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{ version = 1.01; (* of truncround.p 2010 Feb 06}
(* begin module describe.truncround *)
truncround: plot trunc and round functions
truncround(afile: in, truncroundp: in, xyin: out, output: out)
afile: not used
xyin: x and y columns of results
truncroundp: parameters to control the program. The file must contain the
following parameters, one per line:
parameterversion: The version number of the program. This allows the
user to be warned if an old parameter file is used.
xmin: minimum x value
xmax: maximum x value
yrd: displacement for: y is the round of x
ytd: displacement for: y is the trunc of x
yzd: displacement for: x shift of round
zxd: x shift of round
output: messages to the user
Test trunc vs round functions.
For xyin create three data sets:
yt := trunc(x) + ytd; { trunc displaced vertically }
yr := round(x) + yrd; { round displaced vertically }
yz := round(x+zxd) - 1.0 + yzd; { round shifted horiz. and vertically }
The program is used for testing the binning function of genhis.
1.00 version of truncround that this parameter file is designed for.
-5.0 xmin
+5.0 xmax
-3.0 yrd
+3.0 ytd
0.0 yzd
+0.5 zxd
3 6 zerox zeroy graph coordinate center
x -8 8 zx min max (character, real, real) if zx='x' then set xaxis
y -8 8 zy min max (character, real, real) if zy='y' then set yaxis
8 8 2 2 xinterval yinterval xsubintervals ysubintervals: axis intervals
8 8 xwidth ywidth width of numbers in characters
1 1 xdecimal ydecimal number of decimal places
15 15 xsize ysize size of axes in cm
y = trunc(x)+3; y = round(x)-3; y = round(x+0.5)-1;
c zc 'c' crosshairs, axXyYnN
n 2 zxl base if zxl='l' then make x axis log to the given base
n 2 zyl base if zyl='l' then make y axis log to the given base
1 2 xcolumn ycolumn columns of xyin that determine plot location
0 symbol column the xyin column to read symbols from
0 0 xscolumn yscolumn columns of xyin that determine the symbol size
0 0 0 hue saturation brightness columns for color manipulation
c symbol-to-plot c(circle)bd(dotted box)x+Ifgpr(rectangle)
0 symbol-flag character in xyin that indicates that this symbol
0.15 symbol sizex side in cm on the x axis of the symbol.
0.15 symbol sizey as for the x axis, get size from yscolumn
nl 0.125 no connection (example for connection is c- 0.125 for dashed 0.125 cm)
n 0.125 linetype size linetype l.-in and size of dashes or dots
**** version 8.50 of xyplop: uses cm for distances
**** more parameters
p 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.0 edgecontrol (p=page),edgeleft,edgeright,edgelow,edgehigh (cm)
9.00 version of xyplo that this parameter file is designed for.
see also
Thomas Dana Schneider
technical notes
(* end module describe.truncround *)
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