Updated: 03/15/05



You must read Free Will first. It is the first part of Prophecy!

            "Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. . . And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilence, fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. (Lk. 21:10 -12.) "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." (Mt. 24:9 -10.) “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; and the sea and waves roaring:. . ." ” (Lk. 21:25).

            And there it all is in my Bibles. Are these guys actually seeing the future? Then I realize one cannot actually See the future because man has free will and he is not an actor on the stage of life. Man is not reading and acting out the script written for him. Yet, these things seem to ring true in our present day.


            First of all, if men believe in their religion and in its prophecies, they will work overtime to make them come true. If we need war in order to hurry the return of Christ, then by all means, let us make war. Man is man. Mankind has certain attributes that cause him to act and think in certain ways under certain conditions and circumstances. Now, if you accept a religious belief and fuse that religious belief into the complex activity of man, what do you have? You have a being that is a believer. That is, one who will take the word of some authority instead of finding out and relying on his own investigation of the truth and on the facts of the matter. Knowing this fact, that man is a believer, and not a thinker, (as a rule) then you have all the facts you need to predict what mankind will do under most circumstances of life.

            Men will not all believe the same religions, fables and myths. Some will believe myth "C,” while others will believe myth "P,” and still others will believe myth "M.” And these beliefs will clash, locally and worldwide. These beliefs are not only religious; they are also political and economical philosophies of life. If the ancients knew anything, they certainly knew that even on a local scale, man will over produce his progeny. Soon, he is in a squabble with his neighbor over who owns the water hole, the land between them and the wild animals that roam both of their lands. Besides, the neighbor believes wrongly.

            By projecting these simple facts onto a worldwide scale, one will at once see that at sometime in the future, there will be too many beliefs, too many hostile people, too little land, and thus, too little food, water, resources, animals and such. Knowing that too little food brings famine, and famine means unhealthy bodies, one also knows these conditions will bring about pestilence. Too little food and land will certainly bring about wars and terrors of all types. So any honest ancient thinker who would sit down under a nice shade tree for a few days, could come up with these same Biblical prophecies. One does not need to be divine to think.

            But how about volcanoes, earthquakes, roaring waves and terrible weather? For us, that is easy because we know what our science has discovered. We know a lot about the geological past of the earth. But even for the ancients, they too could know of these things by reading the past. That is, by going over the myths (their history) that all ancient civilizations carry in their culture. We call these stories, myths. They called these stories, “History.”

            We need to clarify something here. These statements of prophecy in the Bible are not original and did not originate with Jesus, Luke or John. These things are written in the Buddhist's Texts and we cannot stop there. These things were copied from the records of the ancient peoples of Sumer and ancient Egypt. The Egyptians and the Sumerians wrote down these things as historical and scientific facts. They claimed that all parts of the earth had been under water at several and different times in the past. They said that the earth never stops changing, but that the major changes were spaced at great intervals of tens of thousands of years. They further wrote that when these changes did happen, they happened with great force, turmoil, great loss of people, land and nations. Chaos reigned. Fear reigned. Death reigned. They also said and knew that history ran in great cycles of tens of thousands of years.

            If the ancients knew this, which most of the traveling and thinking ancients did, it was very easy to project that at some future time, the same thing would happen - again! When it did happen, it would be the end of that age, those people and those nations. A new people would arise out of the rubble, as had happened in the past. Some would revert to the basics and live like cave men, tribes or savages. Some would build a new civilization that understood and still had the knowledge of the past. They would therefore, seek to eliminate the errors and pitfalls of the past. Thus, a great, strong and just (golden age) civilization would arise (as had been the experience of the past).

            They also knew that gradually man (being man) would revert to the old ways of greed, belief, war and hostilities. Soon, because of belief, knowledge would be forgotten and set aside. The forces of belief and religion would begin to replace the scientific knowledge and the civilized behavior of the golden age that arose following the chaos. Toward the end, some would rebel against this ignorance. Scientific knowledge would again arise and prepare the people for the coming major changes. How did they know this? Their myths and histories explained it in detail. That is exactly what happened in the past great upheavals of earth. So, it would happen again.

            Looking carefully at the prophecies given to us about our future, we suddenly find we are simply looking into the past, looking at what has already happened to ancient civilizations told to us by the Sumerians, Chinese and the Egyptians.

            In explaining this to a preacher friend of mine, he asked, "But, how about the signs in the heavens? There are no parallels for these things from the ancient texts that I ever read."

            Oh? Yes there are! We will skip over the fact that the Sumerians tell us about powered flights, chemical and mechanical science and the like. The Sanskrit myths (copied from the Sumerians which they call - history) tell not only of powered flights, but also of air wars, bombings, strafing of people from these aircraft, dog fights and the like. We will even skip over the stories that they tell about their astronauts who visited the planets and became great national heroes on their return. These stories are told in great scientific detail. They even tell how to build these anti gravity things. Hitler spent many millions of Marks sending scientists to India to study these writings. Many historians offer proof that the pulse engine and the jet engine came from these ancient writings.

