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"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge that we have lost in information?"
T.S. Eliot , The Rock (1934) pt.1

        1997 version of this page

** Learning ** Style ** Backgrounds ** Authoring Tools ** Validating ** Accessibility **
** Resources ** JavaScript ** Java ** Forms ** Frames ** Tables ** Malicious logic **

Learning HTML

  1. The W3C Matrix
  2. W3C in 7 points
  3. Warning! Pry Your Career Out from Under HTML
  4. HTML 5 A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
    1. HTML 5 differences from HTML 4
    2. new features
  5. W3C: HTML 4.01 Specification
  6. Deprecated
  7. Testing display of HTML elements
  8. W3C: Index of HTML 4.01: Elements    Attributes
    1. A Basic Set of HTML Tags
    2. An Advanced Set of HTML Tags
  9. Language Identifiers in the Markup Context
  10. Semantic (X)HTML
  11. NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML    [gone after all these years!]
    1. HTML Cheat Sheet
    2. HTML Tutorial -
    3. HTML Code Tutorial - Free Reference Guide
    4. Practice your HTML codes
  12. Common Ideas Between HTML and XHTML
    1. HTML XHTML CSS Book Examples  [5th ed.]
    2. HTML XHTML CSS Book Examples  [6th ed.]
  14. Levels of HTML knowledge
  15. Examples of Code by
  16. HTML Code Tutorial
  17. Index Dot HTML: THE Advanced HTML Reference
  18. The New WWW FAQs
  19. HTML  a reference from Philip Greenspun
  20. Reading a W3C Specification      Tutorials @ W3C
  21. HTML Element Index
  22. User's Guide to ISO/IEC 15445:2000 HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
  23. HTML 4.0 Reference       [Web Design Group]
  24. Real World Style: ABBR, ACRONYM, & .help     [ ABBR    ACRONYM ]
  25. Just the Tags
  26. Pre-Genesis    An Interactive Poem in the Language of HTML
    1. List of valid DTDs you can use in your document.   [W3C]
    2. The <!doctype> tag
    3. DOCTYPE Explained
    4. Activating the Right Layout Mode Using the Doctype Declaration
    5. Fixing Your Site With the Right DOCTYPE
    6. Doctype switching and standards compliance: An overview
    7. !DOCTYPE
    8. O'Reilly NetUse the Right Doctype
    9. Custom Document Type Definition Use and Conception
    10. Compare how your browser renders strict vs transitional XHTML
  28. Definition Markup and Styling
  29. Language Identifiers in the Markup Context   Language Name Codes
  30. Mikodocs Guide to HTML
  31. Dave Raggett's Introduction to HTML    More advanced features
  32. The Complete HTML tutorial
  33. Index Dot HTML: THE Advanced HTML Reference
  34. HTML With Style
  35. HTML for Beginners
  36. Basic HTML
  37. Bare Bones Guide to HTML
  38. Writing HTML: a tutorial for creating web pages
  39. EchoEcho.Com -Tutorials
  40. HTML School   W3Schools
  41. HTML Examples
  42. Webwork
  43. The HTML Goodies Home Page
  44. Learning to Publish
  45. BigNoseBird.Com  The Strangest Name in Web Authoring Resources
  46. Project Cool
  47. - Web Building      Web Design Library
  48. Learning to Publish - Learning HTML
  49. DaveCentral Web Authoring
  50. Experiments in Web Programming
  51. So, you want to make a Web Page!
  52. The Advanced HTML (ADV-HTML) List Archives
  53. HTML Quick Reference V 1.2
  54. A Beginner's Guide to HTML
  55. Learning HTML
  56. HTML Help by The Web Design Group
  57. Amazing HTML -- Your One Stop Web Page Design Help site
  58. WebSpawner Complete Code - HTML Reference
  59. Introduction to HTML:    Case Western Reserve University
  60. Crash course on writing documents for the Web
  61. Web Teacher
  62. Web Mastery Resource List
  64. The Early History of HTML
  65. HTML 2.0 Materials
  66. HTML 3.2, Wilber
  67. HTML 4.0, Cougar
  68. XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language   [W3C]
  69. W3.ORG HyperText Markup Language
  70. Introduction To HTML and URLs
  71. Composing Good HTML
  72. How do they do that with HTML?
  73. Real-Time HTML Previewer
  74. Hypergurl: Webdesign tools for webmasters.
  75. Do It Yourself Homepage
  76. The ABC's of HTML
  77. Introduction to CGI scripts and HTML forms
  78. Active Server Pages: ASP Tutorial
  79. Detailed Table of Contents
  80. XML & Web Standards: Well-Formed HTML
  82. A Few Examples...
    1. Internet Mailing List Providers  [.txt]
    2. Photography Art   <style> is the first tag
    3. Hadrian's Wall Country    <style> in <body>
    4. CSS Layout Techniques: for Fun and Profit
    5. Men of Harlech - Rhyfelgyrch Gwyr Harlech
    6. Code with little formatting or blank space   
    7. Attack of the Killer Script Kiddie
    8. Comets & Meteor Showers
    9. Avatars of the Word: from Papyrus to Cyberspace
  83. XHTML
    1. Common Ideas Between HTML and XHTML
    2. XHTML 2.0 W3C Working Draft     [22 July 2004]
    3. XHTML 2.0 - What is It?
    4. The Web's future: XHTML 2.0
    5. XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language   [W3C]
    6. Better Living Through XHTML
    7. XHTML: The Transition From HTML to XML
    8. XHTML: Our Last, Best Hope for Clean Code
    9. XHTML 1.0: Where XML and HTML meet
    10. Migrating from HTML to XML
    11. Converting from HTML to XHTML
    12. Differences Between HTML 4.0 And XHTML 1.0
    13. XHTML 1.0: Marking up a new dawn
    14. Introduction to xHTML, with eXamples
    15. Mozquito Technologies     XHTML-FML 1.0: Forms Markup Language
    16. XHTML 1.0: Where XML and HTML meet
    17. Next Standard: XHTML?
    18. XHTML-L
    19. An XHTML-Aware Editor
  84. XHTML Sites:
    1. EchoEcho.Com -Tutorials
    2. National Museums & Galleries of Wales
    3. Multnomah County, Oregon
    4. MetaBookmark
    5. 001::training
    6. Back To Font Web Color Picker Home Page
    7. Utilisation et conception d'un DTD personnalisé
    8. EncycloZine
    10. La TTT-loko de Bertilo (Bertil's Web Site)        [Esperanto]
    11. Overseas Travel Advice for Australians
    12. Mozquito Technologies
    13. XHTML Tutorial
  85. XML
  86. XML and More
  87. Microformats
    1.—the home of microformats
    2. Microformats Cheat Sheet

