Updated: 03/15/05



            I said earlier, no one could do worse, or be more immoral, than did the barbarian holy men in making up a religion. Certain criterions need to be set forth first. A good new religion should be ethical, educational, entertaining and inspiring. The morals should conform to modern psychology, health, science and common sense. A new religion should challenge us to be the best people of which we are capable. We should never forget to explore the mysteries of the seen and of the unseen world. We must also explore the truths held within the secrets of the Ancient Wise Men. We should recognize our humanity and that our humanity is good.

            We must expose and dispel the believer's concept of religious sin. We must free people from the false guilt and fear that the religions force upon people in order to control their lives and check books. We must induce common sense into the thinking of the members and followers. We must instill the search for well-being and happiness in people. We must help set people free from superstitions and false beliefs so they may be the best people they are capable of being.

            Knowledge, the development of talents, the teaching of healthy morals and the exercise of common sense will produce personal well-being, open the door to happiness and limit crime. Even punishment and correction for errors and willful wrongdoing should conform to high ethical standards and have character development and peace among the people as its ultimate goal. That is, it should be better than the Christian religious attitude displayed today toward those who do not conform to their teachings, laws and ethics. Punishment must include the opportunity for restitution to those wronged and the rehabilitation of one’s thinking. Chronic criminals must be isolated and if possible, retrained in some wholesome moral and useful work. Repeat offenders must be isolated from society and given some dignity and constructive work to pay for their keep.

            Our new religion should prepare its followers for getting the most out of this life, for developing caring and helpful personalities, for fine-tuning one's spiritual attitude toward the seen and unseen in the world. It should stress keeping an open mind toward those things called spiritual. It should aid in learning to think and in getting the most out this life and any future life (if there is one). Help people to see that this life is worth living.

            Our new religion should be fun. There should be regular common dinners on the grounds, fun and educational things to do, dances, classes where concepts can be batted around, dating services, aid to the needy, good movies, production of videos, print literature, trips, classes on practical things, art groups, group meditation, internet web pages, counseling for marriage, family counseling, drug abuse programs, finance counseling, career helps, scholarship helps for young people, sports, collect and maintain a good library, self help classes, maintain nurseries for your families, philosophy classes in many subjects, loan service for members, evangelical enterprises (radio, TV, Internet, literature, public meetings and forums) quite places where one could sit and think or communion with himself and anything else that seems needed or appropriate. Your church should keep your members involved in life, self-development and happiness.

            The goals of our new religion should be worthy, yet still attainable by modern man. There should be present and future rewards and pleasures involved in our religion. In other words, people should want to be a part of our religion because it is wholesome, wise, useful and teaches them how to be the best person they are capable of being. It should help develop the talents and abilities of members. People should want to be a part of our religion because it promises them happiness and well being in the present and future, and because it insures the same thing for their children and their children's children.


            If I were making a religion, I would select worthy goals, worthy principles and worthy activities. I would Personify my goals and call them my Gods. My Father God would be named “Freedom.” I would expect to be free and I would expect all of those around me to experience the fresh air and blessings of Freedom. I would also expect to pass on to my children and to their children's children, the highest possible Freedom. I would worship Freedom and would teach the benefits of Freedom to all of those who wish for it but find themselves constantly frustrated. For my God, Freedom, I would strive to free myself and others from those institutions, beliefs and teachings that enslave us and destroy our right to live in peace, harmony and freedom.

            A person may be technically free in a harsh desert, but if he has no water and no topsoil, his freedom is vastly curtailed. Therefore, my Heaven would be this earth and I would fight to protect our earth from its enemies. That is, the big destructive businesses, wars, misuse of the land and misuse of the resources of the earth, including the misuse of man himself.

            My “Gospel” (my Good News) would be that we must convert people to the position of being the best person they are capable of being. We must also make this earth into the Heaven it is capable of being. The good news is this earth is able to give to mankind all of the good things that we can imagine. We must do our part to bring about this heaven on earth and make it into the best of all possible worlds and make us into the best people.

            I would oppose big church, big government, big education, big business and big economy, IF they sought to herd individuals into manageable groups for their own economic or political purposes. I would do this, not because of the bigness, but rather because in bigness the individual is so often lost and loses his freedom. He becomes a mere number. Numbering for efficiency is one thing. Numbering to institute control over the individual is a totally different matter. The trend in bigness often slows down the progress of the whole to fit the slow pace of the slowest ones in the group and it extends the Big Brother concept, which we detest and power mongers adore.

            Grouping often tends to enslave the individual. I would expose and throw my mind and activity against enslavement of any kind. Any institution that wanted to reduce me to a servant and issue me a number, or wanted to enslave me in some manner, that institution would be my evil and their policies of destruction and enslavement would be one of the sins against which my religion would constantly fight.

