18008 New Hampshire Ave, Box 165
Ashton, MD 20861-0165
(Founded in 1967)
(202) 544-4044
In Washington, D.C.
Our bulletin is not meant to be medical advice. It is
written by lay people, dedicated to helping those with hypoglycemia. All cases
are individuaL If you need medical advice, see your physician.
Dorothy R. Schultz
Those of us with low blood pressure have been told
many times that it is a good condition to have, much better than high blood
pressure. I would prefer to have normal blood pressure.
FUNCTIONAL HYPOADRENIA (low blood pressure and low adrenal function), Dr.
George Goodheart describes the hypoadrenia patient as one who is dizzy on
change of position, especially on rising, the patient who can't get going in
the morning, the patient who feels best as the day goes on then suddenly seems
to collapse around 7:00 or 8:00pm. This patient will have perhaps a normal
blood pressure sitting or lying but upon arising there is a DROP in the systolic
pressure of as much as 4Omm. The usual amount of abnormal drop is about 10
to l5mm but any drop is ABNORMAL.
He says, "In a normal person the systolic blood
pressure is 4 to lOmm higher in the standing position than it is in the lying
position." As a fighter pilot wears a "G" suit or "Leg
Squeezer" to counter the effects of gravity on a fast pullout from a
vertical dive so also do we have our own "G" suit which causes a
redistribution of the blood from the abdomen to the heart and muscles. The tone
of the blood vessels in the abdomen is under the control of the SPLANCHNIC
NERVES which are controlled by the adrenal system.
He further explains that the adrenals produce a
chemical substance called "SYMPATHIN" which influences the valveless
splanchnic vein's ability to compensate for the change in position. The same
"SYMPATHIN" causes the iris in the eye to contract when exposed to a
bright light. When "SYMPATHIN" is in short supply, as in hypoadrenia,
the usual contraction of the pupil to light does not last. If the examining
light is shown on the eye for 30 to 40 seconds there will be a dilation rather
than a constriction of the pupil or, as is often seen, "an alternating
contraction and dilation with the pupil getting larger following each
These two signs, a dropping blood pressure on standing
and a dilation or alternating contraction and dilation of the pupil of the eye
to light are two easy, quick, simple, but valid indicators of weak functioning
FALLING BLOOD PRESSURE: Dr. Goodheart writes about patients who
suffer from headache and/or dizziness when standing or who complain of weakness
which is unrelated to blood count, blood pressure or blood sugar levels. He
feels that this adrenal dysfunction could many times be the basis for their
complaints. In this regard it is interesting to note that just as low blood
sugar symptoms can occur in a diabetic because sometimes it is not the actual
LEVEL of the blood sugar but the RATE of drop that causes the symptoms; so also
can there be falling blood pressure in a person with high blood pressure as
well when he sits up or stands up, so it is best to be alert for this condition
in all varieties of patients.
Page 2
THE ADRENAL BANK ACCOUNT: The patient who dates his
trouble of tiredness and loss of interest following an attack of
"flu" and who must force himself or herself to do everything, very
often will have a systolic reclining blood pressure of 124, with an erect blood
pressure of 100. Also following severe illness with fever, anesthesia,
alcoholism, prolonged worry, focal infections, toxic conditions, fractures, to
name a few that, in Dr. Goodheart's own practice, set the stage for a run on
the reserves of the adrenal bank account along with the usual patterns of
modern life with all of its tensions, quickly "overdraw" this adrenal
reserve and produce the characteristic pattern of fatigue. These patients
sometimes have a mid sleep insomnia, awakening after about four hours of sleep
and having difficulty getting back to sleep again. There is a type of adrenal
patient that is stimulated by activity and finds it almost impossible to leave
a party, or as is seen in some infants who seem to get their days and nights
mixed up. This is also hypoadrenia.
THE ADRENAL SYSTEM: Dr. Goodheart describes primitive
man who, in escaping the sabre-toothed tiger, used the "fight or
flight" mechanism to get to a branch or tree higher than the tiger could
leap. Then perching safely, though exhausted, breathing hard and pumping much
blood, his recently activated adrenal system returns to normal. Man now uses
this adrenal system just as if he were being chased by the tiger but the stress
is often illness or toxemia or severe injury and he has no feed-back mechanism
to revive the overworked adrenal system, so it goes down to a depleted state.
ASTHMA: It is Dr. Goodheart's belief that many
clinical states have their origins in hypoadrenia, asthma being a classic
example. The patient comes into contact with a potentially allergic substance,
or excessive carbohydrate, or even constipation. His nervous system is thrown
out of balance, the "fight or flight" mechanism goes into action. To
do this the body must:
1. Increase the
blood sugar.
2.To cover the extra blood sugar, produce insulin.
The adrenal glands must stop any excess insulin production but since they are
already under stress they are unable to do this.
4. Salt, which is
needed, is lost in the urine. Aldosterone in the adrenal cortex should recycle
the salt back into the body to be used again. The weak adrenals again fail,
consequently the salt may need to be replenished. (See HAl Bulletin #152, SALT)
Since the body has failed to activate
its "flight or flight" mechanism sufficiently the following things
may happen:
1. Adrenalin and sympathin are reduced.
The parasympathetics become dominant.
2. Bronchial arteries dilate and congestion of the
bronchial vascular bed results in edema.
3. This narrows- the bronchiolar openings and wheezing
with labored breathing begins.
4. Muscles used in
the labored breathing need more blood sugar for their contraction which then
increases the production of insulin.
5. Loss of gas
exchange in the lungs (oxygen in, carbon dioxide out) and increased salt loss
in the urine causes an acidosis to develop with an increase in potassium.
