by Dorothy R. Schultz
The Hypoglycemia Association cannot give you a specific diet for hypoglycemia because each individual has different tolerances. Everyone must determine for himself what he can and cannot eat. However, some of us would struggle for a long time with this advice without guidelines, and we feel it is best to start with a suggested diet, give it a fair trial, and then make changes. Until we give up all the questionable substances, we cannot tell if we can tolerate them. Even then some "unquestionable" ones may also cause problems. BEWARE of "New and Improved" foods which may have new additives which you may not tolerate, such as flavor enhancers or the like.
One begins with the Hypoglycemic Diet of adequate protein and fat, and unrefined carbohydrates with no sugars, no refined starches, no caffeine, no alcohol, and not tobacco. Grains containing gluten, such as corn and wheat may not be tolerated. Since many food products contain sugars (anything ending in "ose" such as glucose, dextrose, maltose, etc.) and/or grains, labels must be checked. Sugars can be listed in several forms in the same item which, when added up, can be significant. Next the caffeine in weak tea and decaffeinated coffee should be suspected, then milk, processed cheese, and eggs. Additional foods may include peanuts (which may contain mold), beef, tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate, soy, MSG, sulfites and aspartame (Nutrasweet/Equal). As one becomes stabilized on medical and dietary therapies, he can cautiously try some baked potato skin with just as much potato as adheres to the skin, or a small amount of brown rice, or some gluten free grains such as quinoa (keenwha), amaranth, and soy. Phase II of the diet gives more suggestions.
Allergenes : The substances in foods that cannot be handled by some individuals are called "allergens". There are other common allergens such as "inhalants" (dust, pollens, fungi, molds, mildew, smoke, perfume, sprays, air fresheners), "drugs" (aspirin, antibiotics, serums), "infectious agents" (bacteria, viruses, fungi, animal parasites), "contactants" (chemicals, animals, plants, metals), "physical agents" (heat, cold, light, pressure from tight clothing, radiation).
Molds and Dust Mites : Employees in the 2 year old municipal building in Bridgton, Maine suffered form chronic sinus problems, headaches, colds, nosebleeds, and dry throats. (Portland Press Herald, 8/17/91) Analysts had identified dust mites and molds as possible culprits which may have resulted from past flooding or poor ventilation after carpet shampooing. Over $14,000 had been spent to fix the problem. (The poor ventilation may also have resulted in a lack of oxygen which is absolutely necessary for the utilization of blood sugar for energy. HAI)
Laboratory Chemicals and Mushrooms (fungi) : In 1970 HAI member Stephen A. Levine, PhD. went to the University of California at Berkeley to start a 4 year fellowship in the Dept of Genetics (Let's Live 5/80) He developed his first chemical allergies in the laboratory, but did not realize it until later. As an agricultural biochemist he chose to work on producing bigger and better mushrooms, but discovered that the part which forms the fruit produces carbon monoxide gas at a certain stage of growth. This, plus the toxic chemical he also worked with, contributed to the destruction of his immune system even though the Santa Cruz area has clean ocean air.
He began to have adverse reactions to foods and lost his motivation to work. Quitting his job, he went to several allergists who told him to simple avoid the foods and chemicals that caused his symptoms. He became allergic to almost everything. Phyllis Saifer, M.D. found a almost total absence of antibodies in Class A which showed that he couldn't possibly defend himself against bacterial and viral infections. From California he went to Dallas where he lived in an environmental unit at Brookhaven Medical Center, where everything was as free as possible of inhaled and ingested agents which could cause symptoms. Fasting for 4 days, he had every possible ache and pain that he had had before plus a craving for food. Sleeping 18 hours a day, he was in a daze when awake. Testing of foods began and cheese, his favorite, caused headache and a devastating hunger. After testing other foods, 15 acceptable one were discovered.
Leaving there , he had to find an inexpensive and comparable place to live, ending up in a storage shed made of wood and concrete and wearing a charcoal mask to filter out the chemicals. His friends and family did not understand and he was very lonely except for two understanding neighbors. He thought the would try some vitamins, testing them one by one, but after 3 1/2 months he became allergic to his typewriter. Continuing to try vitamins and minerals, he found that a single brand of adrenal tissue gave him a dramatic boost. After 4 1/2 months on the supplements, he was getting stronger and in 6 months we able to move back into his home and begin to eat a greater variety of foods. The formulas he developed have enabled him to suppress 90-95% of his symptoms as long as he faithfully takes them and avoids severe stress. As a result of his experience, he founded The Allergy Research Group , Box 489, 400 Preda Street, San Leandro, CA 94577. (510)569-9072
Characteristics of corn are such symptoms as excessive mucous, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, itching skin, tension, weakness and sore muscles. There also may be nausea, stomach ache, bloating, and gas. It is very difficult to avoid since it is found in hundreds of food items, medications, containers, gummed wrappers, powders, and some plastic food wrappers.
The symptoms characteristic of milk are a flush, itching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas, stuffy or runny nose, or the development of many mental symptoms.
Food Intolerances : The protein in milk may be an allergen. Persons who lack the enzyme lactase cannot digest lactose, (a milk sugar) thus milk is for them a toxic substance. Lactase deficiency has been reported in 10% of Caucasians and 70% of others. "Lactase deficiency leads to fermentation of lactose with the production of lactic acid, which is absorbed into the blood and ties up calcium and magnesium, precipitating an acute deficiency of calcium and magnesium." Patients with anxiety neuroses have been found to show an excessive rise in lactic acid (lactate); experiments have shown that anxiety symptoms and attacks can be induced by injections of lactate. Allergies manifest themselves particularly at birth, at puberty, and after age thirty -- three stressful periods of life.
