Delila Server Entry Page
servers supply web access to Delila tools.
They can be used to:
- Analyze sites in E. coli:
- Analyze human splice junctions and their mutations or polymorphisms
using an
information theory
based model.
Example analysis:
Results are displayed using
sequence walkers.
Some aspects of the individual information theory programs are covered
by US patent 5867402.
However, the patent has been abandoned, so you are free to use the
programs as open source.
Papers Citing This (former) Web Server
These are papers by groups other than us.
Am J Hum Genet 2002 Apr;70(4):955-64
Newfoundland Rod-Cone Dystrophy, an
Early-Onset Retinal Dystrophy, Is Caused by
Splice-Junction Mutations in RLBP1.
Eichers ER, Green JS, Stockton DW, Jackman CS, Whelan J, McNamara
JA, Johnson GJ, Lupski JR, Katsanis N.
American Journal of Medical Genetics 109:291-297 (2002)
Searching for evidence of DFNB2,
Lisa M. Astuto, Philip M. Kelley, James W. Askew,
Michael D. Weston, Richard J.H. Smith, Abdulrahman F.
Alswaid, Mona Al-Rakaf, William J. Kim

Schneider Lab
origin: 2000 Nov 21
updated: 2022 Aug 01