Updated: 10/18/04


The word - "GOD" is often used without any understanding at all of what one means by that term. To most people, the word - "GOD" is vague, ambiguous, obscure, foggy and to some God is pictured in the mind as an old wise man with a beard in some type of robe, usually white. The word - GOD is looked on as representing some sort of superior, intelligent, all knowing, all powerful, loving, just, forgiving old superhuman. So in order to better understand this word, GOD, we must take the Concept of the word - GOD (in particular the God of Christianity) and separate the attributes attributed to this Concept of GOD and thereby, seek terms by which to describe those attributes, thus clarifying in our minds what is meant by the term - GOD.

        One must naturally start at the beginning of all the attributes, that is to say, with the Concept of a CREATOR GOD who took something (from self or nature) and did what ever was done. There are two separate aspects to the concept of creation. First, there is the concept of the utilization of the available natural force(s) by (or in) a GOD to accomplish the changes in matter and or energy from one state to a new state. Next, there is the concept of intelligence, or the developed knowledge and understanding of how to utilize and manipulate this natural force(s) so that a change in the state of energy and or matter may be forth coming. So not only must this FORCE(S) be available first, but in addition, outside learned intelligence necessary to use this force(s) must also be developed, understood and available. To utilize the FORCE(S) one must have the understanding and knowledge of how the FORCE(S) works.

        We see that complete learned knowledge is necessary to both understand and then to utilize this available Force(s) in order to facilitate any changes in matter and or energy. This outside intelligent use of the Force(s) (by a GOD) must also be developed. We are forced, therefore, to conclude that this Force(s) necessary to make changes, must have been in existence (and in operation) prior to and independent of a GOD. Indeed this FORCE(S) must be independent of intelligence itself and also independent of any outside intelligence. That is to say, the intelligence (to use this force(s) is secondary to the existence, operation and activity of this Force(s) itself.

        So right away we see that the Concept of the word - GOD is secondary to the FORCE(S) which is first necessary in order to affect any change in matter and or energy. Thus, this FIRST FORCE(S) (what ever it is) is prior to and superior to both the past Concept of the word - GOD, and superior even to the present Concept of INTELLIGENCE.

        Those who wish to think a GOD could create something from nothing are reminded of Thom's Law:



        That means, anything, which is, came from something prior, which was and or is. Since something cannot come from nothing, then there was never a time when there was nothing. Nothing can only produce nothing. Thus, in trying to understand the Christian Concept of the word, GOD, we find there exists something prior to and greater than the past Christian Concept of the word, "GOD". The OLD concept of the Christian GOD now becomes secondary and is totally dependent on the prior power and existence of the FIRST FORCE(S).

        There must have always been some form of energy and or matter in both space and time. Space is the only container that both contains EVERYTHING with in itself, and at the same time contains and surrounds itself.

        Time is any interval between any change in energy and or matter. Since even energy itself is constantly straining to change positions internally and externally, there has always been a type of time to measure that change. So, there has always been space and time, and there has always been energy and or matter upon which the FIRST FORCE(S) could act.

        Now we can conclude one of two things. First, we can bring our Concept of the word - GOD, into harmony with these uncontested facts and thus, reduce or narrow the attributes of the word - GOD. We must recognize that there is a superior and primary non-intelligent FORCE(S) before (or prior to) an intelligent GOD. This means we can no longer view an intelligent GOD as a creator of ALL that is.

        Or second, we can shift our Concept of the word, GOD, from that of a religious, intelligent being (or energy) to that of the non-intelligent primary and superior FORCE(S) which can now become our Concept of the word - GOD. That is to say, GOD is the FIRST FORCE or the FIRST FORCE is GOD. To make this shift means we must now see the word - GOD, as being the FIRST FORCE(S) independent of both intelligence and purpose.

        If we wish to hold on to a portion of the old Christian idea of the Concept of the Word - GOD, then we must now reduce or delete this attribute of an intelligent CREATOR GOD (formally attributed to this old Concept of the word - GOD). This leads us to a new, better, more honest and truthful understanding of the Concept of the word - GOD. We are now forced into seeing the Concept of the word – GOD as having evolved from the First Force(s). At best, he now becomes a MAKER GOD rather than a creator GOD. That is, GOD took the material that was at hand and molded it into something new and different. Indeed, this is how most of the religions of the world (including the Jewish religion) view the Concept of the word - GOD. To everybody else, GOD is a MAKER GOD, not a creator GOD. Either the material at hand (energy and or matter) was used by the Primary Force(s) to make the Maker God or else the First Force(s) made it ALL.

