Updated: 03/15/05 



            Almost everyone knows a little bit about the Christian religion and something about its good teachings. Many will ask, do the good teachings of the Christian religion not justify some of the errors in it? Don't the good teachings in the Christian religion Prove this religion and Bible is from God?

            Let us look at the good teachings in Christianity. First, I would like to list all of the good teachings in Christianity, which are Not found in the other ancient pagan religions.

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            That is it! None! Not one good or bad teaching is found in Christianity that is not also found as a part of other ancient pagan religions and that includes the plans of salvation. For that matter, all religions have some good teachings in them and in many instances; those teachings are better presented in pagan religions than they are in Christianity. So one cannot say a religion is from God just because it has some good teachings in it, unless he admits that all religions are from God.

            Next, let us examine what happens if one follows All of the good teachings in the Holy Bible. The Bible tells us, even if a man did all of the good works possible, he is still a sinner in God's eyes subject to the wrath of God. The doer of all good works is still destined to burn in hell fire forever. In other words, it makes no difference to the Bible God if a man is a good father, a good husband, a good neighbor, a good citizen, or even a good worshiper. In God's eyes, according to the Bible, that same man is equal to the vilest criminal and worst reprobate in the world. The worker of good will be cast into torment side by side with the rapist, the murderer, the thief, the wife beater, the child molester and the abuser of political power. In fact, good works do not even count in most of the Bible's descriptions of whom God likes enough to save and who he hates enough to cast into hell fire. What then does God consider being good and what does he consider being bad?

            According to the Bible, the "good" are those who “Believe” in all of the claims in the Bible. The "bad" are the Unbelievers (the honest doubters). What you Do, according to the Bible, is of small importance in determining where you spend eternity. What you Believe is all-important. That is the good in the Bible and in Christianity. That is the morality that the Christian religion teaches. No other religion I know of is that unjust. All the other religions allow rewards in the future for those who do good. The rewards differ, but all the other religions reward the good and punish the bad. Only Christianity punishes the good (if they honestly doubt and think) and rewards the bad (if they believe the unbelievable claims of the Bible). So, the ultimate "good" in the Christian Bible and the Christian religions is gullibility, ignorance and not thinking.

            The Bible clearly states, "What a man sows, that shall he also reap." But, I have Never seen, nor heard, that verse applied to the unbeliever or Honest Doubter. It is Always applied to the Christian Believer. If that verse were applied to the unbeliever or Honest Doubter, Christianity would be forced to discard all of its plans of salvation and most of its doctrines. The highest "good" in the Bible (according to most Christian denominations) is to Believe. But what must you believe? You must believe in the worst and most barbaric form of injustice ever invented and forced upon humankind by a god, a devil or by a man. You must believe the guilty can go free while the innocent (Jesus) suffers for your wrongdoing and your guilt.

            You must believe an innocent Son of God suffered and died for the wrongdoing, which you did, which you do and which you will do. If you believe that, you are washed white as snow. You no longer are guilty. You no longer are responsible. This God in the sky has taken care of All your wrong doings, past, present and future. So believers are taught, the innocent can suffer for the wrongs of the guilty and the guilty are pardoned and can go free from the results (effects) and responsibilities of their wrong doings. They can move right into heaven and live next door to their favorite saint.

            Contrast this highest good of Christianity in the Bible with the good of Clear Thinking. The Clear Thinking philosophy says each person must be responsible for his Own actions. He must pay the psychological and physical price for his wrongdoing and errors as well as the social price.


            Clear Thinkers conclude that the highest good is justice. To receive more than justice, is unjust, and to receive less than justice, is unjust. We recognize the world is not just. We recognize it takes almost infinite wisdom to even determine what justice would be in any given circumstance. We aim high. We do know a government or a religion that flaunts its unjust and irresponsible laws and rules has neither the well being of the people at heart, nor does it have a single speck of integrity. If a thoughtful person hears any Christian plan of salvation and doesn't come away irritated and full of indignation, it is because he left his brains at home. Even if he did leave his brains at home, when he realizes a “Just” God is supposed to have formulated these outrageously unjust plans of salvation, he will be equally repulsed.

