Copyrighted: 5/06/04


"Free is always Bait and where there is Bait, there is always a Hook!"
(quote from, "The Night They Waked Uncle Bob".)

            Christianity and most religions have strayed from the difficult path which leads to knowledge and truth. The wise men of old who sought out truth in science, math, health and other disciplines were considered by the common people to have received that knowledge from God. Thus, was knowledge and Truth considered Spiritual. When these wise spiritual leaders of earth trod the dust in the past, they always spoke in secret to those ready to learn. Publicly, they always spoke in parables and allegories. Why? Because Truth is dangerous for those without the moral character to rightly use those truths. It is, therefore, very dangerous to cast your pearls of wisdom, knowledge and Truth in front of pigs (swines).

            (Pig: An animal which thinks only of itself and its own personal wants, thinks only of the present and thinks only its interpretation of life is true. It is an animal which can not understand the philosophies and mysteries of life and death, and therefore, counts such as not worthy of its attention, consideration, or effort. Thus, such mystical nonsense is to be ignored, opposed and if necessary to be trampled on. In other words, pigs are those whose life consists only of the material world and who grind underfoot the ancient truths.)

            Parables and allegories become the only means where by a wise one can get his knowledge made public to seekers after wisdom, to those who have ears to hear, and at the same time give a little something moral for the pigs to chew on. And boy do the pigs chew and chew and chew. Their chewing soon changed those parables and allegories into a type of physical reality, something which would suit their own materialistic minds. They turned those stories of mystery and knowledge into a way to add to their own self esteem and their own personal profit. In order to get other pigs to accept their new fanciful interpretation of these parables and allegories they discovered a weakness they could use. They wanted and needed the other pigs to support them and their schemes to enrich themselves. The weakness they found was that the pigs were always looking for SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. So they used these parables and allegories to give the pigs exactly what they wanted.

            They offered a simple, cost free, effort free, and knowledge free means to know the secrets of the universe - and how to live forever. In addition, they offered a free blanket plan of forgiveness which didn't ever require restitution. That forgiveness covered being mean, hostile, ignorant, arrogant, selfish, bloodthirsty, tyrannical, careless, intolerant, wasteful or any other antisocial or criminal activity. All one had to do was to believe and not doubt (in a material way) one of those unbelievable parables or allegories, which were originally told to make known some hidden truth to those who could figure it out.

            These pigs were not satisfied to just offer this special forgiveness and let the other pigs take it or leave it. No! They distorted some more of the parables and allegories and declared that those who did not believe those parables would go to a place of punishment called Hell, and they dressed Hell up in horrible and ugly clothes. So, rather than finding comfort and knowledge in the true meaning of those parables, the people were engulfed in guilt and fear.

            Finding profit and power in this made up presentation of guilt and fear, the pigs offered an escape from this Hell they built. They offered a place called Heaven and they dressed that place up in wonderful and lovely clothes. All these teachings and places were extracted from the misuse and misunderstanding of the parables and allegories spoken by the wise men of old. So religions began with the sole purpose of giving man "something for nothing". In addition they added the concept that one could call down personal "somethings for nothing" by using an exercise called - Prayer.

            What was it the wise men of old were trying to tell the seekers after truth but were hiding from the pigs? That is why the pyramids were built. That is why these truths were only fully explained to those who were ready to understand, who followed a moral way of life, who were willing to under go death to the material world, who were willing to be raised to a new life of service to mankind. That is why all these ancient wise men had their own death "or after death" experience. Anyone who has had an after death experience has had their whole life and thought patterns changed. Thus, the wise men of old told the allegory of "You must be born again."

One of the things these wise men were telling us was that all men live after they have died from this present life on earth. They were telling us that earth is the first grade of a never ending educational system. They were telling us that there is a science of the mind (or soul) which enables us to do things which our physical science relegates to magic and wishful thinking. Can you see that certain powers of the mind must be held in secret away from the pigs? Would they not use these powers to advance their own personal wealth, power, prestige and position among the rest of the pigs? Do they not pray, even now, for their enemies to be defeated and the bloodier that defeat the better? Do they not pray for unearned wealth and unlearned knowledge? Do they not pray to win the ball game? Do they not pray to be loved without being lovable? Do they not pray to win at gambling?

