Electron microscope picture of the Lambda bacteriophage.
 On the left is an icosahedral head and extending to the
right is a ribbed tail that comes a point in the last 6
ribs. A man sits at a table holding a knife and fork and
staring puzzled and angrily at a plate that has a lambda
phage on it.

NIH Lambda Lunch Meetings

An NIH Special Interest Group.

From gottesms@MAIL.NIH.GOV Sun Jan 19 17:14:18 +0000 2025
Thread-Topic: Hybrid Lambda Lunch Webex meeting invitation: - Madi Jermain (U.
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 17:14:11 +0000
Reply-To: "Gottesman, Susan (NIH/NCI) [E]" gottesms@MAIL.NIH.GOV
From: "Gottesman, Susan (NIH/NCI) [E]" gottesms@MAIL.NIH.GOV
Subject: Hybrid Lambda Lunch Webex meeting invitation: - Madi Jermain (U. MD, Winkler lab): B. velezensis LoaP Promotes Antitermination of Antibiotic Synthesis Operons
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1/23/25*: Madi Jermain (U. MD, Winkler lab): "Bacillus velezensis LoaP
Promotes Antitermination of Antibiotic Synthesis Operons by
Antagonizing NusA" (G. Storz) (Hybrid)

1/30/25*: Richard Johnson (Cotter lab, UNC) "Contact-dependent toxin
delivery by bacterial two-partner secretion systems." (F. Ramos-Leon)

2/6/25*: Victoria (Tori) Klein (C. Bewley lab, NIDDK)
"Pyrrole-Imidazole Alkaloids for the Treatment of Multidrug Resistant
Pathogens: Elucidating their Mechanism of Action" Hybrid.

2/12/25: 10 AM, Bldg. 37^th, 6^th floor conference room: Sarah Woodson
(JHU), "Love at last: sRNA finds it partner with the Hfq chaperone"
(S. Gottesman)

2/13/25*: Somenath Bakshi (S. Adhya) (VIRTUAL only)

2/20/25*: Meru Sadhu (NHGRI) "Understanding anti-CRISPR mechanism and
evolutionary breadth with high-throughput genetics."

2/27/25*: Bob Crouch "Chaos leading to survival after loss of RNase HI
and RecBCD in E. coli"

3/06/25*: Gene-Wei Li (MIT) (G. Storz)

3/13/25*: Jonathan Lynch (Johns Hopkins) (Erika Smith)

3/20/25*: Tobias Doerr (Cornell) (K. Ramamurthi)

4/3/25*:  No lambda lunch (RNA Symposium, NIH)

4/10/25*: Rhishita Chourashi (Oglesby lab, U. MD School of Pharmacy)
"Differential iron regulation of the Rsm sRNAs in Pseudomonas
aeruginosa." (Megan Behrmann)

4/15/25: 10:00 AM, Bldg. 37, 4^th floor conference room. Ben Luisi (U.
Cambridge, UK)

5/15/25*:  No Lambda Lunch (conflict for organizers)

5/22/25*: Aaron Whitely (UC Boulder) (M. Machner)

6/12/25*: Rich Olson (Wesleyan U.) (Xiaofang Jiang)

6/19/25*: NO LAMBDA LUNCH (Juneteenth)

6/25/25: WALS 2:00 PM.  Purificaciaon Lopez-Garcia (CNRS) (G. Storz/E.

6/26/25*: Purificaciaon Lopez-Garcia

*Regular lambda lunch at 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) in Bldg 37, Rm
6107/6041.  We will also arrange for these to be available on Webex,
with links sent out each week. To schedule seminars, contact
<[1]mailto:Gottesms@mail.nih.gov >Susan Gottesman or Gisela Storz
([2]storzg@mail.nih.gov). To meet with an outside speaker, contact the
person whose name is in parentheses.  If you're at NIH you can join the
mailing list in either of the following ways.  (1) Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE LAMBDA_LUNCH-L 'your name'" from the computer where you
usually receive mail to
'your name' by your first and last names; or (2) go
to [5]http://list.nih.gov/, browse the lists to find Lambda_Lunch-L,
and follow the instructions.  If you're not at NIH,
contact [6]Gottesms@mail.nih.gov. Susan Gottesman. This schedule is
also available at [7]https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms/lambda.html.

        *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

      Bldg 37, Rm 5132                        Lab:  240-760-7843

                         37 Convent Drive, NIH

                          Bethesda, MD 20892

        *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

From: Susan Gottesman 
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 12:11PM
To: Gottesman, Susan (NIH/NCI) [E] 
Subject: (Forward to others) Webex meeting invitation: Lambda Lunch -
Madi Jermain (U. MD, Winkler lab): B. velezensis LoaP Promotes
Antitermination of Antibiotic Synthesis Operons

You can forward this invitation to others.

Susan Gottesman is inviting you to a scheduled Webex meeting.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

11:00 AM  |  (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)  |  1 hr 15 mins

[8]Join meeting

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Meeting number (access code): 2300 928 7039

Meeting password: MRsbPTn@357

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

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Dial [11]23009287039@cbiit.webex.com

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1. mailto:Gottesms@mail.nih.gov
2. mailto:storzg@mail.nih.gov
5. http://list.nih.gov/
6. mailto:susang@helix.nih.gov
7. https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms/lambda.html
8. https://cbiit.webex.com/cbiit/j.php?MTID=m63e15eb3ae3c64cc6a45e9295c48b25e
9. https://cbiit.webex.com/cbiit/j.php?MTID=m63e15eb3ae3c64cc6a45e9295c48b25e
  10. tel:%2B1-650-479-3207,,*01*23009287039%23%23*01*
  11. http://%20sip:23009287039@cbiit.webex.com/
  12. https://help.webex.com/

Previous Lambda Lunch Meeting Schedules

iCalendar file

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chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers

Schneider Lab

origin:    1998 Mar 31
updated: 2012 Feb 09
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