KEY: | Meeting | points of interest | DEADLINES |
Sunday, Oct. 7 | First "Official" Meeting
Worman's Mill Roy Rogers - 5:30 p.m.
| Sunday, Oct. 21 | final schedule emailed to directors/coaches or online representative, IAABO | Sunday, Nov. 4 | "Called" Meeting
Middletown Elementary School - 7:30 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 19 | 1st Semester Report Cards issued (FCPS) | Tuesday, Nov. 20 | 1st Semester Report Cards issued (MCPS) | Wednesday, Nov. 21 | ROSTERS, BIRTH
Saturday, Nov. 24 | first league games scheduled | Saturday, Dec. 1 | LEAGUE DUES, OFFICIALS FEES DUE to League treasurer | Wednesday, Dec. 19 |
2nd Semester interims issued (FCPS) VERBAL NOTIFICATION DUE to League President |
Thursday, Dec. 20 |
2nd Semester interims issued (MCPS) VERBAL NOTIFICATION DUE to League President |
Sunday, Dec. 23 | last games before Christmas holiday break | Tuesday, Jan. 1 | VARSITY PLAYERS MAY NOT TURN 15 BY THIS DATE | Wednesday, Jan. 2 | first games after Christmas holiday break | Friday, Jan. 4 | 2nd INTERIM ELIGIBILITY FORMS DUE to League President | Tuesday, Jan. 15 | NO ROSTER CHANGES PERMITTED AFTER THIS DATE | Wednesday, Jan. 23 | tentative tournament schedule made available to directors/coaches and online | Sunday, Feb. 3 | "Called" Meeting
T.B.A. - 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 5 |
2nd Semester Report Cards issued (FCPS) VERBAL NOTIFICATION DUE to League President |
Tuesday, Feb. 12 |
2nd Semester Report Cards issued (MCPS) VERBAL NOTIFICATION DUE to League President; Frederick County ELIGIBILITY FORMS DUE to League President |
Tuesday, Feb. 19 |
Montgomery County ELIGIBILITY FORMS DUE to League President |
Wednesday, Feb. 20 | league awards ordered | Sunday, Mar. 3 | last day for regular season games | Wednesday, Mar. 6 | tournament start date | Thursday, Mar. 7 |
3rd Semester interims issued; FORMS REQUIRED
to become tournament-eligible (FCPS & MCPS) |
Monday, Mar. 11 | tournament championship games | Monday, Apr. 1 | JAYVEE PLAYERS MAY NOT TURN 14 PRIOR TO THIS DATE | Sunday, Apr. 7 | Second "Official" Meeting
T.B.A. - 7:30 p.m.