Now these ancient truths, when explained in full, refutes ALL religions, all beliefs, all something for nothing philosophies, all selfish endeavors and all schemes and scams instituted to amass power, wealth, property and prestige at the expense and harm to others. There is a crack (a knot hole for you baseball fans) through which you can take a look into the teachings of the old wise ones which you and all mankind, know to be true. Yet, that teaching and Truth, which you know to be true, is totally ignored and its opposite is employed in the decisions, the undertakings, and the philosophies of the pigs. I might be stepping on some toes here, but if so, you deserve it. That Truth and teaching of the wise old ones is:


Now that is either a moral truth or it a devious lie. The opposite of that truth is what brings to us all of the horrors, heartaches, headaches and hardships of the past, present and certainly will bring these same fruits in the future. Only the results of their fruits will be much worse due to the build up of cause and effect of these actions in the past. This opens up another parable or allegory for us. "By their fruits shall you know them."

Who brings into our lives: harm, death, proverty, disease, chaos, bigotry, judgment without Justice, hate against those who do not believe like they should believe, animosity toward peoples of a different color, wars, laws which only the rich can follow, the drugging of our children and adults, lies and claiming the lies are the truth, fear of bodily harm from those we pay to defend us, the destruction of our freedoms, secrecy and hiding the diabolical actions and decisions of our leaders, theft of our property and wages, the fear of telling the truth about the pigs, incarceration for our honest thoughts put into words, control of what we can read, hear or see, indifference to the victims of crime and indifference to victims of big cooperate companies (drug companies, oil companies, banking companies, manufacturing companies, etc.)? Who is producing these fruits? And worst of all, they hide true education and Truth from us and instead teach lies and the virtues of slavery hood to state and religion?

Never has anyone perpetrated more horrors, death, injustices and terrors of all types upon us than have those pigs who have distorted the allegories and parables of the wise ones. Today the pigs have engaged us in a world wide religious conflict. Their plan is to make life and living so terrible and so insecure for the world's people that they will gladly surrender their whole wealth and being to a new super world government. For becoming slaves to the new evil empire, they will be offered security, food and a meager existence. So the pigs plan and may succeed in making the rest of the pigs into their total slaves. Which brings up another allegory of the old ones. "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?"

Yes, the wise old ones taught that there is a continuing life after this one. Why have our present leaders instituted such unbelievable security practices? Why do they seek to relieve us of all means necessary to protect ourselves from them? Why have they instituted a gag on all news media from newspapers, radio and television? Why do they monitor our letters and e-mail? Why have they hired an unbelievable number of personal body guards? Why have they placed high fences and barricades around themselves? Why have they build whole underground cities, bunkers and hiding places for themselves and their friends? I will tell you why. It is because they are afraid. They are afraid of you. They are afraid of the results of their evil deeds. They are lost in a maize or evil and they know it. They have the tiger by the tail. They have lost their soul, and they know it. They will not live and they will not die with peace of mind.

Which brings up another allegory and parable from the old wise ones. "What a man sows, that will he also reap." And believe it or not, these pigs know that to be true. They know death is coming. For what ever reasons, they have committed themselves to evil. I feel sorry for these men and women of evil. I feel sorry for the victims of their evil. These evil men and women have turned the whole world against them and worse they have turned the whole world against us. The whole world is waiting for the chance to destroy us. And they will. We and they have fallen victims to the concept that you can get SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.

SOMETHING FOR NOTHING is Bait. Embedded on that bait is the hook of religion, politics, business and gambling. This baited hook will take away your money and property. It will take away your honesty and your sense of justice. It will take away your free will and ultimately it will take away your freedom. But worst of all, it will take away your future and your kids and their future. Did you know that SOMETHING FOR NOTHING will make a slave out of you. It will tell you what to do, what to read, what to see and finally it will tell you what to think.

A wise one said, "If you would enter into the Kingdom, sell all you own, give it to the poor, come and follow me." This is not a spiritual statement or command. It is a statement which reinforces the allegory or parable which says, "You must be born again." It is a statement which says you must die to this world and its philosophies. It says you must enter into a new life of service and help to mankind. It says by doing so you will learn new and powerful ways to guide your endevors. You can see the fruits of the pigs and of their false teachings. This parable says you must no longer follow the teachings of the pigs who tell their big lie and say you can get SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.

There is no such thing as SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. It is just another lie by those who wish to capture you in their sticky traps.