Web Style Considerations [TOP]

  1. Web Standards Organizations
    1. The Web Standards Project
    2. The Web Standards Group
    3. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  2. The Importance of Web Standards
  3. A Shaker Approach to Web Site Design
  4. A List Apart
    1. A List Apart: Style Guide
  5. The Internet Archive Wayback Machine
  6. Design of Web Sites
  7. Principles of simple website design
  8. Web Developer's Style Guides
  9. An AOL Guide for Webmasters
  10. Creating good Web sites
  11. design rant
  12. MACCAWS   [Making A Commercial Case for Adopting Web Standards]
  13. The WDVL Style Guide
  14. Web Design Reference Guide  
  15. Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing
    1. IT Conversations: Philip Greenspun
  16. Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed
  17. Recipe for a Successful Website   pdf
  18. Hypercybersupercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
  19. How to create flexible sites quickly using standards like CSS and XHTML
  20. Yet Another Style Guide, 1.1
  21. 10 Things Google has found to be true
  22. Advanced Common Sense      Don't Make Me Think!
  23. p i x e l v i e w
  24. Digital Web Magazine
  25. Principles of Good Web Design
  26. The Business Value of Web Standards
  27. Keep Office Politics Out of Your Design
  28. ALPHABET SOUP: A web designer's journey to standards and accessibility
  29. W3C: Style Guide for online hypertext
  30. Style Guides
    1. Style guide
    2. Web Style Guide- What is it?
    3. Guidance on Style Guides: Lessons Learned  
    4. Creating & Maintaining a Web Style Guide  
    5. Editing for the web
    6. Develop a Style Guide for Your Site
  31. Corporate Style Guides
    1. Sun's Web Design
    2. Wiley Logos and Graphic Identity Page
  32. Educational Style Guides
    1. Digital Imaging Standards   [Smithsonian Institution]
    2. Guidelines for Publishing on the UW Web Site    Design of Web Sites
    3. Dartmouth College  
    4. Encyclopedia of Educational Technology Style Guide
    5. The Florida State University
    6. George Mason University Web Development -- Style Guide
    7. Humboldt State U.
    8. Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility
    9. Indiana State University : Web Style Guide
    10. Medical College of Georgia     Web Publishing Standards
    11. Minnesota State
    12. Monash University  Web Style Guide
    13. Montgomery College Web Standards
    14. MIT: Web Publishing Reference Guide
    15. Web Style Guide (Monash University)
    16. Penn: Web Style Guide  
    17. Pennsylvania State U.
    18. Princeton University Accessibility statement
    19. San Diego State University
    20. Stanford University: School of Medicine Web Style Guide
      1. CSS selectors
      2. Color Palette
      3. Model Site
    21. Tufts Medical and Sackler Schools
    22. U of Alberta: Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources
    23. UMBC Style Guide
    24. University of Minnesota: CLA Intranet: Writing for the Web
      1. College of Liberal Arts Style Guide for Electronic Communications (PDF)
    25. University of Texas, Arlington
    26. University of Texas, Austin Web Publishing Guidelines
    27. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
    28. Wright State University.
    29. Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide
  33. NGO
    1. IMF Intranet Publishing Guidelines     [Local Intranet only]
    2. Internet2 Glossary and Style Guide
  34. Federal Government
    1. | Captioning Style Guide
    2. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)   WWW Handbook
    3. Army Webmaster Resources
    4. USAID XWEB    
    5. HUD's Web Publication Procedures and Style Guide
    7. EPA Web Guide
      1. Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines    
    9. DoD Webmasters Policies And Guidelines
    10. DoD Webmasters Technical Information      
    11. NASA
      1. NASA Usability
        1. NASA Web Site Guidelines
        2. Standards and Guidlines   PDF  7.5mb
      2. GSFC Web Policies and Guidelines
      3. GSFC Webmasters Group
  35. State Government       
    1. State and Local Government on the Net
    2. Alaska: Department of Health and Social Services Web Style Guidelines
    3. California: Style Implementation Guidelines
    4. KYWeb Designers' Toolkit
    5. Web Site Design Standards     PDF     1.25mb
    6. Montana:   Empower Fusion
    7. NJ: Web Site Standards and Guidelines  PDF
    8. NY: Developing & Delivering Government Services on the World Wide Web
    9. Oregon DHS: Webmasters' Handbook
    10. Tennnessee: WWW Guidelines
    11. Virginia: Accessibility Policy
    12. Washington: Web Presentation Guidelines       Access Washington Styleguide
  36. County Government
    1. Fairfax County, VA:  [Local Intranet only]
      1. Web Technical Standards  [PDF ]
      2. HTML / Web Standards (Internet)  
    2. Multnomah County Web Policies and Standards
    3. Miami-Dade County Web Guide
    4. Queensland Government Web Centre : Consistent User Experience
  37. City Government
    1. The Official New York City Web Site STYLE GUIDE
    2. Style Guide for the Branch Libraries of the New York Public Library
