Copyright: 9/23/04 Updated: 0/12/05



Long before these men who sought to find the truth in all areas of life, and before they antagonized the leaders of the church, they were called scientists and philosophers. They were extended great respect by both those who were educated and by the church. All true science is philosophy and all true philosophy is science. The literal Greek meaning of the word, philosophy, is “The Love of Wisdom.”

Atheism is a philosophy, a way of thinking, a way of researching and arriving at an honest conclusion. It is not only a way of thinking; it is also a way of living. Atheism is not just a philosophy. Atheism is philosophy. Atheism equals philosophy. All true Atheists are philosophers. All true Atheists are lovers of and seekers after truth.

 True philosophy was, and is, composed of seekers after the truth about nature, the mysteries of life and the universe. Atheism was, and is, the science of searching for the truth in all things. These men were reverent, spiritual and honest. Atheism of today is still composed of these same high types of men and women. They still use honest research, philosophy, experimentation and honest thinking in order to find and understand the mysteries of life. Atheism is the method of scientific investigation and logical thinking, which leads to honest conclusions. It is a process. Atheism is the love of wisdom and knowledge. Atheism is always looking for the truth in all things.

Western Atheism was not born as a revolt against God, the church or its teachings. Neither was it started because of the tyranny of the religions. In fact, Atheism is a rather late nametag given this philosophy by the church. When religion found itself unable to refute the findings and conclusions of these men of wisdom and science, it began at once to demonize them.

These men began to discover the truth about spiritual claims. The light of that truth exposed the false teaching and false claims of religion. The sincerity of these men demanded that the false be exposed and separated from the true. Honest scrutiny and Clear Thinking contains both the desire and the ability find and to point out lies and dishonesty. This honesty, coupled with their research and curiosity, enabled these seekers after truth to arrive at conclusions, which protected them from the untruths and lies of religion. These men pointed out that this honesty and scrutiny could also protect all mankind from these deceptions, falsehoods and destructive forces - if they learn to think. They launched a program to teach men how to research and how to think honestly.

Before this philosophy was called Atheism, it looked and searched for truth in all of nature. Soon, this philosophy looked at religion and found lies and dishonesty there. It found great harm, deception and tyranny at religion’s very roots. The ability to separate fact from fiction, and truth from tall tales was the basis upon which these men differed from the average religious and gullible mankind. This ability to find and apply justice and truth is the cement that holds society and civilization together. It is this very ability to separate fact from fiction that society uses to rid itself from those ideas, movements, claims and people who are harmful and detrimental to the civilizing process of mankind. So, honesty, common sense and the love of humanity demanded that these men expose religion for the anti civilizing process that it is.

 Atheism is the method of using an honest analytical examination of the known facts about a matter. It is the way of thinking which eliminates preconceived ideas and beliefs and pursues the facts of the matter. It then forms conclusions based on those facts. Always, Atheism seeks to harmonize its conclusions with both the true facts of the matter and with acceptable morality. Atheism is not disbelief in a God any more than it is disbelief in Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. God, Santa Claus and religion are nothing but subjects to be studied in order to ascertain the facts about them. If new fact are brought forward proving a God exists, then Atheism would conclude that Gods do exist.

This philosophy should not be labeled by its conclusion that there is no religious God, as religion claims. Rather, Atheism is the scientific method used to reach those honest and reliable conclusions about all of life. These people should be labeled as Clear Thinkers and philosophers – not Atheist.

 There was great fear and hostility in the church leadership when these honest philosophical thinkers began to turn their research and investigations toward those things called spiritual and religious. When these men began to find out that the teachings of the church were untrue, unspiritual and retarded the very civilizing process of man, they did what all courageous men would do. They began to inform people that they were being told and taught harmful lies by religion.

At that time the church went on a rampage and sought to kill or imprison these honest clear thinking men. The church sought to remove from the face of the earth any writings or information disseminated by these men of science and philosophy. In addition they sought to give these men a derogatory label and nametag, which would scare their church followers into persecuting these men. This nametag would also place prejudice and fear in the minds of all mankind. The church declared that these honest clear thinkers were the enemy of their God, and as such, they must be destroyed. They must, therefore, be labeled as “Atheists”. The term “Atheist” or “Atheism” that the church gave these honest men of science and philosophy - is a lie.

