Updated: 03/15/05



            Our country is considered to be in a real moral decline. Why? Many have spoken on the subject and most present the religious point of view. That is, our moral decline is the direct result of our religious decline. Their reasoning is, when religious attention and the attending of religious services declines, so do moral values.

            That is like saying, "Wet pavement causes rain." In fact, it is the other way around. It is the rain that makes the pavement wet. It is the civic moral decline that makes religion decline. Civic morality directs a culture more than religious morality does. Moral decline comes first, then religious decline follows. This will become evident to you.

            All religions tell us their religion is the best way to know good and true morals. Some go so far as to say their religion is the only way to know true morality because their God reveals true morality to them. They claim morality is a revelation from their Deity. It is further claimed that we will be judged (after we die) on the basis of their particular religious teachings, doctrines and morality. The truth of the matter is, this approach to morality actually dilutes and weakens true morality in the eyes of the general public. Some makes it into an excuse for immorality.


            We will look at several definitions of morality, so here is the first one of mine.

            Morality is a socially agreed upon standard of conduct that makes civilization, civil harmony and social interaction both possible and safe. It is also the idea of learning to leave everything better than you found it.

            In opposition to this definition, the religions give us a definition of morality that, when followed, “Retards” the civilizing process, retards just social interaction, retards true morality and retards civil harmony.

            Religious morality is geared first, to make belief in and obedience to their doctrines, the highest good, or the highest morality. The second highest good is to persuade (convert) others into believing, or forcing them into obeying their particular religious rules of morality (by passing blue laws and prohibitions). The third highest good is to associate mostly with those who believe these same religious doctrines and rules of morality. Finally, and not higher than fourth, comes the acceptance of the civil rules of morality, “If” they do not conflict with their religious ideas of morality. Religious morality and religious rules are more important to believers than are civil laws and civil morality. The civil rules of morality are measured against the rules of their own particular religious denomination and its doctrines of morality.

            If there is a clash between the civil rules of morality and their religious rules of morality, the religious believers consider themselves to be at perfect liberty to break the civil rules of morality, so long as they adhere to their religious rules of morality. Even murder can be of the highest ethical standard for the believer if the victims are the “enemy” and are so declared by their religion or government. Mayhem is considered moral if it is directed against abortion doctors, gays, Atheists, false religions, or those who advocate the abandonment of the believer’s particular religious rules of morality. Civil rules and laws of morality must conform to the standard that comes from their God. If not, they feel they must take over the government and change the laws. Those who do not follow "God's way" are not worthy of civil consideration or mercy. To believers, those who do not follow their "God's way of morality" are second class citizens at best. The attitude of the religious believer is that:



            Religion even encourages its followers to eliminate (jail or murder) or subjugate (pass narrow and restrictive blue laws on) those who do not believe and accept their particular morality, teachings and doctrines. They also use guilt and fear (found in their doctrines and Bible) to accomplish this in a general way in their business and politics. That is, if you don't agree with their morality, you are against God and are a follower of evil and the Devil. Therefore, they do not have to deal fairly and civilly with you. This is found among Jews, Catholics, Protestants, indeed, in politics and all religions.

            If you place civil morality higher than religious morality, rest assured, they will inform the world that you are a follower of evil. They push this guilt and fear onto those around them in both their civil and social relationships. Being unable to accomplish the elimination or subjugation of those “immoral” people around them, they are instructed by their holy books, and taught by their leaders, to come out from among the others (anyone who does not accept their morality and doctrines) and "be ye separate.”

            This "holier than thou" attitude is fractious and promotes elitism, both of which are anti civilizing concepts. It retards just social interaction and produces hostilities and excuses for crimes, chaos and wars to name a few results. This attitude retards civility and just social interaction.

            It is neither hard to understand, nor is it hard to find fault with such a narrow, selfish code of conduct that is presented to us by religion. They then inappropriately name their concept "moral and good.” This (false) religious morality opens the gates of immorality and causes civil unrest, crime, murder and often, outright warfare between groups, societies and nations.


            Religion is not without excellent and laudable moral teachings and concepts. Embedded in its teachings, it does indeed present to us a system of some highly desirable codes of ethics and moral behavior. However, they then claim that this honorable and excellent morality is “Suspended” when they are dealing with the enemy, or with the "others.” The “others” are those who do not believe their favorite myths, morality and doctrines. This includes such people as the nonbeliever, or gays, or abortionists, or feminists, or blacks, or other religions like the Baptists, or Catholics, or Jews, or Muslims, or Mormons, (insert your own here) or anyone different.