            These stories were first translated into English in the early to middle eighteen hundreds AD. Of course, in our scientific ignorance of that recent age, we classified all these histories as myths and gave them little attention. The monks, however, date the origin of these tales to a civilization that was destroyed in the last great earth upheaval over twenty thousand years ago and to an earlier one at some million or more years ago.

            It was only after we “Reinvented” the atomic bomb that their stories suddenly became undeniable. These myths (histories) exactly describe the explosion itself. They exactly describe the aftermath and results, of hair falling out, of skin melting, of the following blindness, of getting rid of all contaminated metal, of washing in water to decontaminate, of fleeing from the cloud of death, of slow horrible deaths, of hair turning white, of early deaths from cancers, of later grotesque births and on and on. There is No doubt, they knew about and used atomic energy. They also wrote about lasers used to kill, used to shoot their enemies from the sky, used to quarry stone, cut underground caves, carve and shape metal, to treat disease and such. Remember, this was translated in the middle 1800's. But, we will skip over these things.

            But, we cannot skip over the ancient confirmed historical records of China and Egypt. The Chinese tell of two early times (possibly as much as 500,000 or 1,000,000 years ago and recently about 20,000 or so years ago). After one these extremely early destructions, the emperor killed a number of his wise men for failing to predict the great chaos and destruction in which the earth was washed over by a great tidal wave. In this earlier destruction, (several million plus years ago) the heavens and stars changed their course in the sky and the seasons were introduced. There are two easy explanations for these events. First, earth could have come into contact, or close contact, with another body from space such as a comet, asteroid or another large body. Second, the poles could have slipped again, as has been recorded in the geological record of earth's past history. Other explanations may also be valid.

            Modern geology is at war with itself and with archeology over the timing when the earth was knocked from its original position. Once the poles were perpendicular to the sun and the equator was horizontal to the plane of the earth’s orbit. All agree with this. The fact remains that it did happen and it happened while man was on earth and intelligent enough to record the chaos that followed. There is much evidence that man had developed advanced civilizations well over a million years ago and possibly as early as a billion years ago. (See Michael A. Cremo’s books.)

            Up until this earlier time, the orbit of earth around the sun and its daily rotation was three hundred and sixty days. That is where we get our early math, the division of the circle and such. The moon divided the year into thirteen parts, or moons (months). There were no seasons, as we know them. The temperature stayed about the same at each latitude. It was hot at the equator and progressively cooler as one proceeded away from the equator. That is why the plants were so prolific, grew so tall and made such enormous coal beds. The Bible hints at this, "There was no rain in those days but a mist covered and watered the earth." The Bible says, after the terror, God gave the promise of no more flooding of the earth by giving us the (new) "rainbow.” The rainbow only comes with rain.

            When the catastrophe came, the spin of the earth was speeded up, the earth wobbled, the incline of the poles happened and chaos reigned. People, who had never seen frost, suddenly had their crops killed. What was happening? Before the catastrophe, the people could plant anytime of the year and harvest was whenever the plants were ready.

            The chaos reigned for hundreds if not thousands of years. Finally, an ancient emperor in that far off time sent wise men throughout the area, east and west, north and south to determine the times, the signs (stars) and the seasons. A planting and harvesting calendar was desperately needed. All surviving peoples of the earth had to do this. So, all around the earth, archeologists find stone circles, buildings, temples, Stonehenge type constructions and such, oriented to calculate the seasons. These were observatories erected to solve the problem of the new seasons, which the catastrophe had introduced upon the earth.

            It was, therefore, learned that there were now three hundred and sixty-five and a fourth (365 1/4+) days in a year and that the seasons were four (spring, summer, fall and winter). The stars now became very important because by studying the stars, one could tell what part of each season they were in. All known ancient civilizations except Egypt altered their calendar. I can only assume that Egypt did not do these things and change their calendar because there was little change in their weather. Their planting and harvesting depended more on the flow of the Nile River that received its water from the high mountain's ice and snow from the mist. What they did was continue to have a 360-day year, as before. At the end of those days they celebrated five "No Days.” Every forth year they celebrated six "No Days.” Well, at least they figured it out.

            The point of all of this is, the catastrophes happened many times in the past and it will happen again sometime in the future. The ancients also tell us it happens when earth enters a certain section of the galaxy and certain distant stars are aligned. These things usually build up, somewhat slowly at first and then accelerate to a furious pace until "all hell breaks loose.” Weather becomes violent and unpredictable. Earthquake and volcanic eruptions become more numerous and more severe. Sometimes whole large landmasses disappear into the sea and new lands and mountains emerge. We know this to be true by looking at earth's geological record. (Ask your local geologist if this in not a true record of the past history of our earth.)

