Computer Android Syndrome

CAS: noun. Computer Android Syndrome, also known as Cattle And Sheep. A vicious mind virus (meme) that infects people. The usual symptom is to purchase expensive, poorly written software because the victim sees other people doing so. The behavior of unethical infected people is to obtain illegal copies from friends. The virus is released on sheets of masticated dead trees and effects its transfer to brain matter by claiming to solve all worldly problems and to "empower and enable" while in fact chaining them to pay more at the next upgrade. Infected patients spend much of their time rebooting their computers and have been known to reboot their machines on a daily basis "just in case". The virus generally prevents a patient from seeking free software that would solve their problems and cure them.

Tom Schneider's Home Page
origin: 2001 September 25
updated: 2001 October 27