            Morality, of the fundamental Christian variety, has very explicit commandments on how to deal with the "others" (those who do not believe our favorite doctrines and stories). "Come out from among them and be ye separate." "Bring my enemies before me and slay them." “Stomp their dust from your feet and render curses upon them.”

            Religion tells its believers to go into all the world and make converts. Religion (and the holy books) tells its followers to stomp the dust from their feet and render curses against those who refuse to accept their religious teachings and morality. Christian and Muslim laws will get you put in jail for many normal, every day, innocent activities. So, what is the highest and truest morality?

            The highest and truest morality is that which produces justice and freedom for All of its people. The highest morality is that which purges away Fear from the minds and lives of the people. The highest morality is that which grants a bright and hopeful future to its people. The highest morality is that which places the highest value on civility, honesty, justice and freedom. The highest morality is that which treats all of its people with equality.

            Now, explain to me the morality of preaching that one shall not do murder and then preaching encouragement to their religious believers to render mayhem and murder upon those people or nations with whom they disagree. Iran has a long death list of those who do not behave or think like certain other Muslims are supposed to act and think. In the USA, there are the deaths (by Christians) of those who disagree with their concepts of morality, abortion and government. Christian morality is a chaos producing immorality!

            Many say, "But that was only deranged individuals who bombed those clinics, or shot those doctors, or who killed those queers." My question is, who deranged them? Who brainwashed them? What caused them to be deranged? Under what morality did they operate? Why do they Believe they are right in doing these evil and horrible things to others? My conclusion is, these people are Not deranged Christians at all, any more than were David, Joshua, Elijah, Samuel or any of the rest of the heroes of the Bible, or the Koran. What I see is, these villains have the “Courage” to Do what the prophets, rabbis and leaders of old actually Did. These prophets of old commanded that these same evil deeds be done by their followers. These few modern “deranged” Christians have the Courage to do what the New and Old Testament tells All Christians to do. They have the Courage to follow the morality taught by their religion, their ministers and their Holy Books.

These villains are being Good Brave Christians!

            And watch out for these “Christian” Militias. They are just crammed full of this old time Christian morality. The church Must take credit for "deranging" these individuals. Some Christians spoke out against these deeds. Some were ashamed. This also shows me that even in Christianity there are some people who have a tiny spark of Clear Thinking hiding somewhere in their minds. Many Christians know these deeds were immoral. They know these actions were not heroic. They were not godly actions. Sad to say, some moral cowards rejoiced!

            Explain to me the morality of a free society that is wealthy, over fed, undereducated, but wishes to forbid a woman from making her own choice as to whether she will be pregnant or not. This is immoral, even “IF” abortion is wrong,

            Believers refuse to let God judge the woman. These Believers believe They are more capable of moral judgment upon the woman and the doctors than is God. Are they afraid that God will not be as harsh and just in his judgment with these people as they will be? Why? Has God given up his authority and appointed them to be judge, jury and executioner in his place? Does this tell us anything about fundamental Christians? And their morality? Why do they not trust the judgment and justice of their own God? Please explain this to me!

            Did God the Almighty, the Just, really authorize and certify these people to commit these crimes and to encourage their followers to do so? I honestly doubt such can be so. If God did not command these crimes to be committed, who did? By religion's own type of reasoning, I must say, that other God the Devil made them do it. Just who does give revelations in the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Who gives these voices, visions and instructions into the heads of these fundamentalist believers? Just Who gave the believers their morals? Who recommended these immoral acts to the Christians and Jews? Certainly, it is not a Just and Good God! Whom then? Think about it!

            Explain to me the morality of the religious isolationism that removes their children from the public schools and then builds their own schools to teach and extend their own isolation from general society. They then expect the rest of us to finance their isolation and finance the teaching of their religion, morality and beliefs to their own children. This is another immorality.

            The religions expect, and get, favored treatment from the rest of society. So, they are exempt from taxes on their holdings, land, wealth and businesses. As individuals, they get to deduct the support they give to their religion by giving less in support to the general welfare of the USA. They then demand (and get) subsidies from you and me for their schools, universities, retirement homes, projects and missions. Another immorality.

