Updated: 03/15/03
updated: 07/16/99


We are going to think about abortion for a while. Let us keep in mind that you and I wish and hope for the same good ends. You and I must weigh some of the problems which surround abortion and come up with a solution which, if not perfect, will at least show that we do love our neighbor and wish to make life as good as we can for us all.

My mind tells me every sensible person is basically against abortion. My mind tells me that sensible people are also against rape, incest, crime, poverty, insanity, dishonesty and other forms of destruction, which causes disintegration of society and diseases of the mind and body. So, let us think about abortion with our minds, not with our emotions or our religion.

I will say this. Almost ALL people who are for or against something are doing it for the same reasons. In other words, we ALL want a decent, honest society and we want healthy minds and bodies. We all seek justice, at least for ourselves.

What happens is we base our "for and against" attitudes according to the propaganda that has been fed to us by government, party, religion and those others around us. Some of those around us are telling us untruths for their own benefits of wealth, power and self-grandiosity. And some think they are doing God a favor by trying to do for him what THEY think God should do.

But friends, we have brains! We can THINK! We CAN solve our problems! We must not let those who THINK they are doing good, destroy our society. We must not let others make up our minds for us, whether they live today or lived two or three thousand years ago. We are trying to save a WHOLE society for our children and grand children.

And above all, we must not let those who are using these differences of opinion about abortion, talk and act as though they just talked to the Almighty and got the straight dope from him.

My wish is that there would never be a need or desire for abortion. However, we do not live in a perfect society. Seldom, but sometimes, abortion becomes a logical solution or treatment for rape, incest, poverty and other forms of death and disease (if one leaves religion and emotions out of the picture).

Morally speaking, I know of no one (non religious or otherwise) who thinks abortion is a great idea and should be used as a late contraceptive method. On the other hand, every person in the world believes that some sort of contraceptive method should be available, even if that method is abstinence.

Many children get pregnant each year. Why? They are ignorant of both contraception and sex. Any girl old enough to get pregnant, is old enough to be taught about both contraception and sex. The same holds true for any boy old enough to produce sperm. We don't like to face this, but we must, for ourselves and for our children.

Ignorance is the seedbed of evil. Some take pride in this ignorance and call it "good", "innocence" or "righteous". To withhold knowledge which could save a life is a sin against the child and against society, not to mention against God.

Abstinence is an ideal concept and will work quite well so long as mother or daddy is within seeing distance. But if you want your children to refrain from intercourse, they MUST KNOW WHY! Boogie bear and sin stories will not do it. They need to see someone in labor delivering a baby. They need to visit some other children who are now mothers. They need to see the poverty and hardship, which surrounds child mothers. They need KNOWLEDGE about sex.

In addition to that, they need to carry protection with them. Again that means they need knowledge. Better date rape with protection than date rape without it. Sex is not dirty. Sex is not unhealthy. Sex is not the property of some Deity. We need to study and teach more about the utilization, heath, care and physical operation of it.

Sex is a vital scientific subject!

So, we come to the REAL problem. That is, shall society allow children to have children - or not? Shall society allow the insane to have children - or not? Shall society make victims of rape or incest have that child - or not? Shall society (which did not protect the victim from rape or incest in the first place) now insist on further punishing and humiliating the victim? Shall society (which did not protect the victim) now insist that the victim must become victimized a second time? This time she becomes the DIRECT victim of society itself.

It is understandable that society should have a say in the case of whether children should have children, and whether the insane should or should not have children. After all, society must pay for their welfare. But does society (which did not protect the victim) not lose its authority over the victim when the victim becomes pregnant against her will, against her health and against her best interest?

Society's responsibility should be that (having failed once) it should not fail the victim a second time. Society should now protect the victim from those who would make her live a double tragedy and humiliation.

Few things are more repulsive to me than the attitude of some who say, 'I am right. Therefore, you MUST do as I say. If you don't do as I say, then you must be punished." This is the attitude of:

                                ARROGANCE: I AM ALWAYS RIGHT.
                                DICTATORSHIP: YOU WILL DO AS I SAY.
                                TYRANNY: OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED.

The decisions of society in this country are not, and should not, be based on arrogance, dictatorship and tyranny. Under our present laws, no one is forced to have an abortion. Whether abortion is good religion or not, abortion must be based on the welfare and concern for the victim. The victim deserves justice and I have been taught that God is just.

This brings up another question. Who are the victims? In order to be classified as a victim, one should not have to undergo the humiliation and punishment of having to file formal charges and declare to the whole world that she is a victim of rape or incest in order to qualify as a victim.

Society (which has already failed the victim once) should not double the trauma by insisting on a formal public charge if the victim does not wish to undergo such additional humiliation. So, a society (which claims it is trying to treat everyone as everyone would like to be treated - that is, with justice) should take the word of the victim. If the pregnant child or lady says she is a victim of rape or incest, she should be treated as such and her and/or her doctor's decisions on abortion should be final.

Now, everyone who wishes to have an abortion is not a victim of rape or incest. But, many may be victims just the same. Some are victims of abusive and/or drunken husbands or kinfolks. Some are victims of ignorance and poverty, and some are victims of disease. Again, these are women whom society has already failed once.

Shall society compound its failure by denying justice to these other victims of society's own failures? Or, will society exhibit its arrogance, dictatorship and tyranny on these victims?

We have enough trouble in this country without manufacturing additional divisions. By electing those who advocate arrogant, dictatorial and tyrannical attitudes toward these victims of society, we further weaken and divide this country. This is abhorrent! There are those who seek power by forcing this division upon us. These are evil wolves hiding under religious lambskins and calling themselves "good sheep".

No good Deity could possibly condemn us for using common sense and trying to be a good neighbor to those who desperately need our help and good will. After all, many of us often find ourselves in need of this very commodity from our government, friends and neighbors. Let us keep an open mind and open heart. We may need it ourselves next.


Those who would twice traumatize the victim ARE CRIMINALS.

These same arrogant people, who would twice traumatize the victim, are the same people who wish to abort the lives of other criminals who have committed murder or mayhem on their fellow man (or who think differently about things). Is this not dishonest and a betrayal of the "good" morality which they trumpet to us?

Now, I am not necessarily for the death penalty, nor am I necessarily against it. By the same logic, I am not necessarily for abortion, nor am I necessarily against it. What I am FOR is taking care of the innocent victims of other people's crimes. What I am AGAINST is allowing arrogant, dictatorial and tyrannical people to dictate policy (in the name of good and God) that denies JUSTICE and TWICE victimizes the innocent and the victims.

We have a MULTITUDE of problems in this country, many of which are the actual root causes of unwanted pregnancies. Let us show kindness and consideration to these victims and put some of our efforts into solving those other REAL problems (like ignorance) which causes so many of our girls and ladies to become victims.

I am not speaking for God, and I doubt if anyone reading this is God (or speaks for God). I say we must let God take care of HIS business and let HIM judge the victim. WE will judge the criminal! As for me, I will try to be a good neighbor and do what I can to help the victim get through this traumatic tragedy and regain her stability, her self-respect and her love of life.

How about you?

(You may use this writing any way you see fit if it will help these victims and our society to regain some balance. Please give this author and web site due reference. Thank you!) "dubious@ntin.net"

Thomas E. Blaylock
the Jovial Atheist

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Copyright July 1999 Thomas E. Blaylock Jr