            My Son of God would be “Justice.” Without Justice, one cannot dwell happily in the Heavenly land of Freedom and Liberty.

            The godly mother of Justice would be that beautiful, precious and most useful principle that sets men free and produces the desire for Justice in the minds of all men. The mother of Justice is “Wisdom.” Wisdom is the ability to engage in logical, honest, knowledgeable thought. Wisdom is the ability to cut through the propaganda and brain washing. Wisdom is the ability to arrive at conclusions that are in accord with not only the facts, but which are also in harmony with the present and future needs of mankind. Wisdom is the hunting for and the use of knowledge and honesty in thinking. Wisdom is the ability to separate the true from the false, the good from the evil, the facts from the fictions.


            Justice is the salvation of any people. Justice is the preserver of civilization. Justice is the cement, which holds society together. Justice drives the enemies and devils from the face of the earth. Justice teaches men to love Freedom. Justice removes fear from the hearts and minds of men. Justice eliminates the threats of the destruction of all mankind. Justice is the Light that illuminates the errors of the past, the opportunities of the present and the possibilities of the future. Without Justice, there is only fear and chaos. Men and women who know that only Justice awaits them (and those around them) are not subject to fall for false claims, false punishments, false taxes and false promises. There is no principle more important to mankind and his civilizing process than the principle of Justice.


            Logical Thinking and meditation would take the place of prayer in my religion. Nothing can substitute for honest logical thinking, which leads us directly to the mother of Justice who is Wisdom. Each person in my religion would be required to learn the facts of life and science and think about them. He should spend some time thinking about what a wonderful world we have and how he can improve it. He must also think about his own personal problems and development that he alone must face and solve. He would also be expected to do some logical thinking about all of the propaganda and brain washing that always has and always will be forced upon mankind. Those who progressed in the skill of learning and the habit of thinking would be called upon to study into the mysteries of life, and to teach their children and those around them to think logically and honestly. Thinking might one day be as common placed an occurrence in our society as the deception of prayer is today.

            Now every religion needs a real Devil. And have I got one for you? I have! The Devil must be the Opposite of our God Freedom. Our Devil must be that which opposes Justice, destroys Freedom and censors Wisdom. He must be that which keeps men from having justice and freedom in their own lives. Our Devil must be that which keeps mankind from honestly thinking and which inhibits mental growth. Our Devil must be a personal Devil in the same manner that our God, Freedom, is a personal God. This Devil of ours seeks to destroy Honest Doubt, Clear Thinking and our quest for Justice, Wisdom and Freedom.


            This Devil of yours and mine is the present day ruler of our civilization. This Devil, Belief, has stolen our children. He has stolen our wealth and a great portion of our productivity. He has stolen our manhood and our humanity. He has great plans for the future enslavement of our children. He has given us ignorance and prejudice, war and poverty and other untold evils. Our Devil Belief is the bringer and teacher of moral darkness, intellectual darkness, social darkness, medical darkness, political darkness and economic darkness. And second to none of the above, this Devil of ours has spread his darkness over our fun times, our need and desire for truth, as well as our beds of love and affection.

            We must resist this Devil. We must point him out and point out his dark deeds (which he calls good). The unsuspecting, the childlike minds who are swayed by his false prophecies and lying promises must be warned. We must ridicule him. We must contradict his statement that he is right and we are wrong. We must mock him. We must expose him at every turn.

            But Beware! This Devil, Belief, is a "roaring lion," roaming the streets and the airways, seeking whom he may devour, whom he may enslave, whom he may deceive. He comes in various disguises with numerous promises. He will laugh with you. He will cry with you. He will make love to you and he will steal your humanity, your mind and your most prized possessions. He will leave you confused, betrayed, disillusioned, frustrated, hostile and empty as a beach shell. He will steal your future. Follow the Devil, Belief and you are human in name only.

            It is time to drive the Devil back into the darkness of ignorance from which he came, alone with his disciples, the Teachers of Belief. They must be stripped of their protection, their tax exemptions, their ability to lie without question in print and over the radio and television. Let them give the facts and the truth anytime or anyplace, but they should be halted from telling their lies and claiming these lies are the truth, which came straight from the mouth of the Almighty by way of a revelation in their heads. We must stop the kidnapping of our children.


            My religion would be evangelical. It would seek to save people from the miseries and destitution of mental and physical slavery. It would encourage people to do many things for themselves. Industry, inventiveness and innovations would again be in vogue.

            My priests would be the scientists, sociologists and medical doctors whose job would be to develop devices and methods that would give everyone new and better ways of having good health and all of the necessities and pleasures of life without having to sell their freedom and independence to get them. They would help strip the power from our insurance, chemical, industrial and pharmacological empires. They would also be the teachers of wholesome morals and factual knowledge.

