A Technical Introduction to the Internet
(for Non-Technical People)

"The future ain't what it used to be."
Casey Stengel

"The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet."
William Gibson

Internet Traffic Report image with current condition of traffic on the net

Internet Storm Center

Free Privacy and Security tests at AuditMyPC.com

Lesson 1: A History of the Internet

Using the internet

  1. Basic Guide to the Internet
  2. Learn the Net
  3. The Internet and the World Wide Web   [Baltimore County Public Library]
  4. Parenting Web Smart Kids
  5. AARP Learn the Internet
  6. Glossary of Internet & Web Jargon
  7. NetLingo: The Internet Language Dictionary
  8. Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms and Definitions

Origins and Development of the Internet

  1. History of the Internet   [Internet Society]
  2. History of the Internet
  3. The Internet Language Dictionary
  4. Computer History Museum
  5. BBC: Becoming WebWise
  6. Life on the Internet: Net Timeline   [PBS]
  7. The Internet Archive Wayback Machine
  8. A Little History of the World Wide Web
  9. The original proposal of the WWW
    1. the VERY FIRST photo ever published on the web!
    2. Les Horribles Cernettes
  10. fUSION Anomaly. Internet
  11. Internet Chronology
  12. IMS :The IMS Founding Fathers Raffle
  13. Internet Pioneers:
    1. Vannevar Bush
    2. J.C.R. Lickilider
    3. Larry Roberts     Lawrence Roberts Home Page
    4. Paul Baran
    5. Bob Metcalfe
    6. Doug Englebart
    7. Robert E. Kahn
    8. Vint Cerf     Vinton G. Cerf: Truth and the Internet   Welcome to Cerf's Up
    9. Ted Nelson
      2. Udanax.com
    10. Tim Berners-Lee      Free was the key, says Web founder       So I have a blog
    11. Marc Andreesen
  14. In 1964, David Sarnoff said...
  15. Before the Web, There Was Viewtron    Inside Viewtron
  16. Al Gore    No Credit Where It's Due    
  17. Dr. Jonathan B. Postel   About PCEN's namesake: Jonathan B. Postel
  18. Prof. Leonard Kleinrock, the Inventor of the Internet Technology
  19. Who really invented the Net?
  20. The Day the Infant Internet Uttered its First Words
  21. Lots of candles for Internet's birthday
  22. A Closer Look At The Controversy Over The Internet's Birthday
  23. The Birth of the Internet
  24. Debates persist over Net's birthday
  25. ARPA - DARPA     History of ARPANET   
  26. BBN Technologies
  27. WWMCCS
  29. Before the Web, There Was Viewtron
  30. old BBS textfiles
  31. Gopher
    1. Gopher: Underground Technology
    2. gopher at quux.org
    3. gopher.tc.umn.edu
    4. Gopher: pygopherd
    5. The Gopher Manifesto
  32. Download the Internet
  33. World of Ends   [Doc Searls and David Weinberger]
  34. Pew Internet & American Life Project
    1. Bloggers: A portrait of the internet's new storytellers
  35. Study: Men and Women Use Internet Differently
  36. What does it "look like"?
    1. UNESCO Observatory on the Information Society
    2. Internet: "The Big Picture"   [ Russ Haynal ]
    3. An Atlas of Cyberspace
    4. The Opte Project
      1. Internet mapping project weaves colourful web    [New Scientist]
    5. Architecture of the World Wide Web   [ Volume One]
    6. WebMap
    7. Mappa.Mundi Magazine     Map of the Month Archives
    8. ThemeScape
    9. Visualizing Internet Topology at a Macroscopic Scale
    10. Antarcti.ca    Map.net
    11. Map of the Internet - IDL MAP
    12. Internet Mapping Project: Map gallery
    13. || peacock maps ||
    14. The Internet Weather Report
    15. Internet Traffic Report
    16. State of the Internet
    17. The Internet Health Report
    18. A geographical map of the internet   [Geobytes ad network]
    19. NetFactual.com
    20. VisiBone Country Chart