      1. NYPL: Style Guide: XHTML: Guidelines
  38. Other Style Guides
    1. A List Apart: Style Guide
    2. UPA Web Authors' Style Guide
    3. Principles of copywriting for the web
    4. BBC - Standards & Guidelines
      1. XHTML Integrity Standards v1.3
    5. Introduction to The Web Standards Curriculum  [Opera]
    6. Common Look and Feel for the Internet [Canada]
  39. File Naming Conventions
    1. Naming strategies for Dreamweaver, UltraDev, and various interpreters
    3. HUD: File Naming Convention for Internet Files
  40. Templates
    1. Building a page template - a step by step tutorial    [ finished page ]
    2. Goddard News      Weekly Goddard Newsletter
    3. FrontPage Templates      CSS Templates
    4. Netscape Web Page Templates
    5. KY: Generic Agency Templates
    6. TN: Agency Template
    7. Free web site templates from JimWORLD
    8. EET Article Templates
    9. Template Based Websites Built by Page Concepts
    10. School Home Page Template
    11. Web template styles     Customising templates   [Monash University]
    12. Tufts University - Web Central - Resources - Templates
    13. WebQuest Templates
    14. DollarTemplates: Web Templates
    15. Free HTML Template
    16. Template Technique
    17. Vivid Office
    18. Interspire   - Free web templates
  41. The Sevloid Guide to Web Design
  42. Art and the Zen of Web Sites
  43. Web Developer's Virtual Library: WWW Development
  44. Web Development Quality
  45. OCLC Human-Computer Interaction    Web Resources
  46. Website Design
  47. Current Issues in Web Usability   The Alertbox
  48. WEB-PEER-REVIEW Mailing List
  49. Technocopia
  50. Designing for Multiple Browsers Without Being Bland
  51. Liquid Design for the Web
  52. Minimalist Web Design
  53. Designing for noncomputer browsers
  54.   Web Site Viewer
  55. WEB-TV   Bill Gates bought it...why?
  56. WebTV Design Guide For Webmasters
  57. The Web Standards Project
  58. Bud Uglly Design
  59. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
  60. How to Make Your Web Offerings Useful to the Most Visitors
  61. Style Guide for Online Hypertext
  62. Bad Text examples
  63. Anchor      []
  64. HTML Authors Guild Style Guides
  65. Web page Templates for Non-Profits
  66. The Sevloid Guide to Web Design
  67. Bandwidth Conservation Society
  68. Tips for Writers and Designers
  69. Tips and Tools for Constructing a Homepage
  70. Usable Web: Guide to Web usability resources
  71. Useful links for HTML authors
  72. WWW Help Page
  73. Web Design for Librarians
  74. - WebWeavers Page -
  75. All Things Web
  76. Hints for Web Authors
  77. DevEdge Online - View Source Magazine
  78. What Makes a Great Web Site?
  79. Ten Fundamental Truths About Learning
  80. Left or Right?
    1. Images of  "Obregon Villa Pershing"
  81. Seven Plus or Minus Two
    1. Is the Magic Number 7 Relevant to Web Page Design
    1. The Myth of "Seven, Plus or Minus 2"
  82. Hidden Text
    1. Heaven's Gate Website       Heaven's Gate: A Profile
    2. Megasoid Studios
    3. Computer Training  [ Hidden Text ]
  83. Center for On-Line Addiction
  84. Zipf's Law
    1. Zipf Distribution (power law) of Website Popularity
    2. information on zipf's law
  85. Screen Resolution
    1. Display resolution
    2. Browser Display Statistics
    3. Most Common Screen Resolutions
    4. What is my screen resolution/display resolution?
    5. View Inner width and inner height of your browser window
  86. Copyright
    1. Copyright Website
    2. Copyright Advisory Network
    3. An Example of Copyright Infringement or Web Page Piracy
    4. Copyright basics for Web authors and users
    5. Purloining and Pilfering
    6. Copyright Basics    Fair Use    [ University of Minnesota Libraries ]
    7. U.S. Copyright Office Home Page
    8. Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues
    9. Copyrighted Music and Internet Publishing
    10. Crash Course in Copyright
    11. Copyright Clearance Center
    12. Copyright Law and You
    14. Creative Commons
  87. Microsoft's Transition Effects
    1. Add Dramatic Transition Effects to Your Web Pages
    2. Make It a Good Transition
    3. Web Tools and Utilities Special Effects
  88. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants  [PDF]
    1. Sensemaking and Concept Maps
  89. Meta
    1. Introduction to Metadata
    2. Metadata and the World Wide Web
    3. Beware the Dangers of Metadata   [PDF]
    4. META Tag Snob: The META tag list
    5. Extending the web with metadata profiles
    6. How To Use HTML Meta Tags
    7. A Dictionary of HTML META Tags
    8. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
    9. DC-Dot   Dublin Core metadata editor
    10. Dublin Core Services
    12. MetaStar meta tag generator
    13. META Tag Generator
    14. Controlling your language - links to metadata vocabularies
    15. Using the Meta Tag "Refresh" to Redirect to a Different URL
    16. Use standard redirects: don't break the back button!
    19. Search Rank Watch
    20. Examples
    21. prints are memories
    22. Heaven's Gate Website (copy)     Heaven's Gate (cult)
    23. Expressing Dublin Core in HTML/XHTML meta and link elements
    24. colloidal silver