            The private temple of our God Freedom would be our own body. It would be wise to keep it healthy. Our scientists and medical doctors would advise us on preventive care and good mental and physical health.

            The Great Temple would be nature, the great outdoors, the canyons, the deserts, the rivers, the forest, the plains and above all, the mountains and seas. We would clean the Great Temple so one could look up at night and see the stars. We would carpet the floor with flowers, foliage, fruits and food. We would clean the waters so a man or beast could drink from the waters of any stream without fear of poisoning or disease.

            My religion would insist on removing fear from our economy by instituting an honest monetary system based on firm money and work instead of on IOU's and deficit spending. Every family should have a place to live. However, they should also have to work and pay for it.

            Taxes are mostly chains used to enslave a population and enrich an elite rulership (and their friends). My religion would abolish the vast majority of enforced taxes and especially taxes on one's own home. Taxes could be paid for in part with labor and contractors could not object.

            My religion would work for simplified transportation. If a man lives a few miles from his work and wishes to ride a bicycle to work, he should not have to place his life into the hands of unknown and hostile drivers. Why does a family of two now own three or four motorized means of transportation? My religion would insist on common sense transportation.

            Public transportation should be everywhere and be economical, safe and free of crime. Justice, Wisdom and Freedom will foster Logical Clear Thinking. This attitude can rid our cities and country sides from the grip of the criminal element. We have crime because crime pays! Common Sense can remove the rewards that are reaped by the criminal element. Not many are criminals because it is fun. They do it for the profit of it. We will remove the profit. (This is explained in Chapter 42 on Drugs and Crime.)

            Ways must be found to settle disputes without engaging in total wars. The rights of humanity that have been usurped by governments, religions, businesses and educational practices, must be returned to the individual. Most lawsuits could be replaced by common sense meetings between the antagonists and moderated by moral and just men and women.

            The wealthy and aristocracy are individuals and have their rights, but they do not have the right to enjoy the cream of other men's labors, nor to hold a single individual in suppression or servitude. Corporations should not be considered as separate personal entities, but should be considered as property of the owners and taxed as such under honest tax laws.

            Justice must be provided for in all areas of life for all men and women. The only legitimate servants must be machines. Scientists must be allowed to delve into all areas of the world and universe. Weapons and instruments of great destruction, whether they are physical, mental, chemical or biological, must be withheld from criminal or military use.

            Art, music and education would be encouraged and supported. As part of the uplifting of mankind, beauty, harmony and true philosophy would be made to flourish. Pleasures would prosper. Silly Religious Blue Laws, Prohibitions and Perversion laws would be stricken from the law books.

            The Holy Book of my religion would be very small and subject to no misinterpretation. Central in its texts would be the Golden Rule, "Do not do to others that which you would not have them do to you." It would begin and end with the statement of truth. "You can know the truth and the truth will set you free." Inside of my Holy Book would be the admonition, "What a man sows, that shall he also reap." Inside would also be many suggestions of what and how to sow good moral seed so that the harvest will also be good.


            You shall serve and defend your Gods, Freedom, Justice and Wisdom.

            You shall treat others as you wish to be treated.

            You shall cherish your Mother, the earth.

            You shall leave everything better than you found it.

            You shall practice Justice, honesty and common sense.

            You shall love Freedom and extend it to all.

            You shall seek knowledge through studying and observation.

            You shall seek Wisdom through Honest Clear Thinking.

            You shall seek authenticity and never rely on, or believe in, authority.

            You shall seek personal well-being, love and happiness.

            You shall expose the falseness of that old Devil, Belief.

            You shall be known for your good works and gentle spirit.

            You shall seek to know the mysteries and secrets of the unseen.

            I would name my religion after the greatest benefactor and savior of all mankind, Justice. The name of our new religion is, "JUSTISM." Would you like to be a member of the only church worthy of mankind? Would you like to join the Church of Justice?


            To join the Church of Justice, you must realize and accept in your own personal life, your thinking and your actions that "Justice Saves.” If you accept and plan to live the fact that "Justice Saves,” you are now a member in good standing of our new religion. You now belong to the Good, the Grand and the Great. You belong to,


            Instead of ending our songs and meditations with "Amen," which by the way is from Egypt and honors the God Amon, we will end our songs of praise and our meditations with


            And let us not forget music that quiets the mind, challenges the emotions and lifts our spirits. Some of you musician out there should write some good songs for our new church. Some of you ministers may wish to write some sermons that dwell on the truths found in the HONEST MAN'S PHILOSOPHY.

Get out there and practice your new religion and serve your Gods,


Get out there and expose that old Devil,


And Always Remember,


Next: The Church