How Internet Standards are Developed

  1. ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc-index.txt    RFC INDEX
  2. http://www.rfc-editor.org/   RFC Editor
  3. Request for Comments (RFCs) -- Overview
  1. Internet FAQ Archives
  2. Internet Notes, including RFCs, FYIs, STDs, and IMRs.
  3. Standards (and 36 Cross References)
  4. The Internet Report
  5. Normos: The Internet Engineering Standards Repository
  6. Fred Baker's HTML version of the "official" text list of RFCs
  7. The Network Bibliography
  8. Organizations
    1. The Internet Society (ISOC)
    2. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
    3. The Internet Engineering Task Force
    4. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
      1. Bret Fausett's icann.Blog
    5. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    6. American Registry for Internet Numbers
    7. United States Internet Council
    8. International Telecommunication Union    [ITU]
      1. World Summit on the Information Society
      2. WSIS Discovers WWW And Wants In
    9. Internet Policy Institute
    10. Benton Foundation
    11. PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility
    12. The Internet Software Consortium (ISC)
    13. Internet Telecommunications Project
    14. NSIRegistry.net [Generic Top-Level Domains Registry Document Repository]
    15. Network Solutions
    16. National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    17. National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and Communications (NCO/CIC)
    18. NANOG: The North American Network Operators' Group
    19. The center for the Study of Technology and Society

Predicting the Future of the Internet

  1. The Nuts and Bolts of Net Neutrality  [PDF]
  2. Predictions Database   [ Elon University/Pew Internet and American Life Project ]
  3. Web 2.0
  4. Web as Platform
  5. unmediated: Tracking the tools that decentralize the media.
  6. videoblog::vog 2.0
  7. Information Wants to be Liquid
    1. Liquid Information
  8. Clay Shirky's Writings About the Internet
  9. The Futurist: The Intelligent Internet
  10. Big Bang! Digital convergence is finally happening
  11. Internet Convergence 2.0
  12. Pew Internet and American Life Project
  13. The Journal of Online Behavior (JOB)
  14. The Fabulous Disappearing Internet
  15. Should Net users need a license to go online?
  16. Vint Cerf hears VoIP calling
  17. Legacy: A brave new World Wide Web
  18. 2003 And Beyond
  19. A mosaic of new opportunities
  20. Counting on the Internet [.pdf]
  21. Creating Convergence     [Scientific American: November 2000]
  22. The Semantic Web
  23. Avoiding Information Overload
  24. Getting Serious Online
  25. The Rise of the E-Citizen    [PDF 140kb]
  26. Welcome to your future Internet
  27. Screenfridge
  28. Net-linked appliances have their place
  29. Bernina's artista 200E — A Technology Turning Point for the Sewing Industry
  30. Recent Emerging Technology Reports
  31. The Wireless Mobile Internet
  32. Shape of phones to come
  33. Using the Web to Communicate in a Crisis
  34. Ubiquious Computing:   IBM Pervasive Computing   
  35. Virtual Worlds Group!       Enter WindupWorld
  36. Internet Appliances
  37. New Internet Computer
  38. Internet Appliances Take Hold
  39. Power To The PC
  40. Are You Post-PC?
  41. NASA Future Computing and Communications Technologies
  42. Shouldn't Technology Make Life Easier?
  43. Technology Visionaries Scope the Future
  44. Technocopia
  45. Internet Paradox
  46. Ten Ways the Web Will Change the World
  47. The Workday Web
  48. Web’s an indispensable but flawed work tool
  49. The Web100 project
  50. Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative
  51. The Internet2 Project
  52. Abilene
  53. Virtual Worlds
    1. There
    2. Virtual-Worlds.Net
    3. Howard Reingold    The Virtual Community
  54. PlanetLab
    1. OceanStore
    2. Netbait
  55. InterPlanetary Internet
    1. InterPlanetary Internet Special Interest Group      IPN Technical Information
    2. Space Communications Protocol Standards
    3. WorldCom : Resources : Cerf's Up : Interplanetary Internet
    4. A web that’s out of this world
    5. Inter-Planetary Networking And Other Spaceborne Communications Networks
    6. TransOrbital   [servers on the moon]
    7. fUSION Anomaly. Interplanetary Internet

