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{ version = 1.07; (* of piechart.p 2011 Feb 14}
(* begin module describe.piechart *)
piechart: create a pie chart
piechart(piechartp: in, pienumbers: in, pieps: out, output: out)
piechartp: parameters to control the program. The file must contain the
following parameters, one per line:
parameterversion: The version number of the program. This allows the
user to be warned if an old parameter file is used.
diameter of the chart (cm)
angle to start (degrees). This is standard polar coordinates,
where 0 is along the positive x axis.
direction +1 or -1 to draw. As in standard polar coordinates,
positive is counter clockwise, negative is clockwise.
title line. The title is centered on the piechart. A nice
thing to have is the name of the computer using `uname -n`.
font size for the title.
pienumbers: a set of pienumbers for the pie chart. Each row is a slice.
The first column is the pienumbers. These are summed to get the
total and then each number is divided by that total so they
don't have to be fractions in the pienumbers file.
The second column is either an 'h' for hsb or 'r' for rgb, the
color model. If the column contains 'H', it stands for hsb but
the hsb color is created and columns 3 to 5 are skipped.
columns 3 to 5 are:
hue, saturation brightness (hsb model)
red, green, blue (rgb colormodel)
pieps: A postscript program that produces the pie chart.
output: messages to the user
Make a pie chart as a postscript program.
see also
PostScript Language Reference, third edition
page 531 describes arc and arcn.
page 405 describes page size control.
Thomas Dana Schneider
technical notes
(* end module describe.piechart *)
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