Copyright: September 1999
Thomas E. Blaylock, Jr.
Updated: 03/15/05.



            Let's begin studying a little about how the philosophy of life called Clear Thinking works. I said earlier, Clear Thinkers do not accept claims and conclusions simply because they are made by some authority. Like the Clear Thinkers, religious people do not accept the claims and conclusions of authorities from Other religions. They logically and sanely conclude those other authorities are wrong in their arguments and conclusions. However, believers do not apply the same logical and sane thinking to their Own faith or belief as they do to those other authorities of different religions.

            Instead, believers Do accept as true, not only the authorities of their own denomination, but they also accept the claims and conclusions, which their authorities present to the people. Their authorities may include priests, rabbis, ministers, teachers, professors, or anyone else who passes himself off as a religious expert of their faith. They may also include written works such as textbooks or holy books. Most religious authorities insist that you Must agree with them and with their conclusions and interpretations. Clear Thinkers accept claims and conclusions only when they are based on an honest logical interpretation of the known facts and on good acceptable morality.

            This approach can best be demonstrated by using an example. Since most people think of religion when they think of Atheism, we will draw our example from religion. Most religions have a doctrine, which they call the unpardonable sin. What is this unpardonable sin in most religions?

            By unpardonable sin, the Christian means that wrongdoing that will cause a person to be damned by God to hell fire and terrible punishment - forever. According to the Holy Bible, it means once a person commits this wrongdoing he can never, never, never receive forgiveness from God, the church, priest, or minister. We are now talking about a very serious offense. It is so terrible, so vicious, if you are found to be guilty of this unpardonable sin, even God will not forgive you. It is a sin from which you cannot repent. If you do commit this unpardonable sin, it is Permanent. You will never change your mind about it. You will never even Wish to repent of it. Therefore, God's goodness, justice, love and his salvation are forever withheld from you. So what is this most terrible and vicious of all sins?

            The unpardonable sin is not murder, child abuse or spouse abuse. It is not robbery, rape, or rage. It is not infanticide, suicide, or genocide. It is not torture, tyranny, or excessive taxation. It is not adultery, idolatry, or profanity. All of these sins and more can be easily forgiven by following the plans of salvation of your religion. So, the unpardonable sin is not one of these wrongs. Instead, it is a rather nebulous and foggy sin, which is specific, but extremely hard to understand.

            In the Christian Bible, this sin is called the sin against the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:32 says, "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man (Jesus), it shall be forgiven him: But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Thus, speaking against the Holy Spirit becomes that sin, which is unpardonable and for which there is no forgiveness.

            "To speak" is to express an opinion. That expression can come in vocal form, written form, or in some action form.

            One of my daughters will make an excellent example here. She would often verbally agree with me that a certain action on her part was not in her best interest, nor in the interest of the family (I was still religiously oriented back then). In spite of her verbal agreement, she continued to do that which I advised her against. So, in practice she acted against her verbal agreement and the advice given her.

            Thus, in spite of her verbal agreement, she Spoke against the advice (and me) by her actions. Later she told me she never mentally agreed. She verbally agreed because that was the easiest and most painless course for her. However, she said she didn't Believe the advice to be correct. So, she acted on her own judgment. She honestly Doubted that the advice was correct. She turned out well, so as I now know, I was wrong.

            This same thing happens every day with millions who call themselves Christians. They vocally agree, but they act against the advice of the Holy Ghost. They are, therefore, speaking against the Holy Spirit and his advice.

            Now the Holy Ghost is just full of advice and claims. It is asserted that the Holy Ghost (Spirit) wrote a book of advice and claims. It is called the Holy Bible. In that book, the Holy Ghost has given everyone the command to follow his Holy advice and thereby receive everlasting salvation. O, by not following the advice of the Ghost, one will be condemned forever to horrible punishment and torment. He has done the unpardonable sin.

            If you follow his advice, you are speaking in favor of the Holy Ghost, his advice and his claims. If you reject his advice and claims because you do not believe it, you are speaking against the Holy Spirit, against his advice and against his claims. You know what is supposed to happen to people who do that!

            But the heart of the matter is this: Before you can act (speak) in favor of this Ghostly advice, or act (speak) against this advice of the Holy Ghost, you must form an Opinion or conclusion about the matter. That is, you must either believe the advice to be true, or honestly doubt that the advice is true. To believe is to obey, and thus, you will act (speak) in favor of the advice and claims of the Holy Ghost. If you honestly doubt (or try to hide your doubt) concerning the advice, and do not act according to it, you are speaking against the advice and claims of the Holy Ghost. You are committing the unpardonable sin according to the Book of the Holy Ghost.

