David J. Hark's Class Pages

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing had happened."

Winston Churchill

  1. a short diversion...
  2. Accessibility, Section 508, Usability
  3. Buildit      [ HTML Resources ]
  4. Cascading Style Sheets
  5. Captivate
  6. Contribute
  7. CourseBuilder
  8. Customer Service
  9. Database Connectivity using FrontPage
  10. Designing and Building an Intranet
  11. Digital Photography
    1. Managing and Organizing Digital Photographs
    2. Digital Photography Course Description
  12. Dreamweaver   DW8
  13. eLearning
  14. Effective Web Design
  15. Fireworks
  16. Flash
  17. Free-Web-Pages
  18. FrontPage
  19. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
  20. Graphic Design for the Web
  21. Grid Computing
  22. HomeSite
  23. Internet Search Techniques
  24. JavaScript
  25. Language
  26. Management of Web Projects
  27. Marketing on the Internet
  28. Netscape Composer
  29. Nvu
  30. P2P: Peer-to-Peer Computing
  31. Photoshop
  32. Portable Document Format (PDF)
  33. Scalable Vector Graphics
  34. SCORM
  35. Searching all the live long day...
  36. Server Load Balancing Technology
  37. Sound Check!
  38. Technical Introduction to the Internet
  39. Ten Things to Avoid in Web Site Design
  40. Introduction to Web Authoring
  41. Web Accessibility Training for Section 508
  42. Web Design and Usability Techniques
  43. Web Design and Usability Techniques    [ Second Edition ]
  44. Web Development Basics
  45. The Wireless Mobile Internet
  46. Writing for the Web
  47. Writing for the Web Class
  48. XML   XML and More

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201

Last updated: 10 February 2010

© 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 David J. Hark