Updated: 03/15/05



It is assumed you have read this book up to this point. If not, go back!

Be sure and read the second scientific look at creation later in this chapter!

            Every possible form that energy and/or matter can take must be in use and exist today in time and space. Why? We are always in the Middle of Eternity. Eternity is a two-way street. Eternity runs both ways. These energy and/or matter forms will include universes about which we know nothing. It will include energy waves and motions. It will include things so small we can hardly even imagine them. It will include what are called other dimensions. It will include undiscovered transformations of energy and/or matter and any other undiscovered conditions, forms or expressions that energy and/or matter may take. It will include “Every-Thing.”

            When we speak of a God here, we are only speaking of that concept imposed upon us by the Christian religion. They claim that a God is the Creator of all that is. They claim a God was preexistent. That is, before there was anything, there was a God.

            By using this Christian definition, we are eliminating the many varied little concepts of the gods. Most of those Bible activities, miracles, claims and controversies (if they are true) could also be attributed to some advanced race of long-lived intelligence and they need not be classified as gods. Other intelligent beings could easily possess powers, technologies and abilities that seem god like to our infant science and minds. These abilities could easily be advancements in science that some day even we may possess. So, we are not dealing with angels, demons, aliens or other gods. We are dealing only with the Christian concept of a Creator God.

            Obviously, in light of the Christian claims of creation, we must also rethink and examine some of the claimed attributes of this creator God. The Christians claim they personally know and have conversations with this God, whom they claim has revealed himself to them. Here is one example of a claimed attribute at work. God is claimed by the believers to be All Self-Sufficient. What that means is, God does not need, or want Anything. He is very comfortable within and of himself. God does not need anything, or anyone else, to make him content, happy and well adjusted.

            However, the fact of the matter is (according to the Bible), it seems God must have been lonely and he must not have been happy. He was not content with the way things were. He was not content with himself, nor was he well adjusted. If he were so at peace with himself and well adjusted, he would never have even thought about creating his Son, his Devil, his angels, or his universe. God must have lacked something. Maybe God Needed To Do something! Maybe he needed a toy with which to play, or he was lonely, malcontent, or something.

            Now, I don't think it is a smear on God's good name to say that he was lonely, unhappy, malcontent, not well adjusted, or needed something with which to play. After all, he had put up with this "by himself" condition for all past eternity. Eternity is a two-way street. I often wondered what Did God do with all his eternal time before he decided to create or make a universe? Using eternal time as our measure, or yardstick, our universe can only be classified as coming into being very recently. It is still mostly Incomplete (it is still going on). It is Chaotic (things keep getting in each others way and destroying each other). It is filled with Trouble (everything is fighting and struggling to survive and few, if anything, make it in the long run - including man). The entire universe will someday be looked upon as God's "boo boo,” especially when our sun runs out of gas.

            If you are going to look for any credibility in the Claim of creation, you have to look at the whole thing. You cannot just look at this insignificant speck we called earth and speculate from that. You must at least look at what we know about our universe. You cannot just look at a woodpecker.

        Therefore, if you are going to claim God created or made the universe, you must admit that God was lonesome, or unhappy, or discontented, or not well adjusted, or needed something to play with. The first quandary we must look at is the claim that God created the universe out of nothing. That did not and could not happen. Let's examine this creation claim in light of Thom's Law.

Thom's Law

"Nothing cannot produce Something.

If there were ever a time when there was Nothing,

There would still be Nothing."

(Type “Thom’s Law” into the Google search engine for more complete information.)

            According to Thom’s Law, it becomes evident that “Nothing” Must be eternal. (Reread the first paragraph and negate and delete everything there. What is left defines Nothing). Nothing must always and forever remain Nothing. Given Nothing, then only Nothing can follow. Nothing cannot coexist with anything except itself. Nothing cannot exert itself. If Anything exists, then Nothing does not, cannot and never did exist. Something cannot come from Nothing. Since we do have Something, then Something could not have had a beginning if there was only Nothing to conceive it. Therefore, Something has always existed and Nothing has Never existed. This law will not add one single unknown scientific fact, but it will open possibilities and aid science in some of its important endeavors.

            Many wish to quibble over the definition of “Nothing.” Many try to make “Nothing” inclusive of some form of energy, particle, wave, or some form of intelligence. When I say “Nothing,” I do mean “No-Thing,” no energy, no particle, no wave and no intelligence. No Anything! This upsets some physicists because physics, biology, chemistry and indeed science in all areas cannot even Imagine “Nothing.” “No-Thing” is beyond the imagination of any scientist and indeed beyond the comprehension of any intelligent person.

            What this law will and does do, is to keep science from wasting so much of its valuable time in speculating on the impossible, the imagined and the false claims of those who spend their lives trying to persuade us to stop thinking and to start believing in these creation claims. They make a darn good living doing it. Thom’s Law will also free science from the concept of the Big Bang. It will enable science to concentrate on the true beginnings of all universes and not just try to find a recent (sixteen billion years or so) single scientific beginning for our universe or for all of them.

            Thom’s Law opens the door to the possibility that there is no such thing as a single event (a singularity). This opens the door to the possibility that space contains hundreds if not millions of universes. Every thing in nature seems to have a life span and I conclude, so too do universes have a life span (a birth, a life, a death - and then a rebirth.)

            From Thom’s Law one can postulate no single beginning for our present material universe. My conclusion is that we are the waste of a former universe, or of another dimension. My observations conclude that Nature wastes nothing. Rather “that” is transformed into “this.” From this law, one can postulate that: what is, has been and will be. The Ancients said it like this. “There is nothing new under the sun.” I would like to stretch that a bit and say; “There is nothing new in space or time. The present is always in the middle of Eternity, which runs both ways.

            Something else needs to be said about Nothing. Science cannot even Conceive of Nothing and I conclude it never can. Even in the most stringent vacuum, there are particles of energy that appear and disappear. Positive and negative charges appear, attract one another and on contact, they Seem to annihilate one another. There seems no reason to preclude all of space and time from having this same experience. Theoretically, under certain conditions, these energy particles can clump together and this produces energy that under certain theoretical conditions can become stable (or become matter).

            We cannot even postulate a time or place when or where there was Nothing. Further, there is no scientific need to conceive of, or to postulate Nothing. What we need is more in depth knowledge and understanding of How energy becomes matter. We are doing pretty well at learning how to turn matter back into energy (I am sad to say).