Information Architecture / Usability / Visualizing [TOP]

  1. Software Usability Research Laboratory
  2. Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
  3. Archive Builders Document Imaging and Document Management - White Papers
  4. Architecture of the World Wide Web   [ Volume One]
  5. GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface Gallery
  6. AIFIA | Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture |
  7. Semantic Studios | Information Architecture & User Experience
  9. UIWEB.COM - Web and interaction design
  10. Is the Computer Desktop an Antique?
  11. Appliance Studio
  12. International Information Architecture
  13. IAwiki: EmergentArchitecture
  14. ia/ information architecture news
  15. f r e e g o r i f e r o | thoughts | article | connectedland
  16. Total Information Awareness (TIA) System
  17. Nooface: In Search of the Post-PC Interface
  18. Designtechnica
  19. GUUUI - the interaction designer's coffee break
  20. Information architecture, usability and interaction design issues, plus the odd thought
  21. Tools for Information Architects
  22. Great Web Architecture
  23. Graphical interfaces to support information search
  24. The Visual Learner's Guide to Managing Web Projects
  25. The Semantic Web
  26. Tim Berners-Lee on the W3C's Semantic Web Activity
  27. Argus Center for Information Architecture
  28. Info.Design: An IA consultancy and think tank
  29. Information Architecture Defined  by Allison Knapik
  30. Isys Information Architects Inc.
  31. Information Architects  the book
  32. Web Architect Archive[Argus Associates]
  33. Usable Web: Guide to Web usability resources
  34. Usability: Evaluating the user's experience of a Web site [Articles]
  35. Usability Test of Good Documents
  36. User Interface Engineering
  37. Interface Quiz
  38. A COMPUTER USER'S MANIFESTO   10-point User's Bill of Rights:
  39. Web Site Maps
  40. Paul Kahn's seminar "Mapping Web Sites"
  41. Web Site Planning Diagrams  Visualizing/Analyzing an Existing Web Site
  42. Tog's First Principles of Design

Color, Backgrounds, Images, Icons, Sounds [TOP]

