CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held in lunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Dissolve the floors of memory

T.S. Eliot, Rhapsody on a Windy Night

[ turn on/off stylesheet ]

  1. W3C: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  2. Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification
  3. W3C Core Styles
  4. Core Style Links
  5. W3C Core Style Sampler
  6. FrontPage CSS Templates
  7. HTML with Style Tutorials - WebReference.com
  8. css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
  9. CSS, Accessibility and Standards Links
  10. Cascading Style Cheatsheet
  11. Basic CSS Reference     [Print]
  12. StrangeBanana: Computer-generated webpage design
  13. The Beauty and Business of CSS
  14. Adobe - CSS Advisor beta
  15. The Selectutorial - CSS selectors
  16. CSS Beauty | CSS Design, News, Jobs, Community, Web Standards
  17. The 4th annual CSS Naked Day for 2009: Thursday April 9, 2009.
  18. CSS Cheat Sheet
  19. CSS, Accessibility and Standards Links
  1. Shame and War Revisited       [ Our Test Page Without a CSS Stylesheet ]
  2. Shame and War Revisited W/Alternate Style Sheets
    Choose style sheet favelet       Alternate style sheets example
  3. Shame_Chocolate      Chocolate.css       Chocolate.txt
  4. Shame_Midnight      Midnight.css        Midnight.txt
  5. Shame_Modernist      Modernist.css        Modernist.txt
  6. Shame_Oldstyle      Oldstyle.css        Oldstyle.txt
  7. Shame_Steely      Steely.css       Steely.txt
  8. Shame_Swiss      Swiss.css       Swiss.txt    Unofficial MSXML XSLT FAQ   [Uses Core Style: Swiss]
  9. Shame_Traditional      Traditional.css       Traditional.txt
  10. Shame_Ultramarine      Ultrimarine.css       Ultrimarine.txt
  11. Steal These Style Sheets    simple.css   [New York Public Library]

A pocket guide to inspirational sites   [ from Web-Graphics ]

  1. css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
  2. CSS Beauty
  3. CSS Drive
  4. CSS Import
  5. Css-mania
  6. CSS Vault
  7. StyleGala
  8. The Weekly Standards
  9. Unmatched Style
  10. W3 Compliant Sites
  11. Web Standards Awards
  12. Wow-factor
  13. Piepmatzel


  1. TechDis User Style Sheet Wizard

Alternate Stylesheet

  1. CSS: Making Alternate Style Sheets Work
  2. Backward Compatible Style Switcher       A List Apart   [default style/bigger text]
  3. css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
  4. presentation       meyerweb.com
  5. the Style Switcher       Westdale Secondary School
  6. The JavaScript Theme Switcher
  7. Preview/Change Site Stylesheet
  8. Duxbury Systems -- braille translation software
  9. BlueRobot
  10. WiredSafety  [ Internet safety, help & education]
  11. Stylesheet-Switcher Examples
  12. The Essential Guides   Change type size and colour
  13. A Guide to Accessibility for Web-Authors    Switch Styles / Change The Look
  14. HotSheet web directory
  15. Alternate style sheets example
  1. CSS for Style Guide Template       Using the UTA Web Style Sheet


  1. @import
  2. Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC)
  3. Table Manners   @import url(http://www.mcu.org.uk/stylesheets/newmcu.css)

CSS Filtering

  1. Image Filtering Examples and Exercises
  2. Introduction to Filters and Transitions
    1. Filters and Transitions Master Sample    [MSDN]
  3. IE Filters Code Generator
  4. Image Filtering with CSS
  5. Quick Image Effects with CSS
  6. Visual Filters and Transitions Reference   examples
  7. Alpha Filter Variants
  8. CSS(3) text shadows and background sizing
  9. Creating Cross Browser Compatible CSS Text Shadows

CSS Popups

  1. Pure CSS Popups
  2. Pure CSS Popup Images
  3. CSS Popups: Popping Up Text With Text
  4. Pure CSS tooltips

Scrollbar / Scrolling

  1. Un-colored scrollbars
  2. CSS Scrollbar Color Demo       Gray Version
  3. Coloring your Scrollbars
  4. Colored Scroll Bars
  5. Custom Scrollbar
  6. ScrollBar Styler
  7. Microsoft Strikes Again: The scrollbar Properties
  1. Auto-Scrolling Region       Mysterious scrolling
  2. Auto-Scrolling Page       Roll Credits!
  3. Scrolling Text