            The last defense believers have, is to get us to believe that the whole universe came into being as a result of Intelligence, that by will alone, created everything. That includes galaxies, suns, planets, the elements, man, cockroaches, trees, viruses and what have you.

            They claim this being, they call God, had no beginning. That fits Thom's Law. However, it does Not fit their Own description of one of their God's attributes. They claims God Coexisted with Nothing or Preexisted Nothing. Now, you cannot have it both ways. If their God existed, that is Something. If he had power that is Something. If a God could even think, that is Something.

            If God created everything, then did he create himself? If so, out of what did he create himself? How could God create himself if he were not himself to begin with? How could both God and the Knowledge to create himself come from nothing?

            If God had All Knowledge (another attribute), where did he get it? Knowledge is the result of experience, of doing, of seeing and of thinking. How did God Learn anything or Do anything and with What did he do it? What did he see if there was Nothing to see? What and how did he think when there was Nothing about which to think? One can only Think about something he has seen, heard or done, based on his own knowledge and experience. Where did God get his knowledge and experience?

            To say that before anything existed, a God existed, is an oxymoron. Such a statement can neither be understood nor conceived by our minds. It cannot possibly be true and here is why. If a God existed, then that God must have some attributes and some properties and that is Something. And Something is not Nothing. Since the universe could not possibly have come from Nothing then both God And our universe must have come from Something else that was Not a God.

            Thom's Law does not negate any fact of science from the study of viruses, atoms, or quarks, to the theories of the Big Bang. It negates only those unfounded claims of believers who say their God came from Nothing, or coexisted with Nothing.

            So even a God (which is something) could not be produced by Nothing. Therefore, if a God came into being, he must have come out of something. The only something that exists now and has always existed is that of energy and/or matter in all of its various forms. So, any God (or anything else) must have been, or must be, the Product of something. Everything that is Must be a product of energy and/or matter, because it Cannot be a product of Nothing.

            Now that is strike one against the Christians who say that a God preexisted Nothing. Or, as some say, a God coexisted with Nothing. That is, while there was Nothing, there was also a God. (Unless, of course, you wish to claim that God is nothing. I could accept that claim, but then you would not be here!) You cannot have a God (which is Something) and say that before him, there was Nothing. If you say, in the beginning there was God, you must decide how he got to be God when there was Nothing to produce him, to train him, or to challenge him. You must either start with a God (and that which produced him), which is Something, or you must start with Nothing. And if you start with Nothing there would still be Nothing. For sure, you cannot have it both ways. If there is a God, he is Something and Something cannot and could not come out of Nothing.

            Strike two says, since there was Something that must have predated a God, God could not have created everything. God could not have created himself if he was not himself to start with. God himself (herself or it) would have to be Developed from something that was Not a God. God is claimed to have knowledge and a good and just character (more attributes). Knowledge and character must be developed. It cannot be decreed. It cannot be magically waved into existence. Knowledge and character are the products of life and living. They are the product of making wise and foolish choices. They are a product of Growth.

            Did a God have all knowledge (an attribute) enough to create (or make) a universe? Where did he develop that knowledge? It is inconceivable that a God simply sneezed and the universe came into being. I don't think even the Christians would believe that. By using these facts and under the Christian’s concept of the potter destroying one pot in order to make a new one, our universe maybe the waste product of a former failed experiment by God.

            To have the knowledge to create, or even to make a universe, God must have had some prior experience, some development, some trials and errors in how and why this worked and that did not. Also, the Christians allocate lots of other wonderful attributes to their God. God is all-good. God is all-great. God is all-just. God is all-wise. God is all-knowing. God is all-present - everywhere. God is all-powerful and so forth.

            That is, the Christians give God a good, moral and powerful character. Now character cannot be developed in a vacuum. Character must be developed by trial and error. Character must be developed by finding out what is good and what works. To do this one must also find out what is bad and does not work. Character must always answer the question, "Why?" in order to develop. Character is a Growth process.

            Therefore, there must have been other individuals and intelligence with whom God could interact in order to develop a good character. There must be at least a family of them. God is not and could not be alone. Other intelligence demands some type of setting in which they could interact. They must have a place, a home of sorts. So, we now must allow God to have at least a family, a home and a setting, or a place of operating, in order to develop his character.

            Was Dizzy Dean a great baseball pitcher? How did he get to be so good? Christians talk as though God is the greatest baseball pitcher in the universe, but they do not allow him a batter or a catcher, much less a team. So that is strike two against a creator God being by Himself and at the same time having both a good character and ultimate scientific knowledge. God could Not decree himself a good character, or vast scientific knowledge. He would not know what was good, or what to decree. He must have developed it.

            In addition to this, God talked! How could a God language develop without other like beings with whom to communicate? Come on now! Think about it!

            Next, we come to strike three. If there was Something out of which God came, then there was already material available to Make a universe. That is, God could not possibly have come out of Nothing, therefore, he could not have created the universe. Could he have made it?

            There are those Christians who say (in spite of Thom's law) that God did come out of Nothing. I have some questions. How could God create himself if he was not himself to begin with? God could not have created himself. Something else must have made God. Yet you say, there was only Nothing that could have done it?

            Is God supposed to be greater than the universe? The Jews and Christians say, "Yes." Then why didn't Nothing make something smaller or less significant than a God in its first effort at designing? Why didn't Nothing stumble upon something simple first? How would Nothing have the wisdom, or material, or energy to make something more important and more complex than itself, more important and complex than the whole universe? Why didn't Nothing make the universe first and then make a God? (Because it couldn’t!)

            How did Nothing make a God when it had not yet discovered how to make the hydrogen atom? The effort of making a God would have challenged all the resources of Nothing, which resources of course, are zero. Hydrogen atoms would not have strained the efforts, knowledge and power of Nothing nearly as much as making something greater than the universe.

            Did you know that believers in all ages have created gods? Even today, men create gods! They make lots of gods using only the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet.

            Now it is a fact, you cannot put a strain on zero. You can multiply it. You can divide it. You can add it. You can kick zero around, abuse it, smash it, cast it aside and guess what? It is still a perfect zero. So, I do here by declare Zero to be the only perfect number in the universe. Nothing you can do to it changes the value of zero. It is always and forever - Zero. You just cannot get anything out of zero except zero. And Nothing is zero. And zero is "Nothing.” A God did not and could not come out of Zero.