            Most of the good work attributed to the religions is, in fact, done by individuals who would be doing that same good work, even if they were not doing it for their favorite religious organization. They would do it even as do Atheists and Agnostics. They would do it if they were not being paid for it. This is the same good work that is also being done by Atheists, Agnostics or members of some other faiths or religions. These people would and will continue to do good work. Why? In spite of their religion and its “Bad” morals, they are still very “Good People.”

Religion does not have a monopoly on good people.

            Religion tells us we must feed the poor. They put great pressure on our government to do just that. The fact of the matter is most of the poor belong to some religion and are often ignored and allowed to remain ignorant, hungry and poor by their own favorite church. Did you know there are more individual churches in this land than there are individual homeless people? Isn't this immoral? Think about it some more!

            When religion tells its own poor that they are favored by God and will one day be the rulers of this earth, they build false hopes and false expectations. This concept reduces the Believer's desire to be a fruitful part of society. It reduces the desire for a good education, produces laziness, and builds a strong expectation to be taken care of by the "others" (those who do not believe in their doctrines and stories). Such doctrines preached by the religions produce a "something for nothing" attitude. And that is immoral! You don’t even have to think about that!

            This attitude of something for nothing, or you must take care of us because we are poor and Christian, produces social and political crimes. You belong to the "others.” You are not among the "good or chosen.” You owe us political power because we are chosen. We will make our morality the laws of this nation. We will take what we rightfully should have as soon as possible. In addition, if you don't give it to us soon, we will punish you at the earliest possible time, by robbing the treasury and hurting you anyway we can. We will punish you when we elect our man and our political party. If you voted against our men, we will punish you when we get the power to do so. We will pass laws that take away your freedoms. We will spy on your every move. We will pass laws that dilute your power base. We will pass laws that will make you support us. And by Jove, that is an immorality. That is another “no brainer.”

            The plenty that a cooperative society produces, is sucked away by religious institutions and a demanding poor minority, many of whom feel they should be rewarded for their belief, their ignorance and their poverty. They do not consider their own lack of education and social cooperation with society as immoral - but it is.

            Some of you will wish to disagree with me at this point, but consider this. The people, who wish to reward the poor for their poverty and the ignorant for their lack of education, are the same people who caused the poor to be poor and the ignorant to be ignorant in the first place.

            These religious people have infiltrated our government and a certain political party. They brought their religious fundamentalism and morality (immorality) into government. Notice how long the religious majority kept the Blacks in servitude and ignorance. Why? The Blacks were the "others" and, therefore, did not warrant civil consideration. Notice how, up until today, the Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, Orientals, gays, women and others have, and are, being treated immorally and even cruelly by the religious people in government and business. Why? They are the "others.” As such, they do not qualify for the civilizing process, civil treatment and civil justice. That is immoral. Have you any idea what the Bill Of Sale for this immorality will be and who will have to pay the bill? Think!

            Let's stop here and specifically discuss morality. First of all, some God has not decreed morality, as the religious would claim. The believers, who tell us that morality is of divine origin, are the same people who wish to inflict hurt and punishment on those who say morality is not from their God. That is, this God given morality can be Suspended by the believers long enough to punish those who say morality is Not of divine origin (from their God).

            If morality were of divine origin, the worst crime a religious person could commit, would be to suspend one's observance of that Divine morality in order to inflict mayhem, punishment and harm on someone else. Since religion constantly does suspend their morality for various and sundry reasons, (economic, social and political) then they could not possibly believe their morality came from their God. Otherwise, they would Know they are committing a terrible crime in the eyes of their Deity who revealed the moral code to them. The fact that they constantly break their own moral code, on purpose, proves that they do Not believe it has the power and judgment of the Almighty behind it.

            Do not steal! This is not God given. This is common sense that all mankind will agree on (except the thieves, of course). Honesty is a moral concept, which if followed, will produce a strong, vibrant and safe society. This is not a divine decree. It is common sense.


            Do not steal, does not place a high value on the material world as such. Rather, it places value and worth on people. Do not steal shows respect and concern for others, for their lives, for their well-being and for the goals of others. Do not steal is the working out of justice in society, and without Justice, there is only fear, rebellion, chaos and crime. Does our government steal?

            Do not steal is a concept that also gives value to money, land, homes, farms, food and commodities of all types. This concept, of do not steal, enables trade and business to flourish. This morality encourages art, music, science and knowledge to grow and be financed, which in turn strengthens a society. Do not steal includes fairness in product prices, wages, proper health care, subsidies to religions, interest on loans, our government's rate of exchange policy and taxes. Among many other things, it includes stealing jobs from Americans and giving them to sweat shops in other nations. It also includes laws passed to enable one group to legally steal from others.