Printing with Style

  1. Kissing Print Versions of Pages Goodbye
  2. Printing with style
  3. Paged media


  1. CSS Demo - background image
  2. Fixed Centered Background Image
  3. Watermark       Another Watermark       Add a watermark


  1. Create Menus with Lists and CSS
  2. Fast Rollovers Without Preload
  3. Building Accessible Static Navigation with CSS


  1. A CSS colorful form
  2. Colour My Forms
  3. Style Web Forms Using CSS
  4. CSS: Styling forms and form elements
  5. Real World Style: Forms
  6. Customized Formstyles
  7. Styling Form Submit Buttons
  8. Styling Forms with Attribute Selectors - Part 1
  9. Styling Forms with Attribute Selectors - Part 2: adding in some CSS3

CSS Buttons

  1. Double Image Rollover using Pure CSS
  2. Uberlink CSS Rollovers: Overview
  3. Pure CSS (Depressible) Buttons Tutorial
  4. Colly's CSS rollover generator          
Pure CSS (Depressible) ButtonsTutorial


  1. Easy CSS drop shadows     Demo

Text Formatting

  1. Text Size
  2. SIZE MATTERS: Making CSS Keywords Work
  3. The Amazing Em Unit
  4. Beyond the FONT tag: Practical HTML text styling

Cursor styles

  1. W3C: 18.1 Cursors: the 'cursor' property
  2. CSS2 - Cursor styles
  3. Changing the Mouse Pointer
  4. Slacker's Guide to HTML: Cursor Codes and Effects


  1. Listamatic: one list, many options
  2. CSS Design: Taming Lists
  3. [listulike] CSS Generator

Aural style sheets

  1. Aural style sheets

CSS Positioning

  1. CSS Layouts: A collection of 168 Grid and CSS Layouts
  2. Layout Gala
  3. The Layout Reservoir
  4. StudioLine    [turn off my css]
  5. Show me the box
  6. Liquid layouts the easy way
  7. Dynamic Drive CSS Layouts
  8. Simple VerticalScroller
  9. Using CSS To Style Text Around An Image
  10. Advanced CSS Layouts: Step by Step
  11. Floating Layer: Online Tools at EchoEcho.Com
  12. Firdamatic™   [online tableless layout generator]
  13. Positioning HTML Elements with Cascading Style Sheets
  14. The Layout Reservoir
  15. /* Position Is Everything */
  16. CSS Positioning Properties
  17. Flexible Layouts with CSS Positioning
  18. The Wrong Way to Use CSS in Page Layouts
  19. Centering: Auto-width Margins       Centering: Negative Margin
  20. CSS Positioning
  21. Positioning with CSS2
  22. The Box Model Problem
  23. Box Lessons       CSS Box Demo
  24. Vertical Bar dividing a table
  25. Demo of a Four Column CSS Layout with a Top Banner.
  26. 3 column fixed test
  27. "Tables are dead..."
  28. CSS Tableless Web Sites
  29. CSS Layout Techniques: for Fun and Profit
  30. Moving Elements Tutorial
  31. Throwing Tables Out the Window
  32. Creating Accessible Page Layouts      [Layout Tables vs. CSS]
  33. Table designs based on CSS and DIV elements
  34. Real World Style: Floating Thumbnails
  35. The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot
  36. Three Column Layouts - - css-discuss
  37. Rock On, Rock ON : The Art of Bill Dan
  38. Putting Women's Health First
  39. Stacking Order Tests
  40. Content with Style: Modular CSS
  41. Content with Style: A CSS Framework

Mouse / Cursor / " Mouse Trails"

  1. Cursor Shapes
  2. ««««edderkop net»»»»       [Warning! Spiders!]
  3. Mobile Communications Internet site
  4. BlackLiquid   [bouncing images / mouse trails / transistion]
  5. JavaScript Clock
  6. Immersion Active / Kinetic Studios     [ mouse trails ]
  7. The Flat Stanley Project       [ Flat Stanley Goes to Washington -- And Beyond ]
  8. http://birdsworld.itgo.com/       [Look at the code]
  9. Welcome To The Clog Central Station


  1. CSS Examples    [W3CSchools]     CSS Tutorial
  2. CSS Terms and Syntax
  3. Css Demo
  4. CSS Examples from w3schools
  5. CSS1 and the Decorative HR
  6. Complexspiral Demo
  7. Style Sheet Examples    [VisiBone ]
  8. Microsoft's WWLive CSS Demo
  9. CSS/edge     complexspiral demo       Choose style sheet favelet
  10. W3C CSS tips & tricks
  11. CSS example pages      CSS Pointers Group
  12. 3D Border Demo 2 by Chris Hester 16 Oct 2003
  13. Flexible navigation example
  14. css.maxdesign.com.au - CSS resources and tutorials
    1. Listutorial - Step by step CSS list tutorial

