", 1984, $15.95; "Help for New Parents to Be", 1989, $7.00; plus six pamphlets covering allergies, fatigue, teenagers, yeast infections, and good basic nutritional advice. All by Ray C. Wunderlich, Jr, M.D. Pediatrician, Avail. Johnny Reads, Inc. 666 6th St. South St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
9. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price, D.D.S., 1938. Worldwide Studies, Price Pottenger Nutritional Foundation, 2667 Camino del Rio South, Suite 109, San Diego, CA 92108-3763.
10. Hypoadrenocorticism, John W. Tintera, M.D. Collected Papers. Available Well Mind.
11. Aspertame (Nutrasweet) Is It Safe?, H.J. Roverts, M.D., The Charles Press, Phila., 1990. Also "Sweet'ner Dearest: Bittersweet Vignettes about Aspertame", $19.95 + $3.50 S&H Sunshine Sentinel Press, Inc., P.O. Box 8697-S, West Palm Beach, FL 333407. Contains a disastrous story of an HAI member who ingested chewing gum and lozenges containing Nutrasweet all day for 6 months when he gave up sugar. Dr. Roberts book opened his eyes. He recovered in about a year.
1. Low Blood Sugar Cookbook, Pat and Ed Krimmel, Franklin Publishers, P.O. Box 1338 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. $12.95 + $2.00 S&H.
2. The Candida Ablicans Yeast Free Cookbook, Pat Connolly and Associates of the Price Pottenger Nutritional Foundation, Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CT. $9.95 + $2.00 S&H. Contains a lot of sugar free recipes.
1. Food, Teens and Behavior, $7.00 + $2.00 S&H, "Nutritional Guidelines for Corrective Behavior", $10.00 + $2.00 S&H, Barbara Reed, PhD., former probation officer of Municipal Court in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Natural Press, P.O. Box 2107, Manitowac, WI. 54220.