Electron microscope picture of the Lambda bacteriophage.
 On the left is an icosahedral head and extending to the
right is a ribbed tail that comes a point in the last 6

NIH Lambda Lunch Meetings

An NIH Special Interest Group.

Date:         Tue, 8 Nov 2005 11:23:09 -0500
From: Robert Weisberg 
Subject: Lambda Lunch update

Lambda Lunch Update, 11/8/05:

11/8/05, 12:30 pm, 37/6041:  Michael Seidman "Targeted Genomic
Recombination & Mutagenesis by Bioactive Triplex Oligonucleotides"

11/9/05, 2:00 pm, 37/6041:  Gerry Smith "Meiotic Recombination in S. Pombe"

11/10/05*:  Cliff Barry "Latent tuberculosis: bacterial metabolism and
respiration in the absence of growth"

11/15/05, 3:30 PM, Natcher:  Rita Colwell "Global Climate, Environmental
Pathogens, and Human Health: A New Paradigm."

11/17/05, 9:30 AM, Bldg 37, Rm 6107/6041:  Arkady Mustaev (Public Health
Res. Inst.) "RNA polymerase active center: Triplet in unity" (Natasha

11/17/05*:  Eduardo Groisman (Wash U) "New insights into two-component
signal transduction" (Susan Gottesman)

11/18/05, 12 noon, Bldg 6B, Rm 4B429:  Arkady Mustaev "Defence compounds of
plants: New Penicilline or new Chlorox?"

11/30/05:  3 PM, Bldg 10, Masur:  Tania Baker "Remodeling Proteins and the
Proteome by AAA+ ATPase Machines" (Susan Gottesman)

12/1/05*:  Tania Baker "Dissecting the mechanisms of target-site delivery
and protein remodeling during Mu transposition"

12/2/05, 12 noon, Bldg 18/32 library:  Nancy Craig "Tales of Two
Transposons" (Henry Levin)

12/08/05*:  Tom Elliott (W.Va Health Sci. Center) "Regulation of RpoS in
Salmonella and E. coli" (Susan Gottesman)

12/08/05, 2:00 PM, Building 6A, room 4A05:  Dinshaw Patel (Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York) "Structural Biology of
Riboswitches, Ribozymes and RNA Silencing" (Rich Maraia)

12/15/05*:  Amos Oppenheim (tentative)

1/12/06*:  M. Madan Babu (NCBI) "Adaptive evolution in transcriptional
regulatory networks of prokaryotes"

1/19/06*:  D. Scott Merrell (USUHS) "Adapt or perish: Regulatory mechanisms
of Helicobacter pylori" (Gigi Storz)

2/16/06*:  Saeed Tavazoie (Princeton) (Gigi Storz)

*Regular lambda lunch at 11:00 AM in Bldg 37, Rm 6107/6041. To schedule
seminars, contact Susan Gottesman (susang@helix.nih.gov) or Bob
Weisberg (rweisberg@nih.gov). To meet with an outside speaker,
contact the person whose name is in parentheses.

You can join the mailing list in the following ways.  If you're at NIH,
send the following message from the computer where you usually receive mail
Replace "your name" by your first and last names; or go to
http://list.nih.gov/, browse the lists to find Lambda_Lunch-L, and follow
the instructions to join.  If you're not at NIH, contact
Bob Weisberg. This schedule is also available
at https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms/lambda.html.

Previous Lambda Lunch Meeting Schedules

  • The Lambda Special Interest Group at NIH
  • Special Interest Groups at NIH
  • List of contacts for Other Special Interest Groups at NIH

    color bar Small icon for Theory of Molecular Machines: physics,
chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers

    Schneider Lab

    origin: 1998 Mar 31
    updated: 2005 Sep 28

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