updated 4/15/04


What is the subject of ufos doing on the Jovial Atheist's web site? I am glad you asked. That is a good question, and I have a good answer. It is because down through the ages these aerial phenomenon have been observed and recorded in many private and public writings. Indeed, the Christian Bible is full of accounts which in modern day terminology would be considered ufo related. There are many accounts in the Bible, which if they happened today, they would be considered alien activity. In the Bible days, and to holy men, these happenings were attributed to gods, angels or devils.

The word which is most often translated into English as "angels" is the Hebrew word which should be translated as "watchers". There are many ancient writings, myths and stories about these encounters with the watchers. Some of these stories are in civil and secular writings and many others are found in religious stories. In the religious stories they are attributed to angles, gods, spirits and demons. I have read hundreds of these accounts from both ancient and modern writers. I have searched out a large number of these stories from religious works. In every case, secular or religious, the results of this experience of being visited by these aliens has made great changes in the lives of those visited (some for good and some for bad).

To make matters worse, some of these watchers seem to be good guys and some of them seem to be bad guys. One thing seems certain. The technological, biological and neurological science and abilities possed by these beings is beyond our comprehension, indeed, it is beyond our imagination. It seems they can heal diseases from a distance at a glance, read minds, place thoughts and urges into men's minds, cause physical change and activity in the area of material matter and many more unusual and astounding things.

I would have to consume many pages just to list some of the sources of this information. The fact of the matter is, I studied for many years to find out these things. Now I find that most of it is available on the internet with just a couple of clicks on the mouse. Simply tell your search engines (always use several engines using the same topic) to search some of these topics: UFO, Atheism, Prophesy, Zecharia Sitchin, Charles Fort, unexplained, aliens, related topics and on you can go.

When it comes to ufos, people usually fall into three categories. First, there are the disbelieves. (I can sympathizes with these good people because they have not pursued the subject, nor do they wish to.) Second, there are the believers which must be divided into two categories. One type of these believers have pursued the subject and arrived at the logical conclusion that these ufos are real with real intelligence inside. The other type are those who will believe anything just because they want to believe. I have no sympathy for them. Third, there are the people who know the truth because they have in some way been part of an encounter. (These are the people who have been told never to talk about it by our government. Others have kept quiet because of the ridicule visited on those who try to describe their experience.) The silence has been broken recently by many of these people because they are now old, wiser and they do not fear the punishment of our government. They also think you need to know because this is a most, if not the most, important activity on our earth.

I just happen to be one of the knowers.

As a knower, and not a believer, I have done a great deal of thinking and analyzing of the issue. They (the watchers) have been here from the earliest of times. Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles, Book One, The 12th Planet, translates and comments on the earliest of writings by the Sumerians. The Sumerian tablets claim that these aliens (watchers) were the ones who manipulated our genes and DNA, mixed them with their own genes and DNA and produced modern man. (Our scientists are now thinking about, and maybe doing the same thing.) We were remade in the likeness of these particular aliens.

According to Sitchin, we were made (or remade) by the aliens to work for them in their mining activities and farming.  We were given strong bodies, long life and a mind capable of developing a good level of intelligence so we could follow orders and make decisions about the work. In other words, we were made to be smart workers for the aliens. (I think slavery is a fairly good word here.)  We all know from the Bible and from ancient Egyptian and other sources, that the ancient people were supposed to have lived very, very long lives and accomplished many remarkable things.

But modern (remade) man was also given the ability to repopulate himself. Bad mistake on the part of the aliens! Man began to spread across the face of the earth. Some of the men learned many of the secrets of the aliens (their technology) so they used this knowledge to fight each other. And then some of them rebelled against the aliens. All kinds of trouble broke out and since the aliens didn't know what to do about it, they began to take sides. Soon the people were fighting each other, and the aliens were fighting each other for mining rights, territory and the like. At last the head alien got tired of the whole mess, especially seeing aliens fighting aliens. So, he decided to do away with the whole project and let the people of the earth be destroyed. So a catastrophe was allowed to happen and the aliens offered no defense of the earth. It was actually a tidal wave which swept over the earth destroying most of the people. However, some of the aliens notified some of their favorite people and many were saved from the cataclysm in all parts of the world, some on purpose and some by accident and good luck.

At this point the project was canceled for a long time and the Sky People (as they were called) moved away.

These early aliens were not called gods. They were called "Sky People" and "Lofty Ones". They were also called lords (or rulers). It was only after many translations (or mistranslations) that these aliens were referred to as gods. For another example of the mistranslation, the words "Ring of Lights" or "Hammered Out String of Pearls" in Sumerian meant, The Asteroid Belt. The term was finally translated as "heaven" in the Jewish Old Testament. So when the Jewish Bible says the earth was chaotic and was made habitable by the gods, they were really saying the earth was made ready for farms and cities by these watchers or aliens. According to the Sumerians, it seems these aliens cleaned up the mess the earth was in and brought about a planet which could nurture life as we know it. Now I count those early aliens as the good guys.

