head of Tyrannosaurus Rex
©1998 Christopher Srnka
and Jeff Poling

Evolution in a Nutshell

a presentation at

The cycle of evolution as done in the Ev program.  A
circle of arrows between mutate, evaluate, sort, kill,
replicate and back to mutate.  An arrow running from
evaluate to sort to kill is inside and labeled 'selection'.

Science UNRESTRICTED is an annual one-day program by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) for K-12 Students, Families, & Teachers. Nearly 400 registered students and probably 150-200 more teachers and parents attended in 2008/2009.

Tuesday, May 07, 2020 CANCELLED
Institute for Defense Analyses
4850 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, Virginia, 22311

In the presentation Evolution in a Nutshell I show visitors the Evj program running on a laptop computer. In a few moments and about 700 generations Evj demonstrates evolution of a genetic control system. You can try it yourself by clicking here. Learn more by reading the Guide to Evj.

Images used during the presentation are from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_(biology):

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2017may11 (Photo: Kevin Franco)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2017may11 (Photo: SU staff)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2017may11 (Photo: Jocelyn Seng)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2017may11 (Photo: Jocelyn Seng)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2018may03 (Photo: IDA)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2019may03 (Photo: IDA)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2019may03 (Photo: IDA)

Science UNRESTRICTED Tom Schneider 2019may03 (Photo: IDA)

Previous events:

color bar Small icon for Theory of Molecular Machines: physics,
chemistry, biology, molecular biology, evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering, sequence logos, information theory,
electrical engineering, thermodynamics, statistical
mechanics, hypersphere packing, gumball machines, Maxwell's
Daemon, limits of computers

Schneider Lab

origin:    2008 Apr 14
updated: 2020 Mar 27

color bar