Lesson 2: How Computers Communicate on the Internet

Moving Data across the Internet

  1. Internet Technical Resources
  2. Matrix NetSystems: Internet Average
  3. Ad hoc IPTools Page
  4. Packet Switching Demo    (Flash 3)
  5. Traceroute.org     TraceRoute Online WebTool   traceroute to host
  6. Traceroute from Genuity to FairfaxCounty.gov
  7. Check the connectivity to your website with traceroute
  8. The Ping Page
  9. Ping Online WebTool
  10. Pathping   [Win2k/XP]
  11. How to perform a Trace Route and Ping
  12. Introduction to TCP/IP
  13. TCP/IP
  14. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
  15. IP:Internet Protocol
  16. Internet Protocol (IP) Internetworking Transport Tutorial
  17. The Essential IP Toolkit
  18. Basic Steps to Troubleshooting TCP/IP
  19. Protocols
  20. Routing Protocols
  21. Internet Protocol Addressing
  22. Museum of Broken Packets
  23. TCPView

Internet Protocols

  1. Blackbox
  2. Cisco

Internet Addresses

  1. WhatIsMyIP.com
  2.   NOAA Weather Radio
  3.    County Comission of Jefferson County, WV
  4. Port Numbers
  5. Port Numbers   [23, 80, 21, 70...] 
  6. IP Port Numbers - Full Listing
    1. Post Box  8080
  7. Other Special Addresses    [, 10 , 172, 192, etc. ]
  8. SubnetOnline.com Network Resources
  9. IP Version 6 (IPv6)
    1. IP Version 6 (IPv6)
    2. 6bone Home Page
    3. IPv6, QoS & Power Line Integration
    4. IETF IPng Info
    5. ipv6.org
    6. IPv6 Forum
    7. 6ren
    8. v6nap
    9. 6tap
    10. HS247
    11. IPv6: "Six" Appeal
    12. The Transition to IPv6
    13. Next IP meanders our way
  10. The Internet Backbone. Part 1
  11. The Internet Backbone, Part 2
  12. How Does DNS Work?
  13. DNS Concepts
  14. Ask Mr. DNS
  15. www.DNSreport.com     www.DNSstuff.com
  16. History of the Domain Name System
  17. AnalogX - DNSDig     Dig DNS Check
  18. DNS LOC: Geo-enabling the Domain Name System
  19. Root-Zone: Index by TLD Code   Country Codes   ISO3166 Country Codes
  20. http://come.to/vmax
  21. http://www.learn.to/   [The WebAlias Network ]
  22. The creation of a ".eu" Top Level Domain
  23. the official US Domain Registry   kids.us    .mil    .gov
    1. H.R. 3833-Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act of 200
  24. New TLD Program:   .biz, .info .name, .pro .aero .coop .museum
  25. ICANN-Accredited Registrars
  26. Domain Information
    1. Domain lookup  [EchoEcho.Com Tools]
    2. easyWhois
    3. InterNIC Whois Search
    4. Whois Source - Wildcard Domain Search Lookup
    5. uwhois.com
  27. myIPaddress.com
  28. Reverse IP Lookup     Decimal/Dotted-Quad Conversion   [Try ]
  29. Dynamic DNS Network Services
  30. DynIP - Dynamic DNS Service
  31. PURL    [Persistent Uniform Resource Locator]
  32. Snurl | SnipURL - Snippetty snip snip with your long URLs!
  33. Geo Tags for HTML Resource Discovery
  34. Obfuscated URLs / HTML
    1. Decimal IP URLs
    2. Decipher obfuscated URLs
    3. Examples of Obfuscated URLs
    4. How to Obscure Any URL
    5. Obfuscated-HTML De-obfuscation Tools
    6. Web page decryption
    7. Email-Cloak