        There are those who are called Atheists who take the Concept of the word - GOD and apply the SUPERIOR meaning of the "FIRST FORCE(S)" to that Concept. They accept the proposal that the meaning and Concept of the word - GOD, means the FIRST FORCE(S). That is, the natural forces of the universe, or NATURE, if you will. Many of these natural Atheists (or NATURE Atheists) are far more Christian in their attitudes toward their fellow man than are the denominational Christians. That is to say, these (so called) Atheists are more loving, more forgiving, more liberal in their dealings with other people, more generous, more concerned with JUSTICE, more intelligent, more willing to deal HONESTLY with the facts of nature, more willing to deal HONESTLY with their fellow man and they make better and more moral citizens of their countries than do the denominational Christians. These people first called themselves Deists.

        Since the true Concept of the word - GOD, rightfully means the FIRST FORCE(S), then GOD is not a religious GOD. However, the whole Concept of the word - GOD, as viewed by the Christian religions is that GOD IS a religious GOD. If this were true, how would we classify GOD's religion? Would GOD be a Baptist? A Catholic? A Hindu? A Jehovah's Witness? A Shinto? A Mormon? A Jew? An Animist? Or what?

        Might GOD be a Buddhist (or an Atheist)? What if an honest GOD gives full credit to the FIRST FORCE(S) as the beginning of all things? An Honest GOD would take no credit for being the first. An Honest Just GOD would take no credit for intelligently designing the universe. What if GOD is honest and admits that the FIRST FORCE(S) was that which designed and originated the universe? So with lots of factual support, and assuming GOD is honest, Atheists have an equal claim on the Concept of the word - "GOD" and indeed Atheists may truthfully and honestly claim that GOD is an Atheist. That is, GOD does not claim the universe as a creation of his/her/its intelligence, but rather the universe is a result of the activity of the FIRST FORCE(S). Thus, a true and good GOD could neither be religious nor would he (she or it) commission the founding of a religion based on the false claim of being a creator and sustainer of all that is.

        To better understand this NEW concept of the word - GOD, look at the other attributes claimed for the OLD concept of this God by the religious.

        In addition to the creator attribute, another attribute credited to the word - GOD, is that of JUSTICE, that is to say, GOD is JUST. The word - GOD, is supposed to imply complete and uncompromising JUSTICE. Now the whole concept of JUSTICE is based on impartiality. That is, Justice is completely without biases, partiality, preference, intolerance, or favoritism. Yet, this concept applied to the word - GOD, by Christians is that GOD is partial (to them). GOD is bias (in their favor). GOD is intolerant (to those not of their belief). GOD shows favoritism (to those who believe like they do). In other words, GOD is anything BUT JUST. Thus in practice, this attribute and doctrine of the concept of Justice as applied to the word - GOD by the Christians is that GOD IS NOT JUST.

        Another attribute attributed to the word - GOD is that GOD is intelligent. That is, GOD has the biggest brain or the most intelligence in the universe. Man is claimed to be made in the image of GOD. Man, therefore, has a brain with which to gather facts and so to draw honest logical conclusions. Thus, this makes man intelligent in the image of GOD. So man is supposed to be a THINKING being. Yet, the doctrines and stories told about this Christian - GOD and the teachings claimed in behalf of this intelligent GOD state that man has been forbidden to use his brain and to honestly think (about the claims) by this GOD. It is claimed that man has been instructed (by this thinking, intelligent, just GOD) to NOT think. Rather, it is asserted that this GOD has instructed man to BELIEVE these unbelievable claims made by other men in behalf of this GOD. To honestly doubt and hunt for the honest truth and facts of these claims (about - GOD) is to commit a religious sin, which dooms any honest thinking person to an eternal punishment called hell.

        Disregarding the claim that GOD is just (and thus, would never, nor could ever, ask man to stop thinking and start believing) this - GOD has had claimed for him/her/it that the wisdom of man is folly and a deceiver of mankind. If this GOD is intelligent, he/she/it knows, the only way to arrive at the truth of any claim is to intelligently search for the facts of the claim and to apply honest critical thinking to the subject. Any GOD must also know that to believe an unsupported claim about some matter is to NOT think. To believe is to not think. To think is to not believe. One only believes something about which he has no factual knowledge. Belief is ignorance at work. Honest thinking is intelligence at work. Therefore, if one wishes to place intelligence as one of the attributes attributed to the word - GOD he must disclaim the statements made (in God's behalf) which claim GOD ordered us to believe these unbelievable tales and that it is a religious sin to honestly doubt and honestly think about these religious claims (about whom GOD is and what he does).

        Another attribute credited to this word, GOD, is that he/she/it is all knowing. The Christian religions apply this attribute of the word - GOD, to the past, present and to the future. As to the past and present, this is acceptable though doubtful. This attribute would include the actions and thoughts of not only all of mankind (and any other intelligence in the universe) but of animals as well.

