Mathematical Terms of Biological Information Theory

Thomas D. Schneider*

version = 1.11 of bitt.tex 2021 Jul 27

*National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, RNA Biology Laboratory, P. O. Box B, Frederick, MD 21702-1201. (301) 846-5581;;

B = log2M (bits) Number of bits for M symbols [1]

C = dspace log2(P∕N + 1) (bits/mmo)Molecular machine capacity [23]

D = 2dspace 3n- 6 Dimensionality of a molecular machine coding space [2]

ln(ρ+1) D < 2Rln2
  ϵr Lower and upper dimensionality bounds [4]

dspace = D∕2 Number of ‘pins’ a molecular machine uses [23]

ΔG (joules/mmo) Free energy dissipated by a molecular machine in an operation [23]

d.f. = 3n- 6 Degrees of freedom for n atoms [2]

Emin = kBT ln2 (joules per bit) A version of the Second Law of Thermodynamics that can be used as an ideal conversion factor between energy and bits [56]

ϵt = ln(P+1)
  N = ln(ρρ+1) Theoretical maximum molecular efficiency [564]

ϵr ϵt Real (or measured) molecular efficiency [56]

kB (joules/kelvin) Boltzmann’s constant

λ = R∕2 Compressed bases: the number of bases a binding site would take up if the information of the site was compressed as small as possible.

M = 2B Number of symbols corresponding to B bits

mmo Molecular machine operation [27]

μ Mean of Gaussian distribution

σ Standard deviation of Gaussian distribution

π Circle circumference/radius, something to eat

n Number of atoms in a molecular machine. see d.f.

N (joules/mmo) Thermal noise flowing through a molecular machine during an opertion [289]

P = -ΔG (joules/mmo) Energy dissipated by a molecular machine in an opertion [23]

p(x) = -√12πσ-2e-(x-2σμ2)2 Probabilty of x for a Gaussian distribution

quincunx Galton’s Quincunx - a device that demonstrates the formation of a Gaussian distribution. See

R (bits/mmo) Information gained during a molecular machine operation, often of a binding site[10]

Renergy ≡-ΔG∕Emin (bits per mmo)The maximum bits that can be gained for the given free energy dissipation [56]

ρ = P∕N Energy dissipation of a molecular machine normalized by the thermal noise flowing through the machine

T (K) Absolute temperture, Kelvin

x Voltage (for a communications system) or total potental and kinetic energy for a molecular machine

y See x



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