            So, the real sin (the root of the matter) is whether you Believe the advice to be true or honestly Doubt the teachings about, and by, the Holy Ghost. Therefore, the Real unpardonable sin is Honest Doubt. Why? Because that must come First!

            We find out that the unpardonable sin is not something you can do. You cannot Do the unpardonable sin! Rather, it is an Honest mental conclusion. The holy men (or God) have chosen to call such Honesty, the unpardonable sin. So we find the unpardonable sin is something you honestly Think. This sin is simply an honest conclusion that harms neither God nor man, and certainly, it does not harm the one who has these honest doubts and thoughts, which are classified by the Holy Bible and Holy Ghost as the unpardonable sin.

            Did an honest and just God allow such a dishonest and unjust rule into his holy book? Did God really make Honest thinking a sin? Were some religious authorities trying to scare people into doing their bidding? Did some unjust, dishonest (and maybe greedy) men sneak it into the Bible? Was it God’s wish, or was it holy men’s desire to rule and control the people? Which?

            Be very careful with such thoughts. According to the Bible, such Honest thoughts will send you to hell. If you claim (or honestly conclude) the Bible is in error about this and you honestly doubt the claims and advice (any of it), you are calling the Holy Ghost a liar because the Holy Ghost is the claimed author of the Bible. You have committed the sin that is unpardonable. You have spoken against the Holy Ghost. If you say you doubt the Holy Ghost does exist, you are claiming the Bible is in error when it tells about the Holy Ghost. If you say the Holy Ghost is evil or bad, or some of the actions and advice attributed to the Holy Ghost are evil or bad, you have sinned this unpardonable sin. You have spoken against the Ghost. You have honestly Doubted the teachings of the Bible inspired by the Holy Ghost.

            This unpardonable sin becomes even more broad when one considers the present day claims made in behalf of the Holy Ghost. If you don't believe all the claims and advice made by the religious leaders in behalf of the Holy Spirit, you may be sinning unpardonably. (All anyone knows about the matter is that someone claims that the Holy Ghost came into their head.) They say the Holy Spirit told them to make the claims and give the advice. Are the religious leaders telling the truth when they say, "The Holy Spirit led me to tell you to support (send money to) this ministry?" If they are telling the truth, you are lost and damned to hell fire and torment forever if you don't believe and obey the Ghost. You better send that money in.

            Therefore, if you examine the facts and honestly conclude that some of the claims and advice of the Holy Ghost are wrong, you have committed the unpardonable sin (according to the Christian Bible). If you honestly doubt that the Holy Ghost of God exists, then all claims for her/him/it are man made, and therefore, your Honesty is evil in the eyes of the Bible. So, if you honestly doubt any of the claims or the advice made by, or in behalf of, the Holy Ghost, you have committed the unpardonable sin. There is no hope for you.

            No matter how you interpret the unpardonable sin of the Bible, the most important question of all is, do you honestly doubt?


            To honestly doubt any of the claims of sin, salvation, hell, heaven and such in the Bible is to doubt that the Holy Spirit is telling the truth. You are saying he is a liar. You will then be excluded from salvation, heaven and other wonderful but unverified claims. If you do not believe all of it, you are sinning against the Holy Ghost, unpardonably. In my opinion, this sin includes almost all Christians. Almost all Christians doubt some part or some portion of the Holy Book of the Ghost, as we will see. Therefore, we will all burn in forever - together - Christians and Atheists alike. That is, “if” the Bible is telling us the Truth.

            Now forever is a fairly long time. There are no vacations, no sick time, no time off for good behavior, no pardon and no parole. I do not know but you may not even be allowed to pray and certainly, you will not be allowed to have your spouse or lover visit you. There will be no water breaks either. I have been told, smoking is allowed in hell so long as you are the one on fire.

            On the other hand, suppose you do believe in the Holy Spirit, but you cannot believe a certain claim is true, or that a certain action or statement is from the Holy Ghost. Say a TV preacher claims the Holy Spirit told him to ask you to send the preacher some money. If the Ghost did indeed talk to him, your doubt Might be causing you to commit the unpardonable sin without you knowing it. If you are a believer, the safest action you can take is to send a dollar or so to every person who says the Holy Spirit told him to ask you for money (or stop watching TV and listening to the radio.)

            According to the Bible, the religious person must believe and obey the voice of the Holy Ghost of God or go to hell. Even though many people claim to be talking for the Holy Ghost, how can a person be sure? Many of the religious people are bilked of their savings and earnings by just such tactics. The radio and television evangelists are masters of this strategy. They constantly are telling you, God, or his Holy Ghost, told them to ask you to send them some money. Is it a fact that the Ghost talked to the preacher? Is it a lie? If there is a Holy Ghost, does he work this way? Is the preacher committing the unpardonable sin by lying about hearing from the Holy Ghost? Has he received his orders and the "Good Begging Seal of Approval" from the Ghost? Who knows?