  1. Color names and sRGB values     The Sixteen Named Colors
  2. RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart , color chart , CSS Color Chart
  3. RGB Decimal Chart
  4. Thinking Hexadecimally  
  5. Color Blender
  6. Color Palette Generator
  7. Web-Smart Palette  
  8. EasyRGB
  9. Color Theory Tutorial
  10. nColor8       about
  11. Color Converter     
  12. Colour Contrast Check Tool
  13. Interactive Color Wheel
  14. Color Scheme Generator 2
  15. Primary Colours
  16. Color Wheel Pro: See Color Theory in Action!
    1. Color Theory Basics
    2. Classic Color Schemes
    3. Visual vs. Mixing Color Wheel
    4. Color Meaning
  17. Color Contrast & Dimension in News Design
  18. The Color Schemer: Online Color Scheme Generator
  19. ColorMaker
  20. Palettizer css color contrast picker
  21. Palette Man  [Preset Color Palettes]
  22. Sam Choukri's ColorMaker
  23. Light, Color & Human Vision
  24. Color Model Museum     Colorcube
  25. Web Color Visualizer   5K Page
  26. RGB Color Codes (Sorted By Color Name)
  27. RGB Color Codes (Sorted By Color Code)
  28. Browser Safe Color
  29. The Browser Safe Palette (BSP)
  30. Get Hexed!
  31. Colour Selector Page
  32. Pigments through the Ages
  33. Free On-Line Image/Graphics Tools
    1. JR Screen Ruler (For Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP)
    2. WebFX    Examples    Collage
    3. The Rasterbator     Rasterbation
    4. Buttons!  
  34. Color Pickers
    1. VisiBone Online Color Lab for the Webmaster's Palette
    2. Color Browser
    3. Huey 1.8 Freeware    The Only HTML Color Picker You'll Need!
    4. HTML Basics: Choosing A Color
    5. HTML Color Pal
  35. Alt Text
    1. <title>: the most important element of a quality Web page
    2. Use of ALT texts in IMGs   The Art of ALT
    3. Guidelines on alt texts in img elements
    4. ALT background materials
    5. Textual Equivalents
  36. Image Resizer
  37. Netscape's "The Background Sampler"
  38. Backgrounds 4 Us
  39. Julianne's Background Textures
  40. How to stretch a background image
  41. desktop wallpaper    from how now brownpau
  42. Ender Design: Realm Graphics Web Images   [Free with restrictions]
  43. Making a Page Spanning Color Band
  44. Background Borders Library
  45. Graphics from Text
    1. Animations Online
    4. Xara & Zygraphics
  46. Navigation Bar Graphics
    1. FREE Graphic Navigation Bar Menu
  47. Barry's Clip Art Server
  48. Visualization Images and Movie Clips
  49. Buttons!   
  50. - Free Graphical User Interfaces
  51. GIFWorks! Free Online GIF eTools
  52. Macromedia's Fireworks
  53. Designer Graphics for your Web Site
  55. Graphics Available Here
  56. Image bank 
  57. LOC: American Memory Collections: Original Format: Photos & Prints
  58. Copyright-Free Photo Archive: Public Domain Photos and Images
  59. The Icon and Image Bazaar
  60. Lines - Graphic Element Samples
  61. Pardon My Icons
  62. Pixelsight Home
  63. Icon Browser
  64. Sullivan's Online Scanning Resources
  65. 10 Big Myths about copyright explained
  66. Scientific Visualization      Other Visualization Pages
  67. Front Page Themes
    1. Paul's FrontPage Themes
    2. 100 Free FrontPage themes
    3. Free FrontPage Themes
    4. The Free FrontPage Themes Guide
    5. PixelMill
  68. ImageMap
    1. Imagemap Help Page - IHiP
    2. Image maps (W3C)
    3. Image Map Tutorial Main Page
    4. Example Client-Side Image Map
    5. Select your state  Example
    6. Web 2.0 Image Map  view as Web 2.0 svg
    7. Image map with added JavaScript  Example
    8. The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!
      1. The Zero Million Dollar Homepage
    9. Welcome to A Sightseer's Guide to Engineering
    10. Web Developer Example image map     Web Developer Example button bar
    11. Poor Person's Image Mapper   swoop.jpg    elliottco.gif
    12. What's Wrong with Image Maps?
    13. Clickable Image Maps
    14. Mapedit!
  69. Special Characters
    1. A Simple Character Entity Chart
    2. Index of HTML 4.0 Character Entity References
    3. Character entity references
    4. ASCII Character Codes Chart
    5. Special Characters: &#36; for $
    6. ISO Latin 1 Character HTML Entity Names
    7. HTML Character Entities
    8. Character Set Tests
    9. Character test for Web browsers
    10. HTML Entity Substitution Utility
  70. Font Face
    1. Scrambled Engish is esay to raed
    2. Code Style home page
    3. Georgia & Verdana Typefaces designed for the screen (finally)
    4. Change to screen-friendly fonts
    5. Better Screen Resolution with ClearType
    6. Measuring the User Response to ClearType
    7. Fonts for web design: a primer
    8. Microsoft typography
    9. The Next Big Thing in Online Type
    10. The non-typographer's guide to practical typeface selection
    11. Typography on Web pages
    12. Earl's Font Face Test Page
    13. How Sub-Pixel Font Rendering Works
    14. Identifont - identify fonts and typefaces
    15. Typofile Magazine - The best faces for the Screen
    16. TrueType Web fonts
    17. Toward a standard font size interval system
    18. Beyond the FONT tag: Practical HTML text styling
    19. <FONT FACE> considered harmful
    20. What's wrong with the FONT element?
    21. University of Missouri Printing Services Fonts
    22. Unicode Home Page Unicode  ISO 10646
    23. Unicode Character Set Test Page
    24. Unicode and Multilingual Support in HTML,Fonts, Web Browsers and Other Applications
    25. Fonts and Keyboards
    26. Fontboard: Fonts & Keyboards
    27. Sample Pages for Various Character Sets
    28. Speaking in Charsets: Building a Multilingual Web Site
    29. Every Known Font Site - True Type Resource
    30. Fonts in Cyberspace
    31. Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters in English Windows
    32. A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which is Best and When?
    33. Relay Fonts: 2001: A Typeface Odyssey
    34. A Few Comments:
      1. ban comic sans :: Putting the Sans in Comic Sans
      2. Channel Verdana
      3. The Scourge of Arial
      4. Georgia & Verdana - typefaces for the screen
    35. Criteria for optimal web design       [Text]
    36. HCI Bibliography : HCI Webliography : Intercultural Issues CHARACTER_SET Information
    37. Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works   [ The Book ]
    38. An Example of HTML-Abuse
  71. Fahrner Image Replacement
    1. Facts and Opinion About Fahrner Image Replacement
    2. In Defense of Fahrner Image Replacement
    3. Using Background-Image to Replace Text
    4. Revised Image Replacement
  72. Text    [Funky Dummy Text]
    1. What does the filler text "lorem ipsum" mean?
    2. Lorem ipsum       Lorem ipsum
    3. Captain Cursor Creations: Lorum Ipsum   Dreamweaver
    4. The Testing Ground    for Homesite 4.5
    5. WebBabble
    6. This copy is used for placement only.
  73. Favicons
    1. FavIcon Generator - Dynamic Drive
    2. - the java icon generator
    3. How to display your web site logo on the address bar and in the favorites list
    4. An easy addition for any site: favicon.ico
    5. Creating favicons with Adobe Photoshop and GoLive
  74. Cursors
    1. CursorMania
  75. Audio / Video
    1. ViDe // Vide Development Initiative

Using HTML Authoring Tools [TOP]