            So, the Christian concept of a Creator God goes down on a called strike three. From now on, the creator God must take his seat on the bench next to the rest of the religious gods who struck out. A God (or anything else) could not preexist that from which he came. He could not create himself. He could not create the universe without vast knowledge that he must learn by trial and error. He could not learn without other intelligence with whom to interact. He could not create the universe from nothing when energy/matter was already available and working to arrange its own self. The Creator God strikes out.

          We have moved from the impossible Christian oxymoron concept of a Creator God, to a Jewish Maker God concept that is more in keeping with our comprehension and understanding. But is this new God view valid? Did any God make the universe? Did the maker God sneeze and the universe came into being? Did he remark in his God language (to others), "Well, by Me! Look at That! What have I wrought? I think I will name it, The Universe." No! I think not!

          So, we must again face the need of vast knowledge. And to this we must also add “Purpose!” What could be the purpose of a God making a universe? What possibly could be the purpose? Did God really need a toy to play with? What do the Jews and Christians have to say about this?

          Both the Jews and the Christians tell us that God does not need anything or anyone to make him satisfied. We are told that God is self-sufficient. He is happy with himself. God is altogether perfect. We are told God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Yet, according to the writers of the holy book, we find God was Not satisfied. He was not self-sufficient, nor happy. God was lonesome, so he made at least a son and a ghost to keep him company. He also made his chess and game opponent - that other God the Devil (Lucifer).

            According to the Bible, God Did need and want a toy to play with, so he made the universe and plays with it daily (according to the believers). Could it be that the universe and especially the earth, is the game board upon which God and the Devil (that other God) play their games? Do they congratulate each other on wise moves? Do they wager on the outcome of the games? Does God ever lose? What kind of game would it be if God created an opponent who always loses? Even a God would not cheat like that - would he?

            But God does not face his opponent, the Devil, alone. No! He has lots of advice on what moves to make. This advice is rendered daily (sometimes five times a day) by those who have appointed themselves as "God’s Gaming Advisors." These advisors call themselves Believers and proceed to advise and tell God what to do about life, the world and the universe. They call this strategic advice making - Prayer.

          Daily, and even hourly, God is bathed in the fervent prayers of the faithful believers. God seems to depend on these daily instructions and prayers to help him outline his vague work and play schedule. Without these constant instructions on how to conduct his business, play his games and run his universe, God would be at a loss to know if he should heal Aunt Mary or not. Without this advise, God would not know which team to let win the game (or the boxing match, or the war).

          Does God depend upon these daily polls from the snow white, granite minds to tell him what to do? Do the Christians really think God is the president of a democracy and daily waits for a consensus of public opinion before he knows what to do? Is it not possible God could do good, right and just things on his own without the guidance of the Christians and Jews? Am I getting this right?

          These snow white, granite minds believe God must have a consensus of public opinion, or else he might just do the wrong thing and let Aunt Mary die. Or worst of all, God might just do nothing at all. But keep in mind God is not lazy. He just needs some guidance. So, God does stay busy because he gets a multitude of assignments. And let us not forget the many chores God must run for the granite minds.

            There is a problem though. All of God's earthly advisors have less than a hundred years experience in the profession of "God Advisor" and certainly no more as "Divine Chore Supervisor.” Now, this worries me! I am afraid they will misinform God. When God finds out he has been betrayed and led astray by his advisors on earth, he might decide to get rid of them (called the rapture). He might even clean the game board and in so doing decide to rid the earth of All earthlings (called apocalypse). We are told he almost did this once in the past (called the flood). Let us not provoke him into doing that again. I plead with all of you advisors, Please! Let God run the world by himself and play his games without any advice from you! Let him make his own mistakes so we will not All be held liable.

          About thirty years ago, God and I worked out an agreement. I promised I would trust God and let him run his world in his own wisdom. God also decided to let me be my own man and use my own wisdom. We are both very happy with the arrangement - especially God.

          Why don't you make a similar agreement? It takes some of the daily pressure off of God. It allows God to use his Own wisdom. It frees your mind and takes away the fear of the future. I live an honest life and let the future do with me as it sees fit. Whether you know it or not, the same will happen to you. Besides, a good God must love people who search for truth, who learn to use their minds that nature has graciously given us. Did you know any good and just God must Love Atheists? Did you know a just God must be very disappointed in those who refuse to pursue truth, who refuses to look at Both sides of these important matters? Could it be that God will switch the nameplates of hell and heaven? It’s a thought.

          There is something else here that bothers me. The snow white, granite minds have assumed divine prerogative and appointed themselves spies, scouts and monitors For God. They propose to seek out and identify all the enemies of their Almighty, Creator God. They then inform God who his enemies really Are. When God's justice is not swift and harsh on these newly invented enemies, the granite minds assume the divine prerogative of judge, jury, and executioner and especially do they love to judge and execute. This is called “doing God’s work.” I guess if God paid more attention to things on earth, the believers would have nothing left to do.

            These Christians, who have classified Atheists as God's worst enemies, are at a loss why so many smart former religious people become Atheists and yet live moral lives that are the envy of Christians. Maybe it is the Atheists who are actually doing God’s work.

          The granite minds think God's patience is a Vice. They do! They are afraid God will not be as expeditious and harsh in his judgment upon his enemies as they will. So, they do God's work. Thus, we have doctors shot, clinics burned, political lies told, honest people harassed, religious lies told, prohibitions enacted, social lies told on minorities, boycotts of business, crusades against political and religious figures, ethnic cleansing, wars of conquest and ballot boxes stuffed. These granite minds tell us they are God's people, his front line troops. They tell us they have the Truth and we should believe the same myths they do. We are told we should think and act like they do.

            I am sorry granite minds. I am neither that ignorant, nor that evil. I am not that religious. I have moral standards that keep me from harming my neighbor just because he is different from me. I have morals that keep me from believing that any God could be as cruel, base and juvenile as the granite minds insist that their God is. I have morals that keep me from telling lies to others and insisting that the lies are the truth. If there is a God, I know he must be Just. A Just God could not cast a person into torment for all eternity simply because he could not believe the unbelievable, immoral and impossible claims made by the Holy Bible and the Holy Men.

            No Just or Good God ever thirsted for sheep's blood, man's blood, nor did he thirst for the blood of his own kin. That is Barbaric! That is simply Unbelievable!

            According to the believers, this Creator God is still playing with his toys. God whips up rain at man's request. He removes mountains, throws lightening bolts, breathes hurricanes into destructive existence, stomps earthquakes into being and guides tornados along their destructive paths. He moves comets, asteroids and stars around. Many other unbelievable and immoral actions are attributed to God by believers who claim God dabbles in the daily affairs of men and nations. God Does play with his toys, according to the Believers.

          Of course, according to the believers, God does this to impress and punish nonbelievers. He is so bent on attracting the attention of nonbelievers, he is willing to destroy the just together with the unjust, the good with the bad. He does this in order to punish the nonbelievers for their sin of Honest Doubt and Logical Thinking. Some say he sent the earthquake to San Francisco because of some immorality of a few citizens in that place. And he plans to do the same to Orlando, Florida. You remember they let some gay people have a parade. The snow-white granite minds duly informed us of this terrible, terrible religious sin. They then instructed God to get on with the destruction. Didn't you notice the fires and hurricanes last year? God was punishing the whole state of Florida to get back at Orlando for letting gays march for about an hour.

          The whole concept of a God making and running the universe boils down to this question. Is the universe religious? Is it a toy of the Almighty? Does the universe run at the whim and arbitration of a Creator or Maker God? Can mere man tell God what to do about the Iraqis or the Irish? Does this Maker God send the winning numbers when we pray? Does the Almighty run chores and errands for the granite minds? No! Certainly not! The universe is natural and runs by the inherent laws of matter, energy and nature. Yes it does!


            The Church and its believers are seeking to make this myth of creation into a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. Where did they get their facts? They get their facts from Revelations found in their Holy Bible, from their dreams and from their heads. However, they tell us, they Do Not get their facts from the Bible. We are told they get their facts from observation, from logic and from scientific study. Let us find out the truth about this matter. Look how indefensible is the Bible teachings of the early earth and early man.

            The creationists tell us God created this world Perfect and because of man's sin and disbelief, God turned his “behind” toward man and Cursed both mankind (his children) and his own creation (his own perfection). What kind of a God IS this? Did God get peeved? And if so, Why? Did God not Know this would happen? If not, Why not? Is God's knowledge and foresight so limited? What kind of God is he anyway? If God knew before hand that man would disbelieve if he had No Proof and No Evidence of God's claim of creation, why didn't God at least leave man some kind of Clue? That way honest thinking people would at least have had a slight chance to give God the benefit of the doubt and Try to believe? But he didn't do that.

            Did it ever occur to you that maybe God Did Not Want Man To Believe? Instead, maybe he wanted man to Think. Maybe God is Proud of the fact that some men used their brains to solve these problems! If God knows anything, he knows that even a God cannot create good character and sound clear thinking minds. Maybe God knew that the Only way to develop good character, wisdom and understanding was to push man out on a limb and make him think and act on his own. Surely, God knew mistakes would be made and that mistakes are the best teachers in the universe.

            Maybe God gave man a glimpse of his perfect world, then took it away, and said, "Now you see that it can be done. Go make your own good and perfect world. You will enjoy it, care for it and appreciate it more if You make it." So, what happened to God's perfection? We are told that God cursed his own perfection and changed (cursed) the world into what we now have. In other words, God gave and God took away. (That is the funeral phrasing of this Biblical Indian giver concept.) I apologize to the Indians. It was the white man who took away without giving.

            We are told by the Bible and by the creationists that God created man Innocent. What does that mean? It means God created man Dumb and Ignorant. Now that is all right if there is a plan to place some information, software and data into that innocent mind so it will have some basis for accepting true information and rejecting false information. But God Did Not do that. Instead, God threatened man. God said that if man sought to put anything into his mind by way of knowledge (learn from the Tree Of Knowledge) God Would Kill Him! Are the wages of knowledge - death? I ask again, what kind of God is this anyway? So God left man Unfinished!

            But God made a mistake! Yes, he did! Of course, he might have done it on purpose. He might have planned it the way it happened to challenge mankind to learn to Think. But it seems he did forget something. He forgot about that other God, you know, Lucifer (The Morning Star). It grieved Lucifer that Jehovah, for whatever reason, had not finished his creation. So, Lucifer sat under the Tree Of Knowledge and one day Eve came by and Lucifer began to teach Eve about life, the world, civilization and the rest of knowledge. Then Eve began to understand and explained it to Adam. So, they both sat under the Tree and got a university education. They found out that Jehovah had lied to them. Knowledge does Not kill. In fact, it does just the opposite. Knowledge produces excitement and a quest for life. Knowledge solves the mysteries that plague the questing mind of mankind.

            Knowledge makes life good. Knowledge makes life worth living. Knowledge helps complete the process God began by making man into the intelligent being that he should be. Knowledge extends and completes the process of creation (if you want to call it that).

            On the other hand, maybe what we are seeing in the Bible is the Divine version of the good cop and the bad cop. Maybe all this was all planned in order to make man Learn To Think. Maybe all this is humorous and entertaining to the Gods. Are Jehovah and Lucifer right now sitting down together drinking the nectar of the gods, watching this creation debate and betting on the out come? Are they having their Celestial Jovialities together? Maybe they approve. I have an idea that they are betting on the Atheists.

            Since that time (of this creation story) man has cataloged himself into two opposite camps. There are those who seek knowledge by studying hard and long under the Tree of Knowledge symbolized by the Snake of Wisdom in it. Then, there are those who are lazy and gullible and prefer to Believe rather than know. The learners are called Scientists, Atheists, Illuminati, Scholars, unbelievers, philosophers and such. Those who are capable of believing the unbelievable are called religious, Christians, Muslims, mystics and such. They are also called Creationists.

            Briefly and simply, here is how their observations and logic work. "See how orderly the universe is. Therefore, no one but God could be responsible for it. See the tree. See how beautiful the tree is. No one else could make a tree. Therefore, God made the tree. See Woody the woodpecker. Disney did not make him, God did. See how wonderful the human body is; see how all the parts work together. See how complicated the cells of the body are. Man could not make so much as a big toe, nor construct a single cell. See how the anthropologists cannot find early man. Therefore, God made man. If God made all this, he must have made the earth and the universe. A watch needs a watchmaker. A universe needs a universe maker."

            How about, a rock needs a rock maker, a cloud needs a cloud maker, a river needs a river maker, a forest needs a forest maker, or a rainbow needs a rainbow maker? Does wind need a heavy breathing God? Or, will a simple bean eating priest, rabbi or minister do just as well?

            In total disregard of the evidence of our anthropologists, our geologists, our archeologists, our cosmologists, our astronomers, our zoologists and our biologists, the believer says, "Evidence of man's evolution is missing, therefore, man had to come upon this earth suddenly. Only God could make man and place him on this earth in such a sudden manner."

            Well now, that is certainly very scientific, if one has not been exposed to the findings of our present day science. And is it not More possible that another intelligent race (instead of a God) played with our genes? Are we not now doing this ourselves? If a person were of average intelligence, he would like to pursue this claim beyond the observations and logic of the believer. He would like to find out the Truth about the matter.

            Where did this claim first originate? Who was the first great scientist to make this incredible knowledge and truth known to us? How do we know God created the universe? In fact, how could we possibly know, even if God Did create everything?

            Of course, there is no claim God created everything from nothing Except in the Christian Bible. Many religions claim their Gods Made the universe from available materials.

            There is no claim any God Created or Made anything outside of the holy books and myths of various religions. So to start, all the scientific information on the beginning, involving a god, comes from the religions, from holy books and from claimed revelations that happened in someone's head. Is it possible the preachers, rabbis, prophets and priests know more science than do our scientists? The Christian Bible is the Only place where the Original claim is made that a God is said to have created everything out of Nothing.

            How do believers Know God created everything? The first words in the Jewish Old Testament say:

            "In beginning, the Gods Made the heaven and the earth."

            The Christian Bible Changed that to read: "In The beginning, God Created the heaven and the earth."

            Notice: several Gods were changed to One God. A definitive "The" was placed in the text to replace the general statement, "In starting the story, or in beginning" - like, "Once upon a time." Then Made was Changed to “Created.”

            Now where did the Hebrew writer of Genesis get His information, that the Gods Made the earth? Was he there? Did he see it happen? No! Was it revealed to him through some supernatural vision or dream? No! It was Copied from the Persians in Babylon, from Their sacred myths.

            Oh! But I thought the Persians and Babylonians were pagan. That is, I thought the Jews and later the Christians were spoken to by God and God condemned the religions of the Persians and Babylonians. The Bible says God did say that. So, the creation story is Copied from a Condemned Pagan religion. Otherwise, we would Not know God, or the Gods, made or created everything. Isn't that something to think about? And that is the way it is.

            Of course, even pagans can be right sometimes, about some things, so we must investigate. How did God reveal to the Persians that he made everything? Did he speak face to face? Did he just speak to the writer in his head? It seems the writer would record such a major miraculous contact with God. The writers (Jewish and Persian) do not claim Anywhere that God revealed these wonderful things to them. They merely write as though they were sitting in the grandstand recording history, which they observed. Moses even records his own death. I wonder if he wrote his account before he died, or after he died?

            The "fact" that God, or the Gods, made or created everything, is the greatest event in the history of the universe. Yet, neither God, nor man, tells us how the writers (the religious reporters) received this most important information. Even the conversations that God had with Himself are recorded - word for word. And God said, "Let there be light." Admittedly, God was not much of a conversationalist, or many of his words were too irrelevant and insignificant to be recorded. Can someone tell us to whom God was talking? To the religious press reporter? How did the reporter know Exactly what God said?

            And how did a God language develop if there was no one with whom to talk?

            Now certainly, the reporter does not tell us everything. He never mentions the mistakes that God made during the creation. He doesn't tell us about the duckbill platypus, you know the little animal where God got the beaver tail in front instead of in the back and got confused and gave it duck feet instead of mammal feet. The reporter doesn't tell us which day God created cancer, black plague, smallpox or mumps. Neither does he tell us on what day God created flies, mosquitoes, lice, cockroaches and fleas. All in all, that was Not a real good day for God (or man).

            The reporter doesn't tell us why man was given a good brain and then forbidden to use it by a God who wanted man to believe and not use his brain, instead of thinking and using his brain. He doesn't tell us when God created his Son and his Holy Spirit, nor why he created the Devil.

            There are many more things that scientists do not know than there are things, which they do know. However, scientists know enough to realize, given eternal energy/matter and plenty of time, everything would eventually be more or less, like it is today. Given energy/matter and the fact it attracts other particles of energy/matter, by and by, galaxies would form, suns would form, live then explode or die.

            Planets and other suns form from the exploded suns and gases. Planets of certain sizes and certain distances from their suns produce gases, chemicals and conditions necessary for the formation of early physical self-replicating solid crystal forms. Then, liquid crystals form. Finally, self-motivated, liquid crystal viral life forms. It moves and seeks to feed and reproduce itself. From them come higher and more refined life forms, until eventually, intelligent life evolves.

            In the infancy of that intelligent life, they would argue over where they came from. Religious claims would be made and some God would probably be the answer. Later intelligent people would discover the scientific method of investigating the things around them. They would begin to submit the past claims and superstitions to scientific scrutiny. Eventually, they would discover some of the principles of energy/matter and rightly conclude that the religious claims were both unnecessary and false.

            It is a Religious claim that a God interjected himself between the cause and effect of energy/matter and created the universe in a short period of time. The claim is based on faith, on revelation, on belief in miracles and on scientific ignorance. Creation is a statement based on the "Authority" of Gods and their holy books.

            The whole concept of Creation is based on belief in miracles! Only those who believe that God dabbles into the daily lives of men and nations can believe in the miracle of creation.

            Men, always of a curious mind, asked the question, "Where did I come from?" They asked the right question, but they asked the wrong people. Instead of asking their wise men and thinkers, they asked their religious leaders. Of course, in those days, there was little to no science and the question could not be answered from the standpoint of knowledge. So, I guess, they did the best they could do in their day and age. But religious leaders seem always to claim they can answer any question because they get the answers from God. Is that True? If so, science is a waste of time, money and manpower. Since we do have science, we are a secular nation, not a Christian nation.

            Scientifically, we now know there is no space for anything that seeks to interrupt itself between the causes of the past and their effects and results. No scientific room is available for it. There can be no explanation for it. But best of all, there is no scientific need for it. Creation, as a concept, is totally Unnecessary even as a God is unnecessary in order for women to have children. It would happen regardless. Given time (and that is the most common commodity in the universe along with space), all that is, would be anyway.

            Our scientists in all branches contribute to the understanding of how our earth and sun came into being by natural causes and natural means. Besides, there is no known way whereby anyone could Know that creation is a reality. There is not even a Clue to support the claim of creation. It cannot be proven. It must be taken on Faith. Like all miracle claims, it can only be believed or doubted. Creation Must be revealed. If God revealed it, what proof did he leave us?

            Contrary to religious teachings, we know that there is no singularity (no one time happening) in Nature, nor is there even any Hint of something happening only once. What Nature does today, she will do tomorrow and she also did it yesterday. With that understanding, it seems to me that in space and time, there must be more universes coming into being. In addition to that, I would not be surprised if our science one day discovers that more new material is being poured into the space and time of our own universe and some maybe leaving - even as I write this.

            If creation were indeed true, how could we possibly know it as a fact? How could we account for the fossil records of the progressive life forms from early single cell animals to our present complex animals? If God did create everything not so long ago (as the religious tell us) and wanted us to know it, why did he create the Lie of the fossils? Do creationists understand and accept the truth, that if creation were a fact and happened not so long ago, then God is a Liar for placing the ancient fossils in the ground?

            Creation would leave no telltale signs. There would be no witnesses. If someone told us about creation, we could only believe it or doubt it. When we found out, through science, that creation was not at all necessary, we would certainly doubt the story. We would honestly doubt the intelligence and patience of a God who just could not wait for it to happen on its own. We would doubt that a God went into competition with the natural working of nature. Why would a God who had all eternity, be in such a hurry? Why would he do in seven days (or periods) what nature would do anyway in seven or so billion years?

            In the other religious holy books and myths, there is No claim that a God created something out of nothing. All the other religions claim their Gods took material that was available and Made the earth from those materials. The Christian religion stands alone today in its claim that a God created everything and that he did it out of nothing. I suppose such a claim implies God himself came out of nothing and must be made from nothing. Does that mean, he is still nothing? When this controversy is over, will he not return to nothing? From nothing he came and to nothing he will return. It makes sense.

            It is a fact, the Hebrew Testament Does Not claim God or Gods Created the heaven and earth out of nothing. The Christians used the corrupt and false translation of the Greek Septuagint version of the Jewish Testament. The Hebrew word in their Testament is the word for "Made.” The Greek speaking Jews, who translated the Hebrew Testament into Greek, used the Greek word for "create " instead of the Greek word for "made." To "create" means to make from nothing. While "made,” means to form the material at hand into something else.

            So the only information we have about a creation came to us by way of a False translation - a mistake - a lie. Think about it!

            Did God make his mistake in the Jewish Testament? Or, did man make his mistake in the Christian’s Version of the translation of that Old Testament book? Take your pick.

            How about that? The only physical or religious leg creationists have to stand on - is a Lie!

            The Christians are always asking the question, "Who made man?" Their own answer of course, is God. But when the non-Christian asks in return, "Who made God?" they say, "No one. God always existed." That God always existed, is more absurd than eternal matter, and of course, will not do. The evidence indicates energy/matter has always existed and cannot be created or destroyed, but it may be able to move about and take forms that our science has not yet discovered. This question is being pursued in both macrophysics and microphysics. So far, there is no indication that energy/matter is not truly eternal.

            If God does exist, or did exist, that would have to be some form of energy/matter. The Christians claim God is Not made up of Any-Thing. They claim he is made out of spirit-stuff. If you ask them what spirit-stuff is, they will tell you, "It is non-energy/matter." Don't ask, How do you know? So, is spirit-stuff nothing, or something, or not something? What?

            All I know about that are made up out of non-energy/matter are "ideas" and "thoughts." Even thoughts and ideas cannot be separated from the real material universe that conceived them. So I do conclude, the Christians have led us, in a round about way to discover what God is made of. God is made out of "ideas" and "thoughts" that came into the heads of some ancient religious leaders. They were trying to explain some very complicated questions out of their scientific ignorance. With their own "thoughts," they created God out of nothing in their own image.

            This God (made out of nothing) has been very active in giving men revelations about everything in the universe. Even though this God is very vocal, he is very shy about his personal appearance. It is claimed Adam and Eve walked with this God every evening. But from that time on, God has been very reluctant to show himself. The Bible tells us, Abraham barbecued a goat for God and he and God talked face to face while they ate the barbecue under a tree. It is written, that God let Moses see his rump only. (EX. 33:21). Earlier, seventy-two people, with Moses, actually saw God with their own eyes and God had hands and feet and looked like a man (EX.24:9).

            Then, in the Christian (New) Testament, Jesus in the Bible definitely called Adam, Moses and Abraham Liars.

            This truth, which is claimed to come from Jesus said, "No man has seen God at any time." (Jn.1:18). My opinion is, Jesus (or whoever wrote these words) was right. Of course, it is this same Mistaken Moses who is claimed to have written that God created (or made) the heaven and earth. Now, if Jesus didn't believe Moses was telling the truth, why should I? Why should you?

            There are those liberal Christians who say, "Well, God did not Create the world, but he did Make the world. He just used the natural, physical and evolutionary forces to make everything." In essences then, what they are saying is, the Bible is in error. All God did was sit back in the grandstand (with the religious reporters no doubt) and watch evolution take its course. They say the term "day" should be translated or understood as "age" or "eon.” So, for six eons, God sat (or stood) there and watched evolution at work. Probably, that took at least five or six billions of years. No wonder God was tired and rested during the seventh eon. I take it; we are still in the seventh eon so God must still be resting. Tell me, how does God rest? Could the trouble in the world be because God is still asleep? It's a thought!

            The creation story is a Myth. It is religion. It bears about as much relationship to science and truth as believing does to thinking. They are opposites. Creation is fiction. Evolution is fact. One can only believe or doubt creation. One can study evolution. One can manipulate evolution. One can watch it at work.

            Men and other animals still carry vestigial organs and parts that evolution has not yet totally dissolved. All men still have a rudimental tail at the end of their spine. About one out of every three hundred thousand have a visible growing tail that now is surgically removed in infancy (usually). (I have personally seen one adult case of this tail on a friend and he could wag it.)

            When food was harder to come by and man ate more vegetation than he did meat, he not only had a tail, he also had an extra stomach. That stomach was to wring the last bit of nourishment from seeds, nuts, bones and small hard bits of food. As man became better fed and began to eat meat, there was less and less need for such rigid economy from the digestive system. So the second stomach gradually became smaller and smaller. Today we call that stomach, the appendix. If God did create man, why did he give him a useless and trouble causing body part called the appendix?

            Many fossilized human remains and artifacts have been found that are at least one million years old. Some artifacts have been found in stone, which is over a billion years old. (Don’t blame me. I am just reporting it.) Creationists seek desperately to dispute the methods used to date these finds. Fossilized human footprints have been found that were made inside of freshly made dinosaur tracts and you know how old that is. This is not a hoax and qualified geologists, archeologists and anthropologists have traced human footprints under freshly quarried stone. This places man back some millions of years. Man has been here on earth (as modern man) for a long time.

            Though man is changing, he has not and did not evolve in recent times. He has existed side by side with lower forms of man for millions of years. Hopefully, his ability to think will develop more. Belief is some day to become vestigial in the same way as the tail and extra stomach. One-day superstition and religion will give way to Honest Clear Thinking and scientific research. Then we will All Be Atheists!

            We can give the evolution of man a helping hand by using our minds and especially by teaching our children to think and use their minds. If we fail to use our minds, they may shrink like the eyes of cave bound fish, which have closed and grown over. Evolution works backwards too. If we use our minds, they will stretch and grow and become more human, more humane and more able to handle the problems of life. If one doesn't use his mind, if he relies on believing instead of thinking, his generations may lose their ability to think and become dull, emotional persons, dependent on their religious and political authorities to do their thinking for them and to describe truth and reality to them. Has this not already happened and is it not happening now? Is that not Why people believe in creation? They do not, and maybe, cannot, Honestly Think.

            If believers do not wake up, there may eventually be such a gap between the thinkers and non-thinkers, that society will be separated into two classes. Who then will be the leaders, thinkers and masters and who will be the followers and servants? Believers are so easy to lead around, by religion, business and by politics. Tell them some absurdity and without checking the facts, they believe it, if the absurdity came from one of their accepted authorities. Tell them the truth and Beg them to check it out! What will they do? They will ask their authority to tell them what to think, or worse yet, what to believe. How can they disregard their humanity and their mental abilities and continue to be mental slaves? Wake up!

        The creation myth has nothing going for it except ignorance, belief and superstition. Once man tried to answer all of the questions of life with the answer, "God.” Only when man began to doubt such simplistic answers and began to experiment and observe life, did he start finding the true answers. Science has reduced the number of questions to which "God" could be the only answer, down to a good approximation of zero.

            At this very moment, earths are being made from cosmic gas and debris. So are suns and other bodies in the space of our observable universe. Some suns are even now exploding. Some are dead and void. There is no reason to believe our earth and sun began their existence in any way different from those other planets and suns being formed today.

            A major portion of our earth was once a part of a large sun or star. There can be no doubt about this fact. Earth is not capable of naturally producing the heavy metals. The stars are where All our heavy metals come from. Earth is At Least a second-generation planet (and may be a third or fourth generation one.) Earth is made from recycled sun parts. Earth is a recycled planet. If God made the earth, he had to first create a big sun and then he had to dip his hand into this large sun and extract quite a bit of heavy metals to place into the center of our earth. In fact, some of our heaviest metals can only be made during the high heat and pressure of a super nova (exploding sun). He could have waited until the sun exploded and then flew around and rounded up a few planets' worth of heavy metals to place in the earth (and our other planets). How he could do that, or why he would do that, I don't know. It would have happened anyway if he left it alone.

            But, the Bible says he made the earth First and Then he made the sun and moon. He made the stars and the rest of the universe on the fourth day. I suppose he made our other planets on the same day he created the rest of the universe. The creationists just do not know very much science. But belief is blind and does not allow the Possibility of being wrong. Creation is a barbaric myth still believed by the self deluded, who are capable of believing the unbelievable. Some spend their whole life trying to prove that creation is true and our science is wrong - and making money at it.

            Not more than a year ago (1987) I heard on the radio in North Carolina, a minister of the old time gospel say, "God placed the fossils of monsters in the earth to deceive those who did not have the spirit of God in them." He said, "God did this to cripple the faith of those who believed their way is better than God's way. By not believing God, the doubter will be cast into the outer darkness where there is only wailing and gnashing of teeth." This type of non-thinking is Creationism in its most blatant and revealing form. It also claims that God is a Liar and deceiver for putting the fossils in the ground.

            Fundamentalist Christians think so very small of their creator God. It is no wonder they think he will run their chores for them and they can manipulate the Unknowable Almighty with a simple magical obedience exercise called prayer. They even decide who are God’s enemies, which they do For God. They consistently assume divine prerogatives for themselves. They are rightly called Christians (little anointed ones). They think They must punish God's enemies because God is so impotent, he cannot do it himself. God can create a universe out of nothing, but he cannot take care of his own enemies. How inconsistent! How dumb! How disturbing! How useless!

            Fundamentalists do Not believe in an all-just and all-powerful God. They believe in a wimpy, whining and whimsical God - and they Know it. That is what makes them so mean, so bold and hurtful to humanity. It makes them so Hostile to the "others." And that makes them hostile creationists. Think!

            The earth is only about five or so billion years old in its present form. Yet, we see light or other radiation from about sixteen billion light years away. How did God make the earth first (five or so billion years ago) and After that, make the stars from which we now receive radiation. Some are fifteen or so Billion Light Years Away? How was he able to get the light and radiation from those distance stars to us at once, or in less than a fraction of the time that it takes light and radiation to travel through space? Only believers and holy men know the answer to that.

