up dated: 6/15/00


Fiery blasts to earth shall come.
From earth to earth shall it be.
No metal in it, not even some.
Enfolding on itself, pure energy.

Earthquakes, floods and fires.
Man tinkers with the force.
Secret Service all are liars.
Governments responsible, of course.

Bound to repeat the loop,
Atlantis mistakes, all reborn.
The pride of man will stoop.
Average man held in scorn.

Many times the coils will fire.
Terrible destruction will ensue.
Mankind's straights become dire.
Greedy ends, liars pursue.

A world they alone will control.
Greed has no morality.
The carnage will be untold.
The liars fate, finality.

Tesla hides his head in shame.
The misuse of his gift to man,
To release the fury of the same,
As only greedy tyrants can.

Changes to Mother Earth,
Not all upon the face.
From the rubble, a new birth.
Upon earth, man, a new race.

Raw truth sought and discovered.
Man eager then shall learn.
The truths shall be uncovered.
All religions, man will spurn.

Source and house of gods are found,
Void, fraud and always empty.
But Aliens on earth do abound.
Some to help, but all to pity.

Not all at once will it be,
For like Nature it will seem.
Tit for tat will show it, see.
While liars pursue their dream.

Toying with the force
Makes Nature extremely mad.
From man, Nature will divorce.
The destruction very, very bad.

Food will cost a mint.
Water hardly less.
The air a terrible scent.
Few will survive, I guess.

Not a day, a month or year,
But over time this fate.
Already started, this fear.
To stop it now, much too late.

Seek the path with in you.
Clutch your loved ones now.
Prepare for future, too.
Before liars, do not bow.

Three tiers of man there are,
The Sub, the Now and the Super.
The Super, your guide, not far.
Be still! Listen! Escape your stupor.

Thomas E. Blaylock jr.