            This sin against the Holy Ghost is the strongest and scariest doctrine in the Bible. The Christian Bible says every sin a man commits can be forgiven Except this sin against the Holy Ghost (the sin of honest doubt and honest action). What has the Bible claimed for the Holy Ghost? What are some facts?

            The Ghost of God is claimed to be a teacher of wisdom, a doctor who heals, a professor of foreign languages, a nurse or comforter, a psychologist or counselor and a general leading the soldiers. The Holy Ghost is also claimed to be a judge passing sentences on people, a congress passing laws, a messenger carrying petitions to God, a hostile witness giving testimony against people and a Santa Claus answering begging prayer by giving gifts. He is supposed to be a friend, an enemy, a preacher, a lawyer (the mouth piece of God), a fortuneteller telling the future, a historian telling the past, a wind or bird descending on people, a devouring fire, a guide leading people into the wilderness, a devil chaser and a father of many. That is just a summary to start.

            Finally, the Holy Ghost is supposed to be God himself. That is the Holy Ghost is God and God is the Holy Ghost. (See John 4:24.) The Holy Ghost is also listed as a murderer, a thief, one who drives men insane, an adulterer making women pregnant and a bringer of great evil. All of this comes from the New Testament. We do not have space or time to list all the claims.

            1 John 5:7 says, "For these are three that bare record in heaven, the Father (God), the Word (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."

This is called the Doctrine of the Trinity.

            Now, This Doctrine of the Trinity is the culprit that caused so many thousands of faithful religious believers to be declared heretics. It is This doctrine of the Holy Ghost being God that burned thousands of honest doubters and believers at the stake. It sent thousands more to torture chambers, jails and horrible deaths. It is This doctrine that impoverished thousands of families all over Europe. This is the doctrine that allowed the church to take away the children from families who did not believe This doctrine and make domestic slaves out of the children.

            This doctrine of the Trinity gave the church the power to appropriate (steal) the property of thousands of faithful believers because they could not believe God was the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Ghost was God. Neither could they believe God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost were one and the same person. Even many widows, of long dead husbands, had their possessions taken (stolen) from them by the church. The church declared that their long dead husbands were actually heretics. As heretics, the church could seize their property. Few teachings of the church have ever been so profitable as This teaching that God, the Ghost and Jesus were one and the same person.

            The early Jewish church (called "The Way") knew nothing of This doctrine. None of the pre-Nicean (pre 324 AD) church fathers ever heard of This doctrine, never quoted it and never discussed it. They didn't even contemplate it in any of their writings. It was not heard of in the early Jewish church until Constantine put together his new Bible and his new Holy Catholic Church in three hundred and twenty five (325) AD. Suddenly This doctrine of the Ghost and the unpardonable sin sprang fully developed as a test of orthodoxy.



            Along with This new doctrine came the new unpardonable sin doctrine and the new penalty of eternal damnation for disbelief (honest doubt). No doctrine except one ever gave the church more psychological power over the people than This doctrine of the unpardonable sin. This doctrine of the Ghost being the same as God and Jesus broke upon the scene of the early church of “The Way” as suddenly as a summer rainstorm in South Georgia. It also came at the right time, just when the church needed such a doctrine to gather wealth to go along with its new power.

            Until 325 AD, the difficulty was whether Jesus was fully God or fully man, or whether God just entered Jesus at his baptism and left him at his crucifixion. The early church never discussed if the Holy Ghost was God or not. No one discussed the unpardonable sin. There was no unpardonable sin in the early Jewish church (called The Way) until 325 AD.

            Finally, after 325 AD, in order to be saved and not commit the unpardonable sin, one had to believe in God, Jesus, Holy Ghost and the church in This specially prescribed manner. He also had to believe all of the claims made for the Holy Ghost by anyone and every one of the church leaders, or be burned at the stake. And that was just before he went to hell.

            Luckily, if one does not believe in these ungodly and unjust claims (the Doctrine of the Trinity and unpardonable sin) he is not likely to worry about them. Neither is he likely to make application for salvation from the churches that teach This doctrine. Only the non-thinkers (the believers) can accept This illogical, sacrilegious and devilish doctrine. God is not so dishonest that he would or could, condemn a person forever because that person Honestly questioned and honestly wished to know the truth about some of the unbelievable statements made in the Book of the Ghost. I have a higher opinion of God than that! How about you?


