Electron microscope picture of the Lambda bacteriophage.
 On the left is an icosahedral head and extending to the
right is a ribbed tail that comes a point in the last 6

NIH Lambda Lunch Meetings

From rweisberg@nih.gov Tue Feb  9 14:16 EST 1999
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Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 14:13:05 -0500
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Subject: Lambda Lunch, etc
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Lambda lunch update 2/9/99

2/10/99:  Mark Ptashne (Imposing specificity by localization:  mechanism

evolvability) NIH Dir's WAL/Genetics Int Group Lecture. 3:00, Masur

#2/11/99:  Jorge Membrillo-Hernandez (Hmp, a flavohaemoglobin involved in

the oxidative stress response in E. coli)

2/23/99, 12:00 noon, Bldg 37 Room 1A-17:  Dr. Benedicte Michel, CNRS,

"The role of homologous recombination during the replication of bacterial


#2/25/99:  Paul Babitzke (Regulation of Tryptophan Biosynthesis:  Trp-ing

the TRAP or How Bacillus subtilis Reinvented the Wheel)

#3/11/99:  Joe Peters (N. Craig lab)

3/12/99:  March 12 (Friday) noon, Jon Gallant, "Ribosome Slipping and

Sliding" 4th Floor Library, Building 6B.

#4/8/99:  Jack Greenblatt (Regulation of transcription termination and

antitermination by E. coli NusA and the lambda N protein)

4/9/99:  Jack Greenblatt, 4th Floor Library, Bldg 6B:  "Regulation of

transcription by an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase"

#Regular lambda lunch at 11 AM in Bldg 36, Rm 1B13.

To schedule seminars, contact Susan Gottesman (susang@helix.nih.gov) or

Weisberg (rweisberg@nih.gov).

To join the mailing list, send the following message from the computer

you usually receive mail to LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV:  SUBSCRIBE

your name. Replace "your name" by your first and last names. This

is also available at  https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms/lambda.h

Previous Meeting Schedules:
(The dates are when the schedule was stored, not when it was announced.)

color bar

Small icon for Theory of Molecular Machines: physics,
chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers
Schneider Lab
origin: 1998 March 31
updated: 1998 August 18 color bar