  1. Protolize | Essential web tools in one place
  2. Made With Notepad Campaign
  3. Notepad WebRing
  4. My Personal Home Page
  5. Source Code Library 2000    NewMedia Review    Warren Webdesign
  6. HTML Editors vs. WYSIWYG Web Authoring Tools
  7. Wizarding Up a Personal Home Page
  8. Cleaning Up After WYSIWYG Editors
  9. AbiWord
  10. Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 vs. Microsoft FrontPage 2000
  11. Welcome to the FrontPage Tutorial
  12. Digital Page Author
  13. Betsie Home Page
  14. Navigator / Explorer Comparison - How NN and IE Differ in Rendering
  15. Microsoft Office Converters and Viewers
  16. HtmlDoc v1.8    [Free PDF converter]
  17. Dreamweaver's "Clean Up Word HTML"
  18. Office 2000 HTML Filter 2.0
  19. HTML Editors at NSLS
  20. Nua Publish   Nua Publish Demo   [download demo file]
  21. WebMaster's Notes - HTML Authoring
  22. HTML Editors for Windows
  23. Carl Davis's -- HTML Editor Reviews
  24. Web Authoring Tools: A Review
  25. Online html and web design tools
  26. Introducing Dreamweaver UltraDev
  27. GoLive Versus Dreamweaver
  28. Netscape Composer
  29. Building Web Pages with Composer
  30. Amaya   [W3C]
  31. MS FrontPage    Image Composer 1.5
  32. GIMP for Windows web site
  33. Super Note Tab (download)
  34. HTMLed
  35. AOLPress
  36. HTML Basics Using AOL Press    [PDF]
  37. Advanced HTML Using AOL Press    [PDF]
  38. HotDog
  39. HoTMetaL
  40. Windows HTML Editors
  41. UserActive Online Webpage Editor
  42. LYNX for the PC
  43. Mac HTML Editors
  44. Flash Saver
  45. PureText 2.0
  46. Free HTML Editors
    1. HTML Editors - Freeware
    2. Free Web-Editing Power
    3. Arachnophilia   [1.6 Mb]
    4. Araneae 4.51     [662Kb]
    5. BBEdit Lite     [MAC]
    6. Nvu - Free Web Authoring System
    7. First Page     [4.8 Mb]
    8. HTML-Kit     [2.8 Mb]
    9. NoteTab Light     [1.47 Mb Zip file]
    10. PowerHTML 2.0      [1.26 Mb Zip file]
    11. SciTE
    12. Selida
    13. TSW WebCoder
  47. Online Tools
    1. Shelly Cashman Series Web Page Wizard
  48. Google Page Creator
    1. Welcome to Google Page Creator
    2. Designing With Google
    3. Google Page Creator From Wikipedia
    4. David and NAFTA   [a demo page]
  49. Audio
    1. CoffeeCup Web JukeBox
    2. Audacity Audio Editor
  50. How to Code HTML Email Newsletters
  51. Stupid Web Tricks    [Everything you have ever wanted to do!]
  52. Online HTML to Script Converter tool

Validating HTML Documents [TOP]

  1. W3C HTML Validation Service
  2. March to Your Own Standard
  3. Web Focus: Interfaces To Web Testing Tools   [Bookmarklets]
  4. Martindale's File Download Time Calculator
  5. Web Page Backwards Compatibility Viewer
  6. NIST Web Metrics Home Page
  7. Robin's HTML 4.0 Conformance Test
  8. Ian Hickson's Evil Test Suite
  9. Web Site Test Tools and Site Management Tools
  10. Xenu's Link Sleuth       User's manual by Indiana University
  11. Testing Your Sites for WebTV Browsers
  12. Gilheany monograph on digital imaging file sizes   [pdf]
  13. Testing one, two, three  How to test your web site
  15. WWW Viewer Test Page
  16. MauveCloud's Browser Tests
  17. OBJECT test suite
  18. DOM Test Pages
  19. Real-Time HTML Previewer
  20. NetMechanic:
  21. LYNXIT
  22. Validating HTML
  23. W3C HTML Validation Service
  24. Alpine HTML Doctor
  26. codeflux: Validate WWW Pages
  27. Web Page Analyzer
  28. Doctor HTML
  29.    Browser Compatibility Verification
  30. Web Page Analyzer
  31. Web Page Image Analyser
  32. Web Design Group's Validator
  33. URL Checker
  34. Dr. Watson
  35. Linkbot Pro
  36. CSSCheck
  37. CSE HTML Validator
  38. Weblint Gateway
  39. W3C HTML Validation Service
  40. Web Techs Validation/HALsoft
  41. cg-eye A tool for live CGI debugging and testing
  42. HTMLChek
  43. Web Robot HTML Checker
  44. Unicode Character Set Test Page
  45. Email MIME Test     Email MIME Test Form
  46. Testing plugins for Microsoft Internet Explorer
  47. Emulators
    1. WebTV Viewer
    2. WinWAP Smartphone Browser Emulator
    3. Openwave Phone Browser Simulator
  48. Toolbars
    1. Netcraft Toolbar     tutorials
    2. Accessibility Toolbar
    3. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
  49. Tidy
    1. HTML Tidy Library Project
    2. TidyGUI: A Free Windows GUI Version of HTML Tidy
    3. Using TidyGUI
    4. Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY
  50. Check Screen
    1. Screen Size Tester
  51. Check Links
    1. Xenu's Link Sleuth
    2. HiSoftware Link Validation Utility
  52. Check IP Address
    1. Your Public IP Address
  53. Check Browser
    1. CTDLC: Browser Check     Download Help
  54. Check plugins / viewers
    1. Plug-in Tester   [ Flash, Shockwave, and QuickTime ]
    2. How to View   [American Memory from the Library of Congress]
  55. Check Spelling
    1. SpellOnLine: International Spell Checking for the Web
    2. SiteOwner.Com: Spell Checker
    3. Internet Explorer Spell Checker
  56. Test your connection
    1. Martindale's File Download Time Calculator
    2. Speakeasy - Speed Test
    3. - Internet Connection Speedometer
    4. Bandwidth Meter
    5. Modem Speed Test Page
    6. KB/sec. or kbps Conversion Calculator
    7. DirectWay: Your current connection rate
  57. Test Accessibility
    1. Accessibility Toolbar - Accessible Information Solutions
  58. Shrink HTML Code
    1. HTML Shrinker 2.60
  59. Check Virus
    1. Trend Micro - Housecall -Free online virus Scan
  60. View Page atributes
    1. Web Accessibility Toolbar
    2. Web Developer Extension
  61. Search Engine Optimization
    1. Seo Site Checkup
  62. The Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet: Top 100 Lists of Web Development Cheat Sheets