            Almost all other religions, except the Hindu, Buddhist and Oriental religions, have an unpardonable sin doctrine. Under the Hindu and Buddhist teachings, all of mankind are to be saved. I think I like the Buddhist and Hindu beliefs best on this point. So, boiling the claims down to their smallest and simplest form, one must believe in all of the claims and advice of the Holy Ghost and in his inspired Holy Bible - or it is hell fire and damnation for him.

            You cannot pick and choose with the advice and claims of the Holy Ghost. You either accept it all, or you have spoken against the Ghost. The Bible is not a cafeteria. You cannot pick and choose! You must eat what you are served - or go to hell.

            If one believes and obeys everything, he will not be committing the unpardonable sin. Only then will he be truly saved. To honestly doubt any of the inspired claims and advice of the Ghost is to be eternally lost and condemned to hell fire forever. Did I say forever is a long time? Do not All Christians reject some portion of the Bible? Hell is going to be pretty crowded.


            The anathema and enemy of All religious salvations is Honest Doubt. Now you are faced with a most critical question. Select the question that will enable you to find the truth about this matter.

            1. Have I committed the unpardonable sin against the Ghost?
            2. Does the Holy Spirit or Ghost exist?

            If you selected number two, you have selected correctly and wisely. The question “does the Holy Spirit exist” is the only one that will allow you to Honestly examine the facts from both sides of the question. The truth could be the Holy Ghost does exist, or it could be the Holy Ghost does not exist. The truth could also be that the Ghost does exist but doesn't care a spit in the wind if you speak against him or not.

            But the true believer can hardly ask question number two. He has great difficulty because he is a believer. To ask the first question, "have I committed the unpardonable sin," is to accept the conclusion that the Holy Ghost of God does, in fact, exist. After that, he must accept as true what the Bible says about the Holy Ghost. The Honest Clear Thinker is only dealing with the problem of whether or not that which is called the Holy Ghost does or does not exist. The believer starts with a predetermined conclusion and sees no alternative. To the believer, the Holy Ghost is God and Jesus and does exist regardless of what the truth, facts or morality of the matter may be.

            That a good and just God could not possibly be that devilish, immoral and unjust never enters the believer's mind. That any God could, or would, command us to stop honestly thinking and start believing these unbelievable claims, is both outside of the definition of a good and just God and beyond the comprehension of any honest thinking person. No good and just God could condemn a person for honestly hunting for the truth. No good or just God wrote that in his book.


            So a person who is a believer can hardly have the desire, the will, the honesty, or the Courage to check up on the facts of the question and find out if the Holy Ghost does exist - or not. The truth, morality and honesty of the matter never even enter the believer's mind. To the believer, it would be the unpardonable sin to honestly and seriously question whether the Holy Ghost exists, whether he is God or not, or if he really does oppose and condemn the honest hunt for truth.

            However, (and this is an important however) there is Hope! If even a little bit of Honest Doubt and Courage comes into the mind of a believer, then he is released or freed by exactly that same little bit. If the believer doubts a little, he is a little free - to be Honest. If he doubts a lot, he is free a lot. The bigger the doubt, the bigger the freedom one has to be Honest.

            The proof of the reality, or the nonexistence of the Holy Ghost being God is tied directly to the question of the Bible. If the Bible tells the truth there is a Holy Ghost, and thus, there is also the unpardonable sin. However, if the Bible is not telling the truth, the doctrine of the unpardonable sin is not true. (We will examine more about the truthfulness of the Bible in Chapters 5 and 6.)       

            In all unpardonable sin doctrines, in all the religions, Believers And Honest Doubters are threatened with eternal punishment. The only way to keep from sinning this unpardonable sin is to Believe and Obey everything that particular religion teaches. The only way to commit the unpardonable sin is to Honestly Doubt some of the unbelievable religious claims and advice made by priests, preachers, rabbis, prophets and the Holy Book of the Holy Ghost.

            The only way to commit the unpardonable sin is to honestly try to find out the Truth about these matters. The honest search for truth is a Sin that will send you to hell forever and forever (if the Bible is true). The Honest search for truth is condemned by the Holy Ghost and his Holy Book.

            So, according to the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Ghost, the only possible way to sin so dreadfully that even God will not forgive you, is to


            You have now seen how the Clear Thinking philosophy looks at a problem. By looking at the problem of the unpardonable sin in Christianity, we find ourselves faced with the necessity of taking another step. We need to examine the heart of the matter. That is, we must look at the difference between Belief and Doubt.

            The first rule in the Clear Thinking philosophy is to Honestly Doubt any claim or advice that is not accompanied by reasonable facts, reliable witnesses, acceptable morality, or that is provable.


Belief Verse Doubt
