Updated: 03/15/05



            Let us talk about ghosts as "proof" of life after death. First, (contrary to common sense) we will assume one can retain identity, intelligence and some mental powers after physical death. Next, we will assume one has some freedom to determine where he goes after death. We must also assume the "dead" can utilize some power of the universe to make himself or herself mobile. And finally, we must assume that ghosts can make themselves visible to those still among the living on earth. Most tales of ghosts seem to be about someone who died and became a ghost.

            Many times these ghosts appear in their favorite clothes that they wore while alive. Sometimes they appear in the clothes they were buried in. We have been told many times, man does live after he dies. So we have little questioned the old ghost stories, nor have we analyzed the new "religious" ghost stories about saints, angels, demons and such.

            Even if we grant that man does live in some way after he dies, that is, he is in some way intelligent and cognizant after death, does it follow that dogs and cats can become ghosts and are immortal as has been reported many times? And more to the point, does it follow that clothes and clothing are immortal and can appear in ghostly form?


            If all ghosts appeared naked, I would have much more confidence in the tales than I do when they all seem to appear in their favorite clothes or grave clothes. Sometimes, the favorite clothes in which the ghost appears, are still hanging in the closet, or on a rack at the Good Will Industries.

            If clothing is not immortal, then from where did the ghostly clothing come? Is there a "Ghostly Manufacturing Company" that makes clothing to order for the ghosts? Or does a ghost make his own clothing? If there is no "Ghostly Clothing Store,” then the ghost must, of necessity, make his own garments.

            Some tell us, a ghost was saying something to them, but they couldn't understand it. They must be dealing with a very dumb ghost. One should not pay much attention to a ghost who is not as smart as are the living.

            If a ghost can manufacture his own special clothing on the spot, as he must, why can't he make special designs in the cloth? Since he does make designs in his clothing, why not make a plain coat or robe and put the words on it that he wishes to communicate to those whom he has chosen to honor with his presence?

            Now, if the clothing, which has not yet been destroyed, can be made to “appear” in ghostly form, is it not possible the same magic can make the dead loved one appear in ghostly form also? We are now talking about an “Illusion.” That is, something seems to be present, when in fact, it is not present at all.

            If cloth and clothing are not immortal, these ghostly manifestations are manufacturing their own clothing. Since the clothing is some sort of illusion, what is to be said about the wearer of the clothing - the ghost itself? If the clothing is not what it appears to be, why should we conclude the wearer of the clothing is who "It" claims to be? Could some demon impostor be using a disguise to impersonate the dead person so the gullible loved one may be more easily deceived? Or, is it not possible that the Seer of the ghost is manufacturing the clothing - and the ghost?

            If these ghostly manifestations (or illusions) are actually happening (outside of someone's head) we are being deceived. That is, something, or someone, is trying to appear as something, or someone else. To deceive is dishonest and immoral. So, the purpose for the ghostly appearance could not be for good if the method used is a dishonest deception.

            The mode of reported transportation of these ghosts is seldom described as walking or running. Rather, they are described as gliding along without movement of the feet or legs. It is more like a still picture that is focused on a wall, or something that moves as though the projector were simply moving the picture along the wall or room, or like a hologram. It is like the people you see in your dreams. Sometimes when there is movement, the motions of the legs are described as not being in harmony with the motion of the ghost. Having never seen a ghost myself, I am at a loss to give any factual details. I am more prone to believe that the reported accounts of most of these ghosts cannot be separated from the seer's mind. I am not prone to believe them.

            However, there does seem to be something happening from time to time and place to place, if any of the reports are based on facts and are to be taken seriously. There are claimed to be what are called poltergeists. This is some kind of disturbance in which noise is heard, but there is no accounting for it. Also, objects are reported to be moved, thrown, disappear or appear with no apparent physical contact.

            Numerous of these reports, after being investigated, discover some natural reason for the disturbance, or uncover some type of arrangement by some member of the family to make the happening appear to be unaccountable, but that are actually made to happen by the perpetrator. In other words, some are a hoax.

            This is not to say all ghost or poltergeist tales are hoaxes. There are those mind scientists who insist certain children and people can release enough mental, protoplasmic or electrical energy to produce the phenomena called poltergeists or ghosts. This phenomenon seems to be under the subconscious control of the person producing such energy patterns. That is, this phenomenon is produced in the same manner in which the subconscious produces dreams and may be some sort of acting out of dreams by the mind. Often, the seer is accompanied by others, some claim to see the ghost, and others do not see the ghost or the manifestation.

            So, if this is true, we are still talking about a happening that is caused by the living and Not by the dead.

            I make no guess how many events such as we are talking about have occurred. Neither do I make a guess at how many have been investigated. But from my reading, it would seem a high percentage like seventy-five percent or so, turn out to be definite hoaxes, or have some form of natural explanation.

            Many of those events that have no known explanation turn out to center around what we call UFO events. That is, on the same day and in the same place in which ghostly events happened, there were also reported strange lights and shapes nearby in the sky or on the ground.

            This enables us to connect at least some of these ghostly illusions or poltergeist activities to UFO events (whatever they are). This indicates the UFO occupants might be using scientific illusions and deceptions to fool us. If someone is using deceptions to get their message to us, then the message itself must be suspect. Indeed, it might be wiser to think, or conclude, the opposite of what we are being told by these "ghosts?” "Aliens?" or "Visions?”

            Some claim they are being told by the ghosts (or UFO occupants) that they are our friends. They are being told the ghosts, or UFO entities, are trying to save us from ourselves and from our science. Some claim the ghosts have become violent and are trying to kill them, or run them out of a "haunted" house. Some claim that the ghosts have sexually attacked and molested them. Some claim the "ghosts" want them to do some special work, now or in the future. Some claim the "ghosts" tell them secrets about themselves, or the world, or the future. Some "ghosts" are claimed to speak through automatic writing, cards, game boards and such. Many people have also made these same claims for the UFO occupants.

            Our mind scientists are discovering new possibilities that involve the mind. They are learning to control moods and desires by beaming long waves of low frequency energy into the brain and light and sound from outside the head to produce unusual results. By electrical stimulation to certain particular areas of the brain, the person can be made to see vividly what we would call visions and ghosts. These impulses can produce immobility, visions, fear, courage, sexual desires, confusion, hate and many other conditions in the individual that may also happen on their own at other times. Our scientists are in the first grade as regards these phenomena. If we can do this now, what could an alien race do that was thousands, or millions of scientific years ahead of us - if there be such?

            There is also the possibility that under certain conditions, one’s mind can be read by another mind. Our mind science is right now coming close to this with their new techniques in which different pictures are shown at a rate of sixteen or twenty per second. The mind responds showing recognition, fear, sexual arousal, pleasure, etc. Also, under hypnosis one will tell his mind and thoughts to another and not remember that he has done so. Thus, by many possible ways an entity (good or bad) could know what is on the mind of a person and use that information to verify that “it” is really some loved one. Reading of one’s mind is a highly scientific possibility - right now. Another explanation resides in the possibility of time travel for the minds of individuals. Some study has been done in this area and scientists do not rule out this possibility.

            There are factual reports of mediums who can “call up” the spirits of the dead and even produce images of ghostly forms. But, again, we are dealing with the mind of which we know so little. Some of these events are proven hoaxes but others are not. We wait on the mind scientists to examine and explain the truth of the matter to us.

            Whatever rational explanations exist to explain ghosts, space aliens or poltergeists, most investigators conclude, these happenings are caused by the “Living and Not by the Dead.”

            Until further evidence to the contrary appears, I must conclude that ghosts are not what, or who, they claim to be and therefore,


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