Web Accessibility [TOP]

  1. David's Web Accessibility Page
  2. W3C Accessibility Developments
  3. Alliance For Technology Access
  4. HTML 4.0 Accessibility Improvements
  5. Bobby
  6. The WAVE 2.0 web page accessibilty check
  7. Microsoft's Accessibility and Disabilities Web
  8. Vischeck Usability   [Tinyeyes baby vision simulator]
  9. Accessible Documentation: Microsoft Manuals
  10. Accessible Webpage Design: Resources
  11. Access Guidelines for Students with Disabilities      [California Community Colleges]
  12. The Center for Information Technology Accommodation
  13. Making Federal Web Sites Accessible
  14. Accessibility Toolbar
    1. Download
  15. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

Other HTML/WEB Resources [TOP]

  1. Browser Extensions
    1. Firefox   Firebug
    2. Internet Explorer   Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
  2. Ultimate Web Developer Lists
  3. Code library   
  4. Pop-Up, Pop-Under and Ad Blocking
    1. Interstitial webpage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    2. Pop-up Blocker Troubleshooting  [PDF]
    3. Why Nix Effective Formats?
    4. Pop-Up Ads, Part 1: Good? Bad? Ugly?       Part 2: Usage Guidelines for Legitimate Marketers
    5. Windows PopUP SPAM
    6. Information on X10 Advertising
    7. The Proxomitron - Universal Web Filter
    8. MereSurfer 2003
    9. PopUpDefence
    10. Pop-Up Stopper
    11. PopUp Killer
    12. Smasher ( stop popup ads, clean pc, stealth cookies, web bugs )
    13. - We Subtract the Ads!
    14. WebWasher       Test Page      Bruce's Independent WebWasher Workshop
    15. MailWasher
    16. Sneaky Toolbar Hijacks Browsers
  5. Convert Files
    1. Zamzar - Free online file conversion
  6. File Extensions
    2. Dot What?
    3. The Big List
    5. FILExt
  7. Add Search Engines to your page
    1. Search Engine HTML Codes
  8. Language reference - compare common functions for C,Java,PHP,Perl,C#,Javascript
  9. Pronounceable and alphanumerical password generator
  10. Online viewer for PDF, PostScript and Word
  11. Creating CD-based HTML presentations
  12. Terms & Conditions for Web Site Design & Application Development
  13. New Mexico Health Facilities GIS Mock-up Page
  14. Computer Help Forum > Free software alternatives
  18. HP Classes - software & technology
  20. HTTrack Website Copier
  21. 1Kickthis
  22. Ebay Tutorials
  23. Computer Help and Support from Hardware Hell
  24. PC Guide
  25. MicroSurfer
  26. Web Design Tools -- prana3
  27. System Toolbox
  28. Cross-Browser Issues
  29. Find Browsers > Current Browsers
  30. Find Browsers > Old Browsers
  31. Introduction to Databases for the Web
  32. The Nuts and Bolts of Relational Databases
  33. FP2000: ASP Web Wizard 2000 for Databases Available for Download
  34. Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Web Database
  35. Electronic Web Design   [Anne Arundel Community College's web design course]   [Thomas D. Brown]
  36. Bibliography and Resource List
  37. COOKIE from Microsoft
  38. Scott Bigham
  39. Site Management Solutions of the Internet Scout Project
  40. NOTscape Sites
  41. Russ Haynal's ISP page
  42. The Web Developer's Virtual Library
  43. The HTML Reference Library
  44. W3C: The WWW Consortium
  45. Netscape's HTML Reference Site
  46. The Ultimate HTML Site
  47. The HTML Writers Guild Website
  48. Nobody Knows You are A Dog On The Internet
  49. The Phone Company's Remote Printing Service
  50. Send a Fax from your Web Browser
  51. Web Diner
  52. The HTML Station (DECEMBER)
  53. Comprehensive Guide to Publishing on the Web
  54. WWW & HTML Developer's JumpStation
  55. WWW and HTML Tools and Utilities
  56. Virtual Reality Laboratory
  57. Creative Network
  58. How can I run a local windows app (exe) by clicking on a link?
  59. Embedding Video in HTML
  60. YouSendIt    [a free file transfer service ]
  62. Oddcast
    1. CareerBuilder Monk-e-Mail

JavaScript [TOP]