Milk and Sugar : When one of our HAI members was growing up in Texas there was a set of non-identical twins in the school whose mother sent notes to the teachers advising them not to let the twins have any milk as they were highly allergic to it. As children sometimes do, they would trade something in their lunch for milk or a food with milk in it. Within 30 minutes, they would be uncontrollable. It would take several hours to calm them down.
Alex Schauss , a Probation Officer in California, discovered that, along with all the junk food consumed by chronic offenders, they consumed unusually high amounts of milk. He said that it is incredible how much they drank--up to a quart every two to three hours. The crave it. (Let's Live, 11/80).
At the Age of Five , B.D. had had tubes placed in this ears 3 times and his tonsils and adenoids were gone. His mother reported to Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. at the Tahoma Clinic, "Even with all that, he keeps on getting earaches, one cold after another, coughs, a runny nose resulting in more antibiotics and decongestants." After a family history, Dr. Wright asked what he ate which was, "toast, and peanut butter, or a TV type cereal and milk for breakfast; lunch at school, hot dogs, sloppy joes, carrot sticks, celery, gelatin,; after school root beer and crackers or cookies or a granola bar; dinner beef, chicken or fish, potatoes or rice, one or two vegetables, corn, beans, or broccoli, and sometimes lettuce salads. He has milk every meal and prefers white bread. He had dark circles under his eyes and fine horizontal creases in his lower lids which were slightly puffy. His nose was runny, and he looked pale. Dr. Wright stated that the dark circles showed that he was allergic to some of his food although previous scratch tests by another doctor showed him only allergic to yeast. He explained that she should omit milk and dairy products but also that they needed to go over something more basic; refined sugar and processed food. The mother asked what sugar had to so with earaches? Dr. Wright said, "Not just with earaches, but infections in general. Sugar significantly interferes with the ability of white blood cells to kill germs." Asking about birthdays and Christmas, the doctor replied, "Why make him more susceptible to infections for his birthday?" (Let's Live 7/88)
Trying to Plan Around His Food Allergies was very difficult for his mother but, with the help of books, the health food store, and the Tahoma Clinic, got the job don. In 1988, at age 11, B.D. had had no earaches, no infections requiring antibiotics and only 3 colds in the 6 years since she had "completely and permanently changed our family's ideas bout food." Tahoma Clinic has a Hotline 3 to 5 pm, Pacific time, with a limit of 10 minutes per call. 1(800)825-8924.
In a large series of cases manifesting allergic symptoms, several findings were constant if, in addition to the adrenal cortices, other glands were involved, he wrote: These are:
1. Relative lymphocytosis (a large number of lymphocytes - white blood
2. Eosinophilia (a large number of eosinophils - one of the white blood
3. Low flat glucose tolerance curve or reactive hypoglycemia
4. Hypometabolism - low Basal Metabolic Rate (normal P.B. I., T-3 and RaI
5. Hyponatremia (low levels of salt in the blood)
Comparison of Adrenal Glands of Laboratory Rats and Wild Rats : For over 100 years, laboratories in Norway have used rats. 100 years compares to 5,000 years in human history. In Archives of Environmental Health, Richard A. Kern, M.D. reports on a researcher named Richter who found that the lab rats had adrenals which were 1/3 smaller than those of the wild ones. Dr. Kern says it is difficult to make a rat allergic to anything. To do so one must remove most of the adrenal glands. So, it appears that this gland must have some important bearing on one's susceptibility to allergies. The wild Norway rat needs a full size adrenal gland so he can get away from his enemies. Primitive man - much more free of allergies - still needs the power of his adrenals in an emergency for the ability to fight or flee.
Goodbye Allergies , a book by Judge Tom R. Blaine, led me to my treatment for hypoglycemia and allergies in 1964 by Mahlon C. Hinebaugh, M.D. who is now retired. Judge Blain describes his lifelong problem with allergies and his treatment by John W. Tintera, M.D. (deceased) with diet and adrenal cortical extract.
A soldier stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va, called HAI in 1980 saying that he had been abusive to his wife and three children and that they had been separated for 3 years. He also had recently found out that he was hypoglycemic and was receiving treatment and a diet. Realizing why he had been so irritable with them he wanted to reunite with his family. When he said that they were in Enid, Oklahoma I said, "That's where Judge Blaine lives." So he contacted the Judge to ask for his help. A few months later we received a manuscript telling the story of his marriage of 16 years and the divorce. A note was written on the cover, "To Dorothy Schultz with best regards from the author. P.S. Your letter, together with Bulletin #86 and information regarding Judge Blaine played a tremendous role in making the ending of this article possible. When I retire from the U.S. Army in January, 1981, I will return to Enid. We will be remarried shortly after that."
1. Contains excerpts from HAI Bulletin #60, Allergy, Intolerance,Sensitivity
2. The Diet for Living With Hypoglycemia, Part I and Part II HAI
3. Philpott, William H. Mandell, Marshall, and Shammas, Elia. The Significances
of the Chemical/Allergic-ecologic Survey in Schizophrenia, Emotional Disorder,
and Alcoholism
4. Pitts, F.N., and McClure, J.N., Lactate Metabolism in Anxiety Neurosis,
New England Journal of Medicine, 227: 1329-1336 (Dec. 21, 1967).
5. Tintera, John W. What You Should Know About Your Glands and Allergies.
Woman's Day Lay article. HAI
Tintera, John W. Hypoadrenocorticism , Collected Papers publ by
Adrenal Metabolic Research Society of the Hypoglycemia Foundation, Inc.
153 Pawling Ave., Troy, N.Y. 12180.
6. Blaine, Judge Tom R. Goodbye Allergies Citadel Press 1965, Avail
from Well Mind.