As the summer of 1999 Kansas incident shows, the creationists have some sway in our society. They publish books and papers that convince people that evolution is not a reasonable explanation of life, but those works are deeply flawed. I am collecting here arguments that show their egregious errors.
You cannot prove a hypothesis, only disprove it.
So said Carl Popper.
But this also means that one can disprove a false proof
and by this means we can dismember
the creationist arguments.
--- Tom Schneider 2002 April 13 |
Geology shows that fossils are of different ages. Paleontology shows a fossil sequence, the list of species represented changes through time. Taxonomy shows biological relationships among species. Evolution is the explanation that threads it all together. Creationism is the practice of squeeezing one's eyes shut and wailing "does not!". [] |
A Guide To Creationist Writing:
Dirty Tricks in the Name of God
as of 2002 March 23
Sharp Arguments are scientific and other observations difficult to impossible to explain by creationists.
Specific Rebuttals to creationists.
John Hoppner has gone back to the original sources used by Tim Wallace and he demonstrates numerous cases where Wallace misrepresents facts, takes quotes out of context, makes incorrect citations, generates misleading arguments, and even plagiarizes other creationists. It's an impressive and amazing read about underhanded creationist tactics. Given that they feel driven to use such tactics, Hoppner's work shows that their thesis is barren.
Evolution of Biological Information is a published scientific paper that addresses flaws in several creationist arguments.
AAAS Board Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory, October 18, 2002.
Evolution Resources:
In the news:
This web site originated on a governmental computer. It was moved here not because of creationist pressure but rather because the site was being picked up in searches for the term 'rebuttal' when scientists were looking for rebuttals to their grant proposals. To governmental officials this did not seem to be an appropriate result of such searches, so I agreed to move the site. This is a sad comment on the pervasive stupidity creationists have created. The evidence is clear, however, that creationists (when acting as creationists) do not contribute to general scientific knowledge.
This page is supported entirely with my personal resources
on my own time.
No governmental funds, equipment or electrons are being used. |