Making the Connection

  1. The Broadband Difference
  2. Bandwidth Place, Tech Guide: Connecting to the Internet
  3. Appalachia: Where Net Trails Off
  4. Broadband Internet Access with Windows 98 Second Edition
  5. NYC Unveils First Internet-Ready Pay Phone
  6. Modem, Networking and Communications Links
  7. Internet Service Provider FAQ
  8. 56K.COM: V.90 Modems, Cable Modems, ADSL, ISDN and Satellite
  9. Local ISPs         ISP Roulette
  10. Six kinds of Internet accounts
  11. Cut down web for digitally deprived
  1. Peer to Peer Network
    1. Troubleshooting a Peer to Peer Network
  2. Dial-up / Dedicated Line
    1. The List
    2. Curt's High Speed Modem Page
    3. 56k Modem Troubleshooting
    4. ModemHelp.Org   [Access Statistics ]
  3. ISDN
    1. ISDN
    2. Brainstorm Networks: Decicated ISDN
  4. DSL : Digital Subscriber Line
    1. Sorry Wrong Number, Why Your Phone Company Hates DSL
    2. DSL Finds Its Killer App
    3. How Digital Subscriber Lines (DSLs) Work
    4. DSL Forum
    5. The different kinds of DSL
    6. Sorry, Wrong Number
    7. General PPPoE Information
    8. Digital Subscriber Line     [Cisco]
    9. Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL) FAQ
  5. Cable
    1. Cable Modems
    2. Cable-Modems.Org
    3. Cable Modems & xDSL Resources
    4. CATV CyberLab   Cable Modem Vendors
    5. Yahoo Computers and Internet > Hardware > Peripherals > Cable_Modems
    6. Ben's Cable Box
  6. Wireless
    1. 80211-planet.com
    2. Wireless Internet & Mobile Computing - Home
    3. Mobile Wireless Internet Forum
    4. Wi-Fi Wireless Ethernet
    5. OpenAP - Home
    6. Pesky Home Networks Trouble Cable Behemoths
    7. NoCat Wireless Network       NYCwireless
  7. Fixed Wireless
    1. StarNetWX
    2. Waverider      Easy Wireless Deployment With WaveRider
    3. ISP - Planet: Fixed Wireless    How To..
    4. Forbes.com: Fixed Wireless Internet Access
    5. Ride The Waves
  8. Satellite Internet
    1. Tracking      NASA J-Track
    2. How It Works: Satellite Internet Access
    3. Satellite Internet Access Up In The Air
    4. StarBand
    5. Direct PC
    6. DirecPC Uncensored !
    7. Teledesic
    8. New high-speed Net services from space
    9. EarthLink Launches Satellite Internet Access
    10. Satellite Internet access ready to take off
    11. SkyREPORT.com Satellite Industry Daily News
  9. Fiber to the Home
    1. Fiber to the Home Tutorial
  10. Power Line Communications (PLC)
    1. Powerline Networking Comes Of Age
    2. Addressing the Digital Divide with IPv6-enabled Broadband Power Line Communications
    3. IPv6, QoS & Power Line Integration
  11. High-Speed Sites
    1. IFILM - The Internet Movie Guide
    2. FeedRoom.Com
    3. www.KaZaA
  12. Test your connection speed
  13. DIY home computer networking guides - HomeNetHelp.com
  14. Welcome to the Broadband Guide
  15. broadbandreports.com - the place for BROADBAND

Lesson 3: The World Wide Web

  1. A Look behind the Web
  2. HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
    1. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)   [WDVL]
    2. HyperText Transfer Protocol  [Webopedia]
    3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
    4. HTTP for HTML Authors: Part I     Part 2     Part 3
    5. Ad hoc IPTools Page
    6. Internet Tools Gateway
    7. Understanding HTTP
    8. View HTTP Request and Response Header    Web-Sniffer
    9. Rex Swain's HTTP Viewer
    10. Delorie Software Web Services:      HTTP Header Viewer       HTTP Request Viewer
    11. Virgin Media Tools
    12. Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings
    13. Examine the headers generated by your web server for a particular page.
    14. Status Code Definitions      
    15. Whats so funny about a 404 Error message?
  3. Web Pages and Other Content
    1. The Early History of HTML
    2. HyperText Markup Language Home Page
    3. Learning HTML
    4. XHTML for Web Development
    5. XML     XML and More
  4. Web Clients Browsers
    1. Web Browsers
    2. How to Delete the Contents of the Temporary Internet Files Folder   IE
    3. gemal.dk :: BrowserSpy
    4. WebTV Viewer
    5. ZDnet
    6. Furniture.com
    7. Site officiel du musée du Louvre
    8. HTTP Header Viewer
    9. Environment Variables
    10. A Web Form Analyzer
    12. A Test Form: GET
    13. A Test Form: POST
  5. Cookies!
    1. Rex Swain's HTTP Cookie Demo
    2. Bake your own Internet Cookie!
    3. How It Works: Cookies
    4. Cookie Central
    5. Internet Cookie Report
    6. Cookies
  6. Caching
    1. Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
  7. Web Hosting
    1. Changing Web Hosts? Step-By-Step Guide
  8. The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services