The Sumerians and many early ancient peoples claim that they were taught language, writing, agriculture, government, laws, masonry, mechanics, science, math, astronomy, and indeed, most modern concepts by these whom we call gods and whom they called the Sky People, or Lofty Ones, or Lords and such. These stories and tales are so prevalent in ancient literature that it is impossible to just ignore them and pass them off as wishful thinking. This approach to unraveling ancient artifacts and ancient stories about massive buildings, powered flight, space flight and the many other unbelievable claims, seem to be perfectly logical - if we include these watchers into the matrix of the matter.

Beyond doubt, man has deteriorated from those former days. Our genes and DNA have been altered by many things over the thousands of years since we were made. We are now in the process of being able to rectify these alterations and return our bodies and minds to the earlier stages and make our progeny into smarter, stronger and longer lived beings than we are today.

Now, let us look at the present and our relations with these aliens and their ufos. It would be nice and easy if we were only dealing with one alien race. But we are not. We are dealing with several and each one of these alien races want different things from this earth. We can not even call it "Our Earth". There seems to be at least one race of aliens who claim our planet as their project. Guess which one? There are several species of aliens who are presently seeking space and supplies on earth. There has even been sightings of ufos in dog fights in the upper near realms of space around earth. Some have set up camp in the deep oceans and in remote mountains of South America, Asia and other remote areas.


If you have these different species of aliens running around in space, you must have some rules about who can do what and where they can do it. To have rules, you must have some meetings of the different aliens and they must agree on the rules. Such a meeting must be official, so you must have a council or government to whom the aliens must submit and which has the power to enforce the rules. You must have rules which determines when and if a planet is inhabited by intelligent beings and what you can and can not do there. You must have rules about what you can teach an intelligent but ignorant race. You must have rules about the different levels of technology and science and just how far and how fast a race may be "leaped frog" into higher levels. There must be rules about what type of agreements you can make with an intelligent but ignorant race. You should not be able to buy Manhattan for twenty four dollars worth of beads. In other words, there must be at least a galactic government.

Even aliens need supplies of some sort. So there must be places (planets, asteroids, etc.) where they can get the supplies peacefully. There must be places where repairs can be made, outposts built, navigation beacons established, and I would assume there must be some kind of police force in many places. Some of the aliens will come from places similar to earth, some will come from water planets, some from sulfur based air, some may even be from methane air. There must be safe areas where these aliens can be safe in the same place at the same time.

These are simply logical deductions. The bases for these deductions are derived from the information available from the researchers in this area and those who are presently working with this situation. Some of this information comes from the vigorous cover up and denials put forward by portions of our government, and that in the face of incontrovertible facts and eye witness accounts (by civil, military, pilots, astronauts and other scientific people). There is very strong evidence and even inside witnesses who affirm that certain portions of our government has made deals with some of the aliens. No small portion of our technological development in the last fifty years has come by studying certain alien artifacts and suggestions from the aliens. They have not done the actual work FOR us because that would be against the galactic rules. They have just guided our thinking and goals.


Because it must be to the advantage of one or more of the alien groups! Which means, it must also be to the disadvantage of some other alien groups. Is this process of some aliens being dissatisfied with the arrangements other aliens have made with earth man going to spark a war on earth? I am afraid this is so. The rules of the galactic government would not allow the aliens on either side to actually engage in war with such a backward world as our earth. However, the galactic government would allow the aliens to place ideas and concepts over which man would certainly go to war with each other. What is man willing to go to war over? How about land, oil, economics and such? Those are all high cards in the hands of the aliens, but what is the real ACE in the deck? The real ACE in the deck is:


Religion is the very lowest and weakest form which man's imagination can take. It is a form of self hypnosis. As a result it is also the most volatile and base emotion of the mind. This religious emotion is even greater in some than the emotions of love. The emotional control which religion has over men's mind will turn civilized men into raving killers blindly following the orders or suggestions of their leaders. Religion was started by these aliens. It was not for the worship of some overall creator god. Instead, it was a religion demanding reverence and worship of and to the aliens themselves. It enabled the aliens to withdraw from the dangers presented by the earth people who wanted to share in the power of the aliens. It was a method used to control the people. They wanted to make servitude a matter of conscious and produce guilt and fear if the slaves got out of line. The purpose was to keep the people in awe and in servitude to the aliens. (Nothing has changed since that time.)