        But, when we come to the future we crash into another attribute of this word - GOD, which is, GOD made man free to act and think as he pleases. If the concept of the word - GOD is that God knows the future, then man is not free (to act or think). To know the future the same as the past means man is simply an actor on the stage of life. As such, his future has been determined and he cannot be held responsible for any action, good or bad. This negates the attribute of the word – GOD, which states that man will be rewarded for his good and punished for his bad. This concept also conflicts with the attribute which states that this word - GOD forgives certain people for their bad if they will believe some unbelievable claim made in behalf of this - GOD concept. It also states that the bad will receive unjust heavenly rewards in the hereafter if they do not use their brain to honestly think for themselves and instead are willing (without honest research or thought) to believe the unbelievable claims made in behalf of this word - GOD. In other words, it is claimed God demands gullibility. Gullibility is certainly not a part of any intelligence, justice or honesty.

        Another attribute attributed to this word - GOD is that he/she/it is fully and completely self-sufficient and needs nothing but his/her/its own company. This conflicts with the attribute of a creator - GOD and even with the maker - GOD concept. If this - GOD concept needed nothing to play with, why is it claimed this - GOD made or created the universe and plays with it daily? This attribute of self-sufficiency also proved invalid when it was conceded that this - GOD concept needed companionship. It is even claimed that this - GOD made an opponent (the Devil) with whom God engages in celestial games. Does this opponent always lose? What kind of concept would it be if this - GOD made an opponent who always loses? Is that not called cheating? Is that not another conflict in the attributes of this word - GOD?

        Another attribute attributed to this word - GOD is that of hearing, answering and acting according to the spoken or silent prayers and wishes made in public or private by those who believe these tall tales. This conflicts with the attribute that says this - GOD always does the right and just thing according to his/her/its own wisdom and council. Either the attribute, which states this - GOD answers prayer must be discontinued, or we must eliminate the attribute that claims this - GOD concept always does the right and just thing. Either prayer cannot change this - GOD concept's mind away from his just and right actions, or - GOD's mind can be changed to do that which is not just and right. If - GOD does answer these selfish and personal prayers then we must add another attribute to this word - GOD. This new attribute is, GOD is unstable, unjust and wishy-washy.

        It is also claimed that this word - GOD will answer prayer if it is sincere enough, repeated often enough by enough people. In other words, man (through prayer) is able to WORRY this - GOD into doing their bidding. If so, we must add the attribute that GOD loses his patience and succumbs to man's eternal selfish begging.

        All powerful is another attribute claimed for this word - "GOD". If this - GOD is all-powerful then he/she/it has no peers and the opponent which is claimed to have been made by this GOD can never win in any contest with this word - GOD. So this - GOD is also a cheat and unjust since he/she/it has never made a worthy and equal peer to play with. All-powerful also conflicts with all knowing. All knowing means there are some things which an all knower knows cannot be done regardless of how much power is available. One cannot make an immovable object and at the same time make an invincible force.

        And finally we come to the root of the word - "GOD". No - GOD could make or create himself/herself/itself if he/she/it was not a conscience being at the start. Even the concept of a Maker - GOD with all the attributes (attributed to this word - GOD) are in direct conflict with each other. Any two attributes attributed to this word - GOD are in direct conflict with other attributes.

        The only attribute which remains true to all the facts, to honesty and to truthful logic is that the word - GOD means the FIRST FORCE(S).

        GOD is the FIRST FORCE(S). The FIRST FORCE(S) is GOD.

        Since the FIRST FORCE(S) is both purposeless and devoid of intelligence, then this word - GOD carries none of the other attributes credited to him/her/it by those who need only the twenty six letters of the alphabet to create all their own gods.

        So it is evident that the Christian word - God as well as all the other religious concepts of the word - God are merely the attempts to personify the FIRST FORCE(s). Now that means there is not only the FIRST FORCE(s) but the FIRST FORCE(s) is also the PRESENT FORCE(s). We must learn to live and alter our lives and thinking to conform to the basic principles and truths of this FORCE(s). Only on such truths will a lasting and proper civilization be developed.

        Therefore, Atheists claim that this NEW intelligent and honest concept of the word - GOD is true. So, Atheists claim the word - GOD as their own. No more can one honestly call a person an Atheist (one who does not believe in GOD). They must now refer to those who adhere to this philosophy and NEW concept of the word - GOD as HONEST FREE THINKERS. That is, they are FREE to think honestly. They do not have to arrive at any conclusion unless that conclusion agrees with and is in harmony with the truth and facts of the matter.


Thomas E. Blaylock Jr.
