Updated: 10/20/04


If you are honestly trying to decide whether to read this book, or not, let me acquaint you with the HONEST MAN'S PHILOSOPHY. The author has taken great pains to make each sentence readable and understandable. This is a new concept when writing about detailed problems of philosophy, theology or religion. It will be easy to read and easy to understand. You can become your own real philosopher. Not only will you be able to understand what is written here, you will be amazed and challenged by this information.

Philosophy is certainly the most important aspect of life and living. One’s philosophy is what determines his happiness (or lack there of). One’s philosophy determines what food he eats, how he votes, whom he marries, what friends he selects, in what work he engages and above all, how he thinks and evaluates people and the events of life. In other words, nothing is more important in the life of the individual (or the life of a nation) than the philosophy chosen to guide his thinking and activity.

There are three qualifications you need before you read this book. You must be (1) curious, (2) willing to think and (3) willing to be honest with yourself. If you believe you know all of the questions and all of the answers, this book may not be for you.

This book is not intended for moral cowards.

The HONEST MAN'S PHILOSOPHY is a clear, concise and complete statement of this philosophy and what it can do for you. It is not new. In fact, it is the oldest, most moral philosophy known to mankind. Every time in the past history of man, when this philosophy has been the guiding principle of any group, wonderful things have happened. Among other things this philosophy is responsible for the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the founding of this nation as a Free Republic.

The author calls this philosophy, "Clear Thinking ". There are other names for it in use today (mostly false and derogatory). But by whatever name you call it, this philosophy needs to be understood and utilized. The present day philosophies and theologies, by which we govern our lives and decisions, have made a mess of things personally, socially, nationally and internationally. The time has come for this philosophy to be rediscovered, understood and put to use. Clear Thinking is needed to help solve our terrible nuclear, social, governmental and personal crises.

Most people believe they know all about this philosophy. But, as the author points out, all they usually know has been written by those who try to belittle, falsify and hide the truth of this philosophy. Not one in a hundred can correctly define it by any of its names. Clear Thinking is the "Pearl of Wisdom" for which so many hope and pray. Others scheme, lie and work overtime to keep it hidden. Why? It conflicts with their own philosophies and religious beliefs. They fear the facts, honesty and conclusions of it. This philosophy dilutes their power, positions and income if they accept it. This philosophy is that powerful. Thus, they oppose it by any means possible.

You will find the author does not claim any special personal wisdom or knowledge. He does claim that the difficult process of learning HOW to think has led him to this philosophy. He takes what you and he already know and can find out, and does some Honest Clear Thinking about it.

This book is highly recommended reading for those wishing to improve their happiness and emotional stability. This book is for those who are honest - or who wish to be. The religious oof all persuasions will find this philosophy brings Clear Thinking to the every day problems of life, to belief and to differences of opinions. It will clarify many vague areas of both philosophy and religion. Clear Thinking will help clarify morality for you.

*****Every college student in the United States should read this book in his or her freshman year or before. Nothing will give a better foundation for separating fact from fiction than the truths found in this book. Nothing will give the student a better understanding of the type of questions each of us should ask concerning all of the subjects we need or wish to study.*****

It is always wise and good to examine other people's ideas, lives and thinking. That is the only way we can select what we find to be best and apply it to our own lives, to our own thinking and our own activities. That is what education and learning is all about, whether it is in science, philosophy, math or what. What others have discovered is very important. That is how we got modern medicine, automobiles, computers, electricity and our sciences.

The HONESTY MAN'S PHILOSOPHY is honest clear thinking in action. Read and think. You will discover you CAN enjoy life. YOU DESERVE IT!


The philosophy presented in this book will be new and astounding to most of you. This book and philosophy is not like an apple pie where you can taste a little part of it here and there and know what is in the rest of it.

This book is like an algebra problem. By looking at a segment here and there, you CAN NOT make an honest judgment on the correctness of any segment, or its conclusions. This book is like the blueprints of an airplane. By looking at a blueprint here and there you can not judge if it will fly. You must encompass the whole thing before you can judge any segment of it, or judge the overall conclusions. Read it all!

This book is not intended to challenge or change anyone’s morality, goodness or his sincerity. The message in this philosophy is that you can and should be the best man or woman of which you are capable. The author does not wish to negate anything that is true, helpful, uplifting or which would cause you to lose sight of good honest morality in your life. This book is trying to help you find the truth about yourself and about the world you live in.

