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{version = 1.37; (* of modlen 94 sep 5 *)}
(* begin module describe.modlen *)
modlen: determine module lengths
modlen(fin: in, fout: out, modlenp: in, output: out)
fin: a text file containing modules
fout: a list of the module names and their lengths
modlenp: parameters to control modlen.
if the file is empty, modlen gives a complete list of
modules and their lengths to fout, and notes those
longer than 'a certain number of lines' lines to output.
otherwise the file is expected to contain two integers,
each at the start of a line. these are the shortest and
longest lengths to print to output.
output: messages to the user and modules with lengths
determined by modlenp.
the delila manual consists of module pages. this tool allows
you to find out if the pages will fit onto your printer.
see also
module.p, show.p, break.p
thomas d. schneider
none known
technical notes
'a certain number of lines' is set by the constant defshort.
(* end module describe.modlen *)
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