            The teaching of this "good" in the Bible, shows that you get "something for nothing" - again. This seems to be the main theme running all through the Bible, something for nothing like salvation, like answers to prayer, like miracles, like wisdom, like food and sometimes, like winning the war, or the ball game. Something is owed to the believer. Not only does he get salvation when he dies, but on earth, he gets all the favors from God for which he asks. "Whatever you ask in my name, I will give you." The believer is promised a place of rulership in the coming glorious thousand years of heavenly rule by God on the earth. It is called the Millennium. God also promised these things to the believer plus heaven. The believer will even be a Ruler in heaven. He will even rule over the angels and be able to tell the angels what to do (according to the Bible). I think this is going to piss off a lot of angels.

            In other words, the believer is promised wealth without work, wisdom without thinking, knowledge without studying, health without good habits, happiness without making anyone else happy, salvation without restitution and without lifting a finger for it. He is promised power, rulership, prestige and of course, he is promised he will live forever. Eternal Life! When you are in the promising business like the Christian religion is, it is best to promise the whole ball of wax. That way no other religion can slip in among their gullible believers and promise them something that the Christian religion hasn't already promised to the believers.

            Oops! I almost forgot. The Muslims have promised all of the pretty women the male believers can handle. (How will these pretty women be selected in order to be servants to the men in the Muslim heaven? Will the favored women believers also get handsome men?) Christianity really slipped up there. They are losing lots of a certain segment of their faithful to the Muslim religion. Something for nothing! Is it any wonder most crimes are committed by fundamental believers in this country and world? They can do no wrong. If they do there is forgiveness.

            The Bible rightly says, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Every person knows this. This is Not divine revelation. It is common sense. Every religion known to mankind expresses this same ideal. But then the Old Testament turns right around and teaches slavery, war, murder, thievery, lying and on and on. The New Testament is just as bad. It also teaches slavery, war, murder, thievery and lying. "Slave, submit to your master though he beat you." "The sons of God shall make war on the children of darkness." (The children of darkness would be the honest doubters.) "Bring my enemies before me and slay them." (You also know who the enemies are too.) "God has whispered delusions (lies) into their ears that they might harden their heart and not believe the gospel of Christ. And having rejected his salvation, they shall be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." "And the Lord took (stole) from him all that he had and gave it to another." These are merely a small number of examples of the "goodness" found in the Bible.

            In the Bible, God regulated and supported slavery. He asked for human sacrifice. He ordered stealing, he ordered rape and pillage and he ordered genocide. He commanded that those who could not believe the unbelievable (the Honest Doubters) were to be killed. People were to be killed for making a fire on Friday night or Saturday, for eating too much, for eating during a fast, for eating fat, for not circumcising their male children, for speaking against God, for speaking in favor of another God, for touching a holy thing, for entering a holy place, for putting bells on their clothing, for working on a feast day, for working on the Sabbath, for intercourse during menstruation, for adultery, for fornication and for many, many more normal activities of man.

            God sends people to hell for not plucking out their eyes, or cutting off their hands or feet. The Bible says, "God is the same yesterday, today and forever." Do you believe in This God, in This Bible and in these "Good" Works? Or do you believe in the Generic God that your minister, priest or rabbi tells you about? The Bible God and the modern Generic church God are two different Gods with two different natures and two different characters. Which God do the believers worship? Or, you?

            In the Old Testament God pursued his enemies until they were dead. Then he let them rest in the grave. In the New Testament he not only pursues them while they are alive but after death, he tortures his enemies (read honest doubters) throughout eternity, never giving them time off for good behavior, never giving them water (in his name) or giving them a chance to reform. The Old Testament is actually more just toward the enemies of God than is the New Testament.


            Never has a more unjust, inhumane and untrue philosophy been put together by man. Yet, this untrue, inhumane and unjust philosophy calls itself, "Good.” Christianity says this untrue, unjust and inhumane philosophy came straight from God through revelations by way of his Holy Spirit and his Holy Word, the Bible. Could any God, good or bad, be responsible for such a travesty on mankind? Let me answer that. "No! Indeed not!"

            When a man is blind, he must rely on those around him to describe truth and reality to him. Once his eyes are opened and he can see for himself. He now has a choice. He can keep his eyes open and see for Himself, or he can shut his eyes and call out for others to describe the truth to him. Some of you may have just opened your eyes. Look for the Truth!



Next: Russian Atheism