            There are many methods of stealing and they are all in use today. The government uses them. The church uses them. Business uses them. Groups and individuals use them. All of these methods are immoral; although a great many of these theft methods are Legal.

            Legality and morality are two separate and independent concepts. "Legal" is anything decreed by a group of people, government (or any powerful special group of thieves). These legal thieves state that some special forms of theft are OK and legal, so long as certain rules are followed. The thieves also make up the rules to follow. Believers got tax deductions passed for anyone supporting the untrue and the unbelievable claims of their religions. Incredible! That is theft! Another Immorality!

            By these "legal" forms of thievery, one can be separated from his savings, his home, his land and even his income and freedom. These "legal" forms of theft tend to destabilize a whole society and such "laws" break down the moral fiber of a nation. If you want to know why this country is in a moral decline, look no farther than to the Legal, but immoral, "laws" in our land. Look to the tax laws, the riders and amendments attached to bills in Congress, the rules and regulations foisted on the people to protect the biggies against the little companies, the discriminations, the consent of the Christian moralists to the ravaging of our water and land. Look at our highly destructive, costly and demoralizing war on drugs and now on terror (Patriot Act). On I could go.

            People tend to follow the example of their government and religion. They begin to resort to personal stealing, lying and other forms of dishonesty in order to protect themselves from the other thieves (and get a little more for themselves). They lie about their income and their holdings. They resort to all kinds of legal off shoring and illegal tricks, rules, laws, fraudulent bookkeeping and deceptions to foil the thieves who are trying to take their hard earned thefts from them. They use these same rules, laws, tricks and deceptions to increase their own holdings at the expense of others around them. They buy man killing guns. Why? And the lawyers love it! Yes, it is immoral.

            Many of these same "legal" thieves (fearful of the masses) buy the loyalty and support of the poor and underprivileged by paying them (with stolen money) to remain poor and underprivileged. Thus, the legal thieves can count on the support and votes of these poor, intellectually handicapped and ignorant people, because the poor are dependent upon the thieves for their daily bread. Somewhere I saw a prayer that sounds a bit like this:

                        Our government
                        Which art in Washington,
                        Sucker be thy name.
                        Thy thefts be continued.
                        Our will be done.
                        Give us this day our daily bread,
                        Our health care and welfare.
                        Forgive us for being ignorant
                        As we see no reason to learn.
                        And, we will vote for you.
                                           Hey, Man!

            Is there any more need to wonder how and why the poor get more numerous and more poor, while the rule makers and their "Friends" get richer and richer? I think not. Another nation destroying immorality.

            Religion is not without some merit. Among many noble and wise truths, they have given us two certain truths to ponder. This is one real reason to follow the best, true teachings of their holy books. These axioms of truth are:

"THE WAGES OF SIN (immorality) IS DEATH."

            One day the people of this country will reject our thieving political and religious rulers, be they elected, appointed or self-appointed. One day conditions and events will become so intolerable, even those who benefit by their thievery will demand a return to honesty and justice in business, government and religion.

            Force and fear can be used for a period of time to build or enlarge and empower a society or nation. But those who impose that fear also share the fear that is forced upon the people. Those who rule in this manner must always be aware that their fellow thieves may just as easily do unto them as is being done unto the people. What do they do? They pass many Secrecy Laws to hide their immoralities. These believing politicians know how easily they could be accused of some immorality (since there are so many of them). So they trade. "You don't tell on me and I wont tell on you.” Woe to those who break this agreement! They may resort to pious arguments or even barricades, bodyguards and bulletproof glass, but the wages of immorality are death (politically and sometimes, physically). The Bible says so (so does common sense). At the least, they should be voted out and some other philosophy given a chance. Witch-hunts and tyranny always backfire.

            The thieves must also fear the people. If enough people rise up in revolt at the ballot box, or in the streets, the thieves stand to lose their wealth, businesses, positions of power and they may even find their lives at risk. So, they will make excuses for having a large military. They will empower secret police and pass security laws. They will seek to spy on everyone in the name of security. They will use every excuse possible to remove weapons from the people and they will lie and they will cheat like crazy to control the ballot box. They will use religious slogans and concepts to accomplish this. These immoralities are always claimed to be for the good and security of the people and especially are they Good For The Children!

