Mono - Di- Tri - Version

This page was created for use in my former classes. It is only occasionally updated resulting in many links being more of historical rather than current usefulness. Over time many links will suffer link rot.


"Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found,"
Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

  1. Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie Homepage
  2. Center for On-Line Addiction
  3. Cleo's Tarot, Pyschic and Astrology Lines   Miss Cleo Unmasked
  5. Hello World      [What is this...?]
  6. SilentFrog
  7. Chappie's List of Depressing Song Lyrics
  8. Latest Windows RG Build 207
  9. soulXchange | The world's first Soul2Soul Marketplace!     Register Your Soul
  10. - The Centre For The Easily Amused
  11. Technological Fossils
  12. Tasty Bits from the Technology Front
  14. Sanrio / Hello Kitty
  15. Bushido Online
  16. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  17. intelligent agents - agentland
  18. the SETI Institute
  19. Fishydance
  20. Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names
  21. 40 Years of TV and Movie Spy Fiction
  22. adReady
  23. crashdummy's Web Page
  24. American Photography: A Century of Images
  25. Whats so funny about a 404 Error message?
  26. UK online
  27. Trains Across America
  28. Calculator-in-the-url
  29. Newton's Apple Tree
  30. Welcome to the Time WWW server
  31. The Monastery Fruitcake
  32. Quadrophenia
  33. How To Become A Hacker
  34. The World Bank Group      Welcome to the Whirled Bank
  35. DynaWeb 4.1: The Root Collection
  36. The Center for the Study of Technology and Society
  37. Amateur Spectroscopy
  38. Fifties Website Home Page
  39. Adbusters Spoof Ad Gallery
  40. Project E.U.N.U.C.H.
  41. The IRIS Consortium
  42. Infinite Humanity
  43. Arianespace
  44. SPUD SERVER   About Spud Server     USA Today Article
  45. The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists
  46. Tao Talk
  47. The Dancing Cow Page
  48. Heavy
  50. The New York City Subway Resources Site
  51. Bell Labs Text-to-Speech Synthesis
  52. The Boogie Blocks Are Here!
  53. Pikachu Dance-bounce the night away
  54. Lizard Dance
  55. The Original Color Coded Resistance Calculator
  56. Dead Media
  57. Nude Overclockers
  58. CIA
  59. Eve Astrid Andersson
  60. Heaven's Gate Website
  61. Nintendo pavilion
  62. Walmart Sucks!   Send a Suckogram
  63. Geocities smells of old eggs
  64. Matt Damon is out of Paradise!!!!!!!!!!
  65. Miscellaneous Trivia Links
  66. The Last Book
  67. Now is it or is it
  68. Periodic Table of Funk
  69. b e y o n d . i n t e r f a c e . index
  70. Nintendo pavilion
  71. Welcome to Charity.Artificial.Com
  72. Bletchley Park  or    Bletchley Park Home Page
  73. The European Space Agency
  74. Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures
  75. Loki - Commodity Parallel Processing
  76. 75 years of Band-Aid
  77. The Museum of Bad Art
  78. Welcome to Webcorp's Random Silliness!
  79. Metasyntactic Variable
  80. Error's Limited Internet, Unlimited Headaches
  81. Astronomy Picture of the Day
  82. Stark's Museum of Vacuum Cleaners
  83. The Useless Pages
  84. Harper's Bread Basket
  85. Welcome to Lavarand!
  86. A World's Fair for the Global Village
  87. U.S. Civil War Center
  88. Froggy Page
  89. The Oxford Text Archive
  90. The Making of America
  91. !!!!!!!!!!FROGLAND!!!!!!!!!!
  92. Welcome to the Jihad Web[tm] 3.0!
  93. What does your phone number spell?
  94. The Vacuum Tube Page
  95. Live Kremlin Shots
  96. Travlang's Translating Dictionaries
  97. WebMuseum
  99. Origins of American Animation
  100. "The Life of Christy"
  101. Inventing Entertainment
  102. Superfly Fashions
  103. Ultra Fractal Easter Egg Decorating Contest

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David J. Hark
P. O. Box 201 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-0201
Last updated: 1 December 2002

© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 David J. Hark