Web Servers

  1. How a Web Server Works - Overview
  2. Web Servers
  3. Scooby-Doo or SFRANFILE: The hows and whys of server names
  4. Server Platforms
  5. ServerWatch: Servers Listed by Operating System
  6. Picking a Web server?
  7. Web Server Hosting
  8. Web Servers
  9. WebServer Quick Compare
  10. WebServer OnLine Magazine
  11. The Netcraft Web Server Survey
  12. Netcraft's What's that site running?
  13. What's that server running?
  14. Web Server Popularity   [e-gineer - Article]
  15. Web Servers Used at the Top Sites   [e-gineer - Article]
  16. Web Server Survey       Report Archive       Weighed Web Server Share
  17. TinyWEB server
  18. Build an Internet Server on a Shoestring
  1. Understanding FrontPage Server Extensions
  2. Server Extensions for Microsoft FrontPage
  1. CGI: The Common Gateway Interface for Server-side Processing
  2. CGI Made Really Easy or, Writing CGI scripts to process Web forms
  3. CGI Programming Is Simple!
  4. A Tour of HTML Forms and CGI Scripts
  5. CGI Programming FAQ

Web Applications

  1. Death to Desktop!
  2. GoogleOS? YahooOS? MozillaOS? WebOS?
  3. eyeOS | Web Based Desktop System
  4. youOS
  5. Aichi Institute of Technology's Campus Java Puzzle
  6. Mesmer - A Java rendition of a recursive Sierpinski Curve of order 4
  7. Java: Mosaic
  8. BD Support - Web Plugins
  9. A List of Browser Plugins
  10. OBJECT test suite
  11. http://www.gamelan.com/
  12. http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/RealTime/JPass/JPass.asp
  13. http://www.shockwave.com/
  14. "Overdue" a Macromedia Flash (SWF) movie   Flash
  15. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/
  16. Adobe: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)    Adobe SVG Demos    SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics

Lesson 4: Web Site Development

Who Builds Web Sites

  1. Author
  2. Webmaster    What is a Webmaster?
  3. Webmaster Position Descriptions
  4. System Administrator

Knowledge management

  1. KM.GOV - Knowledge Management in the Federal Government

Web Content Authoring

  1. Tools for Web Page Authoring

Web Graphics Design

  1. Tools for Web Page Design
  2. Cow or elephant?

Web Programming

  2. Taking databases online
  3. Client-side Versus Server-side Coding
  4. Introduction to the Web Application Development Environment (Tools)
  5. Which Server-Side Language Is Right For You?
  6. Server-Side Scripting
  7. ActiveX Controls Gallery
  8. ASP: Active Server Page
  9. ColdFusion
  10. Curl Integrated Content Language
  11. Java Server Pages (JSP)
  12. Miva
  13. MySQL
  14. Perl
  15. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  16. Python
  17. Server Side Includes
  18. Server-Side JavaScript
  19. Zope
  1. Yahoo!
  2. GoTo.Com
  3. Amazon
  4. L.L. Bean
  5. Shockwave.Com
  6. MP3.Com
  7. Webcam at Creighton
  8. Web Cam Central

Web Server Administration

  1. ID Serve
  2. Web Site Management Tools
  3. So You Want to Run Your Own Server
  4. Website Traffic Analysis
  5. WebTrends Reports for University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  6. WebTrends Live    [Demo]
  7. WebLog Expert - Powerful log analyzer
  8. Server Load Balancing Technology

Web Content Management

  1. Avoiding Information Overload
  2. Simple Content Management
  3. Content Management   CIO
  4. Managing Web Content
  5. Untangling Web Content Management
  6. Managing Web Content: From File System to Database
  7. Managing Web Content
  8. Managing Content on the Web
  9. Content Management for the Masses
  10. CMSWatch: Content Management Systems research and analysis
  11. Content Management Systems  [PDF 182kb]
  12. Your clients need a Content Management System
  13. Using custom tags to ease content management
  14. Content Management - The Magic behind the Web
  15. AuthorIT
  16. Watchfire
  17. Lightspeed Astoria
  18. Documentum 4i
  19. J D Edwards Enterprise Content Manager
  20. Live Linx
  21. Oracle iFS
  22. Trisoft InfoShare
  23. XyEnterprise Content@ XML
  24. Concurrent Versions System
  25. CyberTeams Powered By WebSite Director
  26. phpWebSite
  27. Plone
  28. Concurrent Versions System   CvsGUI