            “Frankenstein” comes in many forms. The politicians and the CEOs who have worked hard to create and empower this “religious right” monster of religion may well find themselves looking the monster in the face. They may well realize (too late) that the hand that feeds them can also extract a terrible toll from them. One day the Christians will wake up from their delusions and recognize the lies of their own making. They will fall upon those who have deceived them. The results are too terrible to contemplate.

            Force and fear then, is simply a means of slow self-destruction for a society. Force and fear is usually placed on the people in very small stages. Many times in the early stages of force and fear, the people will actually agree to vote for the loss of their property and their benefits of Justice because the ruling thieves have distributed enough propaganda and publicized, or created enough horrors to confuse the people - and the issues. The concept of Security is always used to steal the "Rights of Man" from him (for the thieves’ own personal profit and power, of course).

            In order to replace a rule of justice with the rule of force and fear, the thieves must find, or create, situations so disturbing, they can talk people into accepting the yoke of injustice (tyranny). Always, the yoke of fear and force is presented for the purpose of protecting the people and bettering their lives. Crime, pornography, hate, depressions, inflations, health care, drugs, war and such are presented as the reasons for destroying our freedoms and the rule of justice. Always, the tyranny of force and fear is presented to us as being "for our own good, for our own protection and security.”

            We are talking about morality and the lack of it in our society. We are talking about the results of this lack of morality in our society. We are talking about where that immorality came from. We are talking about where that immorality is leading us.

            I belong to no religion except to follow the axiom that says to not do to others what I would not have them do to me. But, even the religious believers will see that common sense and a brief study of history will “Prove” to anyone, that good Civil morality will make a strong, vibrant society. They will also see that religious morality (immorality) “Always” leads to tyranny, witch-hunts, insecurity, chaos, war and destruction. Almost everyone who knows any history (religious and thieves alike) agrees on this.


            Some will say, "What is good for me and my kind is moral. What hurts me and my kind is immorality." Others will say, "What my God or my religion says is moral, is moral and what my God and religion says is immoral, is immoral." Still others will say that morality is anything that is good for their business, family, country or good for them personally. Others say morality is leaving us alone. Morality, according to some is, what is good for the country, or what is good for my religion. Everyone has his or her own definition of morality.

            What most people do not understand is that morality is Not some nebulous or foggy notion of how to be naughty or nice. It is not just a randomly agreed upon set of behaviors, principles or laws. Morality is not arbitrary, nor is it abstract. Morality is definite and fixed. What is morality?

            MORALITY IS:


            So, morality is divided into two parts, our relationship with people, (not doing to others what you would not have them do to you). The material part of morality concerns our environment - physical and social - (leaving everything better than you found it).

            Morality is a concrete Cause, which culminates in a concrete Result. Immorality is also a concrete Cause, which culminates in a concrete Result. It is often true, the results follow at a distance from the cause, but the result always follows the cause.

            By the same law of cause and effect, immorality is soon followed by its effects of chaos, death, destruction, war, poverty, ignorance, disease, crime, famine, earthquakes, storms, weather changes, floods and little and big wars to name a few results.

            "Wait!" you say. "How can immorality cause earthquakes, weather disturbances, war and such?"

            I am glad you asked! Morality is not just our relations with other people. Morality is also our relationship with our mother earth, our environment, our fresh water, our sky, our air, our top soil, our deep earth oil, our deep water and salt, our seas and oceans, our ice caps, our valleys, our mountains, our animals, our fish, our birds, our trees, our rivers and streams, our swamps, our deserts, our tropical rain forest, our sea coast and river fronts and yes, even our insects. Have you seen your trees cut and your swamps filled in so that someone can fill his pocket with your money? That is an immorality.

            If someone thinks morality only concerns one's secret sexual liaison, or the robbing of a Quick Stop market, he is badly mistaken.


            Our scientists have recently discovered this age-old truth. We must treat nature in a moral fashion, or nature will soon treat us in a terrible fashion. I cannot find the word in any dictionary. It should be there so we can accurately describe the range and extent of morality. If it wasn't a real word before, it is now.


            Our fish are not disappearing because some guy stole an apple. God is not punishing us. We are punishing ourselves by being immoral. Our fish are disappearing because We are pumping poisons, sewage, fertilizers, silt and other contaminates into our lakes, rivers and oceans. Why?


