Electron microscope picture of the Lambda bacteriophage.
 On the left is an icosahedral head and extending to the
right is a ribbed tail that comes a point in the last 6

NIH Lambda Lunch Meetings

From owner-lambda_lunch-l@LIST.NIH.GOV Mon Nov 23 15:48 EST 1998
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Date:         Mon, 23 Nov 1998 09:00:57 -0500
Reply-To: Robert Weisberg 
Sender: Lambda Lunch Prokaryotic Interest Group
From: Robert Weisberg 
Subject:      Lambda Lunch, etc
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Lambda lunch update, 11/23/98


     The following have been suggested as Lambda Lunch nominees
for a Wednesday Afternoon Lecturer.  To vote, list your top 4 in
order of preference, and send the list to wia@cu.nih.gov by

George Church
Nick Cozzarelli
Julian Davies
Richard Ebright
Brett Finlay
Alan Grossman
Ron Kaback
Arthur Kornberg
Josh Lederberg
Rich Losick
Norm Pace
Dan Portnoy
John Roth
Lucy Shapiro
Frank Stahl
Norton Zinder


#12/3/98:  Saul Roseman

12/3/98 (Bldg 6, Room 409; 4:30 PM):  Carol Gross (N.B.:  The
seminar will be in the old section of the Bldg 6ABC complex)

12/4/98:  (Building 32TII conference room, 12 noon) Tom
O'Halloran, "Eukaryotic Copper Chaperone Proteins:  Insights into
Intracellular Copper Availability"

12/8/98 (Bldg 6B, Room 429 at 4 PM):  Michelle Hanna (Fishing for
Factors:  Pulling Ancillary Transcription Proteins from Crude

#12/10/98:  Dan Camerini-Otero

12/11/98 (Bldg 6B, Room 429 at 12 PM):  Jeff Roberts (Intrinsic
termination in bacteria, and its interruption by an

#1/28/99:  Andreas Matouschek (Mechanics of protein folding and
transport across membranes)

#2/25/99:  Paul Babitzke (Regulation of Tryptophan Biosynthesis:
Trp-ing the TRAP or How Bacillus subtilis Reinvented the Wheel)

#Regular lambda lunch at 11 AM in Bldg 36, Rm 1B13.

     To schedule seminars, contact Susan Gottesman
(susang@helix.nih.gov) or Bob Weisberg (wia@cu.nih.gov).

     To join the mailing list, send the following message from
the computer where you usually receive mail to
Replace "your name" by your first and last names.  This schedule
is also available at

Previous Meeting Schedules:
(The dates are when the schedule was stored, not when it was announced.)

color bar

Small icon for Theory of Molecular Machines: physics,
chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers
Schneider Lab
origin: 1998 March 31
updated: 1998 August 18 color bar