Thus, our dictionaries carry on this lie of the church, which claims that Atheism is the disbelief in God. To someone who believes in another God, you are an Atheist to him because you find no proof for the existence of his God. In fact, if there were only one hundred religions, and therefore, one hundred God concepts, you reject ninety-nine of them and accept only one. That means you are ninety-nine percent in agreement with the Atheists who reject all of them. Why? Atheist have researched and found that men made up the religious Gods. If proof is brought forward showing that a God exists, then Atheists would conclude, Gods do exist. Atheists are willing to face the truth head on. Religion is not.

That is how these wonderful, intelligent and honest men were labeled as Atheists. Though the church did its best to destroy these men, there were enough good people who hid and protected them. As fast as they wrote, the church hunted and destroyed their writings. Some were burned at the stake or beheaded if they were found in possession of some of these writings. To be labeled as an Atheist was to make them criminals in the eyes of the church, and in the eyes of the governments, which the churches also controlled.


 What is “IS.” Atheism hunts, respects and uses truth from all aspects of nature. They declared that if something happens, it is a part of the natural laws of the universe. If it happens it “IS.” Atheism sought to explain unusual happenings by examining their causes and effects. Thus, all the claimed miracles of religion were brought into question. What works, “WORKS.” There are many unusual happenings and they began to investigate these happenings. They often found these happenings were either lies or had natural explanations. The real problem was the wrong elements (God and prayer, or the Devil and evil) often got the credit for these happenings while the real natural motivators or manipulators often went unnoticed. Atheism sought to point these errors out to men. Atheism is also science at work.

 Esoteric (spiritual) teachings, claims and happenings are a part of life to be honestly examined by this philosophy of Atheism. What transpires in the mind and emotions of man is as important as what transpires in the physical body of man, or in the physical universe. Thus, religion, gods, prayer, miracles, devils, sin, salvation, heavens, hells, and such are all a part of the esoteric, and were to be examined honestly by these honest clear thinking men.

 I have not been initiated into any secret society. Any truth I have discovered has been the result of research and much deep honest thought. It has been a delight to find others who have found some of these same truths, and I would suspect some of them have been members of societies which do pass these things down from generation to generation - in secret. This secrecy among these philosophers and scientists has been necessary due to the hostility of religious superstitions, which seeks to destroy those who expose and shine the light of truth and facts on their frauds and lies.

 All religions and philosophies have much original truth in them. Most often these truths are hidden from the casual and un-tuned eye. These original truths are often twisted and elaborated on by “religious leaders” for their own selfish advantage. They seek to twist the original truths in order to introduce their own personal agendas. Sometimes they do not even know what they are talking about. These “leaders” expound on their own ideas to the exclusion and masking of the original truth and information. They have even rewritten the original writings and texts to conform to their own beliefs, aims and ambitions.

 The purpose of these ancient real truths of life, and the utility of these truths were often hidden or disguised by these philosophers. “Do not cast your pearls before swine.” is an esoteric statement and refers to the knowledge, wisdom and practices of the wise. To inform the swine (ignorant and misguided believers) would be to give them truths and powers that would be misused in behalf of extending their ignorance and errors to others. Integrity (honesty and justice) is the foundation for all of the esoteric teachings of all the ancient and wise men. One could not be informed or know the wisdom and truths of the ancients until he was found to be worthy of wisely using those truths. Initiation and training into the mysteries was always necessary in order to prepare the student to properly preserve and proliferate these teachings.

 There is an Attitude of Wisdom one must cultivate before he begins to see the edges of many wonderful and helpful truths. Sometimes this Attitude is also called “The Spirit of Wisdom” and is often personified in many writings. Godly names or spiritual names are often used to identify this Attitude. Those who search using this Attitude are often called the “Children of Light.” They have also been called “The Elect” and “The Children of God.” The church has called these philosophers and wise men, Atheists. The esoteric truths they hunt for are often called the “Pearl of great price,” the “Sanctuary,” or the “Church”. These truths have also been referred to as the “Divine Mysteries.”

 To be a seeker after truth, one must develop awareness, and a discernment of these things and look for clues in the writings of philosophers and wise men. To do this one must eliminate his prejudices and biases. Only then does he become free to learn. Like a newborn baby, he must start with zero. “Born again” is also hidden esoteric wisdom. “Born again” means he clears his mind and is ready to begin a new life of wisdom and knowledge. He must become autonomous, never trusting or leaning on authority. He must learn to think, question and use honest doubt on every important claim of life. He must become a scientist of life. He must know the true history of mankind. If he does all this the church calls him an Atheist. Why? The lie is always fearful of the truth, and seeks to demonize truth.

