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{version = 1.00; (* of surprisal.p 2000 January 10}
(* begin module describe.divide *)
surprisal: make the surprisal curve for a histogram
surprisal(histog: in, surprisalp: in, xyin: out, output: out)
histog: position and number
xyin: Columns generated by the surprisal program:
1: position
2: -log2(frequency), surprisal in bits
3: frequency
4: original count in this bin
surprisalp: parameters to control the program. The file must contain the
following parameters, one per line:
parameterversion: The version number of the program. This allows the
user to be warned if an old parameter file is used.
output: messages to the user
Convert a histogram into a surprisal curve by finding the sum of the
values in the histogram, converting the histogram to frequencies and
taking the negative log base two of each frequency.
see also
to generate the histog, use: genhis.p
to plot the result, use: xyplo.p
Thomas Dana Schneider
technical notes
(* end module describe.surprisal *)
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