

Every religion has their version of Heaven. Here we are mostly interested in the Christian version and will explore the prospects of an eternity in that heavenly place. In random order we will examine some of the claims and you can decide if Heaven is the future place for you. Now, if I do not get this right, you write and correct me at: <dubious@ntin.net>.

Heaven is advertised to us as a perfect place, that is, everything is perfect. If you are an inventor or a tinkerer there is nothing on which to improve, nothing to make better, nothing to fix. In short, there is nothing to challenge the creative mind. No one could write better songs to sing or play. No one could beat heavenly perfection in art or drama. There will be no room for enterprising entrepreneurs to manufacture or sale new products. In other words, if there is perfection, there is no room for improvement. Thus, creative energy, vision, ambition and inspiration become a non perfect commodity in a perfect environment. So, if there really is perfection in Heaven then the human desire to create, improve and modify the status quo must be eliminated in all the inhabitants of Heaven. Here on earth, when the desire to create, improve and modify the status quo is not a part of a person's mental attitude, that person is considered to be a dull, zombie type of person. Sometimes they are also referred to as Christians. But then, who can quarrel with perfection?

There is some hope for fiction writers, especially science fiction writers. It seems that Jehovah needs some help in fiction writing since he did such a poor job with his Holy Book. In fact, he cannot even tell the same story twice without getting his facts wrong. So there may also be an opening for a good researcher and a good editor.

We are told the streets are paved with gold. There is a great opportunity here for someone to invent and sell (or distribute) sunglasses to cut the glare of the gold. Also, God is so bright that one cannot look upon him without hurting their eyes or going blind. Heaven is called the throne of God and a river runs in front of the throne. Are there any fish in the river? If you catch a fish can you eat it if there is no appetite in a perfect body? Would it be a crime in Heaven if you caught a fish out of the river? Can there be a crime in a perfect place? What could it possibly be?

In the book Matthew 19:21 Jesus said if a man wanted to be perfect he had to sell all he possessed and give it to the poor and that man would have treasure in Heaven. Now what would you do with treasure if you had it in Heaven? If you continued to be the same man you were on earth you would sell your heavenly treasure and give it to those less fortunate. If you did not do so you would not be perfect. To whom could you sell the treasure in a place where there is no ambition to accumulate wealth? Heaven is certainly confusing isn't it? How could someone be less fortunate or more fortunate than others in a perfect place?

In Heaven there will be no marriage or giving in marriage. Does that mean there is no sexual desire in Heaven? Does it mean there is sexual desire but you can do what you want to do with anyone that wants to do it with you? I for one prefer the latter to the former if there is only those two to choose from. But what does it mean if there is no sexual desire in Heaven? Will we all be neutered in Heaven? Is sexual desire just another ambition and interest stripped from us when we enter Heaven?

There will be no sadness there we are told. Now that is sad. If there is no sadness in Heaven then happiness loses its luster and becomes common placed. Happiness is neutered and stripped of its joy because there is nothing to make it valuable if you eliminate sadness and disappointment. Sadness does have its virtue as does rain. And this is for all eternity?

In Luke 20:36, we are told those in heaven cannot die any more. Heaven is supposed to be eternal. But there is some hope for you if you are confined to Heaven. The Morning Star (Lucifer a.k. that God the Devil) got really tired of the place and did something to piss God off and God kicked him and some other people (angels) out of Heaven and sent him and them to Earth. So far I have not read anything to indicate Lucifer is disappointed with the new arrangement. Why, in a perfect place could someone be dissatisfied enough to spit on the cape of Superman (God)?

Heaven is called a city. For an old country boy there is no way I can conceive of a city as being a Heaven. There needs to be sky and fields and gardens and trees and birds and animals and fruits and vegetables and trails and hills and valleys and stars and sun and rain and rivers and kids and friends and partners and something to drink and tobacco and even some other weeds.

Heaven is called a place of rest. From what? I am told you do not get tired in Heaven. If Heaven is all rest, you would certainly get tired of that. Rest from the work on Earth only takes ten or so hours and anything more would be boring.

Heaven is supposed to be full on many mansions. Are they all the same? Are they all different? If different, does this not indicate rank and favoritism? Can there be perfection if some are superior to others? Is there no system to elevate one's position? If there is, does this not mean competition, and does competition not mean stress and laws to follow, and behinds to kiss? I am not sure what you would call a brown nose in heaven. Christians in heaven are to be judges, even of angels. Will this not piss off the angels? Or, is perfection just for some people and not for others?

Heaven is a spiritual place. If Heaven is only a spiritual place then the golden streets and all the rest of the claims must be discarded along with a physical body. We call the concept of a non-physical body, "a ghost." That means Heaven is a ghostly place inhabited by ghosts and angels (higher ghosts) the Holy Spirit (a Higher Ghost) and God (The Highest Ghost). I have never read about or heard about a happy ghost (Casper excluded). Ghosts are always striving, demanding, threatening, scaring, trying to live and experience life through mortals, making mortals insane. Maybe that is what religion really is. These super ghosts are trying to find happiness through our own bodies and minds.

No wonder there are so many different religions. If you were bound up in heaven for a long time it is only natural you would kick up your heels and try to feel good and have a good time if you had a chance to get to earth. Are religions just the activity of freed ghosts from Heaven's boredom?

You can look out the window of Heaven (Luke 16:22-26) and see Hell and the tormented people there. How could anyone of a just and gentle nature look out the window and not be unhappy? Is this God's perfection and perfect Heaven?

There is one part of heaven that is actively engaged in a type of work. That would be the Records Department that diligently rates, ranks, records and reviews the deeds, thoughts and beliefs of the people alive on earth. This will demand some sort of Review Board, and auditing work. Since good deeds can be done for bad reasons and bad deeds done for good reasons there will need to be some sort of court system to make a just decision on the case. This will of course demand advocates for the defense of the accused and a prosecutor for the State of Heaven. In other words, lawyers will be needed. Now where will these lawyers come from since all of them will be assigned to that other place called Hell. Could there be a corporation in Hell called "Rent An Attorney" that contracts lawyers out to do the dirty work of Heaven?

Does anyone know a single true fact about the place called Heaven? Many BELIEVE they have some true facts. Where did they get their facts? From ancient leaders who believed they had some true facts, that claimed God spoke to them (in their heads) in the same manner which TV evangelists claim to hear from God. Yet none of them will tell you what God sounds like and with what accent he speaks. They claim God speaks to their HEARTS. Hearts do not have ears. By heart they mean "head." By head they mean they "feel" God spoke to them. By "feel" they mean they "believe" God spoke to them. By believe they mean "self delusion."

And that is what Heaven is. Heaven is self-delusion.



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