Weapons of war are generally thought by the public to be guns, aircraft, bombs, gases, biological agents, troops, tanks and such material items. Yet, the most important weapon of war is the psychological, the propaganda and ideological campaigns waged both for and against the people on both sides of a conflict. These ideological campaigns must target and be waged at the most base emotions of the public. These campaigns must assert and prove that the war is sanctioned by and approved for the most altruistic of causes. In other words, the death of the enemy and the destruction of his power is my God's most important work on earth. To die in such a war is to insure the security of the world and the future of one's immortal soul. Place in war a people who believe those things with all their heart and you now have a willing death squad to place behind the guns, in the tanks, in the airplanes, in the factories and in the ships. That is the secret weapon of war - religions and their various gods.

         Religion (and its attending doctrines) is not so much the cause of war as it is the excuse and emotional motivation for war. No war can be waged without the propaganda and ideological campaigns which stir the base emotions to a fever pitch either for defense or for offense. All the doctrines of all the religions says, "I am right and all others are wrong." "I am good and the others are evil." "My God is the true God. Your God is non existent, a false and evil god." "My government is God's government. Your government is the devil's government." Thus, with this weapon of religion, all wars are fought.

         With this I present to you the true evil of mankind, the true devil of civilization, the true enemy of peace and prosperity of the world. The very worst concept in the whole world and in the whole history of this earth is religion. Religion is the most evil, the most destructive, the most tyrannical, the most disruptive, the most corruptive, the most seductive, the most injurious, the most ignorant, the most deceptive and the most useless concept ever conceived on this planet of our mother earth. Religion is a black hole devouring and eating the very heart and soul of mankind and his attempt to become civilized.

         Even if there were a god, no good god could condone the use of such knowledge as that to destroy the civilizations, characters and lives of others. No good god could institute a religion which seduces the creativity of mankind and turns that creativity into killing and hating machines. No good god would command or condone genocide, murder, torture, starvation, cruelty, hatred, ignorance, deceptions, lies, theft of power, theft from the common treasury, destruction of nature's bounty, over population, cruel and unusual punishments, racism, elitism, censorship, prohibitions, manipulations of wealth, manipulation of history and facts, manipulation of knowledge and the manipulation of such an evil concept as religion. No good god would call GOOD evil and such EVIL as good.

         If there were a devil the first thing I would expect him (her or it) to do would be to manufacture several different religions and claim that each one of them was the one and only divine and true religion and that all other religions must be destroyed or made subservient to the one and only true divine religion - yours.

Have a nice day!


        Thomas Blaylock