            In addition, we are over harvesting the remaining fish because the world has so many mouths and stomachs to feed. Immorality also includes the sin of too many stomachs to feed. Be sure your sins will find you out!

            Shall we look at earthquakes? Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon, yet, the recent increase and devastating results seem to surpass the past activity of recorded history and surprise our scientists and population. How may our immorality contribute to this?

            Consider the vast amount of deep underground oil being pumped out daily by man to feed the thousands of industrial plants, millions of automobiles and billions of mouths. And don't forget the vast amount of water being sucked out of the ground daily. What happens in these cavities?

            Sometimes we pump salt water in to replace that which is being taken out and sometimes we don't. This is a whole world problem. Extraction causes the weight and pressure of the deep to be changed, causing other changes in the underground structure. We pump out enormous amounts of underground water, especially in the west and it will never be replaced. This produces more deep structural changes. We pump out very large amounts of salt from very deep underground domes. If we do refill the salt domes, we do it by pouring in poisonous waste, pollutants and other undesirable garbage. These salt cavities get smaller by the year, which demonstrates the pressures of the deep earth being equalized.

            To add insult to these injuries against nature, we explode dozens of atomic and nuclear devices deep underground. We produce enormous sound waves deep in the oceans, which drives whales to beach and causes earthquakes. We aim the HAARP system at certain areas that Does produce earthquakes, storms and weather changes. We blast devastating acoustic waves in the depths of the oceans to look for oil and minerals. These acoustic waves deafen dolphins and whales and causes underwater cavities to rupture. Something has to give soon. When one part gives way or expands, it affects another part close by and the earth's adjustments continue until a new balance is found. As long as we continue these immoralities, so continues the earth to adjust and thereby produce earthquakes with greater intensity and devastating weather patterns. I am certainly not saying that our immorality is the only reason we have earthquakes. I am saying that we are forcing the issue.

            There are also changing weather patterns caused by HAARP that contribute to earthquakes by changes in the atmosphere and the pressure of the ice caps. Floods and snow also change the pressure on the deeper earth.

            Weather patterns are dependent on the seasons, on the composition of gases in the air, on the temperature of the ocean waters, on the amount of sun light and heat received and retained by the earth, by the direction of the ocean currents, by the direction of the wind currents, by the accumulation of snow and by the interaction of all these things.

            Our industries, our automobiles and our airplanes change the composition of the gases in the air, as do clearing the forest, the forest fires, volcanic eruption, nuclear explosions and such. Some industry or department of government is even spraying out atmosphere with metallic particles and live biological stuff. These are called “Chemical Trails.” Look it up. This in turn changes the heat retention of our earth, and thus, it is also producing violent weather changes.

            Look up on the Internet and read about the powerful HAARP system. We have developed HAARP, (extremely low frequencies) with the ability to alter the composition and structure of the very ground we stand on, the air we breathe, the ozone layer, deep earth structures and other scary scientific uses like dissolving metal at a distance, producing earthquakes at the desired locations and even affecting people’s minds and altering their ability to think.

            I am not trying to give a science lesson here. I am trying to make a simple point. When we misuse and abuse our earth, that is immoral and we suffer, our children suffer and our progeny suffers. To do these things that will soon harm us and our children is immoral. And That Is The Truth. And You Know It!

            I don't know why, but I just had to stop here and write some verse. These immoralities depress me and my hope is that some of you may be in a position to do something about it. At least we need to honestly think about it. Maybe some poetic thinking will be of a little benefit.

                            IS IT TIME?

            The bowels of Mother Earth, she rumbles.
            Gust of gas and dust contaminate the air.
            Mother Earth, she strains and quakes.
            Molten rock, a desert she makes.

And blasting away, she grumbles.

            Is it time, that time again? Asks man,
            When Mother Earth remakes herself,
            When valleys rise and mountains fall,
            And oceans swell to cover all?
            Where is safe footing on which to stand?

            From time to time, in ages past,
            She wipes up clean, the slate.
            Away went dinosaurs and such.
            What was left wasn't much.
            But, in the seed was life at last

            From that seed, man came up,
            And thought himself to be supreme.
            But, can he pit his thoughts enough
            To survive her ways, harsh and rough,
            And, drink him not from Destiny's cup?

            Time will tell if man must yield.
            His thinking and doing, useless now,
            When Mother Earth decides its time,
            All traces wiped clean of man's great crime,
            His abuse of Mother Earth, finally stilled.