Lesson 5: Other Internet Services

  1. HTTP Related Protocols

Electronic Mail

  1. WebMail vs Email Clients
  2. Internet Technical Resources: Email
  3. A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email
  4. Tips for Mastering E-mail Overload
  5. Using E-mail Effectively
  6. Eudora Online Tutorials
  7. Internet Mail Consortium
  8. The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
  9. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  10. A List Apart: Win the SPAM Arms Race
  11. Enkoder Form 5.0
  12. Spam: It's completely out of control
  13. Spam Stampede Clogs Internet
  14. SpamCop
  15. MailWasher
  16. Will new filters save us from spam?
  17. Incredimail
  18. Emoticons    ;-)   :-)   :-|
  19. IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
  20. OURFAX: Free World Wide Email to Fax Service
  21. Nigeria Advance Fee Fraud - scam - 419 - email hoax - con - confidence scheme
  22. MHTML - Sending HTML in E-mail
  23. How to e-mail pictures
  24. GroupMail
  25. Tagline database - one liners for your forum/email signatures
  26. WebMail
    1. mail2web.com
  27. Email Encryption
    1. Ciphire Mail
  28. Privacy
    1. 4t HIT Mail Privacy
    2. PGP Corporation
  29. MIME
    1. The MIME Information Page
    2. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions: MIME   Registered Media-types
    3. The World of Mime Theatre
  30. HTML E-mail
    1. All about HTML Email
    2. 7 reasons why HTML e-mail is EVIL!!!
    3. How to Code HTML Email Newsletters


  1. What is Telnet?
  2. PuTTY: A Free Telnet/SSH Client
  3. Telnet.org
  4. telnet://locis.loc.gov   [connect through telnet]


  1. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
  2. FTP 101 - A Beginner's Guide    Example FTP site
  3. passive FTP
  4. Command Line FTP
  5. Index of /ftp   cwi.nl
  6. ftp://ftp.nhc.noaa.gov/pub/
  7. Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists  [ftp]
  8. FTP root at ftp.isi.edu
  9. FTP Server Overview
  10. WS_FTP      How to FTP using WS-FTP
  11. CuteFTP    Cute FTP Tutorial    Cute FTP 4.2 Tutorial


  1. An Introduction to Email Listservs and Internet Mailing Lists
  2. Facilitating and Hosting a Virtual Community
  3. Yahoo Groups
  4. topica.com

Usenet / Newsgroups

  1. How the Usenet News Protocols Work
  2. Usenet FAQs By Category
  3. Network News Transfer Protocol
  4. The seven don'ts of Usenet
  5. Usenet Info center Launch Pad
  6. Browse the Usenet Groups
  7. Google Acquires Deja's Usenet Archive
  8. BoardReader - Message Board Search Engine


  1. Skype   note on
  2. Vonage
  3. Net2Phone
  4. Packet8
  5. Google: Computers > Internet > Telephony > Internet Phone

Internet chat / IM

  1. Internet chat
  2. ICQ
  3. How Instant Messaging Works
  4. AOL Instant Messenger
  5. "Talk" to a Librarian

Other Internet Services

  1. How Does a Web Server Differ From an Application Server?
  2. Making Web Services More Like Client Applications
  3. Exploring the World of Application Servers
  4. Application Server Overview
  5. Java(TM) Web Start Demos
  6. Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
    1. TightVNC: Enhanced VNC Distribution
    2. VNC, AT&T Laboratories Cambridge, Virtual Network Computing

