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{ version = 1.13; (* of fealoc.p 2018 Mar 07}
(* begin module describe.fealoc *)
fealoc: feature location in a genome
fealoc(featab: in, data: in, fealocp: in, fealocreport: out, output: out)
featab: feature table from dbinst giving locations of features.
After an id line beginning with '*', the second line defines
accession name begin end orientation
Remaining lines contain the data, for example:
NC_000913.3 thrL 190 255 +
NC_000913.3 thrA 337 2799 +
data: data table from scan giving locations of sites
Lines that begin with '*' are ignored.
Coordinate data is expected to be in the 6th space
separated column
fealocreport: report of results in a table
fealocp: parameters to control the program. The file must contain the
following parameters, one per line:
parameterversion: The version number of the program. This allows the
user to be warned if an old parameter file is used.
line 2: Lowest site in bits to identify
line 3: Maximum number of sites to report.
For testing set this to a small number.
For production, set it to -1 (meaning all sites).
output: messages to the user
Read in a feature table (featab) created by dbinst and then read
through data from scan and locate the sites identified by scan in
the features.
see also
creates featab: dbinst.p
creates data: scan.p
Thomas Dana Schneider
technical notes
(* end module describe.fealoc *)
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