Copyright 05/17/03
Thomas E. Blaylock



 Man seems able to adapt to most any form of social organization. Each type of organization is gendered by some specific philosophy or need. There are both facts and speculations in this field of study. I propose to skip the obvious past billions of words on this subject and dwell on the aspect of philosophy as the parent of present day social order. Anyone who has never heard or does not know the meaning of the following words and concepts should stop here and return to some other pursuit. Such concepts as communism, socialism, democracy, republicanism, fascism, kingdom, capitalism, serfdom, totalitarianism, fiefdom, monarch and such concepts are societies born out of philosophy and not out of need.

All forms of society today are forms of rulership.

 Seldom does the rulership comprise more than one or two percent of the population. Yet, that very small percent will control from ninety to one hundred percent of the wealth and privilege of the people - without the people knowing it. This is truue in any of the above mentioned concepts of rulership. But, and this is a very important - BUT, the people do not know this control exist. People are led to believe they own their property, wealth, machinery, transportation, food, water, electric power, government and what have you. What they do not know is the rulership may at any time confiscate, dictate, appropriate or relieve the people of their goods and even their freedom or life when they so choose.

 In some forms of totalitarianism the people are well aware of this situation and will be very careful to maintain the favor and trust of their rulers. In other forms of rulership the people think they are in control of who rules them, in control of their property, in control of their actions and in control of their government. However, there is a philosophy which actually makes the control of people very simply. It is called: “Me First”. Under this philosophy a whip is needed to keep the ranks of the lesser rulers and the ranks of the ruled in line. That whip is “Fear and Privilege”.

The teacher of modern rulership.

 The greatest rulership in the history of mankind is called religion. The greatest whip is - fear. This fear of death, sickness and harm is common to all men. But what religion has done (and other rulership concepts have adopted) is to manufacture a new and more deadly fear called sin, original sin, hell, heaven, devil, god and many other invisible fears for which they have invented an invisible cure called - forgiveness and salvation. People are so faithful to this illusion created by religion, they will freely lay down their lives for it. What ruler could possibly overlook the potential of this proven religious method of control over people. What ruler could fail to apply this whip of fear to institute and propagate  his special - “ME FIRST” concept of social control.

 The ruler must present some terrible fears to the ruled, even if he must manufacture those fears himself. Sometimes the fear is an outside enemy. Sometimes that fear is an internal enemy called traitors or heretics. Sometimes that fear is a natural enemy such as drought, flood, earthquake or insect infestation. Sometimes it is a competing philosophy of another ruler like democracy, or communism or some such. These fears must be displayed in emotional and graphic details and the rulership often becomes a tour guide to terrors and fears of all sorts.

Deception is necessary.

 Once the fears are planted, watered, fed and allowed to grow, defenses, remedies and reactions (salvations) must be prescribed. This always entails the ruled giving up some portion of their freedoms in order to receive and embrace  the invisible cure (newly invented salvation) to protect against the earlier fears (diseases) introduced. The unbelievable part of this is a system of infallibility has been developed, and given what amounts to divine approval. This system is called “Laws”. These “Laws” are introduced, passed and enforced by the rulership to protect the rulers from the ruled. The ruled are duped into thinking the rules are for their benefit and that they had some part in the making of the “Laws”. They are, therefore, honor bound to obey these laws and to both observe and force others to observe these “Laws”.

 These “Laws” are of such magnitude, no one could survive a single day without breaking one or more. These “Laws” take away all the freedoms the ruled think they have. Their income, savings, property, entertainment, work, religion, ethnicity  and freedoms are all at risk at the whim of the rulers. Now, the rulers know they are only one or two percent of the population, so they must temporarily grant certain visions of freedom to certain portions of the ruled. They must also grant social mobility and economic maneuverability to the ruled. But, these are only grants and may be denied for infractions of the “Laws” or at the whim of the rulers. Almost all laws are passed to protect the “I have” from the “I want to have”. “Me First” laws include fees, taxes, regulations, rules, contracts, etc., all formed to regulate, control and rule the people.

 Any form of dictatorship makes the passing and enforcing of these laws easy. However, in any form of “people rule” (democracy, republic, free state, etc.) these laws must be bargained for, paid for, compromised for, threatened for, lied for or promised for. In other words, any form of rulership in which the people are supposed to rule themselves, turns out to be the most fertile ground for dishonesty and criminal activity. Since the “I Have” control the wealth and the means to obtain wealth, they buy their continued and enhanced control from those who are willing to give up more and more of their freedoms in order to get in on the “Me First” philosophy. So, by the very nature of a democracy or a republic, it is founded on the fleecing and controlling of the people by deception, criminal activity and other forms of dishonesty.

Controlled Press, Publication, and Disinformation - Propaganda a Must.

 What does all government and rulership fear? They fear the people who make up ninety five or more percent of the country or nation. Our forefathers knew this. And what did they do to protect the people? They wrote a Constitution which protected the people from their own government. Notice there is not one line in the Constitution which protects the government from the people. Therefore, the government must first destroy the Constitution and write “Laws” which protects the government from the people before they can turn the Republic into a democracy and then into a dictatorship.

 In order to do this the government must enter the educational field and teach that the Constitution is simply an old document valued only for its antiquity. It must teach disrespect for the founders of the nation. It must garble history in such a manner that there is no respect for the principles upon which the Constitution was founded. The government must teach that education is learning to make a living, obeying the “Laws” and getting along with other people. It must teach that good citizenship is supporting the government, paying taxes and following the “rules”. It must also teach that owning a man killing gun is anti social behavior and a criminal offence.

 As a result of this our Republic has been turned into a democracy because it is much, much, much easier to control a democracy than it is a Republic. Then it is fairly easy to turn a democracy into a dictatorship. You simply get the people to vote for dictatorship a little at a time. You manufacture an enemy to produce fear. Then you manufacture a tragic incident to produce more fear and insecurity. Then you lead the people to demand and vote to give up their freedoms to some leader who promises security for the people and reappraisals upon the enemy. See how simple it is!

 But the Constitution upon which this nation is founded had a remedy for this situation. If every man in this country went out and bought a man killing gun and told the government to “STOP IT!” it would stop. We could then reorganize ourselves, reinstate the Constitution, turn corporations back into the property of the owners (and tax it as such), institute just tax laws, take financial control of this nation back from the subcontracted internationally controlled (falsely called) Federal Reserve System, separate religion from government, reintroduce true scholastic education, reinstate Justice in our courts, get out of people’s lives, get out of other nation’s lives, start loving our earth and concentrate on making this country the best of all societies EVER !!!

 So who cares? Where’s my newspaper? How did my stocks do today?