Ten percent of the produce and production of the earth's people was to be presented as gifts to the aliens. Temples (very big and elaborate complexes) were built to house the aliens. In these temples were stored and used, the technology of flight, communication, science, medicine and weaponry. Smart and favored men were selected to be the go-between with the aliens and the earth people. These men evolved into a family and cult of priests. After the flood (tidal wave) and these aliens left, the concept of religion remained and enterprising men seized on the opportunity to control the people and maintain the slavery-hood started by the aliens, for their own good of course.

If the aliens didn't know at first the results of the use of religion to control people, then it soon became important knowledge to them. It also became the knowledge of some smart (and maybe greedy) men. So, the result of religion down through the ages has been its ability to use its guilt and fear tactics to control people. This control makes every religion extremely wealthy, especially for the more popular religions. This control furnishes crusaders, soldiers and manpower to fight against other religions and the territory controlled by the other religions. Their particular religion becomes the only legitimate government for the believers who are brain washed and hypnotized into believing its wild and baseless claims.

We return to the present. This world (thanks to some scientific help from the aliens) is about ready to enter space in fifty or so years. This will make earth eligible for membership in the galactic council before long. Some of the aliens do not want us in space. The new and different classification of earth would cause the aliens to stop some of their experiments and exploitations of earth. The different aliens who want different things from this earth have selected their weapons to use against each other and against mankind. That weapon is not death rays or lasers. The weapon the aliens have chosen to use against each other (and I might add, against the people of the earth) is religion (a powerful weapon when used on those who do not think, who let their religious authorities tell them what is true and what is not true).

One group of aliens wants us to graduate into space as a traveling and trading people (for their own benefit, of course). The other group of aliens want to destroy our chance of getting into space and into the trading status (for their benefit). So one group of aliens are hard at work getting the various religions upset and mad with one another. They are hoping to bring about a world war in which the science and technology of earth will be set back hundreds of years. They are doing some tricks (miracles) to attract people and to render validation of these religions. This is happening in the Christian religion in the USA and in the Muslim religions in the far and middle east. Are you aware that the Muslims are daily having claim after claim of miracles and visions in which they are instructed to cleans the earth of the evil religion and peoples of Christianity? Their visions are telling them that real peace and prosperity will only come when the evil Satan (USA and Christianity) is cleansed from the face of the earth and when all knees are bent and all heads are bowed to Allah. Slavery anyone?

Yes, Virginia, there are powers out there who want you to become a slave to their concepts, beliefs and superstitions. There are two sides of them and both of them are bent on controlling your future and destiny. They are only held in check by the galactic council and by people who refuse to be sucked into their plans and schemes. The main defense we have against all these aliens is the use of our natural thinking ability and the rejection of ALL religious propaganda, all of their lies, all of their plans of salvation, all their plans for a peaceful earth and all their claims to divine guidance. Their guidance is not divine!

The ufos are real. The aliens are real. The battle for earth is real. The scientific and technological advances on earth are real. The hatred of one religion against other religions is real. The plans for earth's great warfare are real. The ability of the aliens to manipulate earth changes are real. The gullibility of most of mankind is real. The ability of most men to believe the unbelievable is real. The ability of the aliens to perform what seems like miracles (tricks of science) is real. All of this and more is real.

There is only one thing which prevents the outbreak of a mankind destroying war from breaking out. That restraint is the rules and restraints of the Galactic Government on the activities of the aliens. That means we still have time to break the hold which religion and the aliens have on us. But with, or without the aliens, we are still capable of doing what some of the aliens wish us to do. That is, to destroy ourselves.

So Atheists must use their knowledge, position and power to alert this nation and world to the evils of the religions and the potential of the religions to destroy all of earth and its people. War has often been the favorite method of religion to increase its wealth, increase the territorial claims and make converts to their superstitions. This concept of evangelization by force must stop. Also, the concept of making converts by telling lies must stop. The concept of placing fear and guilt into the minds of little children in order to convert them, must stop. If the religions would only decide to tell the truth about their religions, that would be the biggest step we could possibly take toward having peace on earth. That is the biggest step we could possibly take to insure our future integration into the space community. Religions are an alien invention used to control us.

I am sure this information has come as a shock to you, even if you are an Atheist. But the sad fact is, the basics outlined here are true. And even if the ufo and the alien parts were not true, the religious part is very true and you know it (on all religions except yours).

Now get on your search engine and look up these things for yourself. You will be amazed at how much scientific and historical information exists on the internet. No generation, up to now, has had the opportunity to be on the inside information tract like you have right now. Get to it before the government discovers a way to take this right away from you.

But the important matter is not just the information. It is how you arrange and interpret these things and how you bring one bit of information into the arena of another similar or even different bit of information. In addition, you must approach the subject as though you had NO preconceived ideas or conclusions about the subject. This is called honest in scholarship. The universe is more amazing and complex that any religion can conceive.

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copyright July 1999 Thomas E. Blaylock jr.