            Man's abuse of earth and self
            Drives down his survival chance,
            And points the finger at all of us.
            For while the Fates consider thus,
            Man's slim chance that he be left.

            Dig a hole, find a cave,
            Store up food and water too.
            When Mother Earth decides its time,
            For her own reason and her own rhyme,
            All is ground into the grave.

            And if she says that man must go,
            What seed now will she save?
            What new or better intelligence make?
            How long survive they, before they, she break,
            And they, as fearfully as we, into infinity flow?

            Thomas E Blaylock, Jr.

            Sorry about that! At least it made me feel better now that you see what immorality can bring. Can we please do something about it?

            The people (believers and nonbeliever) know these things are immoral. And they soon lose respect for the system (religion, business and government) that continues to harm them and their children. They know that the thieves care more for their own fortunes than they do for the welfare of the people who are making them rich. The people know they are being treated immorally and if they do not do something about it soon, they become party to the immorality and will reap the effects without reaping the fortune that others are making off of these immoralities. To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs is immoral.

            Every single immorality in this country affects you. In fact, the immoralities done by others often affect you more than your own personal immoralities. A large portion of what you pay for insurance, health care, food products, gasoline and commodities of all sorts, reflect the cost of other people's immoralities. Your risk of being robbed, killed, maimed, called into war, poisoned, hit on the head by police clubs, diseased, loss of income and countless additional effects, may easily be traced back to a multitude of immoralities committed by others whom you never knew, nor will never meet. Would you believe that many governments are right now creating New Diseases to be released upon some of us at some future time? Immorality!

            Immorality is a disease, a contaminant, a roadblock on the way to your own health, happiness and hope. Immorality is not so slow a means of social suicide. I am not a scientist, but I do muse on these things. The problem of immorality, as I see it, rests on the religious and gambling concept of getting "something for nothing." Some have called this concept "greed.” Some have termed it "looking out for number one,” "building a fortune or empire,” "buying cheap and selling high.” It has even been called "prayer or faith,” "taking care of the poor,” "government reform,” "taxes,” and sometimes it is called "religion.”

            Obviously, what you call, "getting something for nothing," depends on whether you are a getter or a loser. Even if you are a getter, (one who temporarily benefits from an immorality) you are destroying the chances of your own children and grand children to have a happy, fruitful future. You may be destroying your own chances. Be sure your sins (immoralities) will find you out!

            Getting "something for nothing" (an immorality) seems to be inborn in us. We see this concept in constant action even in little babies and young children. I would, therefore, conclude that morality must be a “Learned” trait, even as is math. If it is a learned trait, then it must be personally discovered due to trial and error and then taught to others. The problem here is, it takes a whole lifetime to prove to our individual selves that morality is the only safe and productive way to conduct our society and our personal lives. It then becomes very difficult to get our children and grand children to see this truth, (the necessity of living morally). They will find out much too late in their own lives “If We Do Not Teach It And Live It In Front Of Them.”

            I would like to mention two great examples in this country of our society's bulldog grip on the immoral concept of "getting something for nothing.” The first is our obsession with gambling and lotteries. The second "getting something for nothing" immorality is prayer and religion. Surprised?

            You shouldn't be surprised. The whole concept and morality of religion is that, you can get a multitude of things for nothing by simply believing and begging for it. You don’t even have to be lucky like you do in gambling. Think about the concept of eternal life, salvation, food, protection, victory, rulership over the earth, power, health, happiness and the promises are almost endless. All of this is free for nothing if you just believe the unbelievable, obey your religious authorities - and beg (pray). And my friends, that is an immorality! Will we ever Learn to be Free Moral agents?

            Religious morality teaches its believers to beg for what they wish or need, and like winning the lottery, God will see that they get it. "Something for nothing" is immoral even under the guise of religion. No good God ever inflicted this immoral philosophical concept upon man and then called it "good and moral.” Only man does that, even if he does say, "God said it." We know a Just God would never ask us to do those immoral things, which will destroy civilization, nature and our own future. God did not ask us to pray for something for nothing. God did not give the religions their concept of morality. Selfish men who wanted people to be their mental slaves did that! Or, maybe that other God, the Devil, did?