  1. Unobtrusive JavaScript
    1. Dev vs. Dev: Arguments For and Against Unobtrusive Javascript (UJS)
  2. JavaScript Stats
  3. Biblical Curse Generator
  4. Anti-spam Mailto JavaScript
  5. Favelets / Bookmarklets
    1. Favelets:
    2. Favelets
    3. Pixy: Let's Favelets
    4. []
    5. Juicy Studio: Favelets
    6. Jesse's Bookmarklets Site
    7. Bookmarklets Home Page - free tools for power surfing
    8. Bookmarklets for Opera
    9. by category: bookmarklets
    10. Bookmarklets - Browser Power
    11. Bookmarklets | HTMLSource
    12. Tankets - Favelets
    13. Work: Bookmarklets
    14. - accessibility favelets/bookmarklets
  6. JavaScript
  7. HTMLProtector    HTML Encryption   !!PolySearch Biograhies
  8. AutoScripter - Script Engines for Web Developers
  9. Rolling Demo
  10. Exchanging information with a server without reloading your HTML page
  11. What Does and Does Not Work With JavaScript    [ Web Developer's Journal ]
  12. JavaScript Developer Central
  13. Website Abstraction, THE JavaScript technology center!
  14. JavaScript Section
  15. JavaScript Documentation
  16. Bookmarklets
  17. JavaScripts from
  18. Online Generator OnLine Popup Window Generator
  19. The JavaScript Source: Scrolls: News Scroller
  20. Form Reply Address
  21. JavaScript Form Validation   [ Demo Page]    Colorful version
  22. JavaScript Clock
  23. JavaScript Slideshow by BarelyFitz: free image slideshow
  24. HTML Code for No Right-Click Javascript
  25. FilePile
  26. Online Calculators for web designers
  27. Sample Size Calculator
  28. The Original Color Coded Resistance Calculator
  29. The JavaScript Source: Email This Page
  30. How to Steal JavaScript
  31. JavaScript MouseOver Image Changes  [Try this out]
  32. Website Abstraction Free JavaScripts!
  33. JavaScript Image Slideshow
  34. An Introduction to JavaScript
  35. "Frameproof" Your Pages    [Webreview]
  36. Popup Information Box
  37. JavaScript On-line Resources
  38. An Introduction to JavaScript
  39. Thau's JavaScript Tutorial
  40. Index to Thau's JavaScript crash courses
  41. Tigra Scroller PRO

Java [TOP]

  1. Bandwidth Test
  2. Powers of 10
  3. Java examples (example source code) Organized by topic
  4. JForum - A Java based forum system
  5. java,poetry,art,technology
  6. Poetry CreatOR2 -- Java!     (Computer Generated Poetry)
  7. Java: Mosaic
  8. Virtual_Max's Cafe

Forms [TOP]

  1. Forms that Work
  2. Form Reply Address
  3. A Simple Form
  4. Introduction to Forms
  5. Processing HTML Forms
  6. Form: Fieldset and Legend
  7. Simple Tricks for More Usable Forms
  8. Checkboxes vs. Radio Buttons
  9. How to write HTML forms   Zipped pages   [ .zip 371Kb ]
  10. - HTML Form Builder
  11. The Mythical Mailto:
  12. Mail Form Handler (    
  13. An interactive introduction to HTML and CGI scripts on the WWW
  14. The cgiemail user guide
  15. FormMail  nms
  16. Response-O-Matic     Demo Form
  17. Hush Secure Forms
  18. Using a form button to link pages
  19. Using HTML forms with PHP
  20. Web Form Factory
  21. Wufoo: Free HTML Form Builder
  22. Mailto Form Reader
    1. Post Data Spider  [for postdata.att]
  23. Select List Examples

Frames [TOP]

  1. Are frames ever appropriate?
  2. Some Caveats with Using Frames
  3. What's wrong with frames?
  4. Guide to frames usage
  5. Welcome to FrameShop!
  6. IFRAME - Inline Frame
  7. Types of Frames

Tables [TOP]

  1. Periodic table (WebElements)
  2. Flexible Tables Presentation
  3. TableMaker
  4. Look Ma, No Tables
  5. Liquid layouts the easy way
  6. Liquid Tables    []
  7. Flexible Page Layout Using Tables
  8. Table Divided Vertically
  9. Table Tutorial     [HTMLGoodies]
  10. HTML Table Basics    []
  11. Creating Accessible Page Layouts      [Layout Tables vs. CSS]
  12. Creating Rules with Tables   [DW]
  13. California Beach Volleyball Association  [ "q" left bottom - find in source]
  14. Rounded Corners Table
  15. WEBbeams
  16. Firdamatic™   [online tableless layout generator]
  17. SunnComm, Inc. Customer Support

Malicious logic: Viruses, Trojan Horses, Worms, etc. [TOP]

  1. How To Become A Hacker
  2. The GRC.COM Denial of Service Pages
  3. Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team
  4. Computer Virus Myths home page
  5. Symantec Hoax Center
  6. CIAC's Internet Hoaxes Page
  7. alt.comp.virus FAQ
  8. ANONYMIZER:"On the Internet no one knows you're a dog
  9. Robert Chu's Anti-Virus Page
  10. D.O.E Security Tools
  11. John Gilmore
  12. Privacy
  13. Remailers
  14. SARC - Associated Links
  15. Security for Public Access Computers in Libraries
  16. Trusted Information Systems
  17. More on Web Spoofing
  18. Zippy Meets Meta-HTML
  19. Zippy Meets Meta-HTML @The Whitehouse

a short diversion...


** Learning ** Style ** Backgrounds ** Authoring Tools ** Validating ** Accessibility **
** Resources ** JavaScript ** Java ** Forms ** Frames ** Tables ** Malicious logic **

** Home ** Class Pages ** Site Map **

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 28 August 2009

© 1997- 2009 David J. Hark
All rights reserved.