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{ version = 1.03; (* of roundfile 2006 Dec 30}
(* begin module describe.roundfile *)
roundfile: rounds off a file by droping incomplete last lines
roundfile(input: in, output: out)
input: a text file, possibly ending without a carriage return.
output: the text file from input copied, but without the last line
if that has no carriage return
Remove partial lines at the end of a file. For example, if a
program is creating a xyin file, the file may be incomplete because
of a partially written output buffer. But one may still want to
graph it even thouth only part of a xyin line has been written.
Since the xyplo program would object to a partial line, the
roundfile program removes the incomplete line, allowing the graph
to be created.
see also
Thomas Dana Schneider
none known
(* end module describe.roundfile *)
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