 As one develops and grows (like a “mustard seed”) in this new Attitude and state of honesty and awareness, he will find it produces a whole new sympathy and concern for mankind. He will “love his neighbor as himself.” He will become actively engaged in fighting those ideas, institutions and pressures which dumb down man’s mind, man’s will and man’s integrity. In other words, he will become like those early wise men who were first called Atheists.

 An Atheist is one who has wrestle authority away from those religious and political professionals who would make him a slave to their own programs and purposes. An Atheist is one who has accepted both the authority of his own research, and the conclusions of his own mind. He never stops learning and will change his conclusions in light of new facts. He has accepted full responsibility for his own actions. He will never let someone else pay for his “sins.”

An Atheist is one who has dedicated himself to search for the truth in all matters that interest him. An Atheist is one who is constantly in turmoil and grieves at the injustices and dishonesty of the community, the government, the religions and the world in which he lives. An Atheist is one who thinks that justice does not belong to some organization or group. He knows justice is not someone’s private property. He concludes that justice should be extended to all men and women. An Atheist is one who has the courage to confront the lies and frauds of religion, politics and business. An Atheist is one who seeks to inform you of these harmful hazards of today. An Atheist is one who, after his day’s work is done, can sleep well at night.

 You can be thankful for the Atheists among us because they are “the voice crying in the wilderness” to make straight the paths of civilization. They are the ones who put their popularity, property and life on the line in order to point out the wrongs and injustices of society, religion, government and business. Atheists are hated and feared by the teachers and believers in false hopes and false promises. They were the Deist founders of this country, and they are the sustainers of it today.

The Atheists of today are losing their voice because of the hatred, censorship and prejudice directed toward them by religion and government. But do not forget. They are the heroes. They are the ones who conduct their lives on the basis of not doing to others what they would not want others to do to them. They are the Free Clear Thinkers. Were it not for the Atheists, this country would already be a religious, political or military dictatorship. Atheists are warning us. They see it coming.

 Many Atheists do not call themselves Atheists, and indeed, would be horrified to be considered as such. However, these wonderful men and women are found at the forefront of our alternate media (the Internet). They are exposing and fighting those government and religious false claims, false promises and inhumane attitudes. They are rebelling against the dumbing down of our educational system. They are pointing out the destruction of our freedoms and the use of our judicial system to deny justice. They are warning us of the takeover of our government by big business and religion, which wishes to establish a totalitarian state. They are warning now of the present tyranny and the tyranny to come. They are warning us of the damage being done to the American citizens - RIGHT NOW.

 Fundamental religion works schemes and plans so things can be run their way, using their immoral religious code of ethics. They lack the knowledge of true history. They neither remember, nor have they studied what happened in the past when the church had the power of government in its hands. They do not know how true believers and non-believers were killed or imprisoned so a powerful religious organization could take away their incomes, their home, their freedoms and their land. They neither know nor remember the great fear, hunger and poverty imposed upon the people by the religions. They have forgotten that the church made slaves of their own believers as well as the non-believers. They have not studied how the church dishonestly accumulated the political power and the wealth of society. They have forgotten that there was no middle class, only the very poor and the very rich.

 Yes, my friends, you need the Atheists and you need them more today than you did yesterday. Atheists are not the God haters you have been warned against by the religions. The Atheists see fundamental religion and our corporate government as the true enemies of mankind. The enemy of mankind is also the enemy of your God. Our government and the fundamental religions should rightly be classified as the real Atheists in the USA. Thus, the government and the fundamental religions of this country are the true enemies of your God. They are the ones who have rightly qualified for the title of “Atheist”.

 Help the true, Free, Clear Thinking Atheists warn America about the police state our fundamental religions and our corporate government are fostering upon us. When the church had the political power fully in its hands, we call that time “The Dark Ages.” Let us not have a second dark age here in America and in the world.

Support your local True, Free, Clear Thinking Atheist!

 Thomas E. Blaylock, Jr. author of The Night They Waked Uncle Bob, a novel of an Atheist life, and the author of Honest Man’s Philosophy, being published now. His website is: