Updated: 03/15/05



            I had decided against including a section on Truth. The reason is because everyone who believes something believes it because to him or her, it is the Truth.

            Obviously, everything claimed to be the Truth is not. So, the purpose of this section is to give some guidelines to help others know a bit more about the concept of finding Truth and how to separate fact from fiction.

            The first thing one must learn is, Truth is not a jealous god. It does not fear for itself. It is confident within its own statement of facts. On the other hand, the untruth, or lie, is extremely jealous and fearful. The lie refuses to listen to any opposition, any examination, or any contrary proof and facts against it. If the lie cannot find any facts to defend itself, it will attack the factual statement maker. It does so with lies, claims of immorality and distortions. The untruth followers will then verbally and sometimes physically, attack the statement maker, the Truth teller.

            Truth has never been employed in the censorship business. It has never been a jailer. It has never burned others at the stake. It has never severed heads. It has never tortured. It has never resorted to mob action. It has never burned crosses. It has never lied about the untruth nor physically attacked the untruth teller. Truth has never been unreasonable.

            Untruth, on the other hand, finds its main business is to propagate its lies by censorship, by passing discriminatory laws, by jailing, by denying justice, by being unreasonable, and when it had the power to do so, it propagated itself by tortures and painful deaths. The lie lives in the darkness of secrecy and ignorance and calls itself good and patriotic. Belief or acceptance of the untruth (the lie) is called a virtue. It is called “having faith,” or “patriotism.” The watchwords of the untruth are believe and obey. This applies in politics too.

            The Truth makes its home in the sunshine of knowledge, facts and honest, intelligent thinking. The enemy of Truth is the untruth - the lie. The enemy of knowledge is ignorance. The only weapon Truth has, or knows how to use, is the weapon of facts and Honest Clear Thinking or Logic. Truth does not reveal herself by stamping out the untruth. Truth is bashful and reveals herself slowly to diligent investigators and Thinkers who search her out, who court the beautiful lady of Truth. Which brings us to the second bit of knowledge one must know about Truth.

            The second aspect is that Truth is hard to find and difficult to know. One may find a truth, but it takes many difficulties, experiments and hard honest thinking before the facts are gathered together. Each piece of the puzzle must be put in its proper place and the whole picture of that particular truth can then be demonstrated to the world (or to those who will see and have the intelligence to understand).

            One must prepare to be a seeker of Truth. Doctors of medicine and health study long and hard to learn the truths and proofs that their predecessors have passed on. It is a long laborious task. But these predecessors were the ones who struck a telling blow to the lie that the Devil or God made men sick or diseased, or smallpox could be prevented or cured by prayer to a God who gave the disease to man in the first place.

            Astronomers must master the tools of their trade and learn the accumulated truths and facts before they are ready to enlarge the storehouse and puzzle of Truth. These astronomers have dispelled the lies that the sun stood still at the demand of a Jewish general, or that the earth was created in six days. In fact, they proved that it could not possibly have been created at all. Rather, the earth evolved and collided, as do all planets and suns. They proved Joshua knew nothing of astronomy, nor did the Holy Ghost who inspired Joshua's biographer.

            The biologists and zoologists remain hard at work studying, learning, discovering and unraveling the mysteries of life and its development. They have dispelled the myths that man was created a little over six thousand years ago, or that man could have ever been created. They have driven out of civilized minds the cockatrice and the ass that talks.

            The chemists with their computer models, DNA and gene splicing, have scared us with the new truths they bring to the surface of the mind. But they have rid us forever of the myths that water could be turned into wine by words, or a pot of flour eaten from every day could last forever. Neither could a boy's lunch feed thousands with bushels of food left over.

            The physicists have shown us some of the fearful truth of the subatomic world, but now we know for a certainty, an iron ax head did not float at the command of a wild man, nor did a gentle man walk upon the waves without falling or getting wet.

            What preparations must the followers of the untruth (the lie) have? All the preparation these followers of the untruth must possess is ignorance, gullibility and belief in authority.

            This brings us to our third item one must know about Truth. The fact is Truth has utility. That is, a truth can be used to better the existence of mankind. Truth is not just knowledge; it is a tool. Man is a tool user. He can use almost any truth or fact to his benefit if he uses his Thinking ability.

            Man finds microbe "b" will eat microbe "a.” Microbe "a" causes plants to die, so man injects microbe "b" into the plant and the plant lives and produces healthy edible food. Steel, heavy as it is, when made in certain watertight configurations will displace more water than it has weight, so he makes steel boats. An explosion produces tremendous force, so man confines the explosion and makes an engine to run labor saving and transportation devices. I have read of no truth that has not, or cannot be used to the benefit of mankind.

            Well, what is the benefit to mankind of the untruth, of the lie? Little to none I know about. Of what benefit to anyone but the priests and preachers is the lie that a man can be saved from a nonexistent hell to a nonexistent heaven? Of what advancement in our welfare is the lie that an invisible disease called sin can be cured by an invisible prescription called salvation? The utility of the untruth is that it brings untold wealth to the tellers of the lie. To the believers in the untruth, it not only relieves them of their substance, but worse, it robs them of the very quality, which sets man apart from the beasts of the field and forest. It robs man of the Ability to Think for himself, to trust his own mind. At the least, the untruth makes men unsane. It can even make men insane!

            The fourth idea you need to know about Truth is it is not isolated. All truth is intertwined and connected. One truth leads to another truth. One truth builds upon another truth. One truth supports another truth. A single truth is the next step that leads us onward and upward. A centerpiece of the truth puzzle cannot be put into place or understood until some of the surrounding sides have been connected together and understood.

            Many truths had to be fitted together before man was able to utilize atomic energy. Fire was the first step, then mining, smelting, metallurgy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. In fact, every present aspect of mechanical, physical and chemical science had to be developed before even the Theory of atomic energy could be put forward. Atomic energy development could not have come earlier than it did in our civilization because there were mountains of Truth that had to be available before it was possible to even Think about it. One Truth leads to the next Truth.

            Where do these steps lead? Where is Truth taking us? For one thing, the truth of atomic energy is taking us to new truths about ourselves and about our social relations with each other. "Isms" are clashing with other "isms.” Religions are pitted against other religions. Philosophies clash. Fantasies clash with other fantasies. Political philosophies clash with other political philosophies. Hanging over all these clashes are two new swords of truth.

            First, we know for certain, man can now destroy all intelligent life on this planet, if not All life. We can do so quickly by nuclear warfare, or even chemical or biological warfare. For the first time in the history of our civilization, we are also faced with another truth. We cannot "prove" our beliefs, our religions, our "isms,” or our fantasies by destroying those who say our claims are not true. Those who say our religions and "isms" are not true also possess atomic, chemical and biological weapons.

            Some die-hard believers might be willing to die for their beliefs and "isms,” but few are also willing to kill off their own children, grand children and indeed the whole human race just to stop others from saying their religion, political system or "ism" is false. Only those whose minds have totally confused fantasy with reality, and who thinks God wishes them to push the button, are crazy enough to push the button. We must not let this happen!

            Only about half of the population of the world is claimed as belonging to any of the major organized religions. When the figures in the United States are studied, one finds that organized religious bodies claim that about sixty plus percent of the population belongs to one of the main religious bodies. This means support for the major "isms" and religions are on the decline in the USA. However, fanaticism in favor of one religion or another is not dead. In fact, fanaticism seems to be on the upswing. One can witness on radio, TV and in the newspapers the rise of fanaticism for Islam and fundamental Christianity. And all of it is based on ignorance, belief and the refusal of believers to Think, honestly and clearly. Religious Fanaticism is based on the untruth, on lies. Think!

            Hopefully, the thinking people in all parts of the world can keep these fanatical religious and political leaders from gaining control of the governments and the triggers of the nuclear and chemical means of total destruction. The Truth has led us to the point where all men must Begin To Think - or die. To think is to question the teachings of our religions, our "isms" and our governments. To question, is to doubt the impossible and improbable claims of our religions and governments. This is where Truth is taking us. Religions and “isms” have brought us to this impasse and this pending clash of our civilizations.

            So, we come to a second truth to which atomic energy has led us. All other religions and "isms" can prove that our religions and "isms" are false. And we can also prove that their religions and "isms" are false. The problem is, they pay no attention to our proofs against them and we pay no attention to their proofs against us. The fact of the matter is, All religions are wrong in their basic claims. All religions are false if they depend on "Belief" instead of facts and honest logical thinking to project and prove their doctrines. Truth does not depend on belief. Truth depends upon known facts. Truth depends on Honesty. Anyone who looks at his religion (or his government) in light of the known facts of science, psychology, physics, chemistry, medicine, surgery, geology, cosmology, mathematics, ethics and morality, or any other factual discipline, that person will find his religion (and his government) to be false.

            Once man Honestly thinks about these things, he can no longer hold fundamentalists views. He becomes more intelligent, more in harmony with the Truth and more liberal in his thinking about the problems facing mankind. He becomes more willing to sit down and work out the problems with others, more willing to “compromise” in order to get rid of a few of the world’s problems over which the fundamentalists of all religions (and governments) would go to war and ultimately destroy mankind and all life on this our Mother Earth.

            Truth has led us to this point in the evolution of our civilizing process.


            Mankind has been led by the Truth of our science to a plateau. The Truth can take us no farther until we have resolved the problems of our philosophical differences, our religions, our political systems and our "isms.” From this position mankind will emerge as dead, or he will emerge with a new respect for himself, for others and above all, he will emerge with a new respect for Truth, Justice, Thinking and Honesty.

            I hope man will emerge as a new mankind and continue his evolution. Who knows what man may one day become? Let us hope mankind sheds his superstitions and moves on, even as the snake sheds its skin and moves on.

            One scary truth that we must not ignore is that religion tries to present itself as good, moral and correct in all of its positions, claims and statements. And they will jail you or kill you to prove the point that they are Right and you are wrong. Religion has tried to lay claim to all things that we call wholesome and good. Those, who oppose the church and its beliefs, are classified by the believers as ungodly, corrupt, led by the devil, Atheists and deserving of the most horrible, dire and tragic consequences. We need to think about that! Our government has assumed that same “stiff necked and hard headed” approach toward its subjects! (I wish I could say citizens but I think it is too late for that!)

            The facts of the matter will establish that it has been Honest Clear Thinkers who have given mankind its most wholesome concepts, laws, science and morals. It is these men and women of Honest Doubt, who hold Truth and Justice as their guiding principals that have saved the USA in the past from the tyranny and injustices of both our religions and our governments. We must be saved again from their inhumane beliefs and their desire to rule over us.

            These men and women of Truth and Justice need our support in a special way in the tough days ahead. Honesty and Justice needs to push Belief and Obedience off of its throne of influence and respectability in the United States of America.

We must place Honesty, Justice and Clear Thinking on the throne!



Next: The Soul
