Direct your browser to a paper by typing just the
usage: yvp [year] [volume] [page]
yvp [volume] [page]
yvp [year] [volume] [page] [another key]
Find an article with given year/volume/page in
by setting your mozilla-type browser to it.
yvp 1986 188 415
on the Unix command line generates the following URL and
sends my browser to it:
That's my PhD publication!
This is amazingly effective! Often it picks out the exact reference.
When there are several, it's never more than 3 to 5 and the one
one wants is obvious because the others are generally about a completely
different subject.
If for some reason you cannot get your browser to go to the page,
the last line given by yvp is the URL. You can capture it with:
yvp $year $volume $page | tail -1
and put it into an html page you generate.
Book mark that page and you can click through to the PubMed entry.
A Unix shell.
yvp - the yvp script - put it in a directory with other scripts,
make your path go through that directory.
browse - a script that launches a browser to a particular page
Requirements to get a bibtex reference automatically created:
mq = medquery - creates a bibtex entry from a pubmed id
medlinebib - Pascal program needed by mq
wgetas - extracts a web page and renames it
Programs that use yvp:
yvph - a script that calls yvp and makes an html page
with a link you can click on
yvpa - a script that calls yvph to put the html
into your 'a' directory for automatic transfer to another computer.
yvpg - a script that takes command line arguments or
the cut/paste buffer (Mac OSX only) and guesses the year, volume
and page from the string. It then calls yvp to locate the reference.
This works incredibly well!
Yarus, M. (1969) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 38, 841-880.
two results,
one of which
is the paper.
Copy from a reference list:
Dame RT, Noom MC, Wuite GJ (2006) Bacterial chromatin organi- zation by H-NS protein unravelled using dual DNA manipulation. Nature 444: 387–390
and yvpg gives the paper immediately!
You can make a link to the yvpg script and place that on your
desktop. Then cut the reference from a PDF and click on the link.
Using this one can go from the reference of a paper to the paper in
a few seconds!
Note: sometimes there are numbers in the title or an issue number
that fools yvpg. You can edit your cut/paste buffer using the
fb (Fix Buffer) script, then try again!
yvpgt like yvpg but adds another term to the search. Sometimes
yvpg will give several choices that can be distinguished by another
search term. Using this instead of yvpg will add the longest term
in the cut/paste buffer. Often this narrows the results to the
desired reference.
Schneider Lab
origin: 2007 Nov 01
updated: 2021 Jan 03: remove broken translation link.