            Now that you know all of this (and there is no doubt about it) there is no need to place an artificial fear into the people by saying, this normal activity on the earth is some kind of supernatural dabbling by a god into the lives of people, nations or civilizations. I am saying, it will happen again - and again, on this earth, every tens of thousands of years. Is it that time again?

            The problem is not the happening. There is little to nothing we can do about that, except to try and be ready for it. And the fact of the matter is, nations around the earth “Are” getting ready for it. Whole cities are being built deep underground and in mountains. Disregard the explanations of war and such. They know! They are getting ready!

            Many ancient peoples tell us that their ancestors came out of the ground and established their civilization. Are they really telling us that their ancestors were survivors of an ancient civilization that went underground to escape a past catastrophe? They must have been there several generations. It sounds reasonable. Are many nations not doing this same thing - Today?

            The problem with prophecy is the fear placed into the minds of gullible and lazy non-thinking people by their authorities, (the teachers of these beliefs, religions, prophesies, plans of salvation, heavens and hells). The problem is the chaos these child like beliefs create in our society. The problem is the divisions of society that these beliefs cause. The problem is the dividing of mankind into the good and the bad, the saved and the lost, the right and the wrong.

            The problem is that the right, the good and the saved (believers) think themselves better and more in tune with reality than the rest of mankind. And thus, they commit many horrible atrocities against the "others.” The others (anyone different) are the Catholics, the Protestants, the Baptists, the Jews, the Moslems, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Shintos, the Animists, the Atheists, the Gays, the Blacks, the Yellows, the Reds, the Whites, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Scientists, the Educators, the Halls of Higher Education, the English, the Irish, the Americans, the Indians, the Croats, the Serbs, the Iranians, the Iraqis - (would you like ten pages of this, or do you get the point?) All right!

            Man can calculate the future, but he cannot see the future. These catastrophes of earth may take place next week, next century, next millennium, or in the far off future. Take place, they will. But, we cannot park civilization on the side of the road and wait.

            It is hard enough on society, trying to drag this anchor of prophecy, religion and belief around with us. How are we ever going to civilize these believers and bring them into the reality of the present and help them to become productive and responsible parts of society? How are we going to help them become honest thinking people, instead of being socially destructive and slaves to these teachers of the untrue and the unbelievable?

            How are we going to deal with their narrow, immoral ethics that cause them to kill doctors, commit voter fraud, steal elections, rant and rave against legitimate business, suppress justice, censor thoughts and writings, legally contort large sums of money from the common treasury of this country to finance their narrow immoral institutions, get laws passed that repress and discriminate against those who are not believers in their religion, tell lies about their opposition, regulate love and affection, tell scary and untrue stories to little children (and claim they are true), place fear and guilt in the minds of intellectually defenseless people? On I could go.

            It was the activities of these superstitious religions and governments that caused untold tragedy in the history of mankind. These activities not only destroy nations and civilizations, they also destroy individuals and turn them into the slaves of their authorities, who use them for their own personal gains of power, prestige, pleasure and profit. This is being done in religion, politics and business. So, they burn, boycott, smash, kill, lie, go to war or whatever their authorities suggest.

            And through it all, they will tell you that they are right and you are wrong, they are good and you are bad, they are saved and you are lost. They are of God; you are of the Devil. They believe in Bible prophecy. They believe whatever their authorities tell them to believe. They do whatever their authorities tell them to do. They are slaves because of their own inability to reason, to separate fact from fiction and to accept and use facts and truth after they find it.

            They do not believe in man's free will. They do not believe in the facts of science. They do not believe in their own abilities to make honorable and healthy choices in life. They do not believe man has the ability to render justice. They do not believe that we should govern ourselves, but that some ghostly deity should be telling us what to do. They do not believe that man should think and honestly question his beliefs. They do not believe man should search for the truth of their religious claims and matters.

They do not believe life has any meaning apart from their religious beliefs. They do not believe man can, or should, try to solve his own problems. They do not believe in death. They do not believe in other intelligence in the universe outside of their own deities and devils. They do not believe women should decide whether they should be pregnant or not. They do not believe society should be able to tell them to follow its rules. They do not believe man should be able to drink or smoke. They do not believe man should be permitted to have sex unless he is married to his sex partner and is making babies. They do not believe in sexual variations.

            But, the very worst of all is, they do not believe man should have, or does have, the right to honestly think for himself. They do not believe man should have the right to analyze or to question the believer's religious authorities. Man should not have the right to govern himself. Their God, Bible and religion should do that!

            But they do believe they have the wisdom to tell the rest of us what is right and wrong. They do believe that gullibility and ignorance is a divine requirement. They do believe man does not have free will and,



Next: Clear Thinking About Religion (A Summary).