            The fact that prayers are answered in about the same ratio that you can win the power ball lottery, seems to be no deterrent to those who see religion and prayer as a way to get something for nothing. They call themselves "wise.” Put these same wise people of "faith" into our government offices and they use their "wisdom, faith and position" to Answer their Own prayers. Then They get "something for nothing.” Their standard cry is, "It is for a good cause and in the best interest of the people and our children." Would you like to buy a nice bridge in New York City?

            Nothing in our country has better media exposure than religion and government. Yet, even the media is beginning to see that this "something for nothing" philosophy is taking this country apart. It is producing a whole herd of immoral predators, each worse than its parentage. People are suing other people and businesses for the most absurd of reasons. They seek to punish the “others” (for the same mistakes which they make) and steal wealth from the “others.” They are looking for "Something for Nothing!”

            What can those of us who are concerned do to stem the tide of this immorality and its devastating effects of chaos and crime? I doubt we can do much to stop the effects, but surely, we can remind everyone that there are possibilities of doing better than we are doing today. We can, also, get this book, Honest Man’s Philosophy, before them. Especially do we need to get it before those who have the knowledge or position to do something about these immoral things.

            Morality (that is to say, justice) is the cement that holds civilization together. Honesty is the core of morality. In one sense, morality could be called, living by the rules. But always, morality is doing what is right and just. Doing what is right and just is "treating others as you would be treated.” Sometimes however, doing what is right equals doing what is illegal. Doing what is illegal is breaking the immoral selfishly imposed religious and political rules. So sometimes, the rules are immoral. The civilization with the least amount of immoral rules is the best civilization - whether they have lasers and atomic bombs or not.

            A civilization or government may be judged according to its immoral rules and the percentage of its population in jail for breaking these laws. The USA has a higher percentage of its people in jail than any other nation on earth. The type of laws a country passes then becomes the yardstick by which people may judge their own government. Laws should become the foundation for the well-being, hope and happiness of a people. Laws should not be their despair, fear, pain and suffering. The claimed intent of the law and the results of that law may be very different. Does the law protect the weak, sick, handicapped, aged, the wronged or the powerless? Does the law treat the rich and powerful the same as the poor and powerless? Does the Law give freedom to its people, or take it away? If it doesn’t grant freedom, that civilization and government is in a heap of trouble. Are our halls of justice not being used today to deny justice? Yes indeed!

            When justice is not free and can only be bought, tyranny is just around the corner. Soon will follow chaos, civil war, destruction of wealth, famine, disease and the comforter of all - death.


            Once enough people begin to see that true Civil and Social morality produces Justice, which is followed by stability, prosperity, well being, peace, knowledge, art, science and an excellent future for their children, they will begin to demand the end of the immoral practices in government, business and religion. Are there enough of us - yet?

            Let us no longer fall prey to the old and worn false claims that their immorality is: “For the good of our children, for our security and for our happiness.” What they really mean is, their immoralities are: “For the good of ourselves, our friends, our wealth and our power.”

            Believing or not believing in someone's description of their God is not a moral question. Stealing is a moral question. Belonging or not belonging to a religion is not a moral question. How you treat your fellow man is a moral question. Praying is not a moral question. Leaving your part of the earth better than you found it, is a moral question. Reading or not reading a holy book is not a moral question. Lying and giving false witness is a moral issue.

            What moral decline means is that there is small to no value placed on honesty, justice and human life. It means that indifference for person and property has replaced respect. Crime and theft are not only tolerated, they are expected in business, politics, religion and in the community. That is moral decline as promoted by our religion and government. And moral decline is running away with our life, our hope, our happiness, our wealth, our future and it is doing the same for your children and grand children.

            Isn't it time to begin thinking moral thoughts and doing moral deeds and insisting on others around us to do the same? Are there no Ministers, Rabbis and Priests out there with influence enough to change the direction of your religion before it is outlawed? Are there no politicians, Senators or Legislators out there who can change the direction of our government before it becomes a Theocratic military dictatorship? Are there no businessmen out there who can, and will, stand up for honesty in business before our wealth crashes? Are there no lawyers out there who are willing to struggle for Moral Justice instead of just winning the case? Are there no teachers and professors out there who are willing to teach honesty, justice and the truth before we are all drowned in the lie? Are there no people out there who love their country and children enough, who are willing to say this immorality must be stopped before we lose all of our freedoms? Am I really the Lone Ranger? Are there no Tontos out there? Can't we begin to teach our children the Truth, so they can have a decent, prosperous and safe society? Where have Honesty and Justice gone?




Next: Free Will