6. Activity of
A.T.P. at the muscle fibers is altered and all the muscles of breathing go into
7. The vicious
cycle repeats itself.
Page 3
The key to this condition is a sub clinical
hypoadrenalism. This key will unlock many doors that often only open by
accident. Dr. Goodheart adds that bromine in tea, and chocolate all cause an
excretion/of salt which is in short supply. He recommends an increase in sodium
foods and a decrease in potassium foods in these situations.
analysis and adjustments are described by Dr. Goodheart in this
ECONOMICS", May/June 1965. His address is:
Dr. George Goodheart
Mack Avenue
Pointe Woods, MI 48236
No.1 When I was a child, if I got up too quickly
when lying down everything would turn dark. Sometimes I couldn't see for a
minute or so. As I was sick a lot and had many other problems I don't think I
mentioned it to anyone. Probably I thought everyone had the same problem. I
can remember having the "grippe" many times with aching eyes that
couldn't stand the light. All my muscles ached. The term "grippe" is
not used anymore. Perhaps it would be called a virus now.
Once when I was pregnant in my late 20's, I was lying
on the couch feeling miserable. The door bell rang. When I got up to answer it
I managed to open the door but before I could see who was there everything went
black. Taking a chance I invited them in. When my vision returned there were
some friends who had brought me some vegetables and fruit. Seeing that I was a
little dizzy they went to the kitchen to put the food in the refrigerator.
Unfortunately, they opened one that didn't work in which my husband kept some
alcoholic beverages. Now I was really embarrassed. Even though I couldn't drink
it certainly looked as if that might have been my problem.
Fortunately, after being treated for hypoglycemia in 1965 I never had
that problem again although I still had fatigue and insomnia for quite some
time as my recovery was gradual. Too much stress will still cause me to awaken
at 1 or 2 am. That gives me a message that I had better slow down.
No.2 I was told to get down on my knees and thank God that
I had low blood pressure when I was young. They said they couldn't do
anything about it anyhow.
No.3 When
I applied for a job in my early twenties I had to have a physical. The doctor
said my blood pressure was so low that he was afraid they wouldn't hire me
so he faked it and made it higher. Since being on the hypoglycemia diet for
about 15 years my blood pressure is usually around 110 over 70 which is low
No.4 When my mother pinned a dress on me as a child
she put me next to a bed so I could hold onto something to help keep me from
passing out. If I did pass out I could try to fall over on the bed instead of
the floor.
Whenever we had a parade at school the marchers had to
stand a long time waiting their turn in the parade, then we marched about a
mile and a half. Waves of feeling like I was going to pass out came over me
until it was over.
Now my blood pressure seems normal since being on the
hypoglycemia diet for 20 years. The only time I have any problem with my blood
pressure being low is after I have the flu which I have much less than formerly.
COMMENT: While none of these 60 and 70 year olds has
perfect health, No.1 clog dances. No.2 exercises at the Y, travels and leads an
active life. No.3 has traveled the world and is an avid hiker since her
retirement. Recently she hiked the C & 0 Canal from Georgetown, D. C. to
Harpers Ferry, W. VA. in 10 mile segments. High level square
Page 4
dancing is another one of her hobbies. No.4 is active
in HAl, takes an art class, does crafts, went to England, Ireland and Scotland
last year; Japan, Hong Kong and Thailand this year with no "jet lag".
Richard P. Huemer, M.D., in his column in the November
1986 Let's Live magazine entitled PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, states that chronic low
blood pressure is often ignored. Patients are even complimented on their low
blood pressure. He believes that the adrenal glands should be examined. Since
blood levels of sodium and cholesterol are sometimes unusually low, a few
individuals actually need more, not less, in their systems.
"Of all the help I
seek I do, in fact, get the best of articles from your association. I want to
thank you very much for your assistance for being knowledgeable is by far my
best defense." VQ
"What a wonderful organization you
are, to provide this valuable information to the public. If it weren't for HAl,
my best discoveries would never have been made." SG N. Carolina
"My mother had low blood sugar--I have it--my son
has it and now we think my grandaughter has it. Throughout my extensive
professional practice (RN) I have never had a low blood sugar. case or a high
blood sugar case where there weren't alcoholics in the family." MA Ohio
"At times I feel that I am alone in left field,
so to speak, as professionals and lay people alike turn a deaf ear to me and
low blood sugar and the 'Hell on Earth' it often causes because it goes
untreated, misunderstood and misdiagnosed."
A second letter
from the same person about a year later--
"I found that sharing a room with another too
stressful in our retirement community. Although I looked 'so good' to others,
at times I felt drained so I made the change to a single room. Best thing I
ever did for myself. It affords the privacy I owed myself." MC New York
"The last bulletin I received was No. 154 that
was dated Jan/Feb 1987. I never received bulletins for Mar/Apr or May/June
1987. I have been a member of HAl since about 1970 and have paid my dues.
Please send these bulletins. I have had a lot of information and help from them
and miss them very much."
MN Pennsylvania
Dear MM (and all other members and friends of HAl):
It's nice to know that you miss our bulletins. The
reason that you had not received the Mar/Apr and May/June bulletins is that
they had not been printed yet. We are trying to catch up but, being vacation
time and our directors traveling far and wide, it is difficult. Also we have
been updating some of our earlier bulletins. Then there is correspondance,
planning meetings with speakers, having meetings, phone calls and the
membership list to keep current. For the bulletins there is the transcribing of
tapes, editing, research, consulting with others in the health field and lots
of reading and clipping of articles. We have no office and the directors live
quite a distance from each other, from Baltimore, Md. to Alexandria, Va. but we
are doing our best. Please be patient.
Up with blood sugar,