Updated: 12/04/04 


         There has been much controversy over just who is the Jovial Atheist and what right does he have to pass a law that only a physicist with many degrees could present. Only a physicist who is honored with high peer academic renown should have the authority to declare such a Law. However, if the law is true, it matters little who first presents it. The question is, not who presents it, but is it true. Therefore, we need to see if the law itself is true. Here is Thom's Law.

Thom's Law

If there were ever a time when there was nothing,
There would still be nothing.
Nothing cannot produce something.

         Many wish to quibble over the definition of "Nothing." Many try to make "Nothing" inclusive of some expression of energy, particle, wave or intelligence of some form. When I say "Nothing," I mean "Nothing," no energy, no particle, no wave, no intelligence, no anything. This upsets some physicists because physics, biology, chemistry, and indeed science in all areas cannot even imagine "Nothing." "Nothing" is beyond the imagination of any scientist and indeed beyond the comprehension of any intelligent person.

         Some have claimed I did not account for space and time in declaring Thom’s Law. Space is the only thing known to man, which includes and surrounds “everything” and even surrounds and includes itself. Space, as we know it today is absolutely saturated with millions of “different” kinds of particles, waves, energies and combinations thereof. Space, today, is a conduit for, and permeated with, all kinds of waves, vibrations, forces, energies and other unknown essence. But, take all of that away and you have a definition of space which is exactly the same as the definition for “Nothing.” Emptiness is “Nothing” and that includes empty space. “Nothing” means “No-thing.”

         As for time, my definition is:

         Time is any interval between any movement, stress or change in the condition of any and all things, material and immaterial.

         Therefore, to measure any movement, stress or change in condition of any and all things one must have movement, stress or change in the condition of any or all things. If there is “Nothing” to move, to stress or to change its condition, there is no time. If there is “Nothing” to measure and no instrument and no intelligence with which to measure it, there is no time.

Since there has always been “Something” to move, stress or change, there has always been time.

         I conclude that no one can conceive, postulate or even argue for the existence of a period when such “Nothingness” existed in the universe. If there were ever a moment or a time when such a condition existed, then that condition would still be in existence - and you would not be reading this, nor woould I be writing it. “Nothing” is eternal and may actually be the only thing known in the universe, which is eternal. It can only exist in a steady state by itself. “Nothing” can exist only by and with itself. Any ”thing” else negates the concept and definition of “Nothing.”

         Some have stated that Thom’s Law is simply a religious concoction used by the Jovial Atheist to refute the Christian claim that the universe was created by a God. They claim it has no merit in the scientific community and should be counted as invalid. However, they still maintain that their claim of a Creator God who created ever thing from “Nothing” is valid.

         All truths and all honest knowledge are scientific. The only things that are unscientific are those things, which are untrue. The unproven and the unprovable stand in a position, which is between the scientific, and the unscientific. The unproven and the unprovable cannot long remain in this never, never land between fact and fiction and must be examined and exposed as either true, and therefore, scientific, or untrue, and therefore, fictional. Thus, Thom’s Law refutes the false claim that a Creator God preexisted everything. He must have evolved and brought “Himself” (Herself or It) out of “Something” and “Something” is not “Nothing.” Therefore, even a God must have brought the universe in to being out of “Something.”

         One thing Thom’s Law does for science is to free its investigations not only from the chains of a false claim of a religious beginning for all things, but it also frees science from the concept of trying to find a recent (sixteen billion years or so) scientific beginning for the (our) universe. This frees science to explore the actual chemical, physical and ethereal infancy and development of our universe (and all universes). There are bound to be new laws discovered here.

         Thom’s Law puts great doubt on the Big Bang theory. From Thom’s Law one can postulate no single beginning for our present universe. My conclusion is that we are the waste of a former universe or of another dimension. My observations conclude that Nature wastes nothing. Rather, “that” is transformed into “this.” One can postulate from Thom’s Law that: what is, has been and will be. The Ancients said it like this. “There is nothing new under the sun.” I would like to stretch that a bit and say; “There is nothing new in space, or in time.” The present is always in the middle of eternity, which runs both ways.

         Thom’s Law opens the door to the possibility that there is no such thing as a single event (singularity). This opens the door to the possibility that space contains hundreds if not millions of universes. Everything in nature seems to have a life span and I conclude so too does universes have a life span (a birth, a life and a death - and a rebirth.)

         To speculate that the universe has different dimensions in both time and space is both necessary and prudent. Too many events happen (often called miracles, paranormal, mystical or spiritual) which almost demands other dimensions. Unusual events dealing with time may easily be explained by the postulation of other dimensions. Indeed, several great thinkers of the modern age so agree. NASA, the CIA, Naval Intelligence, and multiple university science departments along with many corporations are presently experimenting in this very area and on this very concept. Time travel has the approval of several physicists who believe it is possible. See my story at the end of this article on, "The Trouble With The Time Machine."

         Thom’s Law does not require faith. It is not a theory. It is not like the claim for a Deity that can easily be disproved as soon as any attributes are applied to the definition of “God.” Thom’s Law is self-evident. One cannot add any attributes to it, nor take any thing away. It cannot be modified. It has great utility stemming from its simple observation that “Nothing” cannot produce something. Thom’s Law is not ambiguous as is the Law of Gravity where many differences and opinions are hotly debated and experimented on. In fact, Thom’s Law may be the only scientific law, which can never be changed or improved on.

         I did not pass this law. I simply sat out in my chair in the sunshine with the wind blowing through my robe - and my mind. It suddenly came to me that ever thing comes from a parent, a predecessor and everything produces some kind of progeny, waste or by product. Then the simplicity of it came full blown into my mind. “Nothing” cannot produce something.

This brings up some interesting questions in light of modern archeology and ancient written records of the past. More and more proof is being found that man has been on this earth as intelligent civilized man for millions of years if not a billion or so years. New theories are springing forth to explain this. Ancient writings are being revealed or discovered, which teach that intelligent civilized man has been on earth over a billion years. Earth wide catastrophes have wiped out civilization after civilization in times past.

Many ancient writings state that man was once much more intelligent than he is today. They state that man lived long, disease free lives. As much as a thousand or more years was a lifetime. They state that men went to the planets and became great national heroes on their return. They relate wars with awesome scientific weapons. They describe anti gravity airships and such.

They also state that mankind came to earth as perfect men. They were extremely light in weight but excessively strong and very smart. They possessed psychic powers and extraordinary mental abilities.  They grew and ate their own food. Later they began to eat earth food and meat. They began to digress in mental abilities and they began to live shorter lives. After a long time they became what we call modern man. They did not evolve from any form of ape or monkey but lived side by side with them. In other words, modern man is not a product of evolution as described today. Man is a digression, or reverse evolution, from an alien race, which came to earth a billion or so years ago.

Now if any of this is true, and much evidence says it might be, then modern mankind is a waste product of alien digression. This removes the controversy over evolution and creation off of this planet and out into the universe. With these things in mind it is time to go to Creator God.

         Have fun with Thom’s Law. Try to improve on it or disprove it. Try to ignore it. Try to belittle it because I do not have a degree in physics. But above all, if you are a scientist engaged in learning the mysteries of the universe and applying them to mankind’s present needs, utilize Thom’s Law in your thinking.

         I will be glad to listen to any discussion on Thom’s Law, or Space, or Time.






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