Lesson 6: Internet Security

Security and the Internet

  1. Internet Storm Center
  2. F-Secure Corporation's Data Security Summary for 2004
  3. The Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities     Firms Respond
  4. 2001 Internet Fraud Report       [.pdf 150kb 50 sec @ 28.8]
  5. The Spectrum of Cybermalfeasance
  6. Attack On Internet Called Largest Ever
  7. Schneier on Security
  8. Feds planning early-warning system for Internet
  9. Computer Security Day     
  1. Organizations:
    1. CERT Coordination center (CERT/CC)    US-CERT
    2. The National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)
    3. NSA: Security Recommendation Guides     National Security Agency
    4. The Federal Computer Incident Response Center (FedCIRC)
    5. Department of Defense Computer Emergency Response Team (DoD-CERT)
    6. Air Force Computer Emercency Response Team (AFCERT)
    7. Navy Computer Incident Response Team (NAVCIRT)
    8. The National Aeronautics and Space Administartion's NASA Incident Response Center (NASIRC)
    9. U.S. DOE-CIAC (Computer Incident Advisory center) Website
    10. NIST: The Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse (CSRC)
    11. The SANS Institute Online    incidents.org
    12. www.fraud.org
    13. Stay Safe on Line
    14. SecurityFocus
    15. WiredSafety  [ Internet safety, help & education]
  1. Guides:
  2. A Beginner's Guide to Computer Security
  3. Beginner's Guide to Computer Security
  4. New to Internet Security?
  5. How To Become A Hacker
  1. w00w00 Security Development (WSD)
  2. Google Web Directory - Computers > Security
  3. The World Wide Web Security FAQ
  4. Security World Wide Web Sites
  5. Organisation for Internet Safety launched
  6. Beyond-Security's SecuriTeam.com
  7. ATTRITION Security.
  8. ISPORTAL - ISP News and Resources: Security     Resources
  9. Internet/Network Security
  10. Microsoft TechNet Security
  11. Microsoft Personal Security Advisor
  12. Minimization of network services on Windows systems
  13. Shields Up! Internet Connection Security for Windows Users
  14. Spychecker
  15. Security Scan - Sygate Online Services (sos)
  16. Hacker Attacks!    [Cartoons]
  17. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly
  18. Attack of the Killer Script Kiddie
  19. THE HACKER'S DUNGEON       The Hacker's Tricks Of The Trade
  20. HackerWhacker
  21. Home Network Security
  22. Tragedy of the network commons
  23. Password
    1. Perfect Passwords GRC's Ultra High Security Password Generator
    2. Pronounceable and alphanumerical password generator
  24. Copyright
    1. Creative Commons
    2. Copyright Website
    3. An Example of Copyright Infringement or Web Page Piracy
    4. Copyright basics for Web authors and users
    5. Purloining and Pilfering
    6. U.S. Copyright Office Home Page
    7. Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues
    8. Copyrighted Music and Internet Publishing
    9. Crash Course in Copyright
    10. Copyright Clearance Center
    11. Copyright Law and You
    12. DigitalConsumer.org
  25. Privacy
    1. Privacy Resource Guide
    2. Online Privacy Alliance
    3. Privacy on the Net
    4. Anonymizer Privacy Test
    5. Primedius WebTunnel
    6. Internet Privacy for Dummies: Resources
    7. Watch out for snooping spam
    8. The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0)      P3P Policy Editor
    9. Absolute Shield Internet Eraser
    10. Free History Cleaner
    11. On-line Editors
      1. The DMA Privacy Policy Generator
      2. ESRB Online Privacy Statement Creator
  26. Phishing
    1. Anti-Phishing Working Group
    2. MailFrontier Phishing IQ Test II
  27. Hoaxes and Misinformation
    1. Urban Legend Reference Pages
    2. purportal.com
    3. HoaxBusters
    4. Symantec Hoax Center
    5. Vmyths.com
    6. Gallery of Hoax Websites
  28. Worms
    1. Gibe Worm Poses as a Microsoft Update
    2. The Spread of the Code-Red Worm (CRv2)     [Watch it Spread!]
    3. The Spread of the Code-Red Worm
    4. Code Red: Is this the Apocalypse?
    5. Code Red: Worm Assault on the Web
    6. First PDF Worm Hits PC Users
  29. Virus / Antivirus
    1. McAfee.com - Virus Map
    2. Antivirus Software
    3. CERT Computer Virus Resource page
    4. eicar - European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research       Anti-Virus test file
  30. Spyware
    1. Spychecker    OptOut -- Internet Spyware Detection and Removal
    2. SpyBot Search & Destroy
    3. SpywareInfo
    4. XP-AntiSpy
    5. The Trouble With Spyware & Advertising-Supported Software
    6. Privacy Power! Home: Adware, Badware & Spyware Profiles
    7. Privacy Analysis of your Internet Connection
  31. Denial of Service
    1. Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Resources
    2. Denial of Service Attacks   [PDF - 8 pages]
    3. Overview of Scans and DDoS Attacks    [PDF - 3 pages]
    4. The Strange Tale of the DoS Attacks against GRC.COM
  32. Trojan Horse
    1. E-card Sneakware Delivers Web Porn    parasite: Cytron
  33. Browser hijackers
    1. Nasty Malware Fouls PCs With Porn
    Sneaky Toolbar Hijacks Browsers   ["drive-by downloader"]
  34. Other Pains
    1. Anti-Phishing Working Group
    2. and.doxdesk.com       [find Unsolicited Commercial Software]
    3. Spyware Weekly > Xupiter
    4. Pop-Up Ads, Part 1: Good? Bad? Ugly?       Part 2: Usage Guidelines for Legitimate Marketers
    5. Windows PopUP SPAM
    6. Information on X10 Advertising
    7. How to avoid the wait: defeating ad banners @ DataDragon.com
    8. The Proxomitron - Universal Web Filter
    9. Pop-Up Stopper
    10. PopUp Killer
    11. Smasher ( stop popup ads, clean pc, stealth cookies, web bugs )
    12. AdSubtract.com - We Subtract the Ads!
    13. WebWasher       Test Page      Bruce's Independent WebWasher Workshop
    14. Internet Explorer URL Spoofing Vulnerability
    15. USB Flash Drives: Useful Device or Security Threat?