The primary concept of the philosophy of Clear Thinking is (1) HONESTY, first and foremost. Honesty is one of the most difficult virtues to develop. The reason for the difficulty is, Honesty often clashes with traditions, beliefs, religions, accepted versions of history, political philosophies, faiths, and our cultural concepts.

But Honesty does not, and will never, clash with the truth. Indeed, Honesty is the attempt to find, to preserve and to present the truth.

One who claims Honesty as his own private virtue must always fight the personal battle of putting Honesty and a search for truth ahead of ANY belief, prejudice or concept which he may hold. This is not easy, but it is constantly very rewarding. The open mind is the only road to wisdom.

The second most important concept in the Clear Thinking philosophy is the application and utility of the (2) scientific method to thinking. The scientific method accepts no authority until that authority has been proven over and over to be true. It is claimed the sun stood still for several hours in order that a Jewish general might have more daylight in which to kill more of his enemies. That statement must be examined in light of scientific knowledge, (which says, maybe. There are other civil accounts around the world of such a long day or long night). We must also examine it in light of our assessment of the morality of God (which says, it is doubtful that God encourages murder). Such statements must be evaluated in light of scientific truth, acceptable morality, proven history and our own proven personal knowledge.

No one knows who made the claim about the Jewish General, nor do we have a writer who was a personal eyewitness of the claim. Therefore, we have nothing in our knowledge or experience to indicate the claim for the Jewish General is true. Neither would a good, moral, just God act in such an unjust manner. So we must hold off accepting such statements as true until new evidence is discovered which proves such claims are true. If new facts or proofs arise then the claims must be reevaluated in light of those new truths.

Clear Thinkers do not confirm a truth by hearsay. All authorities, textbooks, holy men, elected leaders, or holy books, are simply "hear sayers" until they, or someone else, produces evidence to prove their claims are at least possible. Honesty always asks for the proof and the facts.

The scientific method accepts as possibly true those claims which show a very high probability of being true, or in light of the known facts, can be proven true.

The third most important concept in this philosophy is the (3) scientific search for and acceptance of truth. Truth is an illusive concept, constantly being updated and the finding (or not finding) of it often depends on the place and the method one accepts and uses to look for truth. The finding of truth is very difficult if one already has a preconceived notion (or belief) of what the truth really is or if one is looking in the wrong place. Thus, one who believes a donkey talked will find it quite difficult to accept the scientific truth that a donkey could not talk even if he were as smart as you are. A donkey is not physically equipped to talk. One must hold truth as more important than any concept or belief he may accept.

The scientific method accepts as possibly true, claims, which show a very high probability of being true or in light of the known facts, can be proven true.

The fourth most important concept of this philosophy is that, (4) we apply what we KNOW to be true to our own lives, actions and thinking. Thus, the concept of "not doing to others what you would not want done to you" is examined and found to be true. Clear Thinkers are obligated to put this concept into practice and to make this truth a part of their actions and relations with other people. The Clear Thinker must be true to the truth.

Therefore, the Clear Thinking Philosophy teaches you to:

        Be honest!
        Use the scientific approach in searching for truth!
        Accept the truth when found!
        And live the truth after finding it!


    The world is full of religions, beliefs and philosophies. You accept only one as being the one true God given religion or philosophy. Why? Because your authorities have told you that your religion or philosophy IS THE TRUE GOD GIVEN ONE. Yet, of all the hundreds of other religions and philosophies, and millions of believers in each one of them, each believer has been told that HIS religion, or philosophy, is THE one true God given religion or philosophy.


    There are some real surprises and answers waiting on you in this book!     Why are there so many religions? Did God start yours and mere men started the hundreds of other philosophies and religions? Have you studied the other religions so you can honestly say, my religion is the only God given religion? Why do believers in other religions claim THEIR religion is THE only God given religion and yours is simply a man made religion? In here are the answers.

This book applies the Honest Clear Thinking philosophy to these very questions and many more important ones. If you can be honest with yourself, be willing to search for and accept the truth when you find it, and be willing to live the truth after finding it, this book is definitely for you.


You will find the truth sometimes clashes with your beliefs (as it did with mine). If you prefer your religious and philosophical opinion to the honest search for truth, then you can save yourself three or more hours by not reading the HONEST MAN'S PHILOSOPHY. However, this is a fun book to read. It will open your eyes to many things you are not supposed to know.


Read the first six chapters in sequence!

Meet the Author