            If God made the earth five billion years ago and After that made the stars, how could we possibly receive radiation from any star more than five billion light years away? We simply could not. Besides, as time went on, we would encounter the radiation and light from more and more stars as their light spanned the distance and finally reached us. This doesn't happen. In addition, the heavy elements in our earth had to be formed in some sun for more billions of years while the metals were atomically and molecularly squeezed into their present elemental forms. Then, that sun had to go nova (explode) to make the rest of our heavy metals.

            A galaxy or star that we see today, sixteen billion light years away means this. Earth, in its present form, is five billion years old (give or take a bit). If we see star light and radiation today that is fifteen billion years old, then at a minimum, that star had to be in existence at least ten billion years Before the earth came into being. We look at that star and its radiation in the spot where it Was fifteen billion years ago. It could be dead today, moved on to another portion of the universe, or it could even have exploded and ceased to exist ten or so billion years ago. Even a God could not have made earth Before he made those distant stars and galaxies!

            There are those believers who tell us evolution is not science. They tell us that modern science ignores creation and seeks only to prove evolution. Therefore, evolution is not science because it does not seek the truth (that is, it doesn't seek to Prove creationism). Let's look at that for a moment.

Science does not seek to prove anything.

            Science seeks to discover, to find out the truth about things. But, how did we get the concept of creation that the Believers claim is true? Where was creation discovered? Who discovered it? Please explain how the science of Christianity works, how it investigates this problem and how it arrives at its conclusions.

            Christians believed in creation from 40 AD - 400 AD. Where was the science of Christianity at that time? Where was their proof? Not only was there no proof, they didn't think any proof was needed for any proclamation from their God, their religion, or church. After 325 AD. Their New Holy Book declared creation was a fact and that was good enough for them.

            Christians believed in creation in 800 AD. Where was their science and proof then? There was none! Christians believed in creation in the 1600's AD. Where was the science of Christianity and their proofs at that time? None! But our human science was an infant at that time. Our scientists were being burned at the stake, beheaded, tortured and imprisoned by the believers in creation (by the scientists of the Christians).

            Christians continued to believe in creation in the 1800's, but they still had no Christian science or proof. During the same period, Charles Darwin and others were discovering how nature really worked and how one thing evolved from something else. Christians believed in creation in the early nineteen hundreds, but there was still no science work being done by the believers and of course, no proof. Meanwhile, human science was busy cataloging, observing, studying, measuring, discovering and beginning to understand how things happened - how things evolved. Evolution not only happens slowly, it often happens in a catastrophic manner.

            Today, human science watches suns, galaxies and planets being formed. They watch them explode and die. Finding out how Nature works is the purpose of human science. And how does nature work? Nature makes new things by evolving the old into the new. Nature never wastes anything. What has the science of Christianity discovered or done? Nothing whatever. It still only believes. Religious science spends its time trying to discredit our science (kill the messenger) and seeks thus, to prove their creation myth.                                    


            Rather, science has tried to understand it. They have differed over aspects of it. Once some of the principles of evolution were discovered by hard work, hard observation and hard thinking, scientists have tried to utilize the understanding of it. Science today is hard at work using the Principles of evolution to produce better medicines, better vaccinations, better cows, pigs and horses, better crops, better food supplies, better fuels, better pesticides and soon better people. All of this helps produce a better life for all of us, even those who still believe in creationism.

            Where is the science of Christianity today? What have they produced for the benefit of mankind? They tell us creation IS science and that it is true. God did create the world from nothing. The Clear Thinker says, show us your experiments, your observations, your data and analysis. Show us how you arrived at this truth that you try to teach us. Show us your proof.

            And what do they show us? You guessed it. They show us a tree, a woodpecker and the Holy Bible. You must Believe! And what must we believe? We must have Belief In The Holy Bible, which tells us about a God creating the universe! And don't forget Jesus!


            Like All beliefs and religions, creationism seeks Only to prove that its Belief is true by Attacking those who say, "It Is Not True!" Science seeks to find out what the truth really is concerning the question, "Where do we come from?" Science seeks only to discover the truth. The truth is, the evolution of our universe is a Fact. Creationism is false, a waste of time, a deception and a smear on the good name of God. Even a beginner God would not make light before he made the stars (the light sources). Neither would he give man a brain and then punish him for using it to establish the truth about these claims. Scientists and Clear Thinkers try to find out if the sloppy account of creation in the Bible is true or false. The facts show the account to be false - very false!

            Creation is the lazy, unthinking answer to a large number of specific scientific questions and fields of observation. Some spend their whole adult life finding out, understanding and testing some small single aspect of the development of life, or of planets, or suns. Thank goodness, they honestly doubted the simplistic answer "God" and decided to do their own investigating and thinking. We should give thanks for their dedication!

            The Clear Thinker must conclude that the creation myth or story is simply another non-thinking statement and Claim made by believers who get their answers from a God by way of a divine revelation "in their heads.” Is creation fact or fiction? It is fiction! Creationism is a Faith. It is a religious Belief. No science supports this falsehood. No Truth supports it.

            Everything the Christians have told us has been proven false. Their doctrines are false. Their religious sin claims are false. Their plans of salvation are false. Their Bible is false. And now Creationism is the last desperate hope with which religion tries to convince us that their religion is God given and that Jesus saves. In the face of the facts of modern science, creationism has been weighed in the scales of Honesty and Facts. Creationism is found to be totally lacking one single truth, or even one single Clue upon which to stand. Creationism has no bottom to stand on, no prop to lean on and no wings to fly.

            One of the arguments of the creationists is, there is no way that what now is could be duplicated. And believe it or not, I agree with them. The reality of evolution is like this. I put 60 dimes in my pocket. I take them out one at a time and marked them with the number 1, then 2 and so on. Then I put them back in my pocket and do it all over again hoping, or trying, to pick out number 1 first, then number 2 and so on. The odds of success are too great to contemplate. But what, if by luck, I did it? Would that make me a God? Certainly not!

            Things are like they are, because that is the way they came out of the pocket of evolution the first time.

If Anything could come into being without a God, then Everything could!

You cannot produce something out of nothing!
Even God could not make himself if he were not himself to start with!

            Creationism is a very dead and disabled belief. Creation is just another claimed religious revelation that came into the heads of some ancient priests who wanted to show that they were the followers of the greatest God of all. Creation cannot be studied or proven. One can only believe or doubt creation. Creation is a lie.


Next: Some Scientific Errors From The Bible