General Resources

  1. Cascading Style Sheets  [UT Austin]
  2. SelectORacle
  3. CSS Tweak ~ Web Based CSS Tweaker!
  4. css-d Information and Subscription Page
    1. css-discuss Wiki
    2. Maintainable Css - css-discuss
  5. The Style Master CSS podGuide
  6. Architecting CSS
  7. Building a page template - a step by step tutorial    [ finished page ]
  8. CSS Beauty | CSS Design Showcase
  9. CSS Drive
  10. CSS HELP PILE    [Links and Discussion About the Best CSS Resources]
  11. css-discuss.org
  12. Simon Willison: CSS ain't Rocket Science
  13. Advanced Cascading Style Sheets
  14. CSS, Accesibility and Standards Links
  15. Cascading Style Cheatsheet «« Most Useful CSS Properties with Examples »»
  16. CSS Reference Table    Builder.com
  17. Interview with Hakon Lie: The Creation of CSS
  18. RichInStyle.com CSS2 tutorial
  19. CSS Tutorial
  20. CSS-guide
  21. Web Page Backwards Compatibility Viewer       [ http://www.whitehouse.gov/ ]
  22. Using Style Sheets
  23. glish.com : CSS layout techniques       [CSS to replace tables ]
  24. Cascading Style Sheets      Advanced CSS Layouts: Step by Step
  25. CSS Reference Table
  26. CSS in the real world
  27. Cascading Style Sheets: CSS1, CSS2 Reference and Help
  28. MaKo 4 CSS - CSShark answers Frequently Asked Questions
  29. Making Alternate Style Sheets Work
  30. Eric Meyer: CSS       [Alternate Style Sheets]      CSS/edge
  31. tantek.com       CSS Examples
  32. MSDN's CSS Attribute Reference
  33. How to create flexible sites quickly using standards like CSS and XHTML
  34. Index DOT Css
  35. Using CSS to Create "Easy Print" Pages
  36. The House of Style      [Cascading Style Sheet Editor]
  37. Help! My CSS Isn't Working!
  38. Dave Raggett's Introduction to CSS: Adding a touch of style
  39. CSS Layout Techniques: for Fun and Profit
  40. The Layout Reservoir
  41. CSS Master Compatibility Chart
  42. Mulder's Stylesheets Tutorial Overview
  43. CSS Pointers Group
  44. CSS 2 Tests
  45. The CSSPG Examples Directory
  46. Media descriptors
  47. Creating a Global Style Sheet
  48. Effective Use of Style Sheets    [Jakob Nielsen]
  49. CSS Frequently Asked Questions   [The HTML Writers Guild]
  50. WebTV Plus Support for Cascading Style Sheets
  51. Sheet Stylist, Cascading Style Sheet editor     David Hazlehurst's Sheet Stylist { version : 2.0 }
  52. TopStyle Cascading Style Sheet Editor
  53. CSS Enhancements in Internet Explorer 6
  54. CSS at Builder.Com      Style-o-Mattic       Resize
  55. SelectORacle
  57. NCD Style Sheet Guide
  58. When should I use a class and when should I use an ID?
  59. CssEditors
  60.  Pseudo-Class Order: link - visited - hover - active


  1. Visual formatting styles
  2. The Man in Blue    [Turn on/off css]
  3. Spanish Language Astronomy Materials Education Center
  4. Henk Haverhoek
  5. DZR :: Demo: The Power of CSS      Change Stylesheet: [ Serious ] [ Playful ]
  6. CatCatCat
  7. Orange County Medical Society
  8. Julian Credit Management
  9. The David Coaching Group
  10. Edge of my Seat
  11. DreamweaverFever
  12. Webnouveau
  13. LoreLindner Jewellery
  14. Orion HiTek, Inc.
  15. e l e c t r i c s h e e p c o m i x
  16. Contents of /online-info/css/   [ This page lists the style sheets that can be applied to your web pages. ]
  17. AAA Business Hosting
  18. Stargeek PHP News, SEO and Tools
  19. MindPalette Web Tutorials 
  20. Positioning Problem: Errata    Photo and Digital Classes  [Resize]

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 2 October 2008


© 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 David J. Hark