Security Tools

  1. Firewall
    1. Choosing a Personal Firewall
    2. Firewall Resources at TestMySpeed.com
    3. Internet Firewalls and Security [3Com]
    4. Zeuros - firewalls
    5. Firewalls: The soft option
    6. FAQ: Firewall Forensics
    7. Testing your Firewall
  2. Caching / Proxy Servers
    1. Web Caching: Making the Most of Your Internet Connection
    2. Brian D. Davison's Web Caching and Content Delivery Resources     Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
    3. Caching.com
    4. The Open Directory Project pages for Internet Proxy Caching Servers.
    5. Network World's caching resources page.
    6. The Resource - Proxies
    7. Microsoft Proxy Server
    8. Squid Web Proxy Cache
    9. Netscape Proxy Server
    10. Apache module mod_proxy
    11. WinGate  [personal/medium proxy server]
    1. An Introduction to TEMPEST
    2. The Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page

E-commerce Security Issues

  1. SET Secure Electronic Transaction
  2. Using Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) with SanFrancisco applications    [IBM]



  1. Ten Fundamental Truths About Learning
  2. Understanding and Using the Internet Quiz  Are you an official"Certified Internet Guru"?
  3. How Internet Search Engines Work   [Howstuffworks]
  4. Parasitic computing
  5. Global Statistics   [TheCounter.com]
  6. Web Site Test Tools and Site Management Tools
  7. G E E K T O O L S
  8. The SimpleWeb
  9. WebAttack.com
  10. File Download Time Calculator
  11. HTML Tidy
  12. Nmap -- Free Stealth Port Scanner
  13. Sam Spade for Windows   OnLine: SamSpade.org Tools
  14. Cisco's IP Subnet Calculator
  15. Gibson Research Corporation
  16. Web Ad Blocking Under Linux/Unix, BeOS, MacOS and Windows
  17. Ad Blocking
  18. Wntipcfg.exe: Windows NT IPConfig Utility
  19. Telecom Information Resources on the Internet
  20. Xenu's Link Sleuth       User's manual by Indiana University
  21. Computer and Communication Entry Page
  22. Troubleshooting Problems Communicating on the Internet
  23. HOW TO: Troubleshoot Your Windows 2000 Web Server
  24. Web Pages Not Serving from IIS
  25. Troubleshooting IIS Access Problems
  26. IIS & Web Admin Channel
  27. Hexillion: Online Demos
  28. All Nettools: Network Tools
  29. The Webalizer
  30. BEEP   RFC 3080  [ Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol]
  31. beepcore.org

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201

Last updated: 25 August 2009

© 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 David J. Hark